Semolina: benefits and harms, calorie content

The benefits and harms of semolina have been studied not so long ago, but actively. The main conclusions reached by the researchers:

  1. The benefits of the properties of semolina are unconditional for adults and children.
  2. The product will not harm if eaten in moderation.
  3. But for babies under one year old, it is better not to give porridge (it is better to play it safe, despite the fact that there are a lot of positive reviews on the Internet).

What semolina is made of

Semolina appears in the process of processing wheat grains into flour. Larger particles are sifted out - this is semolina. Grinding the grains removes fat and fiber from the product. The quality and color of semolina depends on the varieties of wheat: hard, soft, or their mixture.

The variety is indicated on the package:

  • The letter "M" means that soft varieties were used. The semolina swells well, the grains stick together.
  • The letter "T" - hard varieties. Porridge swells worse, remains crumbly, but retains more useful properties.
  • "MT" - a mixture of 4 parts soft and 1 part hard varieties.

Composition and calorie content of semolina

Take 1-2 tbsp for one serving. l. dry cereals (20-25 g). In this amount of dry semolina:

  • 60–80 kcal;
  • 2.5 g protein;
  • 0.2 g fat;
  • 20 g of carbohydrates.

In a portion of unflavored semolina cooked in water - 80 kcal. Milk adds 10–20 kcal to this figure. It should be noted that in 10 g of butter - 70 kcal, in 10 g of sugar - 25 kcal.

Why semolina is useful

For adults

Is there a benefit in semolina porridge? This is a gentle product that is useful for gastrointestinal problems. There is almost no fiber in the composition, so it is easily digested by the intestines. It cleanses the intestines and stomach well. One of the beneficial properties - high potassium content - strengthens the heart.

Recommended reading:  What foods are good for the human heart and blood vessels: list, top 15 best

Semolina for breakfast will keep an adult full until lunchtime (for 4–5 hours). Benefit for those who limit protein intake, such as kidney disease.

For the elderly

The benefits of semolina in the elderly:

  • removes "bad" cells from the intestines, preventing the development of tumors;
  • heals stomach ulcers;
  • tends to absorb toxins;
  • helps to recover from operations;
  • gives strength in case of chronic fatigue, weakness;
  • almost does not contain protein, therefore it is beneficial for kidney failure (people with this disease are harmed by protein products);
  • suitable if you have dental problems and solid food is uncomfortable.
Attention! Allergies are difficult for the elderly. Be careful: the gliadin protein found in semolina is often the cause.

Can pregnant and lactating women eat semolina?

What is the use of semolina for pregnant women? There are a number of important properties:

  1. 100% absorbed.
  2. Gives energy.
  3. Does not bloat the intestines.
  4. Thanks to potassium, it strengthens the heart, it benefits mother and fetus.
  5. Strengthens blood vessels.
  6. Useful for acidity and other disorders of the stomach.

The harm of semolina is associated with its calorie content. This is essential for weight management. Another dangerous property of semolina: phytic acid removes substances important for the baby.

Semolina porridge while breastfeeding is not harmful only if you eat it a little.

Semolina porridge in milk for women who are breastfeeding will be much more useful than in water.

Semolina porridge for a child

The benefits and harms of semolina for babies' health cause a lot of controversy. The only undeniable benefit: potassium (190 mg in 100 g of the product), magnesium (50 mg in 100 g of the product) are necessary for the heart.

Semolina has more properties that can be harmful:

  • phytins remove useful substances;
  • regular use increases weight;
  • hard to digest.

Cereals have a high percentage of phytic acid. This substance is not processed by the body, it removes useful minerals, macronutrients (iron, calcium). Children who do not get enough iron and calcium can get anemia, rickets. Therefore, cereals, even useful ones: semolina, rice, oatmeal, corn, are better not to be overused. Pediatricians do not recommend preparing them for children every day.

Semolina is a hearty meal. An overweight child should not be given it. If the weight, on the contrary, is not large enough, its properties will be beneficial.

Important! Semolina contains a lot of gluten. Some children may have an intolerance to this protein. You can give a little semolina 1-2 times a week to children from only one and a half years old.
Recommended reading:  Gluten: what is it and why is it harmful, where it is contained, symptoms of intolerance

It is worth considering the features of an unformed child's body. Semolina for babies is hard to digest - gases appear.

