Is Actimel useful, calorie content

Everyone knows about the beneficial properties of fermented milk products. Especially often they talk about the benefits of the drink "Actimel". In its commercials, the manufacturer promises to improve digestion, cure dysbiosis and even improve the state of the immune system. This article will consider the benefits and harms of Actimel, its composition and use for various diseases.

Product history

The fermented milk drink of the French company Danone is distinguished by a large number of L. Casei Imunitass lactobacilli. It is claimed that there are about 10 billion of them in each bottle, and it is they who explain the beneficial properties of the drink and guarantee the neutralization of the harm received by humans from the environment. The brand appeared in Europe in 1994. The manufacturer launched "Actimel" on the market after the Japanese yogurt Yakult appeared in Europe with the property of stimulating immunity, enriched with bacteria with beneficial properties. Danone has ensured that the use of Actimel improves overall health and has a beneficial effect on bowel function. In addition, they promised to strengthen immunity and neutralize the negative effects of the environment.

Today there are 13 types of drinks. They can be divided into three groups:

  • classical;
  • children's;
  • with vitamin C.

The manufacturer presents its products in 20 world countries.

What is Actimel made of

Actimel differs from conventional fermented milk products in that it contains probiotics. By design, it is shown for use by the whole family. In order to assess its benefits, it will be necessary to analyze in detail the composition of Actimel. The benefits of drinking yoghurt are:

  • skim milk;
  • sugar syrup;
  • powdered milk low in fat;
  • glucose;
  • leaven;
  • lactobacilli.

So, if we compare its composition with ordinary yogurt, then we can conclude that there are no special properties in it. "Actimel" is rich in vitamins and lactobacilli, which have the following actions:

  • promote the absorption of nutrients into the intestinal walls;
  • benefit the immune system
  • improve the intestinal microflora;
  • neutralize the harm from taking medications.

According to experts, these qualities are manifested with the regular use of "Actimel".

Nutritional value and calorie content of Actimel

The calorie content of 100 grams of Actimel is 71 kcal.




3 g


2 g


10 g

Useful and harmful substances in Actimel

Danone is a European corporation that cares about the health of its customers. Therefore, there can be no harmful ingredients in their products.


Among the useful components of yoghurt is vitamin D3... The element has the ability to help the absorption of calcium, promotes bone formation and has a beneficial effect on the surface of the skin.The combination of these beneficial properties makes it beneficial for people of all ages.

Recommended reading:  Why is yogurt useful?

Vitamin AT 6, which is also contained in Actimel, is one of the substances that support the body's biochemical processes. He is responsible for the assimilation of protein components, amino acids, the activity of the cardiovascular system, takes part in the work of the central nervous system and gastrointestinal tract.

Contains Actimel and vitamin FROM... Combining with lactobacilli, it enhances the beneficial effect on the immune system. In addition, ascorbic acid benefits the processes of hematopoiesis, assists in the absorption of iron and stimulates the production of collagen.

Do not be afraid of harm from a possible excess of vitamins, in each portion their rate is strictly calculated.


Among the useful components of "Actimel" should be allocated lactobacilli. They, according to the manufacturer, have a beneficial effect on the activity of the intestines and the entire human body. They are designed to reduce the harm from the effects of the environment, stress and bad habits.

Attention! "Actimel" is not a magic drink, so you shouldn't rely on its beneficial properties while leading an unhealthy lifestyle.

Flavors, colorants and thickeners

In each package of "Actimel" there are also neutral elements: flavorings, thickeners and colorants. These ingredients will not do harm, but you should not expect any benefits from them.

Sodium citrate and gum

Gum - food additive of plant type, obtained from plant seeds. In production, it is used as a thickener and flavor enhancer.

Sodium citrate - a substance of a chemical nature. To obtain it, sodium oxide is added to citric acid. In industrial production it acts as a flavor enhancer and stabilizer. Despite its chemical origin, official sources say sodium citrate is not dangerous.

Attention! Carmine present in the composition tends to provoke a food allergic reaction. The risk is minimal, but it does exist.

