Beet kvass: useful properties and contraindications

Even in the days of Ancient Egypt, a healing drink made from fermented beets was known. The benefits and harms of beet kvass are not forgotten today. There are many recipes for this drink of traditional medicine and titled homeopaths for treating diseases of internal organs and raising the vitality of a person. Its main property is to cleanse the body of toxins and start recovery mechanisms.

Nutritional value and calorie content of beet kvass

Anyone who counts calories need not worry - the benefits of the drink are high and the calorie content is low. On average, 100 g of product contains 12 kcal, and a serving equal to one glass contains about 25 kcal. More than 90% of the nutritional value is due to carbohydrates and less than 10% from protein. No fat was found in the product.

Recommended reading:  Beets: beneficial properties and contraindications

The vitamin and mineral composition of kvass is represented by the following components:

  • potassium;
  • sodium;
  • iron;
  • zinc;
  • copper;
  • phosphorus;
  • cesium;
  • rubidium;
  • vitamins C, E, group B, folic acid, riboflavin, nicotinic acid, retinol.

There is sugar, fiber, tannins, bitterness in the drink. Its beneficial properties are due precisely to the combination and percentage of these components, the rarest and most valuable of which are cesium and rubidium.

Recommended reading:  Homemade kvass: benefits and harms

Why is beet kvass useful?

The drink in Ancient Russia was used to treat many diseases. With its help, wounded and exhausted soldiers were put on their feet, it was given to weak children and old people. Today its main value is the treatment of hypertension. The components of the drink work to restore and cleanse blood vessels, normalize the heart rate, and increase the overall tone of the body.

The benefits of beet kvass for the body as a whole:

  • cleanses the blood and lymph from toxins;
  • cleanses the intestines, promotes normal bowel movements, relieves constipation;
  • helps the liver to recover from poisoning with poisons and drugs, restores its functions;
  • breaks down and removes stones in the liver and gallbladder;
  • normalizes metabolism;
  • increases the level of hemoglobin, relieves anemia, stimulates blood flow;
  • strengthens the walls of blood vessels;
  • helps with insomnia, stress, emotional overload.

Drinking kvass is recommended for obesity, skin and hair problems, and for everyone who wants to quit smoking. The content of calcium and B vitamins has a positive effect on bone tissue. This drink has many beneficial effects on human health and well-being, so it can be taken both for prevention and for the treatment of a variety of diseases, including oncology.

For men and women

The minerals, vitamins and amino acids contained in the drink can influence the balance of hormones in the body of women and men.Getting rid of toxins, cleansing the blood and intestines allow the organs to synthesize hormones correctly and in the right amount. Kvass helps to cope with pelvic inflammatory diseases in women and increases potency in men. Regular courses of this drink can prolong the reproductive age of both sexes.

For pregnant and nursing

Kvass is also useful if the woman and the child are not allergic. Expectant mothers often suffer from constipation and anemia while carrying a baby. Beet kvass helps with these and other issues. It is especially good to drink it in case of illness and recovery after it. If the woman is taking medications, especially hormones, the drink will help protect and cleanse the liver.

Attention! During lactation, it is undesirable for mother to drink kvass in the first 3 months, while the child's body gets used to life outside of mother's tummy. The child may develop allergies and problems with the stomach and intestines.

For children

In childhood, every new food in the diet is potentially dangerous. This also applies to kvass. The potential danger decreases after the first year of life, although it does not completely disappear. If the parents decide to feed the child's vitality and strengthen the immune system with beets, they begin to give the drink in the morning, starting with a teaspoon. The daily dose of kvass cannot exceed 50 ml.

With the help of kvass, internal inflammatory processes are removed, the composition of blood and lymph is improved, the skin is cleansed of rashes, hair growth is stimulated, it helps teeth to erupt faster and strengthens the baby's skeleton. For a child, kvass is useful for diabetes, anemia, allergies.

