The benefits and harms of cardamom

The benefits and harms of cardamom are carefully studied by cosmetologists, chefs, aromatherapists and doctors. The seeds of the plant, popular all over the world, show themselves excellently in all these areas. After some processing, their beneficial properties can improve the immune system, as well as awaken sensuality and heal the body.

What is cardamom and what does it look like

Cardamom is a spice obtained after collecting and drying the seeds contained in capsules on the herb of the same name twice a day. The healthy spice tastes quite pungent, so it is used in limited quantities so as not to harm the body.

The plant was first cultivated in India, where it has established itself as a spice, flavoring and antidote effective against snake bites. Through the efforts of merchants, in the future, useful cardamom was distributed in other countries, where very soon it became quite in demand due to minimal harm in comparison with the benefits brought.

Two types of plants from the ginger family are grown:

  1. Green - small pods are used in cooking to create desserts.
  2. Black - large fruits with seeds of about 3-4 mm.

The health benefits and harms of cardamom largely depend on the variety chosen, methods and duration of storage. If possible, it is recommended to purchase whole seeds, grind them immediately before use. To preserve the aroma and useful properties, it is advisable to pour the purchased ground spice into an airtight package.

Composition and calorie content of cardamom

The benefits of cardamom for the human body are due to its rich composition, which has a lot of useful properties. The seeds contain vitamins, microelements, macronutrients.

100 g of product contains:


40.5 g


6,7 g


10.8 g


8.3 g


5.8 g


28 g

The ready-to-use condiment contains 310 kcal, a large percentage of which belongs to carbohydrates, which can harm overweight people. However, given that the spice is used in minimal quantities, it can be safely classified as a useful dietary supplement.

Useful and medicinal properties of cardamom

Unsaturated fats, proteins and carbohydrates take green cardamom's health benefits to the next level. Typical properties of the food added to food are:

  • increased physical endurance;
  • leveling the risk of heart attack;
  • removal of drowsiness, feelings of constant fatigue;
  • strengthening the nervous system.

The macronutrients in the product in combination with vitamins and minerals normalize the physiological processes of the body, strengthen the immune system, and the beneficial properties of unsaturated fats and carbohydrates will improve metabolism.

For women

Even in ancient times, the benefits of spices for women were recognized. Whole or crushed seeds, if there is no individual intolerance or contraindications of the doctor, in some cases help to cure infertility.Toxicosis is perfectly removed by seeds of a useful spice, which you just need to chew a little at the first symptoms. The portions should be small, and the use sparse, so as not to harm the woman and the baby.

Morning tea or coffee with a dash of spice combined with exercise will help you gradually lose weight, which is beneficial for many women, especially those of a certain age.

Recommended reading:  Mint tea: useful properties and contraindications, how to make
Advice! Cardamom is good for facial skin. The seeds are ground to a powder state and the resulting mass is added to scrubs for intensive cleansing or light creams. Thanks to the measures taken, wrinkles are smoothed, the skin becomes tightened.

Similarly, the beneficial properties of the powder are used to grow and improve the condition of hair, adding it to special masks.

For men

The properties of cardamom are widely used to improve potency. The simplest way is to use a special tincture.


  1. Take 500 g of vodka.
  2. Add 1 tbsp. l. chopped spices.
  3. Insist 20 days.
  4. Add 100 g granulated sugar.
  5. After 1-2 days, filter the tincture and take about 30-50 g daily.

Cardamom is an aphrodisiac, it not only normalizes potency without harm, but also increases libido, which, of course, is a useful property.

In addition, it will increase resistance to disease, which will also have a beneficial effect on the quality of intimate life.

Useful properties of cardamom for weight loss

Cardamom, which stimulates the intestines, accelerates metabolism, is indispensable for weight loss. Ridding a person of extra pounds, the spice cleanses the body of toxins and toxins that are harmful to health.

