Cucumber herb (borago): benefits and harms, application

The beneficial properties and contraindications of cucumber herb are based on its unique chemical composition. It is an annual herb with a fresh cucumber aroma. For this feature, the grass got its name. Due to its beneficial properties, it is widely used in cooking and alternative medicine.

The chemical composition of cucumber herb

Cucumber herb is a flowering plant belonging to the Borage family. It evokes interest of culinary experts because of its rich composition. It contains a huge amount of substances necessary for the body.

These include:

  • carotenes;
  • flavonoids;
  • organic acids;
  • essential oils;
  • vitamin C;
  • minerals (magnesium, potassium, iron and calcium);
  • tannins;
  • pantothenic acid;
  • mucous substances;
  • folates;
  • fatty acid.

The abundance of minerals and organic acids in the composition is of paramount importance. They help to normalize metabolic processes, providing a general strengthening effect on the body. The beneficial properties of flavonoids help slow down the aging process. The mucous substances in the composition of the borage provide the normalization of peristalsis.

Attention! In Italy, the most popular cucumber-based dish is ravioli.

What it looks like and where it grows

Borage is also called borage or borage. She lives in areas with warm climates. It can be found in open areas of land. Most often, borage is found along ravines, wastelands and roads. The original habitat of the plant is Syria. From there, it began to appear in North Africa and some European countries. Today, borage is ubiquitous in the Caucasus and Ukraine.

Queen Elizabeth of England added borage to salads to evoke positive thoughts

Cucumber grass has a thick stem, on the surface of which there are multiple villi. Its characteristic feature is multiple branching at its top. It is in it that the most useful substances are concentrated. The leaves of an annual plant are located in the root zone. They are oval in shape.

The flowering period of the borage begins in June and ends in August. It is accompanied by the appearance of beautiful inflorescences of blue or purple hues. In the fall, small brown fruits appear in their place.

The benefits of cucumber herb

Due to the abundance of useful properties, cucumber herb is often used for the manufacture of dietary supplements. The petals of the plant are used in the confectionery industry. Even in cosmetology, a unique herb has found its use. An oil is made from it, which has pronounced healing and anti-inflammatory properties. In addition, the plant is successfully used in dietetics.

The beneficial properties of cucumber herb include the following:

  • elimination of infectious and viral diseases;
  • antiseptic effect;
  • slowing down the aging process of the body;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • normalization of hormonal levels;
  • improving the emotional state;
  • stabilization of the cardiovascular system;
  • laxative and diuretic effects.

It is believed that the plant produces a mild sedative effect. It is shown to be used to combat depression and lingering insomnia. The beneficial properties also include the stimulation of milk production during breastfeeding.

Borage is especially beneficial for the elderly. Substances in its composition block the aging process and reduce the risk of developing age-related diseases. Particular efficiency is observed in relation to the functioning of the cardiovascular system. The plant's antiseptic effect helps to protect the body from the penetration of pathogens.

Important! Borage helps women to eliminate severe premenstrual pain.

Borago harm and contraindications

Cucumber herb should be used in strictly limited quantities. This will allow you to get useful substances without possible complications. It is equally important to consider contraindications.

These include the following:

  • disposition to epileptic seizures;
  • the need to take strong medications;
  • allergic reaction;
  • mental disorders;
  • chronic gastrointestinal diseases.
Borago salads have a characteristic cucumber flavor

The use of borago in traditional medicine

In alternative medicine, both stems and leaves and petals of borago are used. The components are dried and then used to prepare decoctions and compresses. The particular effectiveness of cucumber herb is observed in relation to the following diseases:

  • rheumatism;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • respiratory system disorders;
  • skin diseases;
  • gout;
  • infectious ailments;
  • constipation;
  • disruption of the gallbladder and liver;
  • chronic insomnia;
  • increased nervousness.

Cucumber herb can be found in dietary supplements. Many of them have analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. But the main beneficial property of these drugs is to strengthen the immune system. Borage-based supplements effectively protect the body from viral and infectious diseases.

Cucumber herb in cosmetology

The beneficial properties of borago have made it the most valuable component of cosmetic products. Cucumber herb oil is excellent for getting rid of acne by restoring the sebaceous glands. Together with this, it makes the skin more elastic and fresh. This effect is achieved by retaining moisture and strengthening the protective barrier of the epidermis.

Borage oil is often used to improve the appearance of hair. Masks based on it make hair shinier and softer. The ability to control the greasiness of the skin helps prevent dandruff.

How borago is used in cooking

Cucumber herb is widely used in culinary practice. This demand is due to the pronounced aroma of the plant. In most cases, it is used in combination with other herbs in soups and vegetable salads. In addition, borage can act as a flavorful condiment. It perfectly sets off the taste of meat, cheeses and various side dishes. Nutritionists often use cucumber herb to make smoothies or refreshing cocktails.

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Properties and uses of borage oil

The essential oils that make up borage also have useful properties. They are able to scare away insects. The fresh scent has a beneficial effect on the emotional sphere, so the oil is often added to the aroma lamp before going to bed. This procedure allows you to relax and fall asleep faster.

The beneficial properties of the oil include a positive effect on the condition of the skin. It gives her elasticity and removes dehydration. In addition, borage oil is effective in treating skin conditions. It is used to treat eczema and dermatitis.Due to the content of gamma-linolenic acid, it is able to restore hair structure.

Borage inflorescences can be used to decorate dishes
Advice! The aboveground part of the borage can be used in everyday life as a dye for fabrics.

Borage selection and storage

Most often, cucumber grass is grown independently, but you can also buy it in specialized supermarkets and online stores. When buying, you should inspect the plant for damage. The stem must be strong and thick. The leaves are deep green in color, without any yellowness. The aroma of cucumber herbs is felt only at close range.

The beneficial properties diminish over time, so the herb should be used in preparation as quickly as possible. It retains its pronounced taste only on the first day after harvest. In a dried form, the plant can be stored for several months. It must be put into a glass jar with a sealed lid. It is advisable to use a cool place for storage.

Rules for growing cucumber grass

Sowing seeds of cucumber grass is done in May. To get an early harvest, you can plant the seeds in pots in March. After germination, the sprouts are transferred to the beds under the film. They need to be lowered into the ground to a depth of 3 cm. The optimal interval between the beds is 40-45 cm. It is advisable not to place them in the sun, because in this case flowering will occur too quickly, and the leafy part will coarsen. The process of caring for borage is not energy-intensive.

It includes the following rules:

  • fertilizing the soil;
  • regular watering of the plant;
  • loosening the soil around the shoots;
  • weed control.

Cucumber grass is considered a truly multifunctional plant. When grown in a summer cottage, it acts as a reliable protector against parasitic diseases. As a result, pathogens do not infect other plants. In order to enjoy new shoots every year, it is enough to plant the seeds once. The plant reproduces well by self-seeding. The most successful varieties of borage include "April", "Gnome", "Okroshka", "Vladykinskoye Semko", "Stream".


Useful properties and contraindications of cucumber herb should be known to every gardener and supporters of proper nutrition. It not only makes dishes tastier, but also has a strengthening effect on health. But when adding seasoning to the diet, it is necessary to carefully study all contraindications.

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