Are fresh juices good for you?

Freshly squeezed juice is an ideal product for a healthy diet and contains tons of vitamins. Despite this, in some cases, fruit juices can be hazardous to health. You can find out what the benefits and harms of freshly squeezed juice are from the recommendations of nutritionists.

Why fresh juices are useful

Juices have many useful properties and are a source of a complex of rapidly assimilated vitamins. They contain fiber and pectins - substances that regulate the intestines and help cleanse the body.

The benefits and harms of prepared fresh juices depend on the components present in their composition. Many of them contain antioxidants - substances that have anti-inflammatory properties. With their help, it is possible to increase immunity, get rid of insomnia and depression.

Freshly squeezed juices are low in calories, which gives them additional beneficial properties in diets aimed at combating excess weight. Due to the fruit acids that are present in fresh juices, food is absorbed much better.

What are the healthiest fresh juices?

Natural healthy drinks increase tone, raise good mood and normalize the functioning of organs such as the liver and kidneys. With their help, it is also possible to start metabolic processes, remove accumulated toxins and toxins.

Many nutritionists talk about the benefits and dangers of freshly squeezed fruit juices for humans. The most valuable properties are considered:

  1. Orange: helps to cope with vitamin deficiency, atherosclerosis and chronic fatigue, and also improves mood.
  2. Apple: restores strength in a short time and is considered a diet drink. Its benefits are manifested in the ability to treat gastritis with low acidity and normalize the concentration of iron in anemia.
  3. Grape: improves memory. It is also recommended to drink it for pathologies of the liver, kidneys and urinary tract.
  4. Carrot: helps to lift mood, activates the brain and improves vision. It brings benefits in pathologies of the respiratory system and vitamin deficiency.
  5. Tomato: has the properties to quench thirst and hunger, to prevent the development of malignant neoplasms.

The benefits and harms of freshly squeezed vegetable juices depend on the quality of the products from which they are prepared. Among all their variety, fresh cabbage, parsley and celery smoothies are considered especially useful properties.

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The benefit of cabbage juice is that it helps to cope with excess weight and stomach pathologies. The properties of fresh celery are manifested in a positive effect on the nervous system, cleansing of harmful toxins and increasing male potency.

Fresh squeezed juices for weight loss

The benefits of natural juices for weight loss lie in the content of pectin, which helps to get rid of extra pounds. In addition, they contain useful fiber, which is one of the most important components of weight loss.With its help, it is possible to suppress the feeling of hunger. In the human body, fiber is not digested and is excreted by the intestines, producing a cleansing effect.

Drinking freshly squeezed juices if you want to lose weight activates all processes much faster than an eaten fruit or vegetable. This is due to the property of the crushed fruit composition being easier to absorb.

How to drink freshly squeezed juices

Despite the many valuable substances and vitamins in freshly squeezed juices and smoothies, healthy drinks are not recommended to be consumed uncontrollably. The fact is that the ingestion of too much fluid into the body can harm the heart and vascular system.

After drinking freshly squeezed juice, especially acidic, it is recommended to rinse the mouth with water, since the harm of such fresh juice is manifested in the destruction of tooth enamel.

When is it better to drink freshly squeezed juices

The benefit of freshly squeezed juices in the morning is that they help energize the body for the whole day. During the day, it is recommended to consume no more than 3 glasses of the drink: the optimal volume is 300 ml. It is best to drink a smoothie or fresh juice a few minutes after their preparation: after all, over time, when interacting with oxygen, they lose their nutritional value. Only beet juice is an exception to the rule: it must be taken after 2 - 3 hours of standing.


Recommended reading:  Beets: beneficial properties and contraindications

Drinking a smoothie will only be beneficial if consumed separately from food: shortly before or after a meal. It is especially important to observe this rule in relation to fruit juices, which activate fermentation processes in the intestine. If you drink fresh juice right after a meal, it can provoke heartburn, fermentation in the intestines and the appearance of discomfort.

For children from 3 to 10 years old, freshly squeezed juice for medicinal purposes is allowed to be given 2 times a day 30 minutes before a meal, while a single serving should not exceed 30 ml. Exceeding the dosage will not bring benefits, but it will cause the appearance of caries and pathologies of the digestive system.

How can freshly squeezed juice be diluted

If necessary, it is best to dilute the juice with mineral water. Plain water should be either simply purified or boiled.

Many juices are recommended to be combined with other types of liquids. So, juice from carrots is absorbed by the intestines much faster if a small amount of vegetable oil, milk, cream is poured into it. With the help of vegetable oil, you can also improve the digestibility of tomato juice, while the addition of salt to it causes the destruction of all the valuable substances of the drink. It is recommended to mix fruit smoothies with vegetable ones: this makes them moderately sweet.

Freshly squeezed juice during pregnancy

During pregnancy, freshly squeezed juice is an important part of the diet and brings maximum benefits to the body, and you do not need to be limited only to the fruit option. The only contraindication may be an allergic reaction to any of its components or dysfunction of the stomach.

Expectant mothers are shown to use:

  • pomegranate;
  • carrot;
  • apple;
  • beetroot;
  • pumpkin;
  • grape;
  • tomato juice.

To get the most out of it, it is best to do the individual juice selection for a pregnant woman with the help of a specialist. The choice depends on the general state of health, the presence of certain diseases and the tendency to allergic reactions.

How to make freshly squeezed juice at home

You can prepare juice yourself using a meat grinder. The fruits should be washed, cut and passed through the device. The resulting mass must be transferred to cheesecloth and squeezed.

Another option: to grind vegetables and fruits to a gruel state, you can use a blender, and then transfer the resulting mass to cheesecloth and squeeze the juice.

Harm of freshly squeezed juice and contraindications to use

Despite the many useful properties of freshly squeezed juices, in some cases it is better to refuse to use them. There are a number of contraindications in which fresh juice can harm the body.

  1. Treatment with freshly squeezed acidic juices is contraindicated for those who suffer from gastric ulcer.
  2. Grape smoothies are a source of glucose and are too high in calories. The drink will only harm the body of people diagnosed with diabetes and obesity.
  3. In case of problems with stool and increased intestinal excitability, almost all types of freshly prepared juices should be drunk with caution or should be abandoned altogether: most drinks have a laxative effect.
  4. The possible harm of carrot juice lies in its property to negatively affect liver function, which can cause the development of dangerous pathologies. But usually this refers to the abuse of a healthy drink.
  5. Freshly squeezed tomato juice can be harmful for various poisoning, even if you drink it in small quantities.
Important! Before use tomato juice persons suffering from cholelithiasis and stomach ulcers, in order to avoid the harm of exacerbation of the disease, should consult with their doctor.

How and how much to store freshly squeezed juice

For maximum preservation of useful properties, freshly squeezed juices are recommended to be consumed immediately after preparation: the harm from their use during longer storage can occur due to oxidation upon contact with air. If it is necessary to increase the shelf life, freshly squeezed juice is poured into a glass dish and lemon juice is added so that it covers the contents of the glass and thereby blocks contact of the fresh juice with air. After that, the container must be closed and stored in the refrigerator for no more than 8 hours.


The benefits and harms of freshly squeezed juice depend on the correct preparation and dosage. Fresh juices serve as vitamin bombs that energize the body. Their correct use helps not only to improve the mood and general condition of the body, but also to help in the treatment of various pathologies.

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