Sophora Japanese fruits: medicinal properties and contraindications, reviews

The healing properties and use of Japanese Sophora helps with pathologies of the respiratory system, heart and blood vessels, the digestive tract, and the urinary system. In China, this plant is considered a symbol of longevity, health, therefore, roots, flowers, fruits, bark are used for therapeutic purposes, making decoctions from them. It is also cultivated for decorative purposes.

Chemical composition of Japanese Sophora

The tree is often called the Japanese acacia tree.

Japanese Sophora is a powerful tree with a wide openwork crown of a pale green color. Belongs to the legume family. Japan and China are considered the birthplace of Sophora. There the tree is known not only for its beauty, but also for its medicinal properties.

Sophora Japanese is a rather tall tree, growing up to 25 m. It has an umbrella or spherical crown. The trunk is covered with dark bark with deep cracks. Petiolate leaves are arranged alternately. The length of the leaf together with the petiole is 12-25 cm. The plate is smooth, saturated green. In the evenings, the leaf plates are folded and lowered, in the morning they unfold again. Flowering begins in early August. The flowers are yellow-white with a pleasant aroma. At the end of October, fruits ripen - green beans up to 8 cm in size. As they ripen, they acquire a red color.

Important! Harvesting of raw materials must be done in June-July (for collecting buds), the fruits are harvested in September or early October. They should be collected in dry weather, without exposure to direct sunlight - then they will retain medicinal properties.

The Japanese Sophora includes:

  • ascorbic acid (vitamin C);
  • rutin (vitamin P);
  • Quercetin (a powerful antioxidant that slows down aging);
  • substances included in the flavonoid group;
  • glycosides;
  • fixed oils;
  • alkaloids;
  • organic acids;
  • minerals (iron, potassium, magnesium, zinc, iodine, boron).

With such a rich chemical composition, it is not surprising that the tree has strong medicinal properties.

Why is Japanese sophora useful?

Many medicines are prepared from Japanese sophora. All parts of Sophora have healing properties. The main useful qualities of the plant:

  • stabilizes blood pressure;
  • positively affects the condition of the capillaries;
  • thins the blood, preventing the formation of cholesterol plaques;
  • suppresses allergic reactions;
  • strengthens the body's defenses;
  • promotes rapid tissue regeneration;
  • cleanses the skin, relieves inflammation and itching;
  • stimulates the growth of hair and nails;
  • has a detrimental effect on pathogenic microorganisms;
  • regulates metabolic processes in the body.
Inflorescences have a delicate pleasant aroma and have medicinal properties

Medicines from Japanese Sophora are used to treat the vascular system, urinary system, respiration and digestion. They give a positive result in the treatment of oncology, lupus erythematosus, varicose veins. They improve blood circulation in gangrene, prevent the development of heart attacks and strokes.In addition, Japanese Sophora has excellent antioxidant properties, and is also a good antidote for toxicosis.

Harm of Japanese Sophora

Some experts believe that the plant is poisonous, but the correct dosage should be observed and decoctions and infusions should be used only with the permission of a doctor. Taking the Sophora under his supervision, the harm is minimal. However, like other medicines, it has contraindications and side effects. Possible consequences of admission include diarrhea, vomiting, and pain in the epigastric and intestinal regions. At the first symptoms, you should stop taking and consult a doctor.

Warning! Before starting self-treatment, despite all the positive healing properties of Japanese Sophora, it is necessary to consult with your doctor.

Since the plant is widely used in pharmacology and is quite popular in traditional medicine, a specialist will give detailed recommendations.

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Contraindications for use

Statistics show that most patients taking drugs with Japanese Sophora tolerate them well. But it is important to understand that the components of a plant have the property of accumulating in the body, therefore, negative consequences from taking, if they arise, then not immediately. This sometimes misleads patients about the causes of allergic reactions from the body. Doctors recommend that you carefully monitor your well-being during treatment.

Contraindications to the use of Japanese Sophora, experts include:

  • age up to 3 years;
  • hypotension;
  • cystitis;
  • individual intolerance to some of the components that make up the composition;
  • activities related to increased attention, driving vehicles, operating machines and machine tools.
Dry fruits are used to prepare tincture

We should also dwell on the period of pregnancy. Sophora alkaloids are highly active and can affect all organs and tissues. They easily cross the placenta, and rutin can cause miscarriage as it promotes active muscle contraction. The possible consequences should make you wonder how much the drug is needed for a pregnant woman.

