Borscht: how is it good for health, is it possible during pregnancy

The benefits of borscht are undeniable - the soup contains very valuable and nutritious foods. But in order for it to have a beneficial effect on the body, you need to know how to eat it correctly, and when the dish can harm.

The chemical composition of borsch

Classic borscht is cooked in meat broth and add beets, cabbage and carrots, tomato paste and onions, parsley and sugar to taste. In the finished soup, many vitamins and minerals present in the original products are preserved, namely:

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  • vitamins C, A and B;
  • vitamins E and H;
  • folic and pantothenic acid;
  • carotenoids;
  • amino acids and organic acids;
  • cellulose;
  • potassium, cobalt and manganese;
  • chromium and phosphorus;
  • copper and molybdenum;
  • magnesium and calcium.
Borsch with meat and vegetables saturates the body not only with carbohydrates, but also with protein

Borscht is a well balanced product in terms of nutrients. Most of its composition is occupied by carbohydrates - about 4.3 g, proteins are present in a significant amount - 3.8 g. Fat has a share of 2.9 g. A portion of soup per 100 g contains 57 kcal.

Why borscht is useful for the body

Borscht saturates well and pleases with a pleasant taste, but these are far from its only advantages. The benefit is that, when used correctly, the soup:

  • gently cleanses the intestines and improves microflora due to the high content of plant fiber;
  • it is well digested and does not stay in the body, but it helps to remove toxins, toxins and heavy metals from tissues;
  • saturates the body with valuable minerals and vitamins, increases the level of hemoglobin and prevents the development of vitamin deficiency;
  • stimulates the kidneys and liver, improves the condition of the stomach and prevents constipation;
  • satisfies well and satisfies hunger for a long time;
  • supplies the body with a large amount of amino acids necessary for building muscle tissue, this is the special benefit of borscht for men;
  • saturates tissues with antioxidants and prevents aging processes and the spread of free radicals.
Classic red borscht is a very satisfying and nutritious dish

There are quite a few recipes for making beetroot soup with meat. Sometimes they add cauliflower instead of white cabbage, tomato pulp instead of paste, increase or decrease the amount of beets.

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There is a green borscht, in which beets are replaced with sorrel; this recipe is especially loved by allergy sufferers, since this ingredient, unlike beets, rarely provokes a negative reaction. But in any of the options, the soup remains very nutritious and beautiful in appearance, and also benefits, which makes it popular.

Why is borscht harmful?

Hearty borscht is considered a very healthy dish. But this does not negate the fact that he can do severe harm:

  1. The classic soup is a strong broth, vegetable or meat. Regardless of what components make up the basis of the soup, with a long digestion they release many harmful compounds, for example, heavy metal salts and other hazardous substances. Also, concentrated meat broth has a very high fat content. Frequent consumption of borscht can lead to the development of gout, kidney and stomach diseases.
  2. The soup contains cabbage and carrots. While these vegetables are of great benefit, they are also the leaders in nitrate accumulation during cultivation. When cooking soup, all toxic substances pass into broth, and, in addition to useful components, a person receives many harmful compounds.
  3. The vegetables that make up the basis of a hot dish contain a lot of oxalic acid. In high concentrations, this compound leads to the deposition of salts, can contribute to the development of osteoporosis, causes caries and negatively affects tooth enamel.
It can damage borscht in case of stomach diseases and a tendency to salt deposits

Rich borscht increases gastric secretion. The soup is useful for poor appetite, as it stimulates digestion, but it is harmful for gastritis, ulcers and pancreatitis. The body begins to intensively produce insulin and hydrochloric acid, and this provokes irritation of the mucous membranes and leads to an exacerbation of ailments.

Soup is dangerous if at least one of the products in its composition causes allergies. In this case, the harmful ingredient must be completely eliminated and replaced with a safe product.

Important! For vegetarians, the benefits and harms of borscht without meat are relevant. To keep the soup nutritious, mushrooms or beans are added to it, but in small quantities, these foods can lead to flatulence and pain in the intestines.

