Is it harmful to drink coffee, how much can you drink per day?

The benefits and harms of coffee are a pressing and interesting question, since many people love this drink, but in social stereotypes it is considered more harmful. To understand the true properties of a product, you need to carefully study its effect on the body.

Types and varieties of coffee

There are quite a few coffee varieties on the world market, but there are 3 main varieties.

  • Arabica... Coffee beans of this type contain up to 1.5% caffeine, the drink has a mild taste with a slight sourness and delicate aroma.
  • Liberica... The variety contains about the same amount of caffeine as Arabica, but it has a more pronounced aroma and less intense taste.
  • Robusta... This variety contains the highest amount of caffeine - up to 3%. Robusta is distinguished by pronounced bitterness and astringency, the drink has noticeable astringent properties.

Arabica is the leader in popularity in most countries of the world. At the same time, robusta beans are cheaper, so they are often added to coffee blends in order to reduce the cost of the product, but provide a brighter taste.

Composition of coffee beans

The benefits of coffee for the body when consumed in moderation are quite large, and it is provided by the chemical composition of the beans. A natural healthy product contains:

  • vitamins B1 and B2;
  • vitamins E and PP;
  • minerals - potassium and iron, phosphorus and calcium;
  • ash and dietary fiber;
  • magnesium and sodium;
  • organic acids;
  • monosaccharides and disaccharides;
  • fatty acid.

The calorie content of a useful product largely depends on its variety and the availability of additional ingredients. But the average nutritional value is 109 kcal per 100 g.

Useful properties of coffee

Scientific research on the benefits of coffee beans has repeatedly confirmed its valuable properties. When used carefully, a healthy drink has a beneficial effect on health, namely:

  • qualitatively tones up and has an invigorating effect;
  • stimulates brain activity and prevents the development of Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases;
  • stimulates the production of serotonin and improves mood, therefore it serves as the prevention of depressive conditions;
  • increases potency and helps maintain libido for men and women even in old age;
  • improves digestive processes - the benefit of coffee for the stomach is that the product increases the acidity level and promotes faster absorption of food;
  • has a diuretic effect and prevents the formation of kidney and gall bladder stones;
  • lowers blood glucose levels and protects against the development of diabetes.

The beneficial properties of coffee are widely used in home cosmetology.Ground grains are included in many scrubs and masks, as the product promotes skin rejuvenation, protects it from irritations and deeply cleanses the pores. Benefits of coffee for hair - as part of homemade masks, the product strengthens hair follicles, makes hair silky, and promotes its rapid growth.

For women

The benefits of coffee for women are expressed primarily in the fact that the drink helps to lose weight. The product not only eliminates edema, but also promotes the elimination of toxins from the body, lowers appetite - all this contributes to accelerated weight loss.

The benefits of natural coffee for the female body are anti-cancer properties. Regular consumption of the drink prevents the development of breast cancer - grains contain a large amount of antioxidants and protect women from the formation of malignant tumors.

In folk cosmetology, the benefits of coffee for the skin of the face are highly valued. High-quality ground grains in homemade masks help to regulate the fat content of the epidermis, make the face more toned and smooth.

For men

The health benefits of coffee for men are expressed in the beneficial effect of the product on sexual activity. The aromatic drink improves performance and brain activity, which allows you to achieve great success in work. Benefits of coffee for athletes - the drink increases endurance and gives energy, which is why many athletes consume it before or after training.

For the elderly

Especially great is the benefit of coffee for the blood vessels of the brain in old age. Blood circulation after 50 years in many people naturally slows down, and the product helps to cope with this problem due to its pronounced tonic effect. Antioxidants in a healthy drink protect blood vessels and tissues from aging, prevent the development of senile diseases, and help maintain clarity of mind and good memory.

But at the same time, we must not forget about the harmful properties of coffee. The cardiovascular system in old age in many people is worn out, so a product in large quantities can be harmful - cause a hypertensive attack or tachycardia.

Warning! You need to drink a drink no more than a cup per day and in the absence of contraindications.

Coffee during pregnancy and breastfeeding

The health benefits of coffee for women are not always the same. While carrying a child, doctors recommend completely abandoning the invigorating drink and replacing it with weak tea. The tonic properties of the product can be detrimental - create an extra burden on the heart of a pregnant woman, increase muscle tone and lead to miscarriage.

It is not recommended to use a useful product during lactation. The substances contained in coffee beans enter the infant's body with breast milk, and this can lead to the fact that the child begins to sleep worse and his behavior becomes restless.

Can coffee be for children

For the child's body, the benefits and harms of natural coffee will be unequal - the drink can cause severe harm to babies. Drinking the drink can negatively affect the child's heart and nervous system, leading to hyperactivity.