Semolina porridge for a month-old baby is strictly prohibited - he is fed only with milk.

Semolina porridge for weight loss

The use of semolina for a figure in mono-diets (based on one product) depends on the addition of fruits, berries, dietary meat, vegetables. It is impossible to eat only semolina without any useful additives. It is forbidden to adhere to such a diet for more than 5 days.

Sometimes food restrictions are accompanied by disturbances in the digestive tract. Semolina for breakfast, due to its enveloping properties, will soothe the stomach.

The calorie content of semolina per 100 grams (without any flavors) is 80 kcal. Cow's milk does not significantly increase the energy value of semolina. Starch is much more nutritious.

For the duration of a low-carb diet, it is better to refuse semolina.

Features of the use of semolina for some diseases

With pancreatitis

Useful properties of semolina porridge:

  • soft texture;
  • does not cause bloating;
  • strengthens if diarrhea worries.

With an exacerbation of the disease, semolina is boiled in water or milk strongly diluted with water. Eat a few days after severe pain (in an acute state, food is prohibited) in a few spoons. When the acute phase is over, healthy semolina is added to various dishes: casseroles, puddings, meatballs, soups.

With gastritis

Useful properties for gastritis:

  • enveloping the stomach, soothes pain;
  • good for the intestines: heals wounds;
  • cleans from "accumulations" in the form of toxins, fats, mucus, without causing harm to other organs.

With diabetes

The use of semolina for the body is determined by the correct use, therefore, with diabetes, it is minimized or completely eliminated. Semolina contains a large amount of carbohydrates, which are prohibited for people with high glucose levels.

But a small amount of porridge tends to make you feel full. Therefore, people with non-acute diabetes can eat a few spoons in addition to the main food.

It is allowed to add unsweetened fruits, berries, vegetables to porridge. "Ready" instant semolina should be excluded. Due to the abundance of sugar and chemical additives, even processed foods fortified with vitamins do more harm than good.

Semolina for face

Such useful properties of semolina as delicate texture and presence of grains are used for soft peeling.

  • It nourishes the skin, tightens, smoothes wrinkles, evens out the face contour.
  • If you have acne, semolina gently cleanses the skin of impurities and dries up inflammation.
  • Vitamins E, B1, B6 nourish dry skin, give the face a fresh color.
  • The grains massage tissues, improving blood circulation.
Important! If there are cracks, wounds on the skin, semolina can cause irritation and harm.


To prepare a scrub 1 tbsp. l. semolina is mixed with a few grams of vegetable oil. Next - apply, massage, rest for 15 minutes, wash. This method of peeling is used a couple of times a month.


You can make a healthy nourishing night cream: 3 tbsp. l. boil cereals in milk, strain through several layers of gauze, add a few drops of shea butter, a little rose essential oil. Store in a sealed container for no more than a week.

Anti-wrinkle mask

For an anti-wrinkle mask 1 tbsp. l. the finished semolina is mixed with a few drops of coconut oil, 0.5 tsp. cocoa. A mask is applied to a steamed and then cleansed face, washed off after 5 minutes. Use the remedy every other day. The benefits will appear in a week.

Firming mask

Add 1 tsp to the finished semolina (a few spoons). cream. Apply on face for 15 minutes, massaging for the first 5 minutes, then rinse.

Masks are not applied to the delicate skin under the eyes.

How to cook semolina correctly

To preserve the maximum amount of vitamins in the porridge, to preserve the beneficial properties, it must not be boiled. It will turn into pure starch with no benefit. It is enough to boil the semolina for 1–2 minutes, let it “reach” without fire. The porridge will absorb the remaining liquid without losing its beneficial properties.

Pour the cereal a little after the liquid boils. All the while cooking, you need to quickly stir the porridge, avoiding lumps. When the cereal was just poured, it is better to create a "whirlpool" with a spoon. This will prevent the grains from sticking together. After turning off the fire, immediately cover with a lid. It does not allow the liquid to evaporate, so the porridge on top will not dry out and a film will not appear on its surface.

