Why ricotta is useful: cheese composition, calorie content, harm

The benefits and harms of ricotta cheese will interest connoisseurs of delicious and healthy food. To get the maximum pleasure from the product and not harm the body, you need to study the composition and rules of use.

Ricotta production technology

Delicate cheese of Italian origin called ricotta has a white color, soft texture and grainy structure. It is produced in two ways:

  1. From milk... The starter bacteria and stabilizers are added to the warm unpasteurized beverage. Then the milk is heated to 80 ° C while kneading, wait for the appearance of protein clumps and leave them to stand for a little while. After that, the clots are removed, excess liquid is allowed to drain and the compacted mass is placed in a container.
  2. From whey... Milk and a little salt are added to the finished liquid left after the preparation of hard cheese, heated to 85 ° C, then the foam is removed and the proteins rise to the surface. They are left to seal for 8 hours, and then removed, dried in perforated containers and packed in containers.

Ricotta can be not only soft, but also dense, almost hard, if the cheese has been dried for a long time. There are also baked and smoked varieties.

Ricotta cheese can be fluffy or quite dense
Important! Quality ricotta has a sweetish and slightly bland taste. There should be no sourness in it.

Composition and calorie content of ricotta cheese

Ricotta has a high nutritional value and rich chemical composition. Delicious cheese contains:

  • calcium and phosphorus;
  • vitamins A and D;
  • potassium and zinc;
  • vitamin E;
  • Omega-6 and Omega-3 acids;
  • vitamins B and K;
  • monounsaturated fats;
  • selenium;
  • a large number of amino acids.

In terms of energy value, the product consists mainly of fats and proteins, 12 and 11 g, respectively. The soft ricotta cheese contains only 3 g of carbohydrates.

How many calories are in ricotta cheese

Nutritional value depends on the type of product. In 100 g of classic cheese, there are 174 calories, for low-fat cheese, the figure is lower, only 150 calories.

Why ricotta is good for you

Soft whey cheese has not only a pleasant taste, but also numerous valuable properties. With regular inclusion of ricotta in the menu:

  • replenishes the lack of calcium and B vitamins;
  • supplies the body with high-quality animal protein and promotes muscle building;
  • strengthens bones due to the high content of phosphorus, protects teeth from decay;
  • improves the condition of cartilage tissue and helps to restore joints after diseases and injuries;
  • helps to normalize hormones in both women and men;
  • strengthens blood vessels and supports the work of the heart muscle;
  • improves skin condition and accelerates the healing of damage;
  • protects eyesight due to vitamin A;
  • normalizes the process of hematopoiesis and prevents the development of anemia;
  • activates the brain, and also strengthens the immune resistance;
  • evens out blood pressure and helps to cope with edema;
  • benefits from diseases of the intestines and stomach;
  • serves as the prevention of cancer.
Ricotta contains a lot of amino acids

Whey cheese contains vitamins K and D. Thanks to them, the absorption of calcium from other food products is improved.

For women

For women, taking soft whey cheese is useful primarily for taking care of beauty and youth. The product has a very beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and hair, improves metabolic processes in cells, and normalizes the fat content of the epidermis. The beneficial properties of ricotta cheese are in demand during a diet, in moderation it will not harm, but it will help preserve muscle mass and maintain water balance.

The product contains selenium. This element regulates hormonal levels in women, which makes whey cheese useful for PMS and menopause.

It is recommended to use the product for pregnant women, they especially often suffer from a lack of calcium when carrying a baby. Ricotta while breastfeeding can also be eaten without fear, if there is no individual allergy, cheese will not harm either the nursing mother or the baby.

For men

For the stronger sex, the protein in ricotta cheese is of high value. With regular use of the product, you can increase the musculature and protect the muscles from destruction during intense workouts in the gym. In addition, whey cheese prevents vascular diseases in men and reduces the likelihood of developing a heart attack.

