How bulgur is useful, cooking recipes

Wheat groats that have appeared on the shelves are perplexing to some housewives who do not know how to cook it. Meanwhile, the benefits and harms of bulgur, the properties have long been known in other countries, it is used for dolma, pilaf, it goes well with fish, vegetables, meat.

What is this cereal

Bulgur is a wheat familiar to everyone, the grains of which are repeatedly processed and crushed in production, thereby increasing the beneficial properties. The aroma of the finished product should resemble a subtle smell of nuts. To get this result, the raw material goes through the following stages:

  • heat treatment;
  • forced drying;
  • removal of bran;
  • mechanical grinding.

Finely crushed grains are called "Koftelik", with its taste it ideally complements salads, helps to form meatballs. The pieces are slightly larger - this is "Pilavlik", the properties are suitable for the preparation of second courses and soups.

Advice! Before cooking, the bulgur is not washed, but fried a little in a hot frying pan; so all useful properties are preserved.

Bulgur chemical composition

The composition indicates the benefits of bulgur for the human body, and, accordingly, the absence of harm to health. Eating healthy food cooked even in plain water will enrich the body:

  • proteins, fatty acids;
  • disaccharides, monosaccharides;
  • minerals, carbohydrates;
  • vitamins, beta-carotene.

Dietary fiber stimulates a high-quality bowel cleansing, which has additional benefits for people who decide to follow a diet.

Nutritional value and calorie content

Based on 100 grams, the calorie content of bulgur does not exceed 342 kcal. These properties are in the middle category, although many consider it harmful. But if we take into account the property of porridge it is easy to digest, having time to replenish the body with the useful substances it needs, it can be safely attributed to the category of healthy food.

The benefits, calorie content, properties and nutritional value of bulgur are especially appreciated by nutritionists, who recommend the inclusion of cereals in the diet of athletes, people who, for various reasons, are exposed to significant physical exertion. Although they admit that overeating will be harmful.

Useful properties of bulgur

Food use improves:

  • the state of the nervous system;
  • facial skin tone;
  • the appearance, density and growth of hair;
  • metabolism.

The beneficial properties of bulgur porridge help to get rid of toxins. A significant amount of toxic substances is removed, the blood is cleared of harmful toxins, and in the shortest possible time, good health and a feeling of lightness appear.

The benefits of bulgur for weight loss

Bulgur is one of the few foods whose caloric content is not considered harmful by nutritionists in most cases. It is so useful, especially for a person who has decided to radically change their diet, that the use of properties is simply a must.Shredded wheat quickly saturates, hunger does not return soon.

To lose weight, bulgur needs to be boiled only in water, although a little milk is allowed to drip for taste: there should be a lot of liquid. Due to the property of saturating, they eat cooked food in 2-3 tbsp. spoons, no more.

Is bulgur possible for pregnant and lactating women

Due to the presence of trace elements, minerals, a significant amount of vitamins, the properties of cereals are useful for pregnant women. It is also recommended for nursing mothers, who in this way can strengthen not only their own health, but also the child. In order not to provoke constipation and not turn the good into harm, the portions should be small.

Bulgur for children

Bulgur, despite its beneficial properties, is a little hard on the children's digestive system. A delicate body takes a long time to digest such food, therefore it is recommended to include it in the diet so as not to cause harm only from the age of three. And then, of course, only after consulting a pediatrician.

It has long been recognized that bulgur is healthier than rice in its properties; eating the product at least once a week reduces the risk of asthma by 50%. The airways protect the antioxidants contained in the grains, vitamins E and C reduce wheezing, reduce inflammation.

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Daily rate

Even for the sake of its beneficial properties, cereal cannot be consumed in large quantities and daily. In this case, its benefits will be crossed out by high calorie content, turning into harm. With a diet, bulgur alternates with a large amount of fruits and vegetables, the daily rate is 50-75 g. In other cases, the use of chopped wheat can increase to 100 g per day.

