How to clean your mink fur at home

You can clean a mink coat from yellowness at home without dry cleaning; there are many folk methods and special chemicals. To keep your outerwear fresh and shiny again, you need to know the rules of home cleaning.

Is it possible to wash a mink coat

Mink is a very beautiful, elegant but delicate fur. Therefore, it can only be cleaned in gentle ways. In particular, it is strictly prohibited:

  • wash a fur coat in a typewriter or in a basin with abundant soaking;
  • have a strong mechanical effect on the pile, rub it with your hands;
  • use a vacuum cleaner to dry clean the product.

In this case, you can clean a mink coat with both dry and wet methods. But when using any of them, it is important to ensure that the fur is minimally wet. From contact with water, the mink can lose its shine and silky texture, felted and become covered with additional spots.

The mink coat must not be machine washed or in a basin, only cleaning is allowed
Important! So that the need to clean the fur coat does not appear too often, it is recommended to carry out preventive treatment of the product with dry methods at the end of each season.

How to clean a mink coat at home using folk methods

Even with the most careful wearing, a beautiful mink coat can turn yellow or tarnished, it is not protected from the appearance of stains. Most of the pollution is successfully dealt with by household products that are in any home.

How to clean a yellowed mink with soapy water

A very simple but effective tool that can be used to clean a mink is a soap solution. To prepare it, you can use laundry or liquid soap, as well as a good shampoo with a natural composition. Make a solution like this:

  • warm water is poured into the basin, no more than 30 ° C in temperature;
  • add a little soap or shampoo to the water and stir until foam is obtained;
  • moisten a cotton pad in a solution and carefully process the dirt on the mink fur.
You can clean the outerwear with soapy water, if you do not wet the fur coat heavily

After treatment with soapy water, you need to wet a clean dishwashing sponge under the tap, squeeze it out and remove the remaining foam from the fur. Then the fur coat is blotted with a cloth or paper towels, combed with a fine comb and dried at room temperature.

Attention! It is possible to clean a fur coat without harm only with a soap-based solution. You cannot use washing powder, its composition is too aggressive.

How to clean a white mink coat from yellowness with semolina

Simple semolina allows you to dry clean the white mink from yellowness.According to reviews about cleaning the mink with semolina, the method is convenient in that it does not harm the fur coat at all, but it helps very well from dirt and when changing color.

Use semolina for cleaning as follows:

  • the mink coat is laid out on a large table with the pile up;
  • yellowed areas are properly sprinkled with semolina, and then lightly rubbed into the fur, the movements should be soft and neat;
  • the groats are left for 5 minutes, and then the fur coat is shaken out and combed out with a soft brush.

Semolina well absorbs impurities, therefore, it is especially effective in eliminating fresh yellowness.

Semolina for dry mink cleaning - a proven product that absorbs dirt

If the mink coat has turned yellow for a long time, you can clean it with damp semolina. For this:

  • 20 g of cereals are boiled in a glass of milk;
  • apply the cooled gruel to the yellow areas;
  • leave semolina on the pile for 6 hours.

After that, the dried groats are removed with a clean rag, and the fur is combed from the remnants of the product and properly ventilated.

How to clean a mink coat at home with alcohol

In case of heavy dirt, you can clean the mink with an alcohol solution. If you use alcohol carefully, it will not only not damage the fur, but it will also give it an extra shine. Apply the tool like this:

  • ordinary vodka or strong medical alcohol is diluted with lukewarm water in equal volumes;
  • the solution is poured into a spray bottle and evenly sprayed on yellowed or stained fur;
  • a slightly damp bristle is combed with a soft clothes brush or a frequent comb.
Rubbing alcohol will not only help clean up stains, but will also restore shine to fur clothes.

If you don't have a spray bottle at hand, you can simply soak a sponge in an alcohol solution and clean the stained area several times. It is important not to get too wet, otherwise alcohol will damage the fur coat. After cleaning, mink clothing should be naturally dried.

How to refresh mink fur with lemon juice and vinegar

With heavy dirt and yellowness, it is allowed to use table vinegar and lemon juice. To clean the mink, you need to mix both products in equal proportions, and then dip a sponge in the solution and slightly moisten the pile.

