Health benefits of Borjomi water

Everyone has heard about the healing mineral water called Borjomi, extracted from the bowels of the earth in Georgia. What are the benefits and harms of Borjomi is an interesting question for everyone who plans to introduce this unusual water into the diet.

Composition and useful properties of Borjomi water

Borjomi's benefits lie in the richest chemical composition. When drinking the drink, the body receives:

  • sodium;
  • magnesium;
  • chlorine;
  • calcium and silicon;
  • potassium and boron;
  • sulfur;
  • many other elements.

All of them are present in mineral water in the highest concentration. And the valuable properties of water are that it:

  • normalizes digestive processes and processes of bile secretion, helps the liver;
  • helps to cleanse the body of toxins and excess fluid;
  • effectively helps in the fight against helminths;
  • restores disturbed water-salt balance;
  • has a beneficial effect on the respiratory organs and relieves coughing.

Important! Drinking Borjomi on an ongoing basis for the sake of prevention is not recommended, otherwise an excess of mineral salts is formed in the body. The benefits of healing water will be when consumed to address specific health problems.

Is it possible to drink Borjomi for pregnant and lactating

Borjomi during pregnancy is excellent for heartburn and toxicosis. As a rule, medicinal water is not contraindicated for women in position - but it must be used very carefully. The dosage should not exceed 1 glass per day.

The same applies to Borjomi during lactation. Healing water improves metabolism, tones up. Everything that Borjomi is useful for is passed on to the baby through mother's breast milk. But drinking Borjomi every day is not worth it.

Borjomi for children

Doctors do not recommend giving mineral healing water to healthy children - they can get all the valuable substances from the usual diet. But for babies over 1 year old with intestinal diseases, poisoning and constipation, Borjomi will be beneficial.

Attention! The dosage of Borjomi for a child with a specific disease is determined individually and calculated based on the weight and specifics of the condition. Therefore, only a pediatrician should prescribe water to an infant.

How to drink Borjomi for weight loss

Useful properties of Borjomi can help in getting rid of excess weight, since mineral water speeds up metabolism and removes toxins from the body. But you need to drink it a little. A glass of healing water before breakfast or after dinner will be enough for a month.

Indications for use of Borjomi

Medicine officially prescribes medicinal water for use for the following ailments:

  • peptic ulcer, gastritis, gastroduodenitis;
  • diseases of the liver, bile ducts, kidneys, gallbladder;
  • diseases of the genitourinary sphere;
  • obesity;
  • cystitis;
  • urethritis.

Also, water will be beneficial for colds and nervous disorders.

How to drink Borjomi for medicinal purposes

The methods of drinking mineral water for different ailments differ slightly from each other. It is important to adjust the dosage of the drink, control the temperature of the water and the time of consumption - all this affects the benefits.

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Borjomi with cough milk

Mineral water is often used for colds accompanied by severe coughs. Moreover, it can be combined with milk - the benefits of water will become even greater.

  • To begin with, all the gas is released from the mineral water - for this, an open glass is simply left to stand for half an hour or an hour.
  • After that, water and milk are separately heated in a water bath to 50 degrees, and then mixed in an equal ratio.
  • If desired, add honey or raspberry jam to the finished drink.

Mineral water with milk will primarily contribute to the dilution of phlegm in the respiratory tract.

Inhalation with Borjomi for cough

Another way to use Borjomi for colds is inhalation. The water is first heated to 50 degrees, and then they lean closer to the pan, cover their head with a towel and inhale the warm steam through the nose and mouth.

Attention! The steam should never burn the respiratory tract. It is not necessary to heat water to high temperatures, and inhalation must be careful. You need to continue the procedure no more than 4 minutes.

With diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

The main benefits of water are expressed in the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases.

  • If the acidity in the stomach is high, then they drink mineral water 1.5 hours before meals in a warm form, and first you need to release gas from it.
  • Borjomi for gastritis with low acidity is taken half an hour before meals, literally 4 - 5 sips.
  • In case of problems with food assimilation and metabolism, it is recommended to drink cold mineral water with meals.
  • In case of pain and cramps in the stomach, it is recommended to warm the water to room temperature before drinking.

Borjomi for constipation

Mineral water activates metabolic processes, therefore it is very useful for constipation. 150 ml of it is taken a couple of hours before meals. Usually, the benefits of such therapy become noticeable on the first day of treatment.

For the treatment of the liver and gallbladder

Cholecystitis, hepatitis and other diseases associated with the outflow of bile and liver are direct indications for the use of healing water.

