Why is yogurt useful?

History has not preserved the facts about where and when they first learned to ferment milk. But the benefits and harms of yogurt were studied in detail 100 years ago by Professor Mechnikov. That is why yogurt is still considered a primordially Russian product. How exactly does it affect the body, what does it contain and how to cook it at home?

The chemical composition and calorie content of yogurt

First of all, yogurt is an easily digestible animal protein, consisting of a complex of valuable amino acids. These are valine, arginine, methionine, lysine and others. The fermented milk product contains:

  • organic acids;
  • saturated and unsaturated fatty acids;
  • Sahara;
  • vitamins E, A, H, group B, choline, folic acid;
  • minerals: calcium, fluorine, zinc, magnesium, iron, iodine, selenium, copper and others;
  • starch;
  • alimentary fiber.

The drink can be of different fat content, its calorie content depends on it per 100 g. On average, it is 50-60 kcal.

Useful properties of yogurt

Like any fermented milk product, yogurt is useful for diseases of the digestive system, in particular for the intestines. Its main difference from sour cream is lower fat content and calorie content, and from kefir it has a more neutral taste, which is important when stomach acidity is disturbed.

The regular use of the drink has a positive effect on the condition of the entire digestive tract:

  • the number of beneficial bacteria of the intestinal microflora is rapidly increasing;
  • cleans the intestinal walls from toxins;
  • stimulates peristalsis;
  • promotes active digestion of food;
  • improves the condition of the skin, hair, nails;
  • promotes weight loss;
  • strengthens the immune system.

Due to the content of fatty and organic acids, as well as a group of vitamins and minerals, the product is useful for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, as well as for the restoration of health after a stroke or heart attack.

The benefits of homemade curdled milk increase significantly, since only natural ingredients are used in its preparation - boiled milk and sour cream as a sourdough.

The benefits of curdled milk for weight loss

This fermented milk product is appreciated in dietetic nutrition for its easy and quick digestibility, low calorie content and cleansing properties. Sour milk is drunk at night to improve bowel function and dull hunger, in the morning it is consumed to stimulate digestion.

There are special fasting days on a healthy drink, which are much easier to carry than unloading on vegetables or fruits. Sitting on a diet, a glass of yogurt can replace an afternoon snack or second breakfast. To speed up metabolic processes in the body, cinnamon is added to the product.

Why is yogurt useful for the night

Drinking a glass of sour milk at night is a good way to restore microflora and strengthen immunity. To do this, choose a product with a neutral taste without pronounced acid. Additional ingredients are also not worth adding.In this case, a clean fresh product is useful, which envelops the walls of the stomach and intestines, promotes the growth of valuable bacteria, saturates the body with minerals and vitamins.

It is good to drink a drink 1.5-2 hours before bedtime for everyone who wants to lose weight and improve the condition of blood vessels, skin and hair. The cleansing properties of the product have a positive effect on all these problems.

Can yogurt be used for pregnant and lactating women

Rather necessary than possible. Gynecologists recommend that women in position drink 2 glasses of this drink a day. In addition to replenishing the deficiency of vitamins and minerals, curdled milk solves problems with constipation, which often suffer from pregnant women.

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Milk curdled milk is useful even for those who are allergic to lactose - milk sugar. In this, this fermented milk product exceeds the benefits of sour cream, kefir and yogurt. And women in the position of lactic acid and animal protein in an easily digestible form are very necessary. Therefore, the product becomes a salvation for lactose intolerance.

During lactation, drinking the drink will help normalize the baby's digestive tract, because some of the beneficial bacteria with breast milk will enter the baby's body. The main thing is to drink yogurt 30-40 minutes before feeding.

Sour milk for children

Children often suffer from dysbiosis, calcium deficiency in the body, weak immunity and high fatigue. In addition, many are allergic to cow's milk. In all these cases, curdled milk is the solution to the problem.

Important! You can give a drink to a child from 2.5 years old, first, 30-50 ml, then increase the volume to 150 ml.

If the pure product is well tolerated, then fruit or natural syrups can be added. It is better to offer the product to the child in between meals; the drink should not be given on an empty stomach, so as not to provoke a change in the acidity level.

How to use yogurt for medicinal purposes

The benefits and harms of yogurt for the human body depend on the correctness of its use, freshness and quality. This product is recognized by both traditional and official medicine. Drinking a fermented milk product is recommended when:

  • gastritis;
  • enteritis;
  • dysbiosis;
  • colds;
  • stomatitis;
  • colitis;
  • constipation.

For medicinal purposes, they drink the product without additives up to 3-4 glasses a day. In the morning on an empty stomach, in the evening before bedtime and in between meals.

Advice! It is useful to drink a warm drink for diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract.

If the throat hurts, a warm compress is made from the product, combined with honey. Similar compresses are done for diseases of the knee joints. They relieve inflammation, pain and restore mobility. In this form, yogurt is especially useful for the elderly.