Semolina porridge recipe on water

Proportions: for 1 part semolina - 4–5 parts of water.

Cook for no more than 2 minutes. and removed, leaving under the lid for 10 minutes. You can first warm up the cereals in oil, then pour in boiled water.

Semolina porridge recipe with milk

The benefits of semolina in milk:

  • milk "fills" it with amino acids;
  • increases the nutritional properties of porridge without greatly increasing the calorie content;
  • cooking semolina in milk makes its texture even more delicate, useful for the digestive tract.

Refuse milk should only be those who are intolerant to dairy products. Porridge without milk loses most of its useful properties.

Advice! Milk slows down the absorption of glucose. With high blood sugar, for the prevention of diabetes, semolina is boiled only in milk.

Milk semolina recipe:

  • 1 part semolina;
  • 4 parts milk.

Before adding milk, you can warm up a little butter and fry the cereals in it for a few minutes, stirring constantly. The semolina will have a yellow tint and a cookie flavor. After that, milk is poured in and boiled, as described in the first option. You can sweeten it with honey, sugar, jam, add cinnamon, this will bring additional benefits.

Recommended reading:  Cinnamon: beneficial properties and contraindications

Is it possible to eat semolina every day

Semolina porridge for children will be harmful if fed daily. Adults are allowed to eat it constantly, but no more than 5 days in a row. The dish should be supplemented with vegetables, fruits, meat in order to get all the substances the body needs.

It must be remembered that semolina tends to remove calcium and magnesium, therefore, in order not to harm the body, it is eaten in small portions for breakfast and lunch. For the first, you can make a healthy semolina soup. Adding sweetness, fat will greatly increase the calorie content. Carbohydrates are not recommended for dinner, so it is better to limit or exclude semolina at this time.

The harm of semolina

The inability to assimilate certain substances is transmitted genetically. These include gluten. In this case, semolina (and other products with gluten in the composition) are abandoned for life. People with brittle bones should limit it.

Who shouldn't eat semolina

Semolina does harm:

  • one year old children;
  • with gluten intolerance;
  • with diabetes;
  • with obesity;
  • people with brittle bones;
  • those who suffer from constipation.

How to choose and store semolina

The semolina quickly deteriorates, moths and worms start up in it. It is worth shaking and checking sometimes. Store in a tightly closed dry container.

A spoiled product brings great harm. When buying semolina, they pay attention to some signs:

  1. Fresh semolina has a uniform white or light yellow color.
  2. The grains should be the same size, do not collect into lumps, do not stick together when pressed. Better to choose brands in transparent packaging.
  3. There should be no smell.
  4. Even in a sealed package, cereals are not stored for more than 9 months.
Advice! If the beneficial enveloping properties of cereals are in the first place, it is better to pay attention to packages with the letter "M". These are soft varieties. If you need a crumbly structure, hard semolina will do.


The benefits and harms of semolina are still not fully understood. If you remember about its sufficiently high calorie content, recommendations for use by babies, then you can painlessly and usefully introduce semolina into the diet.

For more information on the dangers and benefits of semolina porridge, see the video:


Irina, 21 years old, Rivne
My friend gives semolina to a child from 4 months. He says: everyone gives, and everything is fine, it is even useful. I heard that it is, firstly, early. And secondly, it is harmful to start complementary foods with cereals, the stomachs of babies still cannot cope with such a heavy meal. I don't know how to convince her. Apparently, the belief in the exclusive benefit of semolina was inherited from Soviet pediatricians. The words "semolina" and "harm", for example, are incompatible for my mother!
Svetlana, 30 years old, Ufa
I love semolina in any form, but I don't eat it often. I'm afraid to get too much. Although they say that it is not so high in calories. I do not deny myself this useful pleasure, I do not complain about the weight. But for the first time I hear about the harm of phytic acid. I'll know.
Alexey Nikolaevich, 52 years old, Pskov
I watched one program here. Someone doctor Komarovsky argued that the harm of semolina is a commercial myth, because it is the cheapest. I completely agree with him! Everywhere they write that phytic acid is in cereals, legumes, nuts. So why is there only harm in semolina? It was always useful, and then suddenly - harm! This is so that we buy expensive products in supermarkets, and refuse cheap ones!
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