Tomato juice: benefits and harms, tomato juice diet

Tomatoes are an everyday meal. The benefits and harms of tomato juice are discussed by nutritionists and gastroenterologists. The tomato is mistakenly considered a vegetable, although it is a berry from the Solanaceae genus. Natural juice is used fresh, sterilized or prepared in mixtures. The properties and composition of the berry are described in the article.

Composition and calorie content

Tomato juice is a storehouse of vitamins and minerals. It contains elements of group B, which are responsible for the stability of the nervous system. 100 g of the product contains 70 mg of ascorbic acid, which is 11% of the daily value. With one glass, vitamins of groups E, A, PP, H enter the body. From macroelements, human cells are saturated with potassium, calcium, sulfur, chlorine, sodium and phosphorus. They are accompanied by trace elements: copper, selenium, zinc, iron, nickel, molybdenum, iodine. The body is energized by processing natural sugars in the form of fructose and glucose.

The peel and pulp of a tomato contains fiber. It does not carry nutrients, but it satisfies hunger and improves the muscle mechanics of the stomach. When broken down, pectin is released, which is useful for men and women. Based on the composition, the tomato stimulates the immune system, supplying it with the forces to fight viruses. Those who follow the figure have nothing to worry about, since there are 210 kcal in a liter can of tomato juice.

The benefits of tomato juice

Lycopene in tomato is an antioxidant. Its purpose is to slow down the aging of the body and restore cellular tone. Lycopene inhibits the development of cancer cells in the early stages. This involves acids, of which there are three in tomato juice:

  • oxalic;
  • amber;
  • apple.

Cholesterol plaque is a problem for people with cardiovascular disease. Pectin cleanses blood vessels by breaking down deposits and preventing their formation. It also activates digestive processes by causing the body to produce hydrochloric acid. Tomato cheers up. This is not due to its appearance, but to the elements that contribute to the production of serotonin. Minerals delivered to the body with a tomato drink restore the water-salt balance. The product facilitates the elimination of kidney stones. In the right doses, tomato juice normalizes high blood pressure, relieves pain in angina pectoris.

For women

The premenstrual period and its first day are a test for a woman and for a man who is nearby. Tomato juice relieves pain and evens mood. During the climacteric period, women develop depression, which is explained by hormonal changes. Since substances from tomato juice stimulate the production of the hormone of happiness, the transition is easier to tolerate. Antioxidants nourish skin cells, making them elastic, which affects the health of the skin. Elasticity is increased by restoring water balance and collagen levels. Losing weight is important with food of lower calories, but nutritious. This is the tomato drink. In a calorie deficit, the body burns off the accumulation of adipose tissue.

For men

Men should not bypass tomato juice. The product enhances self-esteem.This is due to masculine strength. When the juice is consumed, the man's body receives retinol and tocopherol. Substances raise testosterone levels. Antioxidants have anti-cancer effects on the prostate and reduce inflammation. Tomato drink is a product of those who want to have children, since its components improve the quality of sperm. When consumed, the erection is prolonged. The likelihood of constipation decreases, a healthy appetite appears and the heaviness in the stomach goes away.

For children

A child's illness is the pain of the parents' heart. Juice from homemade tomatoes strengthens the child's immune system, saturating cells with vitamins and removing toxins. Due to antiseptic properties, inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract are eliminated. Tomato drink increases the digestibility of food and reduces the likelihood of flatulence, which is painful for children. It is used with low acidity. Iron, which is part of the microelements that enter the cells during splitting, is a building material for red blood cells that carry oxygen.

Note! Children under three years old fall into the age limit. Babies under six years old are allowed to drink a glass twice a week.

For pregnant

Tomato maternity drink is controversial, but you can drink tomato juice. If the doctor has not indicated contraindications due to kidney or urinary tract diseases, then there is no prohibition. A fresh product is used, since salts and acids of boiled juice are deposited in the kidneys by stones.

Can I drink tomato juice with diabetes

If the product has not been used before, then it is important to consult a dietitian before introducing it into the diet. There are no contraindications, since the berry has a glycemic index of 33 points. It contains fructose, for the absorption of which the body spends less insulin. The benefits of tomato juice for the human body in strengthening blood vessels and reducing the likelihood of heart attack and stroke. The tomato drink is consumed separately from protein foods: fish, eggs and meat, or from foods containing starch, such as potatoes and corn. The daily dose is a glass. It is divided into three parts and drunk half an hour before meals. Greens, cheese, nuts and olive oil are added to tomato juice.

Diet on tomato juice

For three days of a tomato juice diet, you can lose up to four kilograms. The result will be when following the diet. On the first day, a slice of rye bread with cottage cheese is eaten for breakfast, which is washed down with a glass of freshly squeezed product. Lunch - a glass of juice to a plate of rice with stewed vegetables. For dessert, a baked apple. For dinner, 150 g of chicken or beef with 50 g of rice is prepared for a glass of tomato juice.