The desired result is achieved in several ways, creating useful slimming products based on the spice:

  1. Massage oil fights cellulite; blends olive oil with a few drops of cardamom and tea tree essences.
  2. Tincture of chamomile, St. John's wort and linden flowers is mixed with cardamom grains and ginger root, poured with a glass of boiling water. Drink in small sips.
  3. Tea: 4-5 grains of spice are brewed with a serving of green tea. It is advisable to darken a liter of liquid over low heat for about 5 minutes, drink it throughout the day.
  4. It is recommended to carry a mixture with cinnamon with you, adding a pinch to food and drink, so that the beneficial properties of the medicine work without interruption.
Recommended reading:  Chamomile tea: useful properties and contraindications

The simplest recipe with cardamom for weight loss is to brew the grains like regular tea and drink it profitably before meals every morning, but no more than 14-15 days. Further, such frequent use can be harmful. It is allowed to simply chew a few grains, but not everyone likes the taste of the spice in its raw form.

Advice! Weight lost without exercise is easily returned. Therefore, it is advisable, in addition to using a useful tool, not to forget about simulators or long walks, as well as choose a healthy diet and stick to it.

Healing recipes with cardamom in medicine

The health benefits of cardamom are the ability to get rid of the disease, as well as prevent many diseases. The beneficial properties of the seeds give an anthelmintic effect, help in the treatment of the reproductive and cardiovascular systems, diseases of the brain, nervous system, hypertension, respiratory tract, and improve vision.

Infusion of cardamom for insomnia

An infusion of tea or milk will help get rid of insomnia. In the first case, chamomile flowers, green tea leaves, cardamom seeds and 300-500 g of water are used. A mixture with beneficial properties is brought to a boil and allowed to stand for 1–2 hours.

Similarly, it is allowed to use a decoction of fruits without any additives, using 1 tsp. funds for a glass of water.Milk with cardamom before bedtime, for the preparation of which 2-3 grains are used, brings undoubted benefits. Doctors advise the same drink as a sedative to get out of depression without harming the body.

Tincture with cardamom

The beneficial effect of cardamom is well manifested during the use of the tincture. Drinking relieves pain in joints, stomach, heals interrupted sleep. Earlier, alcohol was used for its preparation, now they buy vodka (500 g), which is diluted with the same amount of water, put 300 g of sugar and 4 g of grains.

  1. 3–4 days vodka with grains is infused.
  2. A syrup is made from water and sugar, which, after cooling, is added to the general mixture.
  3. After a few hours, the brew must be filtered.

Use a tincture with beneficial properties after a few days. Store in the refrigerator.

Tea with cardamom

It goes very well with a healthy spice black tea. The drink is prepared on its own or a ready-made mixture is purchased, which can only be brewed.

Frequent drinking of tea:

  • strengthens the immune system;
  • tones well;
  • relieves cough;
  • soothes headaches.

For cooking, it is enough to put a few grains of pleasure in the teapot before brewing the leaves. Cardamom is used in the same way for diabetes.

Coffee with cardamom

Cardamom coffee is most popular in oriental establishments. If earlier it was considered exotic, now the beneficial properties of the drink do not raise questions. The delicacy is especially indicated for hypertensive patients, since the spice neutralizes the negative effects of caffeine, but at the same time invigorates. Cardamom drink has a pleasant taste, unusual aroma.

Coffee is prepared without observing strict conditions in the Turk, but the healing properties do not disappear if you use an ordinary coffee maker. The grains are used whole or ground. It is advisable to drink the drink in the morning.

Milk with cardamom and honey

In addition to its sedative and hypnotic effects, milk with cardamom and honey relieves symptoms and stabilizes the PMS cycle. Therefore, although the drink is allowed to be consumed by everyone, it brings undoubted benefits to women.

  1. For preparation, the seeds are crushed, then stirred in milk.
  2. The drink brought to a boil is infused for 10-15 minutes.
  3. At the end, the milk is filtered, and after reaching room temperature, a spoonful of honey is added to it.

Despite all the benefits, children are not allowed to drink milk cardamom.