Ricotta is beneficial for athletes as it maintains muscle mass

For seniors

Eating whey cheese is very beneficial in old age. Vitamins A and B in the composition of the product protect eyesight, therefore ricotta serves as a prophylaxis of ophthalmic ailments. The beneficial effect of cheese on blood vessels and the brain prevents the development of Alzheimer's disease, and protein helps maintain muscle mass.

Attention! Especially useful for the elderly are calcium and phosphorus in ricotta. Regular consumption of the product helps to slow down the degenerative processes in the joints in case of arthrosis, arthritis and osteoporosis.

For children

Ricotta cheese contains proteins and valuable trace elements that are responsible for the healthy development of a child's body. The product rarely causes allergies, since there is almost no casein in it, and moreover, it is liked by most babies. Some manufacturers even include whey cheese in baby food, mixing it with vegetable and fruit purees.

Thus, it is possible to offer a whey product to a child in the first months of life, simultaneously with complementary foods. You should start with small dosages, but if there is no negative reaction, the cheese can be left in the diet.

Ricotta can be offered to children from 6-8 months
Attention! Like any product, ricotta has certain contraindications. Before introducing cheese into a child's permanent menu, you should definitely consult a pediatrician.

For athletes

Due to its high content of proteins and amino acids, in particular leucine, ricotta promotes muscle growth and protects against fatigue. The product is very useful for athletes and men engaged in physical work. Cheese will not only have a beneficial effect on the muscular system, but will also help protect joints and cartilage from injuries and diseases, which often suffer under increased stress.

When losing weight

Ricotta has an average nutritional value - from 150 to 175 calories per 100 g. But if consumed in moderation on a diet, cheese will be beneficial, since it will deliver the necessary amino acids to the body and will not lead to weight gain. In addition, the whey product promotes the production of the hormone serotonin, which means it improves mood and helps to maintain vigor throughout the day.

On a diet, ricotta helps to remove harmful substances from the body, relieves tissues of excess fluids and edema, and maintains a healthy stomach.

Advice! You need to combine cheese with vegetables, dietary fish and lean meat, then the benefits of ricotta for weight loss will be maximum.

How to make ricotta at home

Delicate whey cheese does not need to be purchased at the store. You can cook it at home in your own kitchen, you need few ingredients. In particular, you will need to take:

  • 1 liter of quality unpasteurized milk;
  • juice from half a lemon;
  • 300 g fresh cream 20% fat;
  • some salt.
At home, to make ricotta, milk is boiled and curdled protein is collected

The ricotta cooking algorithm is very simple. It looks like this:

  • milk is poured into an enamel pan, cream and half a small spoonful of salt are added;
  • put on the lowest heat and stir from time to time during heating;
  • when boiling milk and cream, add lemon juice and immediately mix the liquid thoroughly.

After 2-3 minutes, the curd flakes will begin to separate from the milk. After that, the fire will need to be turned off, using a slotted spoon to remove the dense mass from the pan and throw it into a colander, previously covered with gauze.

The future cheese is left to drain for about an hour. When there is no moisture left in the curdled protein mass, it will need to be transferred to prepared dishes and sent to the refrigerator.

Attention! Homemade cheese does not last long, you need to eat it within 2 days. Therefore, small portions should be cooked, otherwise the remaining product will simply have to be thrown away.

The use of ricotta cheese in cooking

Delicate and soft cheese can be used not only for sandwiches or as a separate dish. The product is widely used in cooking and is added to a wide variety of dishes:

  1. Ricotta goes well with pasta and boiled potatoes, the food becomes not only tastier, but also more nutritious.
  2. You can add whey cheese to fruit and vegetable salads, no negative reaction from the body will follow after that.
  3. The product is often used as a filling for baked goods, ricotta goes well with pancakes, pies and pastries.
  4. With the use of cheese, lasagne is prepared according to some recipes. Ricotta is a must-have for traditional Sicilian cannoli, Christmas waffle rolls.
  5. In desserts, whey cheese is combined with honey and nuts, the treats are not only pleasant in taste, but also healthy.
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Soft ricotta can be spread over toast or added to cold and hot dishes

Whey cheese decorates almost any dish, giving them a delicate sweetish aftertaste.

