Momordica: photo, useful properties and contraindications, application

Momordica is a herb with numerous beneficial properties, which is used in both cooking and medicine. To evaluate the benefits, you need to get acquainted with its features and composition.

What is this plant "Momordica"

A plant from the Pumpkin family has a very unusual appearance and structure. Momordica bears elongated-oval fruits with wrinkled skin covered with thorns-growths, and with dark red pericarp seeds inside, covering brown seeds. When ripe, the fruits of the plant crack, and the juicy pulp is exposed.

The fruits are similar to both a fruit and a vegetable, they are considered close relatives not only to pumpkin, but also to squash and cucumber.

Momordica is a close relative of cucumbers and zucchini.

Where and how does momordica grow

Exotic momordica, also called bitter melon or Indian pomegranate, grows mainly in the tropics. You can meet her in India, China, in Southeast Asia and South America, in the Philippines, in the Russian Crimea.

Fruits grow on large vines, reaching about 5 m in length. The leaves are carved, light green, slightly "biting" the fingers when touched, the flowers are bright yellow, with a jasmine scent.

The value and composition of Momordica

The plant contains many valuable chemicals, which are responsible for the beneficial properties of momordica. In particular, the pulp contains:

  • vitamins C, B and A;
  • tocopherol;
  • rare vitamin F;
  • calcium and phosphorus;
  • folic acid;
  • the alkaloid momordicin;
  • fixed oils;
  • substance harantin;
  • amino acids and saponins;
  • glycosides, phenols and resins;
  • alimentary fiber.

The value of the product is represented mainly by carbohydrates - about 3 g of the total. Fruits contain only about 0.8 g of proteins, and about 0.1 g of fat.

Calorie content of momordica

The plant is highly regarded for its low calorie values. Only about 19 kcal is present in 100 g of the product, it is impossible to get better when eating momordica.

Fresh vegetables are eaten mostly unripe

How to eat momordica

The pulp of the fruit is advised to be consumed unripe, in which case the taste will be more pleasant. Ripe momordica tastes distinctly bitter, so it is usually boiled before eating and added to other dishes as a seasoning.

As for the seeds of the plant, they have a sweet taste, but are rather hard in structure. They need to be fried before use, this will soften the seeds and can be used in salad or vegetable stews. The leaves of the plant are also often added to salads, put in soups and main dishes.

What does momordica taste like

Fresh unripe fruits taste like cucumbers. Ripe momordica is compared mainly to pumpkin, but more bitter. Some gourmets claim that the pulp is similar to both persimmon and melon at the same time.

Useful properties of the momordica plant

The pulp and seeds of the plant not only have an unusual pleasant taste. Eating the product is good for health, it can bring relief from many diseases. The plant has anti-inflammatory properties, has a good effect on blood circulation and metabolism, strengthens the immune system.

The product is used to treat:

  • colds and viral diseases;
  • measles;
  • hepatitis A;
  • scabies and psoriasis;
  • parasites;
  • liver and kidney diseases.

The plant helps to lower cholesterol levels, improves blood composition and accelerates blood circulation, serves as a quality prevention of strokes and heart attacks.

Important! The substance harantin in the composition of the plant has a beneficial effect on the pancreas and promotes the production of insulin. The plant is of particular benefit in diabetes mellitus.
Indian pomegranate can be used to treat diseases

Healing properties of Momordica leaves

The leaves of the plant contain many vitamins and antioxidants. Broths and infusions based on Momordica foliage are used to treat metabolic system failures, to strengthen the heart and blood vessels, and to increase immunity.

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Useful leaf-based remedies help with skin inflammation and joint ailments. Drinking decoctions can be used in the treatment of hypertension and weight loss, for the prevention of oncology and rejuvenation of the body.

Why Momordica is beneficial for health

The plant is used both in folk and official medicine. When consumed, it brings the following beneficial effects to the body:

  • cleans blood vessels and strengthens their walls, preventing heart attacks and strokes;
  • improves metabolic processes, helps with digestive disorders and liver diseases;
  • has a diuretic effect and helps with kidney ailments;
  • effectively combats inflammatory processes in the body and skin diseases;
  • helps with colds, as well as asthma;
  • has a beneficial effect on arthritis;
  • improves the condition of the reproductive system;
  • lowers glucose levels and improves the functioning of the pancreas.

The plant is used to enhance immunity and to prevent vitamin deficiency. The use of Momordica can prevent the development of malignant tumors.

For men

The useful properties of the product for men are very diverse. First of all, momordica helps protect against early strokes and heart attacks, representatives of the stronger sex are especially prone to them. In addition, the product relieves the condition in the inflammatory processes of the genitourinary system and improves potency.

Indian pomegranate pulp has anti-inflammatory properties

The plant can be used to protect the liver. The product prevents the development of hepatitis and cirrhosis, therefore it is especially valuable for those who smoke and drink alcohol.