For the first time, it is possible to give an invigorating drink to adolescents no earlier than 14-16 years old, and it is advisable to dilute it with milk.

Attention! In case of certain ailments, the properties of a useful drink are completely contraindicated for children and adolescents, so it is worth consulting with a pediatrician before introducing it into the diet.

The benefits of natural coffee beans

In stores you can find both ready-made ground and grain coffee. The benefits and harms of natural coffee beans are a controversial issue, since the drink can affect the body in different ways.

The benefits of coffee beans include a richer taste and aroma, since the essential oils in the product are retained in full. The invigorating effect of such a drink is much stronger.

But this is also the main harm and danger of a natural product. An overdose of a grain drink can lead to very unpleasant consequences for the stomach, nervous and heart systems. The drink can cause an attack of hypertension or tachycardia, headache.

How much coffee can you drink per day

The benefits and harms of coffee for the human body are directly determined by the volume of the drink. Since the product contains caffeine, even healthy people should not consume more than 500 ml of it per day. In other words, no more than 3-4 cups of drink are allowed per day, and then provided that there is no tea or chocolate in the diet.

Can I drink coffee at night

Since the drink has pronounced tonic properties, drinking coffee at night is strictly not recommended. It is advisable to take the last cup of the drink no later than 6 hours before bedtime.

The benefits of coffee with various additives

It is customary to use various additives to give the drink a more interesting taste. The benefits of them also lie in the fact that some ingredients give the drink additional valuable properties.


Brewed coffee with cinnamon will benefit, first of all, it will help to strengthen the immune resistance and speed up the metabolism. In combination with a spicy spice, coffee will benefit from liver cirrhosis - cinnamon will enhance its cleansing and antioxidant properties, and accelerate the elimination of toxins and toxins.

Important! When adding cinnamon to a healthy drink, you must remember about safe dosages - no more than half a teaspoon per day. If consumed excessively, cinnamon will harm health, and after consuming an aromatic drink, a deterioration of health will occur.

With lemon

The benefits and harms of coffee with lemon are well known - this combination is considered a real classic. The drink effectively invigorates, as the vitamin C present in lemon enhances the effect of caffeine. The product improves gastric secretion and accelerates the processes of cellular metabolism, a drink with lemon has a positive effect on the condition of the skin.

In order for the lemon not to interrupt the taste and aroma of coffee, you need to add only 1-2 slices of citrus fruit to a cup of a healthy drink.

With cardamom

It benefits and harms coffee with cardamom - a drink with the addition of a fragrant spice speeds up blood circulation, has a calming effect on the nervous system, and stimulates the brain. To give the drink additional beneficial properties and a spicy aroma, it is enough to add cardamom just on the tip of a knife.

Recommended reading:  The benefits and harms of cardamom

At the same time, this combination should be approached with caution in case of hypertension and chronic stomach ailments. Cardamom belongs to the category of hot spices and, if used carelessly, can cause harm.

With ginger

Coffee with ginger is beneficial for colds, sluggish digestion and loss of strength, the drink tones up, speeds up metabolism and strengthens the body's defenses. The benefits of coffee with ginger are expressed in the fact that this combination stimulates libido in men and women.

The drink has antiemetic properties, so it will not harm you before traveling in a car or on public transport, where many people are very sick.

With cognac

The benefits of boiled coffee in a Turk will be greater if you add a little cognac to the drink. A healthy drink will relieve anxiety and stress, relieve insomnia and eliminate headaches. The combination is very beneficial for hypotensive patients, as coffee and cognac raise blood pressure.

It should be remembered that the benefits of ground coffee with cognac are not always the same. It is better not to use such a drink for hypertensive patients, and the product can also cause harm in case of diseases of the stomach and heart. It will be enough to add only 30 ml of strong cognac to a cup of natural coffee - in large quantities, caffeine and alcohol will cause unconditional harm.

With honey

Has the benefits of coffee with honey, first of all, the drink strengthens the immune system, works well at the first symptoms of a cold, has an anti-inflammatory effect. The benefits of sugar-free coffee are widely known, but not everyone likes to consume the bitter undiluted drink, and honey helps to solve the problem. The taste of a healthy drink, when added, becomes sweet and pleasant, but the body does not receive any harm even with an increased level of glucose.

Advice! It is recommended to add bee honey not immediately after preparing the drink, but when it cools down a little - under the influence of high temperatures, honey loses its useful properties.

Is coffee good for weight loss

Benefits of coffee for weight loss - the drink regulates appetite and helps burn calories faster. In addition, the tonic properties of a useful product make it easier to tolerate severe diets and not feel a decline in performance against the background of limited nutrition. Best of all, the benefits of coffee for weight loss are manifested in combination with physical exercise - extra pounds go away very quickly.