Why Actimel is useful

Talking about the miraculous benefits of this yogurt is rash. A bottle of Actimel contains a moderate amount of vitamins and lactobacilli to expect clear results after the first try. But no less important is the fact that there is no harm from admission.

Live bacteria have many beneficial properties and do not cause harm. They can actually promote the production of antibodies to certain types of viruses, which helps to strengthen the immune system. In addition, they prevent pathogenic microflora from multiplying. It is about these lactobacilli that Actimel's commercials tell.

Important! Yoghurt "Actimel" is not a drug, so it cannot be used for the treatment or prevention of specific diseases.

Is Actimel possible for children and at what age

Often moms wonder if Actimel is beneficial for children.

Until the age of three, it is better not to give your child such drinks. Older children are sometimes allowed to replace regular kefir or milk with this fermented milk drink. But we must not forget that everything new can cause allergies in children. This is especially true for a child who has a tendency to allergic reactions.

Reference! On sale there is a special children's "Actimel", the composition of which contributes to the formation of the child's body. Vitamins strengthen the bones and immunity of children


Of course, "Actimel" will be useful for the child: it will help to strengthen the immune system and gastrointestinal tract. In case of interruptions in the work of the intestines, a fermented milk drink will also be beneficial.

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Is Actimel useful for pregnant and lactating

To date, there are no official studies on the action of Actimel on the body of pregnant and lactating women.

Important! An excess of fermented milk products in the diet of pregnant women tends to provoke flatulence.

The diet of pregnant or lactating women should be balanced. Therefore, it is necessary to eat as varied as possible, not giving preference only to fermented milk products, vegetables or meat.

When breastfeeding, it is necessary to monitor possible allergic reactions in a child when Actimel is introduced into the mother's diet. If an allergy is detected in a newborn, it is required to completely exclude this yogurt from the diet.

Actimel for diabetes

The Actimel contains sugar. Therefore, the possibility of its use must be agreed with the doctor.

Actimel and antibiotics

As you know, taking antibiotics has a negative effect on the intestinal microflora. But in case of illness, it is necessary to take medications. In such a situation, Actimel can be beneficial by reducing the harm from exposure to antibiotics. This property of the drink will certainly help your health.

How much Actimel yogurt can you drink per day

Actimel is a fermented milk drink. There cannot be too many lactobacilli, since the excess is excreted from the body, but one should not expect any benefit. You need to know when to stop. Doctors advise taking 1-3 bottles a day.

Harm of Actimel and contraindications for use

Sour milk drink "Actimel" is primarily not recommended for people with lactose intolerance. It is also not advised to persons who have problems with flatulence.

In case of a tendency to allergic reactions, it is necessary to be careful with the new food product and monitor the body's reaction to taking Actimel. This approach will help to obtain beneficial properties and eliminate the possible harm from introducing it into the diet.


It is not worth talking about the special benefits and dangers of Actimel. We can say that this yoghurt is not much different from others on store shelves.

Actimel contains useful ingredients. The most valuable of them are lactobacilli; they are not present in every fermented milk product. It is better to make up for the lack of vitamins with the help of fresh vegetables and fruits, nuts or multivitamin complexes.

Yogurt helps to normalize the intestines and gastrointestinal tract. But we must not forget about the components of "Actimel", which can provoke allergies. It is necessary with caution to enter "Actimel" into the diet for the first time.


Ekaterina Vasilieva, Samara
On TV, they constantly talk about the fact that Actimel is necessary for children. My four-year-old son absolutely refused to eat anything from fermented milk products. But he liked Actimel. Delicious and interestingly packaged yoghurt. There was no harm. We will continue to buy.
Olga Blagodarnaya, Tomsk
I constantly buy Actimel. It is convenient to take such a drink with you to work or on the road: a small bottle, a delicious product, what else is needed! The benefits of taking are obvious: the skin condition has improved, and the intestines work like a clock. At the office, at first they laughed at my "diet lunch", and now they themselves buy this healthy product.

The video will tell you how to make Actimel yogurt at home:

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