For women

For women, the benefits of momordica are its beneficial effects on digestion. Low-calorie fruits do not lead to weight gain, but they help to get rid of extra pounds and remove toxins.

Momordica can be taken to relieve painful periods and to improve libido. The plant reflects very well on the appearance of a woman. Even if you just eat the fruits, seeds and leaves for food, your skin and hair will quickly become more attractive.

Is Momordica possible during pregnancy

Despite the beneficial properties of the product, when carrying a child, Momordica must be abandoned. The product induces additional muscle contractions. In the early stages, this can lead to miscarriage, and in the later stages, to premature birth.

Advice! You should not use the plant during lactation, it can not only cause an allergic reaction in infants, but also provoke colic.

For children

Giving momordica to young children is not recommended. At an early age, the product often leads to allergies. For the first time, you need to add a plant to a children's diet no earlier than 3 years old and in small portions.

For older children and teenagers, the properties of the plant can be beneficial. The product will improve bowel function, strengthen immunity and prevent the onset of vitamin deficiency.

Attention! Since the plant has a list of contraindications, it can be introduced into the children's diet only after consulting a pediatrician.
Children can only bear fruit after 3 years

For the elderly

For elderly people, Indian pomegranate will be very useful. First of all, momordica in the diet will strengthen blood vessels and protect the heart from dangerous ailments - stroke and heart attack.

In addition, the beneficial effect of the plant on digestion will help avoid constipation and the accumulation of toxins, prevent malfunctioning of the intestines and liver. The anti-cancer properties of Momordica will help both men and women protect against the development of cancer in old age.

The healing properties of Momordica

Traditional medicine especially appreciates the plant for its beneficial effect in diabetes and a tendency to oncology. Although the product must be combined with medications, Momordic has a very good adjuvant effect.

Momordica for diabetes

The product contains the substance harantin, this component improves the production of insulin by the pancreas. In diabetes mellitus, it is very beneficial to include momordica in the regular menu. The product will prevent sudden fluctuations in glucose levels. With diabetes, complications such as pancreatitis and obesity are dangerous, but momordica helps prevent them from developing.

Momordica in oncology

Official research confirms that momordica can help treat cancer. Triterpenes, steroids, minerals and vitamins in the composition of the plant inhibit the growth of malignant neoplasms and slow down the development of negative processes. The product cleanses the body of toxins, reduces the size of tumors and is beneficial for oncology of the stomach, prostate, liver, breast, and leukemia.

Useful fruits serve as the prevention of cancer
Attention! For all its benefits, the plant cannot serve as the only cure for oncology. It is possible to use momordica for cancer only in combination with traditional therapy.

How to use momordica for treatment

Traditional medicine and dietetics offer specific healing recipes based on Momordica. When using them, the beneficial effect of using the product will come faster.

How to use momordica for diabetes

Diabetes benefits from eating pulp and using momordica seeds as a condiment. But it is also recommended to prepare a special tea based on the leaves. They do it like this:

  • finely chop green leaves in the volume of half a large spoon;
  • pour a glass of hot water;
  • close with a lid and wait until the product has cooled to a warm temperature.

You need to drink this tea up to 2 times a day instead of regular tea. It is undesirable to add lemon or sugar to the drink.

Application of Momordica

Indian pomegranate is widely used in home treatment, in personal care and in dietetics. There are many recipes based on seeds, pulp and leaves to get the most out of the product.

Momordica in folk treatment

For the treatment of ailments, all parts of Momordica are used - fresh pulp, seeds and green leaves.On their basis, decoctions, infusions and strong tinctures are prepared. If you follow the recipes, the beneficial effect will appear quickly.

In home medicine, the leaves and seeds of the plant are used along with the fruits.

Infusion on the leaves for skin diseases

For scabies and measles, you can prepare the following remedy:

  • chop 1 large spoonful of fresh leaves;
  • pour a glass of hot water;
  • darken in a water bath for 45 minutes;
  • strain and top up with clean water to the initial volume.

The resulting infusion is used to wipe the irritated skin and make compresses. Useful components in the composition help to quickly cope with inflammation.

Seed decoction for fever

In case of inflammatory processes and temperature, the following remedy is beneficial:

  • 20 g of plant seeds are poured with 200 ml of hot water;
  • boil for 10 minutes;
  • insist after readiness for 1 hour, then filtered.

You need to drink the broth three times a day, 50 ml, the whole therapy continues for a week. The remedy has a good diuretic effect.

Immunity Strengthening Blend

With a weakened immune system, Indian pomegranate in combination with honey and nuts is beneficial. Prepare the medicine like this:

  • the fruits are crushed in a meat grinder or blender to a state of gruel;
  • the pulp is mixed with 250 g of finely chopped walnuts;
  • add 300 ml of liquid honey.

The mixture is taken in a large spoonful three times a day on an empty stomach, the whole treatment is continued for about a week. When using the medicine, the body receives a lot of useful substances, and the resistance to ailments increases.

