Why is sole useful and how to cook it

The benefits and harms of the sole: it contains the required amount of vitamins, minerals, magnesium, calcium, iodine, zinc. Using a small amount of ingredients, they prepare daily meals, a festive dinner. Diet fillet, perfect for people who want to lose weight, small children. The marine product is useful, will not harm the body.

What is this fish and what does it look like

Another name for the marine language is "European Salt", in everyday life - salt fish. Belongs to the order of the flounder and the family of salt.

Outwardly similar to a flounder: flattened body, elongated, oval. Two eyes are located on one side of the body, spends a lot of time lying on the bottom of the ocean, sea.

Small size, 25–28 cm long. The scales are small, hard, gray-brown in color with dark spots. The underside of the body is lighter than the top - the belly of the sole is in contact with the ocean floor.

Important! Maritime was listed on the Greenpeace list in 2014 and is on the verge of extinction.

Habitat - Pacific and Atlantic oceans, warm waters of subtropical seas. Favorable conditions - shallow water, with a water temperature of 25 ° C. It feeds on small crayfish, molluscs, ocean worms, prefers to hunt in the dark.

Chemical composition and calorie content

Calories and nutritional value: 100 grams of sole contains 88 calories.


  • proteins - 10, 3 g;
  • fats - 5.2 g;
  • carbohydrates - 0.0 g.

Sole is chosen for its chemical composition. It is enriched with the necessary amount of vitamins, minerals, has beneficial properties.

Important! The sea tongue contains more protein than popular types of animal meat, poultry. It is useful, does not harm the body.

Chemical composition:

  • vitamins: A, B, E, D;
  • macronutrients: Mg, Na, K; P;
  • trace elements: Fe, Zn, F;
  • amino acid - taurine.

Taurine acts on the cardiovascular system, having a positive effect on the cellular level, is harmless.

There are several ways to prepare the sole. Depending on the choice of the recipe, the nutritional value of the dish changes.

The number of calories of the marine language is presented in the table (per 100 g):

Processing method










Cooked in batter





For a couple





Oven cooked















Useful properties of the marine language

It belongs to the varieties of lean fish and is considered a dietary product. Main property: helps to increase acidity in the body at the cellular level. The benefits are manifested in increased appetite. Intestinal function is optimized.

Benefits of Sole Fillet:

  • the metabolism in the body is normalized;
  • toxins are eliminated;
  • the work of blood vessels improves;
  • the condition of the thyroid gland is optimized - sole contains iodine.

Disease prevention due to product properties:

  • heart attack;
  • stroke;
  • sclerosis;
  • psoriasis.

Is sole useful for weight loss

Suitable for people who are actively fighting overweight. It is useful to steam dishes - useful properties are preserved, no harm is done.

Important! It is allowed not to salt the sole by adding lemon juice.

The benefits of sole dishes are enhanced by adding shrimp and rice. Classic recipe ingredients:

  • fillet of sole - 450 gr;
  • rice (oblong) - 190 gr;
  • lemon juice - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • dry white wine - 150 ml;
  • shrimp - 120 gr;
  • green onions - a small bunch;
  • ground, sweet pepper - to taste.

Cooking process:

  1. Rinse the green onions thoroughly, cut into small pieces.
  2. Rinse the sole, dry, soak in lemon juice for 2-3 minutes.
  3. Add pepper.
  4. Heat a frying pan, pour out the wine, add shrimp, fillet, onion.
  5. Leave to simmer for 10-15 minutes.
  6. Cook the rice in a separate pot.
  7. Pour the product into plates, put the stewed sole on top.
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The dish is prepared quickly. The main thing is to choose fresh ingredients to preserve the beneficial properties.

How to cook a sea tongue deliciously

In shops they buy fresh, frozen, smoked, dried fish. Fillet is nutritious, juicy. There are several rules that will help you cook salt with benefit, without harm.