A damp mink coat is combed with a comb so that the pile does not stick together, and then wipe off the vinegar residues with a clean wet sponge. You need to dry the fur coat without using a hair dryer and a heating radiator, in a natural way.

Lemon juice and vinegar even deal with greasy dirt on the mink

How to refresh a mink coat with hydrogen peroxide

You can clean a sheared mink at home with ordinary peroxide. It is an effective household bleach and works well for yellowing. To clean a fur coat, you need:

  • apply peroxide to a cotton pad;
  • process delicate fur several times, against the pile and in the direction of its growth.

Hydrogen peroxide will quickly dissolve dirt and yellowness and help restore the original shine of the pile. During processing, the mink fur must be continuously brushed with a brush so that the villi do not stick together. Then the fur coat is hung on a hanger and left to dry in a warm room with good ventilation.

Hydrogen peroxide removes yellowness well on mink fur

How to clean a mink collar with blue

Blue is a well-known household bleach that can be used to clean, including a mink coat. Apply the tool like this:

  • about 7 liters of warm water with a temperature of 30-40 ° C is poured into the basin;
  • add only half a small spoonful of blue to the water;
  • the powder is thoroughly stirred, no lumps should remain in the basin;
  • a slightly bluish liquid is poured into a sprayer or a clean sponge is moistened in a solution;
  • the mink coat is treated in yellowed places so that the fur does not get too wet.

It is not necessary to wash off the blue after cleaning, the treated pile is simply combed properly and left to dry.

Blue is a good mink bleach, but can stain if not mixed

Blue is a very reliable remedy for getting rid of yellowness, but great care must be taken when using it. If lumps of powder remain in the prepared solution, persistent stains may appear on the light mink fur.

How to clean mink fur with wheat bran

You can clean a slightly yellowed mink in a gentle way, using wheat or rye bran. Upon contact with fur, they absorb dirt, after which the pile regains its original color.

Recommended reading:  Why wheat bran is useful, reviews

Use the tool like this:

  • a small amount of bran is heated in a dry frying pan, it is important that its surface is not greasy or oily;
  • hot, evenly scattered over the mink coat;
  • after the bran has cooled, they are shaken out of the fur and the villi are combed.
You can clean minor dirt on the mink with hot bran.

It is necessary to heat the bran in order to clean the clothes more efficiently; at high temperatures, contaminants move away from the pile better and faster.

How to clean a mink at home with gasoline

Refined gasoline helps to clean the mink coat from fat. The method is considered quite aggressive, but it works effectively with greasy and very old dirt. Carry out cleaning as follows:

  • a clean sponge is dipped in refined gasoline;
  • several times wipe the pile of the fur coat in the direction of its growth and in the opposite direction;
  • upon completion of cleaning, the fur is treated another 2-3 times with a regular damp sponge.

After using gasoline, the fur coat must be combed, and then hung in a well-ventilated place until the smell disappears. It is necessary to understand that the unpleasant gasoline aroma is very strongly absorbed into the mink fur. Use the tool only in cases where other methods do not help clean the fur coat.

Refined mink gasoline is used in extreme situations due to its very pungent odor
Advice! You can use gasoline for dark mink fur. It is impossible to clean a light fur coat in this way, it will only completely lose its color.

How to clean a mink with sawdust and vodka

To clean the fur, you can use not only a solution of alcohol with water, but also sawdust dipped in vodka. To clean a fur coat, you must:

  • pour a small portion of sawdust with vodka so that they turn into a wet gruel;
  • apply the mixture to the mink fur, rub in with very light movements and leave for 5 minutes;
  • clean off the sawdust with a soft brush and comb the mink pile.
Sawdust moistened with vodka dissolves and absorbs dirt on fur clothes

When using this method, vodka serves as a household solvent for yellowness and dirt, and sawdust absorbs dirt and unpleasant odors. In reviews of cleaning the mink with sawdust and vodka, it is recommended to purchase wood shavings at pet stores. It is only important to make sure that the sawdust is deciduous and not coniferous.