For breakfast on the second day, a portion of fruit salad with a glass of tomato juice is eaten. Bananas and grapes are excluded from the menu. Lunch - 150 g boiled sea fish, vegetable salad with tomato and a glass of juice.

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Breakfast of the third day. A glass of tomato juice and 100 g of fat-free cottage cheese. For lunch, steamed fish with a 150 g portion of rice and a glass of juice. For dinner, boil 150 g of beef without salt. The vegetable salad is dressed with olive oil and served with a glass of juice.

Application in cosmetology

Tomatoes and juice are used in the preparation of face masks. Thanks to acids, pigment spots are lightened and inflammation is relieved. Tomatoes smooth out small wrinkles and tone the skin. They are irreplaceable when lightening tan. The substances found in tomatoes remove oily shine and tighten pores, reducing redness. Clean or diluted juice frozen in cubes helps the skin to wake up in the morning. For acne, the tomato is mixed with glycerin and applied to problem areas.

Juice consumption rate

Those with gastrointestinal problems should limit themselves to a glass of tomato juice per day.For people without contraindications, two or three days a week, you can arrange "unlimited" or distribute the dose evenly over the days.

Homemade Tomato Juice Recipe

There are hundreds of recipes on how to make tomato juice, their preparation will take five minutes. The stalk is torn off from the berry and washed under running water. A saucepan of water is placed on the fire. The top or bottom of the tomato is cut with a cross. The berry is lowered into boiling water for 5 seconds. This is done to remove the skin. Tomatoes are cut into pieces and chopped in a blender. The gruel is passed through a sieve to remove solid impurities. Black pepper, olive oil, salt and basil are added to the glass to taste.

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Attention! It is important not to overexpose tomatoes in boiling water, since high temperatures destroy vitamins and minerals.

Tomato juice from tomato paste

Tomato drink is prepared from purchased or prepared tomato paste. The concentrate takes up less volume than the rolled up drink. If you want to quench your thirst, a liquid composition is prepared in which a tablespoon of paste is added to a glass of purified water. To enjoy the taste, the dose is increased to three spoons. The product is seasoned as in the previous case.

Tomato juice for the winter

To make tomato juice at home for the winter, tomatoes are washed and peeled from the stalks. Rot and tainted areas are cut out. Tomatoes are cut into slices and placed in a juicer. If this is an auger device, then the separation from the peel occurs during squeezing. For centrifugal versions or blenders, the pasta is strained through a sieve.

Glass jars are sterilized by steam, microwave or vinegar. The juice is salted, poured into a saucepan, brought to a boil and removed from the fire, since during prolonged heat treatment, useful substances will evaporate. The composition is mixed and poured into prepared containers. Another recipe is shown in the video below.

Packaged tomato juice

Tomato juice in bags is not a sentence. It is important to familiarize yourself with its composition before buying. If the manufacturer indicates that it is made by direct extraction, extraction from direct extraction or reconstituted, then the composition has undergone only the necessary processing. This juice contains no flavorings, dyes or preservatives. The pulp and clarification do not affect the quality.

Nectars and bags with similar names are harmful, since natural extract in them is up to 50% from good brands. The remaining volume is filled with syrup made from sugar, citric acid, salt and preservatives. It is worth abandoning packaged fruit drinks, since the natural part in them is only 15%.


The benefits and harms of tomato juice are assessed based on recommendations and personal impressions. Good turns into bad in the absence of moderation, and this also applies to tomatoes. If you constantly want tomato juice, preference is given to fresh rather than packaged or rolled drink.


Svetlana, Barnaul
The tomato diet unloaded and strengthened my body. I have no gastrointestinal diseases and other contraindications. At the same time, my tomato diet was mixed. Only freshly squeezed tomatoes were used, since a purchased drink will not give the desired result and harm health.
Ekaterina, Chelyabinsk
Tomato is one of my favorite vegetables, so I decided to lose weight with pleasure. I thought that it would not be difficult to hold out on tomatoes for five days. I bought a berry, since the season was, and started. Together with a tomato, I ate one vegetable or fruit a day. Apples, cucumbers and carrots were used. I drank a lot of water and eliminated salt from the diet. During the diet, I managed to get rid of four kilograms of excess weight, which I successfully gained over the next four months. On the third day, terrible heartburn began, since pure tomato juice is saturated with acid that affects the walls of the digestive tract.
Evgeniya, Zelenograd
It is important to understand that a tomato juice diet is not fasting. The two concepts are incompatible and you can easily plant your stomach.But you don't need to pour tomato juice on everything. Tomatoes are combined with dietary chicken and beef. Pure water, which must be consumed at least a liter per day, will allow to dilute the acidity. The juice is not drunk at night, since the result will be the opposite. You can eat everything except fat, and in moderation.
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