Red onions: useful properties, how to cook

People have been using onions for over five thousand years, and many varieties have been developed. Red, or salad, onions, unlike their white congeners, are not as sharp, therefore they are more often used in cooking. All varieties are similar in chemical composition, but the benefits and harms of red onions deserve special attention.

Composition and calorie content of red onions

The beneficial properties of red onions are explained by their complex composition, the presence of vitamins, trace elements and essential oils. One hundred grams of this product contains:

  • 400 mcg aluminum;
  • 200 mcg boron;
  • 3 mcg iodine;
  • 146 mcg potassium;
  • 23 mcg calcium;
  • 10 mcg magnesium;
  • 4 mcg sodium;
  • 29 mcg phosphorus.

There are also iron, cobalt, copper, manganese, fluorine and others in red onions. It is rich in the beneficial essential amino acids arginine, leucine, phenylalanine, and tryptophan.

Its composition according to BZHU per 100 grams:

  • proteins - 1.1 g;
  • fats - 0.1 g;
  • carbohydrates - 9.34 g.

The calorie content of this product does not exceed 40 kcal, which means that the harm to the figure from it is minimal.

Why red onions are useful

The main benefits of a vegetable are found in the layers located closer to the scales, so you need to try to peel it off as little as possible. Thanks to the substances it contains, red onions can help prevent and fight various diseases:

  • oncological, as it contains antioxidants and quercetin, which significantly reduce the risk of neoplasms;
  • cardiovascular;
  • colds, thanks to anthocyanins, which give the skin a red color, because they have natural antiseptic properties and help in the fight against viruses;
  • allergic reactions, relieving their manifestations, swelling and spasms.

In addition, the benefits of the vegetable are manifested:

  • in improving the secretory capacity of the stomach;
  • help in reducing the content of harmful cholesterol in the body, thanks to the beneficial properties of sulfur in its composition;
  • normalization of metabolism: red onions are beneficial for those who want to reduce their weight;
  • the fight against harmful parasites: a remedy is prepared from a vegetable to get rid of worms;
  • the feathers of red onions are beneficial to the gums.

These beneficial properties make red onions desirable on the table, however, there are characteristics that have particular effects on representatives of different genders.

Important! When heated, vitamins are destroyed, so it is better to eat purple onions raw, so it will have more benefits for the body.

For women

It has been proven that a large list of micro and macro elements has a beneficial effect on the reproductive function of women. Red onion juice reduces the damage caused by environmental factors, in addition, it will benefit pregnant and lactating women as a valuable source of nutrients necessary for the health of mom and baby.

The fairer sex also use red onion juice as a hair tonic. Due to its beneficial properties, the vegetable has a beneficial effect on the beauty of curls.

For men

Studies have shown that red onions are invaluable for men, as they can increase the level of the main male hormone - testosterone.After all, it is the stable level of testosterone production that gives a man confidence in his masculine strength.

In addition, the juice of a red vegetable has the ability to increase immunity and helps to cope with the manifestations of chronic fatigue, improves mood. As a result, a man's libido increases, and hence the quality of life in general. Red onions have also been shown to be beneficial for smokers by helping to reduce the harm from cigarette smoke. Thus, the use of red onions provides quite tangible benefits for men.

For children

Thanks to the anthocyanins in the composition, red onion strengthens the immune system and facilitates the adaptation of the baby in the children's team.

And if a child is prone to allergies, but tolerates and loves onions, then it will be useful to give him the red variety - to remove signs of allergies and improve overall well-being.

Red onions during pregnancy and breastfeeding

It is important for women who are carrying a child to eat a variety of foods. Eating red onions can prevent the development of vitamin deficiency, in addition, thanks to its beneficial properties and rich composition, you can protect your unborn baby from viral infections. Therefore, the benefits of red onions for pregnant women are obvious.

The content of phytoncides and beneficial enzymes in this spicy vegetable will help the expectant mother resist fungi, and the presence of folic acid and essential oils will support proper metabolism and prevent developmental abnormalities in the fetus. Red onion juice contains magnesium, which solves the problem of constipation in pregnant women.

It is important for nursing mothers to include in their diet as many foods as possible, because this reduces the risk of allergies in the child. Red onions are beneficial only in moderation; overuse can harm the body.

Red onion treatment

Traditional medicine uses this root vegetable for both treatment and prophylactic purposes. It helps fight colds, expels worms, cleanses the liver and improves gastric secretion.

