Leaf slime onions: health benefits and harms in diabetes, recipes

People with gastritis, stomach ulcers are advised to include drooping onions in their diet instead of onions. This plant, with proper care in one place, grows up to five years. The beneficial properties of a slime onion and contraindications should be evaluated before adding it to the menu. The use of this product will have to be abandoned in case of exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases.

What is and how it looks

Slime onion is a perennial, frost-hardy herb. In the wild, it is found in Siberia, Central Asia, and the European part of Russia. Slime grows on meadow soils, rocky slopes, steppes.

The stalk of the onion is thick, it reaches a height of 25-70 cm. In its upper part there are two winged ribs. During growth, the stem is drooping, and at the beginning of flowering, it straightens.

Only 2-3 years after planting, the slug releases an arrow on which an inflorescence appears

The plant bulbs are cylindrical in shape. They reach 1.5-2 cm in diameter. The bulbs are attached to the rhizome, covered with a thin film on top. They grow in radial circles, the diameter of which reaches 30 cm. But only false shoots appear on the rhizomes, the slime does not have a real bulb.

The leaves of a herbaceous plant grow up to 30 cm in length and up to 3 cm in width. They are linear, with rounded tips. The leaf blades have a slight helical bend along the axis. They are smooth, fragile, close at the base of the stem. When cut or broken, slimy juice is released from the leaves.

The inflorescence of the onion is spherical, multi-flowered, pink-purple in color. After the end of flowering, fruits are formed - nuts.

The appearance depends on the type of onion. The most popular types are:

  • Dwarf - mid-season variety, light green leaves grow up to 26 cm in height, up to 1.8 cm in width;
    The variety Dwarf is popular with gardeners; you can eat the leaves 40 days after the first shoots appear
  • Leader - has a slightly pungent taste, green leaves reach 30 cm in length;
    The Leader variety is distinguished by a spicy taste and a pronounced garlic aroma.
  • Salad - mid-season variety, leaves are flat, green, with a waxy bloom, grow up to 3 cm wide, 30 cm long;
    Leaves of lettuce slime onion gardeners are advised to use fresh
  • Broad-leaved, greens of the variety can be consumed 20 days after the appearance of the first shoots, the leaves are short, but fleshy, juicy.
    The broad-leaved variety is one of the earliest, the taste of the leaves is pleasant, with a slight sharpness
Comment! Onions are planted as an ornamental plant along garden paths. But they appreciate it not only for its beauty, but also for its medicinal properties.

The composition and calorie content of slime onions

Due to the presence in the composition of a large amount of useful substances, slime is used as a remedy. Leaves are the source of:

  • vitamins A, C, PP, group B;
  • micro and macro elements - iron, molybdenum, potassium, nickel, manganese, zinc;
  • phytoncides;
  • flavonoids;
  • carotene;
  • sugars;
  • triterpene, phenolcarboxylic acids.

The plant belongs to low-calorie foods.100 g of leaves contain 32 kcal. Nutritional value of onions:

  • proteins - 1.4 g;
  • fats - 0.2 g;
  • carbohydrates - 8.2 g.

The substances included in the composition are well absorbed in the digestive tract. The body is saturated with essential vitamins, minerals, acids.

The benefits of slime onions for the body

Onion leaves contain a large amount of ascorbic acid, B vitamins and iron. Due to the presence of these beneficial substances, slime is recommended as a means that:

  • strengthens the immune system, increases the body's resistance to various diseases;
  • improves appetite;
  • prevents the development of anemia;
  • stimulates metabolic processes;
  • has a wound healing effect;
  • accelerates the growth of hair, nails;
  • has a positive effect on brain activity.

It is recommended for people suffering from gastrointestinal diseases. Under the influence of the mucus contained in the leaves, the condition of the stomach is improved. It envelops it from the inside and reduces the severity of inflammatory processes. Thanks to this action, the functioning of the stomach is normalized. This is necessary for patients in whom diseases of the digestive system are accompanied by their increased secretory activity.

Onion slug has a positive effect not only on the state of the gastrointestinal tract. It has a hemostatic effect, strengthens blood vessels. The substances contained in the leaves help to improve the condition of the gums. With its regular use, pain disappears, the severity of the inflammatory process decreases, bleeding disappears.

Due to the presence of plastic substances in the composition, the process of tissue regeneration is accelerated. The culture is used for abrasions, cuts as a local remedy.

In oriental medicine, pain relievers, bactericidal and hemostatic properties of slime onions have long been used.

Healers use the leaves to treat diseases of the thyroid gland, organs involved in the processes of hematopoiesis. The substances contained in the composition have a positive effect on the work of the heart, contribute to the normalization of cholesterol levels.