  1. Defrost should be at the bottom of the refrigerator, in water. Do not use a microwave oven. Solea loses its beneficial properties, harms the body.
  2. Fillets should not be completely thawed.
  3. You need to fry the sole in a highly preheated frying pan.
  4. It is useful to cook a dish in batter, bread in breadcrumbs. A crust forms during frying if the pan is not covered with a lid. In such dishes, the pieces will be soft. juicy, while retaining their useful properties.
  5. Salt is perfectly complemented by sauces based on butter. Fish fillets with the addition of citrus juice will benefit.
  6. Fast, tasty fillet preparation in the oven. The dish will retain its beneficial properties without harm to the body. It goes well with cheese, vegetables: potatoes, carrots, tomatoes.
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Soil recipes

European salt is fried, baked, cutlets and pie filling are made from it. The dish will benefit without harming the body.

Sole fillet in the oven

Any chef can prepare a light and hearty dinner, preserving the beneficial properties without causing harm.

Classic recipe, ingredients:

  • fillet - 400 gr;
  • fresh parsley (chopped), green onions - 4 tbsp. l;
  • lemon zest (grated) - 2 tsp;
  • butter - 40 gr;
  • mustard - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • garlic (chopped) - 2 cloves;
  • bread crumbs - 1 pack;
  • salt and pepper to taste.

Cooking process:

  1. Preheat the oven to 300 ° C.
  2. Fry the garlic in butter (20 g) for 1 minute.
  3. Transfer the garlic to a cup, wipe off the pan.
  4. Take the lagged butter and fry the breadcrumbs, adding 2 tbsp. l. greens and lemon peel.
  5. The crackers will be covered with a golden crust - pour into a separate bowl.
  6. Salt the sole and add pepper, grease with mustard (a thin layer is needed), pour in unused greens and lemon zest, pour over cooked garlic oil.
  7. Wrap the rolls and put on a baking sheet - the seam is at the bottom.
  8. Cover tightly with foil, bake for 20-25 minutes.
  9. After taking out the rolls, sprinkle with bread crumbs, bake for 5-10 minutes, without covering with foil.
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Sole tongue in batter in a frying pan

Suitable for everyday cooking, for a festive dinner. The product, cooked in batter, retains its beneficial properties without causing harm.

Cooking ingredients:

  • fillet - 3 pieces;
  • egg - 3 pcs.;
  • flour - 9 tbsp. l .;
  • water - 9 tbsp. l .;
  • soda and sugar - 0.5 tsp;
  • spices and salt to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the fish into small pieces.
  2. You need to take a deep plate, shift the salt, add spices and salt.
  3. Stir and leave for a few minutes.
  4. In another bowl, break eggs, add salt, sugar and pepper, beat until foamy.
  5. Add 9 tbsp. l. water, beat, adding flour. The batter is ready.
  6. Dip the fish pieces in batter, put in a preheated frying pan.
  7. Fry until golden brown.
  8. Put the finished dish on napkins, remove excess oil.

Harm of the sole and contraindications

In European countries, salt is prepared in restaurants and is considered a healthy, harmless food product. Countries in North America, some eastern states have banned the import. This was due to the similarity of the European fish to the pangasius. Outwardly, they are similar - dishonest traders supply a frozen fake under the guise of a sole.

Pangasuis is a river fish containing a number of chemical trace elements, microbes, poison, heavy metals. The habitat is the Mekong River, located in the north of Vietnam. A lot of toxic waste and pesticides are dumped into it. The river is considered the most polluted in Europe, although fish are found there. The real sole does not pose a threat to health, it is harmless, it is beneficial.

How to distinguish sole from pangasius

You should carefully examine the appearance. There are four characteristics that distinguish European Salt from Pangasius.

  1. In the sole, the gills are bright red, in the river fish - light.
  2. The scales are small, tightly attached to the body of Salt. Pangasius has catfish-like scales.
  3. The tongue is dense, without the obsessive smell of river fish.
  4. Pangasius fillets have narrow plates.

Is it possible to give the sole to children

The marine product is absolutely harmless - it can be given to children. Suitable as a complementary food, refers to low-fat varieties. When cooked correctly, it retains its positive properties. The benefits are expressed:

  • contains fats, magnesium, sodium, potassium, phosphorus, zinc, iron, iodine;
  • salt is safe, not contaminated with toxins, unlike river specimens.
  • there are practically no bones - the tongue is safe.
Important! Potential harm to the child: causes allergies. Parents should consult with their pediatrician.


The benefits and harms of the sole are due to the low-fat variety of fish that contains useful nutrients. If you add fish to the menu, you get delicious fried, stewed, baked dishes with preservation of the necessary properties.

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