It is important to understand that coffee on an empty stomach can be harmful - cause heartburn, nausea, and even lead to gastritis. To prevent this from happening, it is better not to consume coffee on an empty stomach, but drink it shortly after breakfast or lunch, after about 30-40 minutes.

With active weight loss, it will demonstrate the valuable properties of coffee after training - the product will help restore strength. In addition, the drink will remove lactic acid from muscle fibers and reduce pain.

What diseases is it recommended to drink coffee

The product not only has beneficial properties, but also provides effective assistance to the body for certain ailments. If you follow the recommended dosages, then the benefits of coffee in the morning will be undeniable.

Liver disease

Benefits of coffee for digestion, in particular, doctors advise to use it in small quantities for cirrhosis of the liver and concomitant diseases. The benefits of coffee for the liver lies in the fact that the grains of the product contain fiber and contribute to the complete cleansing of toxins and toxins.

The product reduces the load on the organ, which acts as a natural filter in the body, and improves the condition of the liver. However, you need to remember about dosages, 2 cups a day will be enough.

Type 2 diabetes mellitus

The caffeine and healthy acids in natural coffee beans are beneficial for type 2 diabetes. The properties of the product prevent the accumulation of a special protein that aggravates the course of the disease. The benefits of coffee for the thyroid gland matter - the drink improves the functioning of this organ and supports healthy metabolic processes.

In addition, in diabetes mellitus, the benefits of coffee for the intestines are in demand. In moderate quantities, a healthy drink prevents constipation, helps to get rid of toxins on time, which means it prevents obesity.

Heart diseases

A fragrant invigorating drink is not always harmful for cardiac ailments. The benefits of coffee for the heart appear when the heart rate is reduced - the product helps to speed up the heart rate to healthy values. With the correct use of the drink, the likelihood of developing heart attacks and strokes only decreases.

However, coffee with hypertension and heart palpitations should not be consumed - the effect will be the opposite, the drink will cause harm.

With oncology

Coffee beans contain a huge amount of antioxidants. This makes the product an effective agent against oncology, it is useful to use it both for prevention and with an existing ailment. The properties of the product help to rejuvenate the body and prevent the spread of free radicals, so the risk of malignant tumors when consumed is reduced.

How to make coffee correctly

The procedure for preparing a natural ground or grain product raises many questions. However, the classic recipe looks very simple:

  • a small spoonful of coffee powder is poured into a coffee turk - made independently from beans or bought in a store;
  • powder is poured into 150 ml of cold water and put on the lowest heat;
  • after a couple of minutes, foam will begin to rise on the surface of the water - at this moment you will need to stir the drink and immediately remove the Turk from the heat.

Then the hot drink is poured into cups - it is recommended to warm them up first, because cold dishes negatively affect the taste.

Advice! It is not recommended to pour the ground powder with boiling water directly in the cup - with this method of preparation, the taste of the product is poorly revealed.

Harm of coffee and contraindications to use

Contrary to stereotypes, the properties of the product rarely harm the body - mostly side effects appear when used incorrectly. In particular, an overdose of a useful product poses a great danger - in large volumes it negatively affects the heart rate, increases blood pressure, and can cause nausea and stomach pain.

It is recommended to completely abandon the product:

  • with hypertension;
  • with chronic severe heart ailments;
  • with kidney stones;
  • during pregnancy and lactation.

It is necessary to use a healthy drink with caution for gastric ailments - gastritis and ulcers, coffee can have a negative effect on the pancreas with pancreatitis.

How to choose coffee when buying

The benefits of drinking coffee are largely determined by the quality of the aromatic beans. It is customary to choose a product based on the following criteria:

  • variety - lovers of a tart bitter drink will like Robusta more, fans of mild taste and aroma should opt for Arabica or Liberica;
  • roasting - there are 4 degrees of roasting of coffee beans, the lower this indicator, the thinner and more refined the taste and aroma of the drink;
  • appearance of grains - Arabica is easy to recognize by elongated grains with a wavy stripe in the middle, robusta grains are usually round, with a straight stripe.

For the finished ground product, the grinding is important - the finer it is, the faster the taste and aroma will open. It is recommended to pay attention to the price of a ground or grain product - natural coffee simply cannot be too cheap.

When buying, it is recommended to look at the composition - a good product should not contain flavors and other additives.

How long can you store ground coffee

Natural ground coffee is stored for a short time - only 6-8 months in a sealed paper bag in a dark and dry place. It is better to store it separately from other products, otherwise the aroma of the product may change for the worse.


The benefits and harms of coffee depend on the amount of the aromatic drink consumed. If you do not exceed the recommended daily dosages and monitor your well-being, a useful product will have a beneficial effect on the state of the body.

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