When determining the individual daily allowance based on the characteristics of the organism, it is necessary to take into account the significant content of gluten in bulgur. For some people, plant protein is a powerful allergen, so to avoid unpleasant consequences, you need to study the reaction to such food. Signals such as sudden diarrhea, flatulence, and feeling unwell indicate the possible presence of allergies.

Features of the consumption of bulgur for some diseases

Finely crushed bulgur is better absorbed, which is easier to digest and does not injure the inflamed intestines so much. It also has the ability to relieve some chronic inflammation. The harm of bulgur is minimal, and the health benefits have been proven centuries ago, it can reduce the amount of homocysteine ​​in the blood. Amino acid is one of the main causes of Alzheimer's, osteoporosis, cardiovascular disease.

With diabetes mellitus

The glycemic index of bulgur does not exceed 45, which means that the use of the product is recommended for people with diabetes. The beneficial properties of the processed cereal reduce the risk of the second type of disease, simultaneously saturating the body with substances necessary to strengthen the immune system, especially vitamins and calcium.

With pancreatitis

Diet on bulgur due to some properties is prohibited for pancreatitis. If the disease is being treated well, cereals may be included in the diet. While crushed wheat is good for you, aggravation is a signal to give up a harmful ingredient for a while. The main reason lies in the fact that it saturates very soon, while the cells did not receive the nutrition they needed. So beneficial properties can even be harmful.

With gastritis

Although the diet of patients with gastritis should include cereals, bulgur should only be consumed with the permission of a doctor. The product soothes the stomach lining, but it can also act as a harmful mechanical irritant, especially coarse cereal. If approved, hypoallergenic and high-calorie bulgur should be cooked mainly in water, boiling down to medium viscosity. A sieve or a regular blender will help improve the result.

Advice! Shredded wheat will only bring maximum benefit when it is warm. Too cold or hot dishes are harmful, they can injure the stomach lining.

With cholecystitis

People suffering from an acute form of cholecystitis can use bulgur porridge only with the permission of a doctor. As a rule, the dish is introduced into the diet 3-4 days after the onset of remission. Food should be warm, cooked in milk and water, taken in equal proportions, thoroughly mashed until a homogeneous viscous state. It will not harm the gradual addition of fish, lean cottage cheese, lean meat, vegetable soups to the diet. The size of one portion is no more than 120-150 g.

How to cook bulgur

Bulgur is not only a healthy, but also a versatile product that is used as a side dish, for creating sweet dishes, dolma, various soups, added to stews and even risotto.

Bulgur soup

Soups with bulgur are loved for their satiety, excellent taste and the possibility of quick preparation. You don't have to spend several hours at the stove to get a good meal.

To implement one of the recipes for 2 liters of water, you need to prepare:

  • chicken fillet - 200 g;
  • potatoes - 300 g;
  • medium-sized carrots - 1 pc .;
  • cereal - 5 tbsp. l .;
  • onions - 0.5 pcs.

In addition, you will need a little vegetable oil, your favorite spices and certainly salt. Since tender chicken meat, grains and vegetables need to be cooked for the same amount of time, they are dipped in boiling water together.

To improve the taste, chopped onion and chopped carrots can be sautéed, but not more than 1–1.5 minutes. The cooking time is limited to half an hour, the soup is served on the table with a spoonful of sour cream, sprinkled with dill.

Bulgur with vegetables

To cook bulgur with vegetables in the kitchen you will need:

  • 5-6 pcs. mushrooms, you can champignons;
  • 1 head of medium sized garlic;
  • no more than 50 g of butter;
  • 1 pc. carrots, tomatoes, onions.