Contraindications to borsch

Not everyone is allowed to eat tasty and hearty soup. For some diseases, the soup must be completely abandoned or its recipe must be greatly changed in order to reduce possible harm. In particular, you cannot eat borscht:

  • with diseases of the liver and gallbladder, fry soup, red tomatoes or a lot of tomato paste becomes especially dangerous;
  • with exacerbation of peptic ulcer or gastritis;
  • with a tendency to allergies - a negative reaction is often caused by tomatoes and beets in the soup;
Recommended reading:  Beets: beneficial properties and contraindications
  • with individual intolerance to any of the components of the soup;
  • with pancreatitis - fatty meat fat has a negative effect on the state of the pancreas;
  • with a tendency to heartburn, in such cases, frying for a nutritious soup becomes very harmful;
  • with frequent digestive disorders, beets in the composition have a stimulating effect on intestinal peristalsis;
  • with kidney and bladder stones, beets and other vegetables during cooking secrete oxalic acid, which contributes to the formation of calculi.
You need to give up borscht for ulcers and kidney stones
Advice! With a sensitive stomach, vinegar and hot spices should not be added to borscht.

Rules for the use of borscht

In order for borsch to bring maximum health benefits, it should be cooked and consumed according to some rules:

  1. Meat for borscht should be of the highest quality, preferably not too fatty. During boiling, it is recommended to drain the first broth; most of the toxins will remain in it. The second broth will be much safer in its composition.
  2. When making soup, vegetables must be heat treated - fried or boiled. At the same time, toxic substances in them are destroyed, and the remaining nitrites easily pass through the intestinal tract with dietary fibers and are excreted from the body.
  3. It is recommended to add a little lemon juice to borsch, it has a neutralizing effect on nitrates and prevents them from turning into dangerous carcinogens. In addition, lemon juice improves the taste of the soup and gives it a brighter color.
  4. Oxalic acid in borscht can be neutralized with sour cream, just put a spoonful of low-fat dairy product in the finished first course.
  5. White cabbage in borscht often provokes increased gas formation and leads to unpleasant sensations in the intestines.If you have a tendency to flatulence, broccoli or cauliflower can be added to the soup instead, they are absorbed softer and faster.
For better assimilation, white cabbage in borscht can be replaced with broccoli or cauliflower

It is recommended to use borscht with benefit in the middle of the day. In the morning, the soup may be too heavy to digest, and in the evening it will prevent you from sleeping peacefully.

Attention! It is not recommended to eat beet soup every day - it is better to eat it 1-2 times a week.

Is it possible for pregnant women to borscht

Beetroot borsch is good for pregnant women. It contains optimally balanced proteins, carbohydrates and fats, the soup promotes good digestion and leaves a feeling of fullness for a long time:

  1. A high-quality borscht contains many vitamins that are important for a pregnant woman and a fetus. In particular, the dish contains folic acid, it has a beneficial effect on the immune system and nervous state of the woman, and also contributes to the healthy intrauterine development of the child.
  2. Vitamin C in the soup helps a woman protect herself from colds, and minerals regulate the water-salt balance and relieve swelling.
  3. The benefit of borscht for pregnant women is that it prevents constipation.
  4. The soup has a thinning effect on the blood, does not allow blood clots to form and protects against the development of varicose veins.

Some ingredients in beetroot soup during pregnancy can cause allergies or flatulence. Therefore, when carrying a child, it is recommended to pay special attention to the composition of the soup, it should include only those foods that are well absorbed by the body.

During pregnancy, it is better to add white chicken rather than red meat to borsch

Chicken borscht will be of great benefit, it will be quite light and low-fat, but it will contain a lot of protein compounds. Instead of sauerkraut during pregnancy, it is better to add broccoli or cauliflower to the soup, they are less likely to cause gas and bloating in the stomach.


The benefits of borscht are in demand by men and women, the soup saturates the body with protein, vitamins and minerals. To prevent a hot dish from damaging your digestion, you need to carefully approach its preparation and use only those products that do not cause negative reactions.

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