Many doctors recommend slug leaf onion for diabetes, but the benefits and harms of the plant should be assessed before including it in the diet together with an endocrinologist. Antioxidants that make up the onion stimulate tissue regeneration, improve the condition of blood vessels, which are destroyed by an increased concentration of sugar. But during exacerbations of diseases of the digestive tract, it is advisable to refuse the use of leaves.

Can be used by pregnant women, lactating women and children

Unlike onions, the slime contains few essential oils. Therefore, its taste is weakly sharp, the bitterness is barely felt. Leaves can be added to dietary and children's menus.

Onions are not contraindicated for pregnant women. It can be included in the diet in small amounts on a regular basis.

Important! Salads with slime onion leaves strengthen the immune system, have a positive effect on the development of the fetus.

It is not necessary to skip this product while breastfeeding. It does not change the taste of the milk. But it is advisable to add it to the diet in the first months after childbirth with caution. You need to monitor the child's reaction to the product.

Application in cosmetology

Mucus from onion leaves is used to make hair masks. It nourishes the bulbs with carotene and other substances that stimulate growth, improve the condition of the hairs. Nutrients give curls shine, strength, restore them along all lengths.

To prepare the mask, you will need one bush of the plant along with the underground part and three drops of ylang-ylang oil. Slime onions should be chopped into gruel with a blender or meat grinder and squeezed juice from the resulting mass. To make a mask, you need:

  • mix juice with ylang-ylang oil;
  • massage liquid into the head;
  • wrap hair with a towel and wait 30 minutes.

After that, the head should be washed with shampoo.

Cosmetologists recommend doing masks twice a week for a month.

Slime juice can be used to make face masks. It helps to reduce the severity of wrinkles, get rid of skin imperfections. But it is undesirable to apply it to the area around the eyes. When a burning sensation appears, you must immediately wash off the mask from the face.

Cooking applications

Most often, onions are added to salads, this is the most common way to use it. The following recipe is popular:

  • Grind 200 g of greens of slime;
  • Cut 4 boiled eggs into cubes;
  • add 200 g of green peas;
  • salt.
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For salad dressing, you can use mayonnaise or a mixture of sour cream and mustard.

Slime is also used for preparing first and second courses. It is added to okroshka, green borsch, omelets.

Okroshka is prepared according to this recipe:

  • 100 g of green onions, 20 g of dill, chop and grind with salt;
  • 100 g cucumbers and 100 g radishes are cut into cubes,
  • a hard-boiled egg is crushed;
  • the products are mixed and poured with 250 ml of kefir and the same amount of cold mineral water.
Recommended reading:  Why radishes are useful for the body

To make an omelet with the addition of a slime, you will need:

  • 50 g each onion and spinach;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 120 ml of milk;
  • 20 g butter.
Recommended reading:  Useful properties of spinach, contraindications, calories and cooking

Greens are fried in melted butter for two minutes and eggs beaten with milk are added to it. Fry the omelet over low heat under a lid.

Contraindications and possible harm

Slime onions can be included in the diet of almost all people. The list of contraindications for use includes exacerbations of such diseases:

  • ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • disorders of the organs of the urinary system.

Some people get heartburn when they eat slime. There is a possibility of developing allergic reactions. When applied externally, some may experience skin irritation and peeling.

Attention! Doctors recommend monitoring the body's response to the inclusion of slime onions in the diet. It is undesirable to abuse this product.

How to prepare and store

You can eat slime onions throughout the year. To do this, you need to prepare it for future use. The green leaves are cut every two weeks. For the specified time, they have time to grow.

The following methods are used for storage:

  • pickling;
  • leaven;
  • freezing;
  • drying.

Pickled and pickled onions are not considered the most useful product. Better to dry or freeze it.

At -18 ° C, slime retains all its beneficial properties for 6-8 months

To freeze the onion, it must be pre-dried, collected in a bunch and put in a tight plastic bag. It must be allowed to thaw at room temperature before use. Then it can be crushed and added to dishes.

Some people prefer to store the slime in oil in the freezer. The onions should be washed, dried and chopped beforehand. For storage, use plastic or silicone containers. The slime is placed in containers and poured over with sunflower oil. Such blanks can be used not only for preparing hot dishes, but also for salads.

The beneficial properties of onions can be preserved if they are dried. To do this, slime is pre-soaked in brine made from 2 tbsp. l. salt and 1 liter of water, for 5-10 minutes. Then the greens are crushed and dried in the oven at a temperature of 50-60 ° C. It is more convenient for these purposes to use a special dryer for fruits, berries, vegetables.

It is better to store prepared raw materials in glass jars or paper bags. Dried onions can be used to prepare hot meals.


The beneficial properties of onion slime and contraindications to its intake should be clarified before including it in the diet.This product saturates the body with vitamins and other essential substances, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the digestive and hematopoietic systems, and stimulates metabolism. But with an exacerbation of problems with the urinary organs, gastrointestinal ulcer, allergies, it is better to refuse the use of slime.

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