  • With hepatitis and cholecystitis, mineral water is heated to 40 degrees and drunk 1.5 cups about an hour before meals.
  • In the treatment of acute inflammation of the gallbladder and bile ducts, heated water is also taken one hour before meals - but in a volume of 2.5 glasses.

For the treatment of other diseases

Healing water can be used to relieve the condition of some other diseases.

  • Borjomi with pancreatitis is recommended to drink not during periods of exacerbations, but between them. Take a drink warm an hour before meals in a volume of no more than a glass three times a day.
  • In case of poisoning, the body loses water and useful minerals - but medicinal water helps restore balance. It is recommended to drink it in 1 - 1.5 cups, three times a day, in small sips.

Is Borjomi suitable for the treatment of diabetes

Mineral water has no therapeutic effect in diabetes. But it is still often prescribed to patients as an adjuvant. Diabetes is accompanied by digestive disorders and a slowdown in metabolism, and Borjomi helps to eliminate these unpleasant symptoms. In addition, the benefit of water in diabetes is that it quenches thirst well.

Borjomi for face skin

The benefits of water are manifested not only in the treatment of ailments. It is also used in home cosmetology - it tones the skin, narrows the pores.

  • To cope with excessive dryness of the skin and the first wrinkles, simple washing with healing water will help. You can rinse your face in the morning and in the evening. Another interesting option is rubbing the skin with ice cubes made from frozen mineral water.
  • Borjomi-based decoction will help regulate the oily skin.It is done simply - mineral water is boiled, and then herbal collection of chamomile, calendula or mint is brewed in it. The tool is infused for half an hour, then filtered. Homemade tonic benefits last up to 5 days.
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Tips for eating Borjomi

Borjomi water is sold freely, but in order to benefit from its use, you need to know how much Borjomi can be drunk per day.

  • The maximum daily allowance for adults is 0.5 liters. However, in practice, it is better to limit yourself to even less - no more than 0.33 liters.
  • For children, the dosage of mineral water should be determined individually - and only by a qualified pediatrician.
  • In the absence of chronic and acute diseases, you should not drink medicinal water just like that. The maximum benefit from water will be if it is used when needed.

Borjomi harm and contraindications for use

No matter how great the benefits of medicinal water, it can be harmful to the body. She has no absolute contraindications, but in some conditions, you need to drink the drink carefully and only after consulting a doctor. Namely:

  • with gastritis and ulcers in the acute stage;
  • during pregnancy.

You should not give mineral water to very young children under 1 year old. Overdose should be avoided - it is dangerous for the kidneys and gastrointestinal tract.

How to distinguish Borjomi from fake products

Fake mineral water with a familiar name is common in stores. But it is quite easy to recognize a fake without even analyzing the composition of the water.

  • Borjomi is available in glass and plastic bottles of a patented bluish-green color. Colored or white and transparent containers indicate a fake.
  • A bottle with healing mineral water should have three labels - on the neck, under it and on the back. Between the throat and front label on the bottle, a deer is necessarily depicted - the trademark of real Borjomi water.
  • Glass bottles are protected with metal caps, plastic ones - with transparent plastic caps. The upper part of the lid is red, in the middle it is crossed by the brand name - clear, neat, without graphic defects.


The benefits and harms of Borjomi depend on the correct dosage of healing mineral water, and there are few categorical contraindications for the drink. If you follow the instructions for drinking water and consult a doctor, the drink will have a noticeable healing effect.


Nikolaeva Anna Dmitrievna, 33 years old, Perm
Since the age of 20 I have been suffering from gastritis with high acidity. Borjomi helps to relieve the most unpleasant symptoms - stomach pain, nausea, feeling of heaviness. At the very beginning, the taste of the water seemed strange, but I got used to it quickly, the benefits are worth it.
Ignatova Lidia Grigorievna, 46 years old, St. Petersburg
In our family, Borjomi often appears in the refrigerator - my husband has a chronic stomach ulcer, and from time to time I suffer from cystitis. The benefits of the mineral water are amazing - it helps with both diseases. And recently I tried Borjomi with milk for the first time during a cold - and after a few hours it became easier to clear my throat.
Terentyev Pavel Petrovich, 56 years old, Kazan
I got used to drinking Borjomi since my youth, after my stomach problems first began. Despite the fact that it was not possible to completely get rid of chronic gastritis, Borjomi has been helping to survive exacerbations for 20 years. Of course, I still have to go on a therapeutic diet - but I have not suffered from acute pains and intolerable nausea for a long time.

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