Rules for the use of Japanese Sophora

Medicines with a plant in the composition can be for internal and external use. Therapy should be carried out in accordance with the instructions for use in order not to provoke side effects. As a rule, means for internal use are used within a month, followed by a break of 10-30 days. For prevention purposes, drugs are used four times a year. As for the infusions, tinctures, broths prepared according to the recipes of traditional medicine, the rules of use will depend on the raw materials (fruits, leaves, flowers) of Sophora.

Advice! In folk medicine, Japanese Sophora is used externally to treat barley, burns, injuries, and also as a solution for gargling the throat and gums.

Application of Japanese Sophora

In pharmacology, Japanese Sophora has found application due to its medicinal properties. It is often included in dietary supplements, medicines, and vitamin complexes. Such popularity of the plant is due to the high content of rutin (vitamin P) in its composition. It is for this reason that Sophora is used to create regenerating, hemostatic and anti-inflammatory drugs.

Sophora Japanese could not go unnoticed by cosmetologists. Plant seed oil, honey, tinctures and decoctions from buds have a wound-healing effect, brighten pigmented skin well, nourish, moisturize, protect from the dangerous effects of sunlight and relieve inflammation. Specialists recommend Sophora-based cosmetic ointment for the following problems with the skin of the face and body:

  • excessive pigmentation;
  • age wrinkles, flabbiness;
  • rosacea;
  • inflammatory processes.
The plant is actively used in cosmetology due to its medicinal properties.

Sophora-based lotions regulate sebum secretion, tighten pores, and help get rid of seborrhea and neurodermatitis.

The use of Japanese Sophora in traditional medicine

In traditional medicine, sophora is used as a raw material for the production of medicines. Pahikarpin is prescribed for the following pathologies:

  • to activate labor activity;
  • with inflammation of nerve cells;
  • for the treatment of vascular spasms;
  • with muscle diseases.
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The drug is available in several forms: tablet and in the form of a solution for injection.

Ascorutin is sold in the form of tablets and is recommended for the treatment and prevention of various pathologies of blood vessels and capillaries, with a lack of vitamins C and P. The course of treatment and doses are adjusted by the attending physician based on the disease, its symptoms and severity.

Sophorin - a tincture of fruits on ethyl alcohol, used for external use for burns, wounds, boils, trophic ulcers. It is used for rinsing, rinsing and in the form of compresses. The tool has contraindications - individual drug intolerance.

The use of Japanese Sophora in traditional medicine

In folk medicine, Japanese Sophora is used for bleeding, including pulmonary, skin pathologies, diseases of the liver, stomach, intestines. Decoctions and infusions are useful for ulcerative pathologies of the stomach and duodenum, inflammation in the intestines. Means from fruits and seeds are used to reduce blood pressure, with insomnia. Sophora is also effective in the treatment of diabetes mellitus and is used as an adjuvant in oncology.

Attention! Sophora japonica is a powerful biological stimulant. In folk medicine, all parts of the plant are used: leaves, inflorescences, fruits and seeds, as well as roots.

Among the recipes for traditional medicine, you can find the following remedies:

  • decoctions, including from the roots;
  • alcohol tinctures;
  • infusions;
  • teas;
  • oils;
  • honey;
  • lotions.
Some medicines are produced from raw materials

Sometimes a powder is prepared from the dried flowers of Japanese Sophora, ground on a coffee grinder.


The healing properties and use of Japanese Sophora were first tested by Chinese healers. Today, its popularity is due to the desire of people to turn to natural remedies for various diseases. The medicinal properties of the plant allow it to be used in folk and traditional medicine, as well as in cosmetology. The main therapeutic value of the plant is in anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, hemostatic and restorative qualities. Despite all the healing properties, children can use Sophora only after consulting a pediatrician.

Reviews on the use of Japanese Sophora

Galina Ch., 47 years old, Astrakhan.
I heard about the Japanese sophora by chance. I read somewhere about its medicinal properties, and when I saw dietary supplements on sale, which included it, I bought several bags. I took it as recommended in accordance with the instructions. The course of treatment took about a month. She noted that the unpleasant sensations in the stomach were gone. Immunity strengthened, because in winter I did not get colds.
Anastasia M., 28 years old, Kazan.
I am well versed in herbal medicine and have used many means on myself. Regarding Sophora, I want to say that I took the tincture in order to lower the blood sugar level. I took it only once a day, while I did not follow a diet, after 2 weeks the sugar dropped to normal levels. I know that the plant has a positive effect on the heart and blood vessels, so it can be used to reduce the manifestations of vegetative-vascular dystonia.

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