  1. For a cold, you need to take the juice from two onions, add the same amount of honey, take 1 tbsp. l. every three hours, without drinking. Such a remedy is not effective in exacerbating gastritis, so as not to harm the gastric mucosa.
  2. Pain and inflammation from injured ligaments, such as after intense sports training, can be relieved with a red onion compress. To do this, you need to grind the head, add sugar and salt.
  3. Red onion juice can help relieve the itching of insect bites.
  4. The vegetable has diuretic properties, its juice relieves swelling well. For reception, pour a glass of boiling water over three chopped onions, leave for 12 hours. Drink three tablespoons, three times a day.
  5. The liver removes harmful substances from the body, so it must be cleaned periodically. Red onions will also help with this. A pound of vegetable is scrolled in a meat grinder, a glass of sugar is added and left in the dark for ten days. Then they filter the juice and drink 50 ml before meals. This kind of liver treatment with red onions is harmless and inexpensive.
  6. This type of onion is a godsend for those who want thick and beautiful hair. To do this, it is useful to rub juice mixed with vodka into the scalp.
Important! The main benefits of red onions are closer to the husk, so in order to preserve its medicinal properties, you need to try to remove only the top layer.

How to cook red onion and what it goes with

In cooking, the red variety is used in the same way as the regular one. But, due to the peculiarities of taste and useful properties, it is better not to subject it to heat treatment. Red onions are juicier and less pungent than their white counterparts, making them especially tasty in salads. In addition, in this form, it will bring more benefits to the body.

It can be eaten marinated with first courses or separately, for example, with a piece of bacon. It picks up very quickly, after half an hour you can already eat it.

Here are some examples of delicious and healthy red onion vegetable salads:

  • from white cabbage, with garlic and chili peppers, with olive oil and lemon juice;
  • from tomatoes of various varieties, basil, rucola and cheese, as a dressing - unrefined olive oil;
  • from young potatoes with avocado, thyme and lime juice, with olive oil dressing.
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You can also add red onions to homemade preparations, for example, to lecho: it turns out a useful source of vitamins for the winter.

In the east, this onion variety is used quite widely. Meat salad is prepared with it. To do this, take:

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  • beef tenderloin;
  • carrots, cucumber, bell pepper, cherry tomatoes,
  • cilantro greens;
  • funchose.
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The beef is marinated and fried. Then the meat and all vegetables are cut into thin strips. Funchoza is poured with boiling water for 10 minutes, the ingredients are combined in a salad bowl and seasoned with soy sauce with garlic and ginger.

Harm of red onions and contraindications

Like any herbal product, this red vegetable has not only beneficial but also harmful properties, and they are associated with its pungency. Eating it in moderation or completely abandoning the product is necessary:

  • People who have problems with the intestines, for example, with colitis, because red onion is a non-dietary product;
  • Patients with high acidity of the stomach, since a spicy vegetable irritates the mucous membrane and can harm the gastrointestinal tract;
  • For some types of dermatitis: sometimes it can cause allergies;
  • For patients with kidney disease and hepatitis: red onion can cause complications;
  • This vegetable is an allergen, so women should not eat it after the 20th week of pregnancy.

No more than one hundred grams of red onions can be eaten without harm.

How to choose a red bow when buying

When choosing red onions in the supermarket, make sure the onions are dry and fairly firm. The husk should fit snugly against the head itself. This suggests that the vegetable was transported at the optimum temperature and that it was not damaged.

Also, you need to pay attention to the smell. The vegetable should smell like onions, not dampness, and even more so, not rot. It is better to choose bulbs of the same size, up to six centimeters in diameter, with dry roots.

When choosing red onions on the market, especially in the cold season, you need to make sure that the bulbs are not frozen, as indicated by their softness: such roots will immediately rot, and there is no benefit to the human body from them.

Important! If the bulb begins to deteriorate, it is better to throw it away whole, because harmful carcinogenic substances are formed in it.

How to store red onions

Red onions, like all other varieties, are stored hanging in a dry, ventilated room. First, they must be thoroughly dried and the damaged heads removed.

Here you can recall the old grandmother's way of weaving onions into braids or storing them in nylon stockings. At the same time, conditions are created for the ventilation of root crops.

For storing red onions in a city apartment, a plastic trellis box is suitable, which must be placed in a room with an air humidity of no higher than 70%. You can also fold it into a glass jar.


For a long time, people have known the benefits and harms of red onions: it is used both for food and for treatment, has a number of useful properties, is tasty and unpretentious in cultivation. This variety contains many trace elements and vitamins, which makes it an indispensable tool for maintaining immunity during the off-season exacerbation of colds.

However, one should take into account the list of diseases for which the consumption of a vegetable can result in harm to health.


Marina Komarova, 26 years old, Ryazan.
I have known for a long time about the beneficial properties of red onions.My mother also used it to treat my cough as a child. And now I give it to my baby if he gets sick. I mix the juice of one onion with a tablespoon of honey and give it to my son before bed. After that, he sleeps well and does not cough at night. In addition, I know that, unlike antibiotics, onion juice will not harm him, but it will strengthen his immunity.
Polina Starova, 3 years old, Severomorsk.
After long-term treatment with steroid drugs, I faced the problem of hair loss. They fell right off my head, and I had to cut my hair short. A friend advised masks based on red onion juice. At first, the smell frightened off, but the result was pleasing. Hair began to fall out less, they shine and really grow.
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