How to wash a padding polyester pillow: by hand and in the washing machine

You can wash the padding polyester at home; it is not necessary to carry the product to dry cleaning. But in the process of washing, it is important to adhere to some rules that will allow you to clean the product from dirt without spoiling its quality and appearance.

Is it possible to wash padding polyester pillows

Due to the peculiarities of the structure of things with padding made of synthetic winterizer, many believe that, in principle, they cannot be washed. This is not true; over time, the product picks up too much dust, dirt and hair particles, absorbs sweat. Washing the pillowcase alone is not enough, from time to time you need to find time to wash the bedding itself.

You can wash the synthetic winterizer without going to dry cleaning. It is possible to do this at home, if you know exactly how to wash a thing made of synthetic material.

Features of washing padding polyester pillows

It is necessary to wash synthetic winterizer pillows with medium frequency. If you do this too often, then they will quickly lose not only their elegant appearance, but also their practical properties - it will become uncomfortable to sleep on them. At the same time, the lack of washing leads to the fact that mites start up inside and dust accumulates. It is required to wash the padding made of padding polyester at least once a year, but not more often than three times a year.

To wash bedding without compromising its structure, you need to adhere to several rules:

  1. The synthetic winterizer is washed only in cool water - high temperatures affect the durability of the material very negatively.
  2. It is necessary to squeeze out the synthetic winterizer with machine and hand washing very carefully, if it is washed in an automatic machine, then you cannot set high speed for spinning.
  3. It is not recommended to use ordinary detergent powder to wash the accessory, its microscopic particles will remain inside the filler, which will be harmful to health. Only gentle liquid products should be used.
  4. Along with the detergent for padding from padding polyester, bleach should not be used. Harsh chemicals remaining inside the padding polyester will worsen the quality of night sleep and affect your well-being. In addition, an obsessive chemical smell may well remain on the product.

Important! Before washing a thing, you do not need to soak it, just pour it over with cool water and immediately start the main wash. In principle, it is not recommended to keep the synthetic winterizer in water for a long time - this has a bad effect on its structure.

How to wash a padding polyester

Although synthetic winterizer is a rather sensitive material, it can be washed either by hand or in an automatic machine. In both cases, you can achieve a high-quality result without damaging the packing itself.

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How to wash a padding polyester in a washing machine

The thought of washing your bedding automatically is most appealing because it minimizes all efforts. You can wash a synthetic winterizer in an automatic machine without harm to the product, the main thing is to adhere to a proven algorithm and not violate the basic rules.

You can wash the product automatically as follows:

  1. The product is properly watered with cool water to completely wet the synthetic winterizer.
  2. Bedding is placed in the drum either in a pillowcase or in a special thin bag for washing sensitive items.
  3. Liquid detergent is poured into the powder cuvette, before doing this it is important to check and, if necessary, clean the cuvette to make sure that there are no traces of bleach or ordinary powder residues in it.
  4. The machine is put in a delicate or hand wash mode, and the water temperature is set no higher than 40 ° C.

It is also necessary to turn off the spinning, and set the minimum speed during the wash itself - no more than 500.

When the wash is complete, the machine will need to be run again in rinse mode without detergent. This will allow you to qualitatively rid the synthetic winterizer from the remains of the cleaning gel. The washed bedding is manually squeezed over the bathtub without much effort and left to dry.

Advice! If you wash the item once with the spin on, it will not damage the padding made of synthetic winterizer, if the item itself is new enough. However, it is better to turn off the spinning completely in order to extend the life of the product, especially since even an automatic spinning cannot remove the remaining moisture from the padding polyester.

How to wash a padding polyester by hand

Sometimes padding polyester bedding turns out to be too large for the drum of the typewriter, or the product is simply too old, and machine wash causes concern. In this case, you can wash the synthetic winterizer with your hands, it is not so difficult to do it.

You can hand wash an accessory as follows:

  • warm water is poured into a large basin, not hotter than 40 ° C;
  • a small amount of liquid detergent is diluted in water and mixed, being careful not to foam;
  • a pre-soaked item is immersed in water and left for 15 minutes;
  • after that, the product is removed from the padding polyester and squeezed with neat movements - it is impossible to twist the thing;
  • clean warm water is poured into the basin and the thing is thoroughly rinsed - if necessary, you need to change the water several times until it becomes absolutely clean.
Attention! With this method, it is especially important to wash your pillow at least 1-2 times a year. Since it is necessary to wash and wring out the thing with your hands very carefully, it is advisable that by the time of washing the thing is not too dirty.

How to properly dry a padding polyester

In order not only to wash the item, but also to maintain its appearance and convenience, the product must be properly dried. It is customary to dry the synthetic winterizer according to special rules:

  1. It is strongly not recommended to dry the pillow while it is hanging. In this position, the entire packing under the influence of gravity will knock at the bottom, and it will be very difficult to straighten it.
  2. For drying, a pad of padding polyester is placed on a horizontal surface in a well-ventilated area. It is best to use a roll-out tumble dryer. The room should be warm and dry enough for the item to dry quickly and prevent mold from developing.
  3. The pillow should not be dried in direct sunlight - this will have a bad effect on the condition of the filler. Also, do not lay the product on heating radiators or try to speed up the drying process with a hair dryer.
Important! In order for the pillow to retain its shape, softness and elasticity, it must be turned over and lightly whipped every couple of hours during drying.

How to fluff a synthetic winterizer in a pillow after washing

Sometimes it is impossible to maintain the appearance of the pillow, despite all the efforts. In addition, even if you wash the synthetic winterizer very carefully, inside the product it will still get lost and caked, albeit to an insignificant extent. Therefore, after washing, the synthetic winterizer must be fluffed up before returning to its original state.

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If the deformation is insignificant, then you can fluff the filler with your hands - a completely dry pillow is simply whipped gently. You can also walk on the wet surface of the pillow with a vacuum cleaner with a clean nozzle, if the lumps of padding polyester are not too dense, then the vacuum cleaner will help break them up.

In extreme cases, the pillow will have to be ripped open, the padding adjusted by hand and the product sewn up again. But it makes sense to do this only if the padding after washing has crumpled very strongly and requires returning to its original state.


It is not difficult to wash a padding polyester, it can be done by hand in a basin or using a washing machine. The main thing is to adhere to the basic recommendations and wash the product regularly, and not when the pillow becomes noticeably dirty.

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