Matcha green tea: beneficial properties

An unusual tea called matcha or matcha is a drink that came to Europe from Japan and soon won the hearts of true gourmets. What are the benefits and harms of matcha tea, you can understand by familiarizing yourself with its unique features.

Description of Japanese matcha tea

The raw material for this tea variety is camellia leaves. Young leaves are traditionally used for the production of matcha, but the fundamental difference lies in the technology of drying and processing:

  • Matcha, unlike other varieties, is grown exclusively in the shade.
  • Immediately after harvesting, the tea leaves are steamed - so all the benefits are preserved in them.
  • Ordinary tea is made from a whole leaf, while matcha is made with a much stricter approach. Veins and stems are completely removed from the leaves, and only then the raw materials are dried.
  • Dry matcha leaves are not rolled, but crushed to a powder state.
Attention! Growing and drying matcha is a complex process. Therefore, tea simply cannot be cheap and is always sold at a high price.

The taste of the drink

There are several varieties of matcha green tea - they differ slightly in shades of color and taste. But one way or another, this is a sweetish drink with a barely discernible bitterness, rich and thick.

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The chemical composition of matcha tea

Matcha green tea is appreciated by gourmets not only for its original jade shade and pleasant taste. You need to pay attention to its chemical composition and useful properties.

A true Japanese match contains:

  • vitamins A, E, P, B1, B6 and B2;
  • iron, magnesium, potassium and fluorine;
  • iodine, calcium and zinc;
  • vitamin C;
  • invigorating caffeine;
  • antioxidants;
  • thiamine;
  • riboflavin, rutin, retinol;
  • theophylline and pyridoxine.

Why is matcha useful?

What are the benefits of unusual bright green tea?

Matcha contributes to:

  • effective cleansing of the body;
  • cell renewal;
  • strengthening the heart and blood vessels, also prevents the accumulation of cholesterol;
  • burning excess fat;
  • improving skin condition;
  • normalization of the nervous system;
  • lowers blood pressure.
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The beneficial properties of matcha make this drink valuable even as a preventive measure for cancer.

How to drink matcha tea for weight loss

The unusual drink speeds up the metabolic process, so the benefits are obvious, especially when added to the diet while on a diet. You need to brew liquid as follows:

  • Pour matcha tea powder into a preheated teapot - no more than a teaspoon;
  • pour a glass of hot water;
  • insist for 2 minutes.

The beneficial properties of the drink will manifest themselves in full force if you drink it shortly before training.

Uses of matcha tea

Green tea from Japan is consumed not only in its pure form. Its benefits have been noted by culinary specialists, beauticians and pharmacists.

In cooking

Matcha green tea is often found in all varieties of confectionery.It is added to cakes and pastries, puddings and mousses, candies and ice cream. Products under the influence of tea powder turn into a pleasant green color without the use of chemical dyes - and, moreover, acquire interesting taste notes.

In cosmetology

Matcha is a common ingredient in toothpastes, soaps, shampoos, and creams. In addition, it is used to create cosmetic face masks - the benefit is that the component cleanses and slightly dries the skin.

In medicine

Pharmaceutical companies often add matcha to dietary supplements, as the product benefits from being a strong natural antioxidant.

It can also be drunk for home treatment of a variety of ailments, brewing according to all the rules or simply drinking a teaspoon of powder with water.

How to make matcha tea

There are several popular methods for brewing matcha, but general rules always apply:

  • The drink is consumed only fresh and brewed for exactly one serving.
  • Bowls and teapots are pre-heated before tea drinking.
  • The drink is insisted for no longer than 2 minutes.
Advice! It is not customary to pour the healing matcha tea with boiling water - this loses its beneficial properties. The water for brewing should be just hot.

Classic recipe

How to make traditional matcha tea? For this you need:

  • Green powder (2 g) is poured with hot water in a volume of slightly less than half a glass.
  • Stir if necessary.
  • Add sugar if desired.

Matcha tea with milk

To prepare a drink you need to take:

  • a teaspoon of powdered tea;
  • hot water - less than half a glass;
  • warmed milk - 1 glass.

The drink is brewed in the same way as in the classic version, but then boiled whipped milk is also added to it.

Matcha with coffee

An interesting cooking option is matcha with coffee. According to the recipe, you first need to mix a teaspoon of green tea with a small amount of instant coffee, and then pour hot water over the ingredients.

Matcha latte tea

First, it is brewed according to the classic recipe - a teaspoon of powdered tea in half a glass of water. Then add a glass of hot milk, whipped until froth, and complement the drink with sweet syrup, honey or cinnamon.

How to choose matcha tea

There are some basic guidelines for choosing a matcha. Namely:

  • The powder should be a deep green color - if it is too pale, it is a fake.
  • Real matcha is sold as a very fine powder and should not contain large granules.
  • The match is always expensive. If it is offered at a low price, it is a fake with little benefit.

Contraindications and harm from use

The beneficial properties of matcha extend to the entire body. But sometimes the drink can be harmful - if abused, it leads to an increased heart rate and insomnia. That is why the daily intake of tea is limited to 3-4 cups.

In some cases, matcha is contraindicated. Namely:

  • during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • with kidney problems;
  • with strokes and heart attacks in the past.
Important! Natural matcha retains not only beneficial but also harmful substances received by the leaves. It may contain traces of lead, which is found in Chinese matcha, so it is better to give preference to Japanese varieties.

Matcha tea reviews

Sergeeva Valentina Dmitrievna, St. Petersburg
I switched to matcha green tea when I decided to give up coffee and replace it with something healthier. The effect pleased me - the drink tones up just as well, and its taste is much more pleasant than that of coffee, and after drinking it does not hurt the stomach.
Doroshev Sergey Vladimirovich, Ryazan
For the first time I tried Matcha just out of curiosity - I noticed its unusual color. I liked the drink very much - the taste is sweet, but not sugary, the tea invigorates well. Now I always keep matcha at home and treat my friends - most of them have never even heard of such tea.
Elena Igorevna Semenova, Tyumen
Matcha tea was treated to me by my daughter, who is very fond of everything unusual. I liked it and started brewing it almost every day. At first, it seemed that the tea just tasted good, but then I noticed that my health improved too - insomnia disappeared, my face refreshed, my body felt 5-8 years younger.


The benefits and harms of matcha tea depend on the naturalness of the tea powder - and how you drink the drink. If you don’t skimp on expensive powder, and then brew it according to all the rules and drink it in moderation, the beneficial properties of the drink will be fully revealed, and there will be no harm at all.

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