Useful properties and calorie content of black tea

The benefits and harms of black tea are an urgent question, since this drink occupies one of the first places in popularity. To evaluate the properties of tea, you need to study the characteristics and effects on the body.

What is black tea

In fact, black tea is made from the leaves of the same plant that is used to create green tea... The whole difference lies in the processing of the leaves. For black varieties, the processing is as follows:

  • the collected tea leaves are lightly dried for several hours in order to rid them of excess moisture;
  • then the leaves are rolled and fermented - this allows you to extend the shelf life of tea and reveal the taste;
  • at the final stage, the raw material is dried at a temperature above 90 ° C and, if necessary, subjected to fine cutting.

The finished tea is sorted, flavored or supplemented, depending on the variety, and packaged for sale. The benefits and harms of black tea for the body differ from the properties of green tea, since some of the valuable substances inevitably are lost during the fermentation process. However, the leaves still retain their beneficial properties.

Types of black tea

Tea brewing is usually divided into several categories. First of all, it is sorted by the size of the tea leaves.

  1. The most useful teas are considered to be large leaf teas that have not been sliced ​​during the manufacturing process. They have the deepest taste and softest aroma.
  2. Broken varieties of tea are slightly inferior to them in properties - here the tea leaves are already cut, but large enough, so the tea retains a rich aroma and deep color.
  3. Finely chopped tea leaves are called seeding, or fanning. The advantages of these varieties include quick brewing and strong taste, but their benefits are slightly less.
  4. Tea dust, which is very small particles of tea leaves, is usually packed in paper bags for single use. The drink has a higher strength, but the taste is worse than that of other varieties.

Tea size is not the only way to sort a product. Also teas can be divided according to the type of processing:

  • long-term - this is an ordinary loose tea made from traditional tea leaves;
  • extracted - powder or "liquid" tea with flavors and mild taste;
  • pressed - tea in "tablets", "bricks" or in the form of a tile, which has a bright taste, but a very weak aroma.

Sometimes you can find granular varieties on sale. Such tea is subjected to special rolling during production, and as a result, the leaves give a faint aroma, but have a pronounced taste.

Composition and calorie content of black tea

The health benefits and harms of black tea are a matter of chemical composition. Tea leaves contain:

  • a small amount of vitamin C;
  • vitamins B1 and B2;
  • vitamins K and P;
  • carotene and nicotinic acid;
  • amino acids and pectins;
  • pantothenic acid;
  • potassium and fluorine, iodine;
  • caffeine and tannins.

Thus, the product contains both uniquely beneficial and potentially harmful elements. The calorie content of tea can be considered absolutely unique, if you brew a drink without sugar and other additives, then there will be no calories at all.

Is black tea possible for pregnant and lactating women

The benefits of black tea for women in position are quite large - the drink invigorates, warms, rarely causes nausea. But at the same time, the properties of the drink can also be harmful, increasing blood pressure and accelerating the heart rate. Therefore, drinking black tea during pregnancy is recommended in volumes of no more than a couple of cups a day and should be brewed very weakly. The benefit will be from tea with the addition of medicinal herbs or dried berries.

When breastfeeding, the properties of the drink are also beneficial, it helps to avoid stomach upsets. But you should also drink it weakly brewed, and even better add milk to tea - this will contribute to increased lactation.

Can black tea be given to children

Until the age of 12, strong tea drink is prohibited for children, properties can harm the health of the heart and blood vessels, disrupt the functioning of the child's nervous system. But after reaching this age, black tea for children will be beneficial if you offer it a maximum of a cup a day, in a weak form, with milk or sugar.

For children under 12 years old, there is a special baby granulated tea, it is allowed for consumption from the first months of life. The properties of the product have a calming effect and normalize digestion. But you can give it to your baby in volumes of no more than 100 ml per day.

Attention! Since the drink has some strict contraindications, it is imperative to consult a pediatrician before the first use.

Black tea raises or lowers blood pressure

A healthy drink contains quite a lot of caffeine and tannins, so hypertensive patients need to use it with caution. Black tea increases blood pressure and speeds up the heartbeat, which can be harmful.

But for hypotonic people, the drink is irreplaceable. Strong black tea will help you wake up and get rid of the feeling of fatigue, improve vascular tone and have a positive effect on heart activity.

Is black tea good for weight loss

The benefits and harms of black tea for men and women is that the drink allows you to quickly get rid of extra pounds. In addition to the fact that the product itself has zero calorie content, the composition includes substances that help accelerate metabolism, such as pectins, theine and iodine.

Drinking black tea for weight loss is recommended on an empty stomach before eating. In this case, the benefits will be maximum, since the drink will help burn up to 200 calories in one meal. But it is not recommended to drink tea directly while eating - there will be no harm, but the properties will not be able to bring such benefit to the body.

How to brew black tea correctly

The benefits of black tea for the human body are fully revealed only if the drink is brewed correctly. It is recommended to prepare tea according to the classic procedure - there is nothing complicated in it, but it allows you to enjoy the good taste, aroma and useful properties of the drink.