How to take beet kvass for medicinal purposes

Kvass must not only be properly prepared, but also drunk correctly to get rid of a certain disease. There are several guidelines on this matter:

  • to lose extra pounds and improve metabolism, they drink kvass for 3 months without a break every day 30 minutes before meals, including in the morning on an empty stomach;
  • to prevent the development of hypertension, kidney and liver stones, stomach ulcers, female inflammatory diseases, kvass is drunk 1 time a day before meals for 2-3 weeks;
  • for unloading purposes, 1-1.2 liters of kvass are drunk per day. Apples and dried fruits can complement the diet.

For the rest, they are guided by recommendations for a specific disease, but do not exceed the daily volume of the drink drunk in 1.5 liters.

From pressure

Beet kvass for hypertension is one of the most effective folk remedies. Its advantage is that after the first admission, the condition improves, and after the first course, the pressure is normalized for several months. The recipe for making kvass with raisins and honey is described below. The treatment regimen is as follows: every day for a month they drink 3 glasses of kvass, divided by 3 times 30 minutes before meals.

Recommended reading:  Why raisins are useful: properties and contraindications

To cleanse the liver

To resume the active work of this organ and get rid of accumulated toxins and toxins, prepare the following kvass:

  • put 500 g of chopped beets, a glass of sugar and 20 g of wheat flour in a 3-liter jar;
  • pour the container with boiled cold water, leaving the neck empty;
  • cover the jar with gauze and leave to ferment for 7 days in room conditions, stirring occasionally.

Every day, take 30-40 ml of the drink before meals in the morning, at lunch and in the evening. For 1 course, you need to drink all the kvass.

To strengthen blood vessels and from anemia

With low hemoglobin, after a large blood loss and to increase the tone of blood vessels, kvass is drunk 1 glass in the morning on an empty stomach 40 minutes before meals. To prevent these problems, as well as to strengthen the immune system, the same volume of drink is drunk once every 2 days for a month.

If you need to clean blood vessels, as well as when working in dirty conditions, it is recommended to drink 300 ml of the drink a day, dividing them into 3 doses before meals. In this mode, nicotine and alcohol poisoning is treated.


To get rid of extra pounds, cleanse the intestines and reduce the waist, the simplest recipe for kvass from beets in water will do. On the day of such a drink, they drink from 1 to 1.5 liters, depending on body weight and the state of the digestive system. With good tolerance, they drink the maximum volume, dividing it into 4-5 doses in between snacks. On a fasting day, it is permissible to eat cottage cheese, raisins, dried apricots, nuts on kvass.

For the liver

To maintain normal liver function, get rid of fat and protect it from cell destruction, drink 1 glass of kvass every day for 2 months between breakfast and lunch. Kvass is drunk warm. After 3 months, if there are problems, the course is repeated. This is a good prevention of cholecystitis.

With diabetes mellitus

The essence of the treatment is to stimulate the production of its own insulin, normalize blood sugar levels and eliminate bad cholesterol. Here is a recipe for kvass for hypertension. They drink it for 2 months, 100 ml 3 times a day before meals. The course of treatment is repeated after 1.5 months.

With oncology

You can drink kvass for the prevention of neoplasms and for their treatment. It restores strength, reduces ESR indicators after chemotherapy and radiation therapy. The course begins with 1 tablespoon 3 times a day. To complete the course, you need to drink 1 liter of the drink. After 2 months, the treatment is repeated. In medicine, there are confirmed cases of complete cure for cancer of the rectum, lungs, bladder and stomach.

With diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

To improve digestion, increase the outflow of bile, remove its excess, normalize the intestinal microflora and get rid of constipation, kvass is drunk once a day, 250-300 ml in the morning. The interval after and before meals should be at least 2 hours. The course is 4 weeks. In addition to the indicated benefits, the drink will be a good prevention of kidney stones, relieve swelling.

How to make beet kvass at home

You can prepare a really healthy medical product at home using quality-tested products. Homemade beet kvass is prepared on the basis of rye bread or milk serum... The essence of these ingredients is to replace the baker's yeast and start the beet fermentation process. But there is another, classic cooking method.

Classic recipe for kvass without yeast

To prepare it, you only need beets and boiled cold water. The root crop is cut into thin strips or chopped on a grater, placed in a 3-liter jar up to half. Pour in water, without adding 3-4 cm. The container is closed with a cloth and left in the room until the first signs of fermentation - foam on the surface. As soon as fermentation is started, kvass can be drunk.