How to make Momordica tincture

A good immunomodulating and tonic agent is pulp tincture. They do it like this:

  • the peeled fruit is cut into cubes and placed in a glass jar;
  • pour 500 ml of vodka or alcohol;
  • mixed, and then removed for 2 weeks in a dark cool place.

The strained tincture is taken three times a day, just 1 small spoon. The total duration of treatment for colds or inflammatory processes should not exceed 10 days.

Indian pomegranate tincture is excellent for strengthening the immune system.

In cosmetology

The pulp of Indian pomegranate is used for facial skin care. The properties of the product have a good moisturizing and rejuvenating effect, helping to get rid of acne and irritations.

Nourishing mask for aging skin

To tighten the oval of the face and nourish the skin with vitamins, you can prepare a simple mask:

  • turn the pulp of momordica into gruel;
  • mix with sour cream in equal proportions;
  • distribute over the skin for 20 minutes.

The product will effectively moisturize the epidermis, eliminate the first wrinkles and make the skin velvety and smooth.

Mask for dry skin

For those who are prone to peeling and cracking of the epidermis, the following mask will be useful:

  • 2 large tablespoons of momordica pulp are mixed with 100 g of pear pulp;
  • add 70 g of finely grated carrots;
  • pour 1 small spoonful of olive oil and mix.
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The mixture is applied to the skin for 15 minutes, if you do the mask three times a week, the skin condition will quickly improve.

Advice! You can rinse your hair with infusions and decoctions from the leaves of the plant after washing. The strands will become stronger from this, and the oily content of the scalp will normalize.

In cooking

In fresh form, they eat mostly unripe fruits, they have no bitterness, and they taste more like cucumbers. But ripe momordica is also used in cooking very actively, mainly after boiling and frying, to decorate familiar dishes.

The pulp and seeds of the plant add:

  • in stews and salads;
  • in soups;
  • in meat dishes;
  • to potatoes and vegetables;
  • to unsweetened natural yoghurt.
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Momordica fruits are stewed and pickled, canned, jam and homemade tinctures are made. The seeds can be found in bun fillings, cakes and biscuits.

In dietetics

Since the fruits and seeds of Momordica accelerate metabolic processes, the product is recommended to be included in the diet. The reduction in weight by using the plant will occur faster.

The product helps to lose weight quickly, but without harm to health

A good effect for losing weight is brought by an infusion of momordica seeds — 20 g of raw materials are poured with a glass of boiling water, boiled for 15 minutes, and then insisted for another 3 hours. If you drink the product on an empty stomach twice a day, the process of removing toxins will noticeably accelerate.

In homeopathy

In pharmacies, you can buy homeopathic remedies based on momordica. These include:

  • the drug Momordica Compositum, a remedy for relieving pain, spasms and inflammation, helps well with disorders in the work of the pancreas;
  • Bitter Melon capsules — helps stabilize blood sugar levels;
  • Momordica Wild Bitter Melon Extract - a preparation to stabilize blood pressure and glucose levels.
Important! All of these homeopathic remedies have beneficial properties. However, they cannot be taken instead of drugs; in case of serious illnesses, they can only serve as an auxiliary therapy.

Limitations and contraindications

In some diseases, the beneficial properties of Momordica can be detrimental. You need to stop using it:

  • in the presence of individual intolerance;
  • during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • during the period of acute pancreatitis;
  • with diseases of the adrenal glands;
  • with hypothyroidism and thyrotoxicosis.

It is necessary to take funds based on Momordica with caution in case of stomach ulcer, colitis and gastritis. It is better to use the plant during the period of remission, and during exacerbations it is worth removing it from the diet.

The product has few contraindications

Selection and storage rules

It is best to buy momordica in the store in autumn - in September or October, during the period of natural maturation.

It is best to choose light yellow or green unripe fruits, they have better taste. Orange or pink momordica has the same benefits, but tastes bitter and needs to be processed before use. Fruits should be evenly colored, without dark spots and suspicious dots.

They are stored in a refrigerator at high humidity, their beneficial properties are preserved for 2-3 weeks. As for the leaves and seeds, they can be dried for medicinal use and stored in a dark dry place for 2 years.

Is it possible to grow momordica at home

If you wish, you can grow Indian pomegranate at home - Momordica propagates by seeds and cuttings. Preference is usually given to seed propagation, the seeds are planted in peat pots and watered regularly.

Ascended momordica can be transplanted into the ground on the site, or you can leave it indoors. In addition to watering and feeding with complex minerals, the plant needs pruning. From spring to autumn, the excess lateral processes are removed from the momordica and the central stem is pinched. Since the plant is a long liana, a support must be set up when growing for Momordica.

You can grow Indian pomegranate at home, it reproduces well by seeds


Momordica is a plant with interesting taste and a lot of useful properties. Unusual fruits are widely used in treatment and in cosmetology, and they use not only the pulp, but also the leaves and seeds of Indian pomegranate.

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