Ricotta cheesecake

You can make a delicious and simple cheesecake using ricotta. Recipe:

  • in a blender, grind into small crumbs 300 g of friable cookies, for example, "Yubileiny", and mix it with 180 g of soft butter in a wide container;
  • mix the ingredients well and form a base for cookies with low sides;
  • beat with a blender 250 g of whey cheese and 4 large spoons of sugar;
  • spread the resulting homogeneous mass into a prepared form of cookies and butter;
  • put the workpiece in the oven at 180 ° C.
Ricotta cheesecake - delicious homemade dessert

You need to bake the cheesecake for 50 minutes, after which the oven is turned off and the cake is left to cool for 40 minutes. At this time, 90 g of milk chocolate and 50 ml of cream are melted in a water bath. The cooled cheesecake is poured over with warm icing and put into the freezer overnight, in the morning it remains only to remove the finished dish and let it thaw a little for 20 minutes.

Ricotta salad

Another recipe suggests making a simple and healthy salad with chicken, apples and whey cheese. The algorithm looks like this:

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  • 6 large tablespoons of olive oil are poured into a spacious container;
  • add a small spoonful of honey and salt;
  • add 30 ml of white wine vinegar and 45 g of mustard;
  • put pepper to taste and pour the mixture with 50 ml of water.
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Chicken salad with ricotta and apple is considered dietary

After that, cut into thin slices 2 fresh apples and 150 g of boiled chicken fillet, and knead 250 g of ricotta with a fork. The ingredients are laid out in a deep plate, decorated with lettuce leaves, poured over with the prepared dressing and mixed, and then served.

Which is healthier - cottage cheese or ricotta

Whey cheese is very similar in consistency and appearance to regular curd. At first glance, it may seem that their composition is almost the same, but this is not so.

Ricotta contains many more vitamins and minerals than classic cottage cheese. But the protein albumin in the composition of the product is of particular value; more than half of it consists of blood plasma. In the fight against anemia, with vascular ailments and diseases of the joints, whey product will be much more useful.

The chemical composition of ricotta cheese is superior to ordinary cottage cheese.
Important! The cottage cheese contains a large amount of casein, which often provokes food allergies. But ricotta contains very little of this protein, so you can eat cheese without fear.

Ricotta harm

Whey cheese is not considered a health hazard. However, it can also be harmful in certain diseases and conditions of the body. It is not recommended to consume ricotta:

  • with lactose intolerance, if all dairy products cause a strong negative reaction, then it is better to refuse whey cheese;
  • with chronic heart disease and a tendency to thrombosis, ricotta can have a thickening effect on the blood and lead to blockage of veins and blood vessels;
  • with an individual allergy to a specific product, in this case, cheese will cause a digestive upset;
  • with atherosclerosis - saturated fats in the composition of the product can lead to a strong increase in cholesterol levels.

Even in the absence of contraindications, cheese should be consumed in moderation. The daily dosage should not exceed 250 g, otherwise the effect of the application will be rather negative.

How to choose and store ricotta

To buy high-quality whey cheese in a store, you need to pay attention to a few points:

  1. Product structure... Ricotta should be dense, but not too hard, and consist of small, moist grains, not crumbly, but well pressed together.
  2. Colour... High-quality cheese made in the classical way should be porcelain-white. When it comes to a baked product, then these varieties are slightly brownish.
  3. Aroma and taste... Fresh high-quality ricotta gives off a delicate aroma, it should be sweetish or slightly spicy to taste. The sour aroma and taste indicate that the cheese has gone bad.
It is better to buy ricotta where you can first look at it and even try a little

If ricotta is bought closed, then it is necessary to check the tightness and expiration date. The whey product is stored exclusively in the refrigerator, but even in this case, it must be consumed within 3 days after opening the package. Hard varieties of unusual cheese can stay fresh for up to 2 weeks.


The benefits and harms of ricotta cheese complement each other, but the product has quite a few contraindications. It usually has a beneficial effect on the body and is considered safe for consumption, it is offered even to young children.

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