Beet kvass according to Bolotov

The essence of this method is the fermentation of beet root crops using lactic acid bacteria. They create in the drink a special flora of beneficial microorganisms that have a positive effect on the human body.

Kvass recipe:

  • cut into cubes 2 kg of fresh beets without skin and leaves;
  • heat 3 liters of whey to +35 ° С, add 100 g of sugar and 1 tsp to it. natural sour cream;
  • pour the serum over the beets, cover with a breathable cloth and leave in the kitchen cabinet for 2 days.

After 2 days, foam will appear on the surface of the drink - this is a sign of the beginning of fermentation. Further, the formed mold and film are removed from the surface of the kvass every day. After 5-6 days, the container is placed in a cool place - basement or cellar to end fermentation. There he will stand for another 6 days. Next, the drink is filtered and stored in the refrigerator. On the day, such a drink is drunk 2 hours before meals, ¼ glass 3 times. The recovery course is at least 1 month.

Beet kvass with honey and raisins

This recipe is useful for hypertension and other diseases of the cardiovascular system. Raisins and honey enrich the drink with minerals, vitamins and antioxidants useful for the heart and blood vessels.

To make kvass, you need:

  • peel and cut medium red beets, put in a 3-liter glass jar;
  • add 4 tbsp. l.natural honey, 100 g of rye bread, 30 g of raisins;
  • pour everything with cold boiled water to the top of the jar;
  • insist the drink for 4 days under a towel at room temperature, strain.

Store kvass in the refrigerator.

Shelf life of beet kvass

Regardless of how the medicinal drink is prepared, it is stored in closed glass containers at a constant temperature in a refrigerator or cellar. If a lot of kvass is prepared, it is poured into liter bottles so as not to open one large container several times a day and not to launch microbes from the air into it.

Advice! On average, a properly prepared drink has a shelf life of 2 months, but it is better to prepare it in small portions and consume it fresh.

Harm and contraindications to taking beet kvass

Kidney diseases, including the presence of stones, are a direct contraindication to kvass treatment. The drink will harm health in the presence of stomach and duodenal ulcers. Any acute inflammatory disease should not be treated with this drink. It is necessary to achieve remission and only after that restore strength with beets. Childhood, pregnancy, allergies and individual intolerance - these are the indications for giving up kvass.

The benefits and harms of beet kvass are a very broad concept. It can relieve a prolonged course of chronic diseases or cause severe stomach pain. Everything is very individual. Therefore, when deciding in favor of this ancient drink, it does not hurt to carefully study all the information about it, exclude contraindications and competently approach the treatment.


Marina Simonova, 35 years old, Taganrog
I tolerate beets well, so I decided to choose kvass from all the known means of losing weight. The first two days it was a little hard, my stomach was seething and I ran to the toilet. Then everything returned to normal, and in 3 weeks I lost 5 kg. She drank 3-4 glasses a day, no more, and leaned on fruits and vegetables.
Irina Zaitseva, 60 years old, Moscow
I tried to treat my hypertension with kvass according to Bolotov. I can’t say that it didn’t help, but I didn’t do without drugs either. The main thing that I felt was clarity and lightness in my head. The constant dull headache and turbidity of consciousness passed. I feel stronger and more active. I drank it for 2 months already, I hope that it will be better with pressure.
Tatyana Velichko, 56 years old, Samara
And I only made myself worse. I decided to cleanse the liver and the body as a whole. I started with a small dose and gradually increased to 250 ml per day. After 2.5 weeks, pains in the side began, I did not immediately understand that it was renal colic. I took the ambulance and got urolithiasis. Was treated, the stone came out on its own. That's right, so I advise you to consult a doctor before any treatment with folk remedies and at least do an ultrasound.
Svetlana Mironova, 43 years old, Omsk
I tried kvass in the summer heat. I liked the taste very much. I decided to improve the body with its help. I drank a glass on an empty stomach. The first thing I felt was lightness in my stomach. Distended bloating, heaviness after eating. There is more energy. I recommend this drink to anyone who cares about health.

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