  • It is necessary to brew tea in a glass, ceramic or porcelain teapot - you cannot use metal dishes for this purpose.
  • Before starting the procedure, an empty kettle is poured with boiling water from the inside several times in order to properly disinfect it and warm the walls.
  • Put 1-2 teaspoons of tea leaves in the teapot and leave it inside the vessel for a couple of minutes.
  • Following this, the kettle is half filled with boiling water and again covered with a lid, and after another 3 minutes, a little fresh boiling water is added and wait 3-4 minutes.

After this time, the healthy drink will be completely ready. You can drink it just like that, or you can add sugar, a little natural honey or a lemon slice.

Can i re-brew tea

If, in order to save money, pour boiling water over the same tea leaves several times, it will not do any harm. However, the benefits of the drink will no longer be. Tea gives off all its valuable properties during the first brewing, and after repeated brewing it loses its taste, smell and even rich color.

How often and with what can you drink black tea

Since tea contains not only useful substances, but also caffeine and tannins, it is not recommended to abuse the drink. The maximum allowable daily dosage for a healthy person is 5 cups a day - then tea will begin to harm the body. Under normal conditions, it is better to limit yourself to even smaller volumes - no more than 2-3 cups, especially when it comes to the benefits and harms of strong black tea.

The classical tea ceremony does not involve adding any additional ingredients to the tea. However, in everyday use, tea is consumed with many sweets, fruits and dried fruits.

  1. For example, sugar and honey, lemon or slices of other citrus fruits, spices - ginger, cinnamon, cardamom can be added to the drink.
  2. In Turkey and Iran, black tea is usually consumed with almonds, figs and raisins.
  3. In Arab countries, mint is often added to the drink, it gives tea a refreshing taste.
  4. Tea with milk is very common in Europe.
Recommended reading:  Mint tea: useful properties and contraindications, how to make

As for Russia, it is customary to drink tea with sweets and sweet pastries, apples and cranberries, sea buckthorn and citrus fruits. The taste and benefits of tea are improved by syrups and preserves, marmalades and jam.

Features of the use of black tea

The medicinal properties of black tea may be beneficial for certain conditions. But in the same way, the drink is capable of causing harm, so that this does not happen, you need to know how to drink tea for various ailments and acute conditions.

With gastritis

Tea for gastritis with any acidity is allowed, but subject to certain conditions.

  1. First of all, it is advisable to use it without sugar and with a low strength, otherwise the drink will cause discomfort.
  2. You need to drink tea for gastritis on a full stomach and warm. A hot drink when consumed on an empty stomach will have an irritating effect on the mucous membranes - the pain from it will only intensify, and heartburn will appear.

It is better to give preference to loose teas, intended for brewing in a teapot, tea bags always remain of lower quality.

With diabetes

For diabetics, sugar-free black tea will benefit - it contains a lot of polyphenols, which have a beneficial effect on blood composition and lower glucose levels. You can drink the drink in a standard amount - 2-4 cups a day, it will not harm, but will improve the condition of the body. At the same time, it is advisable not to drink strong tea on an empty stomach - this can negatively affect the digestive system.

With pancreatitis and cholecystitis

In the period of a sharp exacerbation of pancreatitis or cholecystitis, black tea should be discarded. It will only harm health - in this state it is much more useful to drink plain water or herbal decoctions recommended by a doctor.

But in a state of remission, you can use black tea. However, it should be weak and as natural as possible - without flavors and additives. The daily volume should be no more than 3 cups.

In case of poisoning

The benefits of black tea on an empty stomach are fully manifested in case of poisoning. The drink helps to relieve the symptoms of intoxication in the body, restores sugar levels and normalizes blood pressure.

To benefit from the properties of tea, you need to put half a teaspoon of tea leaves and a couple of teaspoons of sugar on 200 ml of boiling water. Tea is always drunk warm, too hot liquid will harm the weakened intestines. You can consume a healthy drink up to 5 times a day.

For diarrhea

The benefits of sugar-free black tea can help stop diarrhea. For diarrhea, it is recommended to pour 1.5 teaspoons of tea with 150 ml of boiling water, insist a little and drink four times a day without milk and any sweeteners. Valuable substances in the composition of the product will remove bloating and have a strengthening effect.

For constipation

The properties of black tea will also help with constipation. To do this, pour 200 ml of boiling water over half a teaspoon of tea leaves and add a lemon wedge. You need to drink the product up to 6 times a day, in a cup, to enhance the beneficial effect with tea, you can eat dried apricots or prunes - up to 4 pieces per dose.

External use of black tea

The beneficial properties and contraindications of black tea are manifested not only with internal, but also with external use. Tea leaves have a very beneficial effect on the skin, relieves inflammation, and also has a coloring effect when applied to the hair.