Advice! Milk with cardamom is drunk in the evening, but during the period of colds to improve well-being, you can switch to temporary two-time use.

Cardamom essential oil: properties and uses

Among the unique properties of cardamom extract:

  • diuretic;
  • carminative;
  • disinfecting;
  • antiseptic.

The oil is especially effective in the treatment of gastrointestinal disorders and psychosomatic diseases. Its beneficial properties are often used to neutralize heartburn and improve appetite. Cardamom oil helps burn and break down fats, improves liver function. The antiseptic properties of the product are used with benefit in the treatment of laryngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis, asthma, pneumonia, for the relief of muscle and joint pain.

Cardamom oil is widely used not only in medicine, but also in cosmetology. Being anti-aging, it enhances collagen synthesis, restores skin structure and elasticity. The spice has an anti-cellulite effect, has deodorant properties, relaxes muscles during massage or after active sports.

Attention! In the presence of chronic diseases, the spice can be used only after consulting a doctor. Otherwise, instead of benefit, you can only get harm.

Harm of cardamom and contraindications

Frequent consumption of cardamom in grains or in processed form due to the danger of harm is prohibited to the following categories of people:

  • hypertensive patients;
  • children under 7-8 years old;
  • suffering from gastritis, ulcers;
  • with individual intolerance.

Cardamom is contraindicated in significant quantities during pregnancy, nursing mothers, at all stages of liver disease. It is also better to forget about its use during diarrhea. The spice itself often acts as a stimulant for the appearance of loose stools. The combination of two factors leads to general weakness and severe dehydration.

To prevent cardamom from becoming fatal to the heart, even healthy people are not recommended to drink more than 300-400 g of a special drink during the day. However, the concentration of cardamom should be quite low so as not to harm the digestion.

Where is cardamom added?

The use of cardamom in cooking is quite varied. It is added to food alone or in combination with other spices. Dried and ground, it perfectly complements the taste of meat and fish dishes, baked goods, salads.

A pleasant taste is guaranteed by a healthy spice in drinks, especially coffee; awakens appetite, serves as a sedative and tonic. But do not forget that when consumed excessively, cardamom raises blood pressure. The crushed powder will not harm as a flavoring agent for fruit mousses, jelly, compotes, as well as pickles, pickles and tinctures, while the beneficial properties will be completely preserved.

How to grind cardamom

To grind cardamom seeds, use a coffee grinder, a small mortar or spice mill, even a rolling pin with a plate. It all depends on how fine the grind should be. True, if cardamom is necessary for the heart, improving health, or is simply often used in the kitchen, it is better to purchase a separate mill, coffee grinder. Otherwise, the specific taste and aroma will be transferred to other products processed in the same apparatus.

Advice! If a coffee grinder has not yet been purchased specifically for cardamom, after use, wipe the inside of it first with a vinegar soaked and then with a clean cloth.


The benefits and harms of cardamom are manifested depending on which category of people uses it. A spice with useful properties is generally contraindicated for hypertensive patients, pregnant women, people with gastrointestinal problems. In reasonable quantities, the seeds will help maintain a figure, improve the state of the immune system, and strengthen the immune system.


Volkova Nelly Anatolyevna, 27 years old, Voronezh
Somehow it turns out that monthly meetings with my friends take place at my place. I always add this aromatic spice to pastries, coffee and even cocktails. The girls really like it. Tasty and healthy. The beneficial properties of cardamom also help with weight loss: massage oil is just a magic remedy for cellulite.
Grigoriev Yuri Andreevich, 32 years old, Yekaterinburg
I made myself a tincture of this spice with vodka. Joint pain disappeared! And my wife often makes coffee with cardamom. Gorgeous aroma and unforgettable taste!
Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna, 45 years old, Rostov-on-Don
She suffered for a long time from restless sleep, often woke up in the middle of the night and could not close her eyes until morning. Cardamom with milk removed the problem like a hand, now I completely get enough sleep.

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