With dysbiosis

This condition of the intestine is accompanied by pain, stool disturbance, weakness and poor health. Prolonged dysbiosis significantly reduces the body's defenses. To restore the balance of beneficial bacteria, it is recommended to drink a glass of homemade yogurt in the morning and evening.

If the analysis for dysbiosis showed a large growth of pathogenic flora, chopped garlic is added to the drink. This tandem solves two problems at once: destroys harmful microbes and promotes the growth of beneficial bacteria. On average, the course of treatment in this way takes from 2 weeks to a month. The benefits of yogurt for the intestines are complemented by a positive effect on the entire digestive system. Bloating disappears, stools become regular, cramps and pain disappear.

To cleanse the body

To rid the body of toxins and toxins, improve metabolism and free blood vessels from bad cholesterol, in the morning on an empty stomach they drink 1 glass of yogurt. The cleansing course is 10-12 days. During this period, it is recommended to switch to a light diet with limited consumption of meat and fatty foods. You need to drink more clean water, eat raw vegetables and fruits.

Is it possible to drink yogurt with pancreatitis

With chronic pancreatitis, you can drink yogurt only at the stage of stable remission and only in between meals. On an empty stomach, such a product is contraindicated. With an exacerbation of the disease, the drink is dangerous because it contains a lot of lactic acid, which negatively affects the work of the pancreas, enhances the inflammatory processes in it. Only fresh sour milk made from baked or pasteurized milk of medium fat is suitable for consumption. You can add fruit and berry purees to the drink.

The use of yogurt in cosmetology

From this fermented milk drink, you can make masks for hair and skin, use as a means for washing and rinsing. For cosmetic purposes, both store-bought and fresh homemade yogurt with the addition of other active ingredients are used. There are no contraindications for such a product, except for allergies.

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For facial skin

The use of curdled milk for the face lies in its ability to lighten age spots, normalize the work of the sebaceous glands, matte and get rid of rashes. It is used by women with oily and combination skin. You can wash your face with a drink in the evening and in the morning, use it as a make-up remover or prepare healthy masks. Here is a recipe for one of them:

  • take 2 tbsp. l. curdled milk and cottage cheese, knead until smooth;
  • add whipped yolk;
  • add 2-3 drops of lemon or chamomile essential oil;
  • apply the mixture for 25 minutes, rinse with warm water.

This nourishing mask is done 2 times a week. To refresh the complexion, curdled milk is mixed in equal proportions with any fruit or vegetable puree, for example, apple, peach or cucumber.

For hair

The benefits of curdled milk for hair are unique in that it is suitable for any type of hair. Whether dry, oily, dandruff-prone. If you lubricate the dry ends with clean yogurt, they will stop splitting and get a healthy look. If you apply the product to the tips, the production of sebum will normalize, itching, flaking and dandruff will disappear. In general, yogurt nourishes curls, adds shine, strengthens the bulbs, cleanses and restores the structure.

Mask for oily hair:

  • warm a glass of product to room temperature;
  • add 1 teaspoon of salt and a few drops of any essential oil;
  • apply to hair and insulate with cellophane, rinse off after half an hour.

To accelerate hair growth, curdled milk is mixed with egg yolk and a small amount of powdered mustard. And if the shampoo runs out at home, warm yogurt is used instead.

The harm of yogurt and contraindications

Sour milk is not useful for everyone. If a person has a stomach ulcer or gastritis with high acidity, the product is contraindicated for him. It is undesirable for kidney stones and liver diseases. Otherwise, only a poor-quality product can bring harm.

How to make homemade yogurt

To prepare a healthy product, you need to take fresh milk and bring it to a boil. To make the taste more neutral, without sourness, simmer the milk for 5-10 minutes on low heat. Then it is cooled to 38-40 ° C, sour cream or kefir is added as a leaven, wrapped in a towel and placed in a warm place. After 8-10 hours, the drink is ready. The main thing is that the leaven is natural, this is evidenced by the short shelf life of kefir or sour cream. If there are none, use a special dry starter culture, which can be bought at the store.

What is healthier: yogurt, fermented baked milk or kefir

All fermented milk products are good for the body. The difference lies in taste, fat content and consistency. So yogurt is not contraindicated in case of lactose intolerance, and kefir can be drunk while on a strict diet. Ryazhenka, by its properties, is considered a concentrate of useful substances, since part of the water evaporates during its preparation, only proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals and other substances remain.It is impossible to indicate with precision the great benefits of one of these products; individual tolerance and the presence of certain diseases play a role here.


The benefits and harms of yogurt are individual for everyone. The main thing is to take into account possible contraindications before use.


Angelina, 46 years old, Tyumen
After the second birth, age spots began to appear on my temples. Creams did not help, neither did peels. I started using homemade cosmetics - I washed my face with a serum, but the skin was too dry from it, I switched to masks for age spots made from yogurt. I am very pleased, the face has become well-groomed, and the spots have lightened.
Julia, 38 years old, Minsk
My grandmother made masks from curdled milk for the face. Well, these were not masks, but simple washing with sour milk. I also adopted this method of care, however, I use a store product and sometimes add essential oil or honey to it.

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