How to clean mink fur at home with talcum powder or chalk

You can clean your white mink coat with absorbents such as chalk or baby talcum powder. The dry method is ideal for removing light yellowness and other contaminants from sensitive fur products; it is impossible to damage a fur coat with chalk and talcum powder.

Powders are used very simply:

  • clothes are laid out on a horizontal surface;
  • darkened or contaminated areas are generously sprinkled with talcum or chalk;
  • the product is lightly rubbed into the fur and left for a few minutes.
You can clean a slightly yellowed mink with dry talcum powder or chalk.

Then the fur coat must be shaken out and walked over it with a brush. If the remaining powder after cleaning the mink turns out to be yellow or brown, then the thing will need to be cleaned again, this will completely get rid of dirt.

How to clean a mink fur coat at home with starch

Another dry cleaning method is to use potato starch.This powder also absorbs dirt well and helps to clean light mink coats from stains and yellowness.

Starch is used in the same way as chalk or talcum powder:

  • the thing is laid out on the table with the fur up;
  • sprinkle the desired areas with starch powder and rub it a little into the pile;
  • after a few minutes, the starch is shaken out and combed out of the fur coat.
Starch absorbs dirt and allows dry cleaning of the mink

If the starch after application has darkened noticeably, then the clothes can be immediately cleaned a second time, this will not harm the fur.

How to refresh mink fur with specialized products

Most of the fresh dirt on a mink coat can be removed with household products. But special chemicals are also useful, they are easy to find in hardware stores:

  1. Salamander Professional Fur Fresh... The aerosol is specially designed for the care of natural fur products; when sprayed over a mink coat, it will not harm the pile, but will return the original color and shine.
    Salamander spray is suitable for the care of any natural fur
  2. Insaf... Another spray is intended for preventive care of fur and for removing all types of stains. The product is sprayed over a mink coat according to the instructions, and then the product is combed and dried. The aerosol not only removes dirt, but also protects the fur from moths and prevents it from falling off.
    Insaf tackles light dirt and helps prevent fur care
  3. Furaso cleanerl - the product is intended for complex care and shows itself especially well when used prophylactically. The spray helps to keep the mink coat silky and shiny and also removes minor dirt.
    Furasol not only makes fur dyes, but also produces an effective cleaner

Specialized products are advised to be used mainly for regular care of fur products. Aerosols do a good job with tarnishing the pile and slight yellowing, but with heavy dirt they may not have an effect.

How to care for mink fur

A mink coat can retain its attractiveness for about 10 years or more, subject to the rules of care:

  1. Natural mink fur does not react well to moisture. It is better to wear a fur coat on dry frosty days, and wear a down jacket during rain or snow.
  2. If the fur coat is still wet, it must be dried immediately; you cannot put the damp item in the closet. Clothes are hung on a hanger and left in a warm room to dry completely.
  3. The mink coat should dry out only in a natural way, even if it takes a long time. The product must not be dried with a hairdryer or hung next to the battery and the switched on stove.
  4. You need to store a mink coat in a special breathable cover in a spacious closet. Outerwear should not come into close contact with other things.
If the fur coat gets wet, you need to comb it, wait until it dries completely and only then put it in the closet
Attention! During the warm period, the fur coat needs to be taken out from time to time in order to brush and ventilate, this will avoid yellowing and the appearance of an unpleasant odor.


You can clean your mink coat from yellowness with special aerosols and home remedies. It is easiest to remove fresh dirt from the fur product, if the fur coat begins to turn yellow, then it is worth cleaning it as soon as possible.

Reviews on how to clean a mink at home

Petrova Irina Vyacheslavovna, 36 years old, Moscow
My mink coat is light, so I follow the cleanliness very carefully. At the end of each winter, I always clean with semolina or talcum powder. So far, these funds are quite enough to remove light yellowness, and I hope that you will not have to resort to aggressive methods.
Dobrolyubova Tatyana Borisovna, 41 years old, Yekaterinburg
Although I closely follow the mink coat, I had to clean the fur several times, both from dirt and from yellowness. I mainly used starch and semolina, once I had to wipe the stained place with soapy water.I was worried about the thing, but nothing happened, the dirt left, and the pile was not damaged.

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