  1. Mushrooms are lightly boiled, then squeezed out a little, large specimens are cut into small pieces.
  2. Then, in a preheated saucepan, the contents are about 5–6 minutes. lightly fry, stirring chopped vegetables and herbs in butter, adding mushrooms and wheat for 2 minutes. before the end of the procedure.
  3. When all the ingredients become quite soft, the mass is poured with the remaining broth or boiling water.
  4. If the water is quickly absorbed, add boiling water in small portions.
Important! Some chefs claim that the benefits of bulgur are revealed, even if you just pour it with hot water, and not cook it. The recommendation is valid only for wheat flour crushed into flour. Particles of medium and large sizes are hardly digested without heat treatment, they can even cause harm.

Bulgur porridge

An excellent side dish and nutritious breakfast, which is bulgur porridge, should be eaten fresh, without putting it away.

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To prepare the dish you will need:

  • 1 cup crushed cereal
  • 1 tbsp. water and the same amount of milk;
  • 2 tbsp. l. butter;
  • salt to taste, sugar can be.

The porridge will be ready in 20-25 minutes if you melt the butter in a saucepan and lightly fry the cereals in it. Then the mass is poured with water and milk and gradually boiled. Salt is added to the dish, but if you want something sweet, 1 tsp. sugar will not harm.

The use of bulgur in home cosmetology

The properties of crushed wheat are also useful in home cosmetology. Bulgur helps fight cellulite, serves as a good scrub, and is part of the masks.

Bulgur scrub

The greatest benefit from using a scrub is obtained after a sauna, when the skin is warmed up. At home, a bath with a shower after it is also suitable, it is great if you managed to do some exercises before that. Inexpensive, but effective and harmless cosmetic product consists of 100 g of loose bulgur and 50 ml of olive oil. The components are mixed immediately before use.

Advice! If there is no allergy and there will be no harm, citrus oils, such as grapefruit, are added to the scrub.

Bulgur face mask

The most useful can only be called a product, all components of which are natural. This is a bulgur-based face mask, to which 100–150 ml of milk, 1 yolk, and a teaspoon of honey are added.

Before use, bulgur is boiled in pure milk, cooled, yolk and honey are added to it. A homogeneous mixture can be safely applied to the face and décolleté. Wash off after 20 minutes.

Useful properties of a mask with bulgur: visibly rejuvenates the skin, makes it velvety, restores elasticity, helps to get rid of early wrinkles.

Bulgur harm and contraindications

Although bulgur porridge is beneficial, there is a category of people for whom bulgur, despite all its useful properties, is harmful and even contraindicated. These include those whose body does not accept gluten, since the stomach is not able to digest protein. This disease is celiac disease, which has a lot of victims around the world. Symptoms of a mild form of the disease are weakness, drowsiness, and sudden flatulence after eating foods containing gluten. Also, crushed wheat is harmful to people with gastrointestinal problems, when the course of the disease for some reason is aggravated.

Important! In the presence of internal diseases, a doctor's consultation is necessary before using a new product, otherwise the benefits may turn into harm to the body.


The benefits and harms of bulgur have been taken into account for almost 4 thousand years, since they learned how to cook cereals. Groats with extremely beneficial properties are sold everywhere, if desired, they can be used in cooking or as an ingredient in cosmetics. It is useful, moderate in calories, combined with any food.


Nikolay Volkov, 43 years old, Tomsk
I confirm that bulgur is a wonderful cereal with useful properties. My wife already knows: when I come home tired from work, there should be warm porridge with meat on the table. It is not only tasty, but also returns strength well.
Violetta Ilyina, 32 years old, Volgograd
For me, bulgur has long been a universal remedy: even a very small portion satisfies hunger well, after that I do not want to eat for several hours. And the beneficial properties of bulgur are very well manifested in a scrub: the skin becomes as silky as after an expensive salon.
Natasha Kuzmina, 27 years old, Kazan
Every morning she suffered with her son, trying to feed him before school. Once I tried to cook bulgur in milk with honey, and he liked it! Now every morning we eat only porridge - nutritious, healthy, and I don't have to be nervous.
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