For puffiness under the eyes

If bags appear under the eyes from lack of sleep or tiredness, simple tea bags can be used to correct the problem. Tea is brewed, then they take out the bags, wait until they cool down, and put on the eyelids. When using loose tea in a strong liquid, you can moisten cotton pads and put it on your eyes in the same way.

You need to keep the lotions for 10 minutes, during which time the benefits of black tea for the eyes will have time to manifest.

With eye inflammation

Black tea quickly relieves eye irritation and inflammation caused by dry mucous membranes or conjunctivitis. For medicinal purposes, it is recommended to moisten cotton swabs in weak tea several times a day and wipe the eyes with them.

Important! Black tea should be natural, without flavors and additives, otherwise the treatment will be harmful - inflammation can only worsen.

For hair coloring

The benefits of black tea for hair are not only that it strengthens curls. A good brew has light coloring properties. To prepare a cosmetic solution, pour 30 g of tea leaves with 400 ml of water, and then boil over medium heat for 40 minutes.

The resulting broth is filtered and rubbed into the curls along the entire length, and then the head is wrapped with a film for an hour. You do not need to rinse your hair afterwards. Black tea helps to achieve a beautiful dark brown hue, although this color will not last long.

Facial wrinkle remedy

The tannins in healthy tea tighten the skin and restore its elasticity. To get rid of wrinkles, mix equal parts tea leaves, honey and oatmeal. The mask is spread over clean skin and kept for a quarter of an hour until rinsing.

It is better to repeat the procedure regularly, then the properties of the mask will have a noticeable anti-aging effect.

Face mask with yolk

A useful mask based on tea and egg yolk will have a moisturizing and nourishing effect. To make it simple:

  • you need to dilute a large spoonful of flour in a tea brew;
  • then add the yolk;
  • then add sour cream to the ingredients.

Apply the mask for the usual time, for about a quarter of an hour, and then wash off and lubricate the skin with a nourishing cream.

Which tea is healthier: black or green

Green and black tea leaves differ in the way they are processed. Green tea is not fermented, so it retains a lot more antioxidants, vitamins and polyphenols. From the point of view of calorie content, the drinks are almost the same - neither one nor the other harm the figure.

However, you need to be careful when drinking green tea. It should not be drunk more than 2 cups a day, otherwise it may harm the skeletal system due to the leaching of calcium. Black drinks can be taken more often.It is impossible to say unequivocally which of the tea's properties is more useful - it all depends on the state of health and the goals of drinking the tea.

Harm of black tea and contraindications

Black tea itself does not possess harmful properties. However, you need to observe moderate dosages - in excess quantities, the drink leads to an increase in blood pressure. Strong tea is not recommended to be consumed at high temperatures, in this case, the body will be harmed by the acceleration of blood circulation.

Contraindications for the drink are:

  • age up to 12 years;
  • acute kidney ailments;
  • hypertension;
  • glaucoma;
  • ulcer, gastritis and other gastric diseases in the acute phase.

Strong tea is not recommended for pregnant women, since the drink provokes an increase in blood pressure, this can harm the fetus. It is better to give preference to weak tea with the addition of milk. It is also undesirable to combine the product with alcohol - both drinks accelerate the blood flow and, when consumed simultaneously, create an excessive load on the blood vessels and the heart.

How to choose black tea when buying

When buying healthy black tea, it is important to pay attention to how the individual tea leaves look. The quality of tea is evidenced by:

  • rich black color of tea leaves - gray and brown shades indicate low quality;
  • uniformity of tea - whole or crushed leaves should be approximately the same size;
  • the absence of debris in the tea leaves, if there are many fragments of stems and twigs among the tea leaves, this indicates a low quality of the product.

Good quality tea leaves should be well curled. The tea leaves should not be too dry or too wet, especially since the tea should not smell of mold or burnt grass.

You need to pay attention to the date of manufacture indicated on the package. If the tea was produced more than 5 months ago, then it is no longer possible to talk about its freshness. After six months, the brew begins to gradually lose its beneficial properties.

How to store black tea

Good tea requires good storage.

  1. First of all, it must be kept in an airtight and dry container made of glass or porcelain; tin cans are also suitable for storage. It is better not to store tea in plastic containers, because of this, the saturation of its smell and taste is lost, and the beneficial properties are reduced.
  2. Tea does not like high air humidity, it should be placed away from sunlight. A dry, dark, and cool enough cabinet is ideal.
  3. Since the leaves of the tea leaves absorb foreign odors well, you need to make sure that there are no products with bright aromas next to the tea. You should not store the product next to spices and seasonings, they will negatively affect the aroma of the brew and worsen its taste.

Natural tea has a shelf life - you can use it throughout the year. After this time, it will not begin to harm, however, it will also lose its beneficial properties, turning just into dried grass.


The benefits and harms of black tea depend on the quality of the natural brew and on the state of human health. If there are no strict prohibitions on drinking tea, it will have a positive effect on the body and can noticeably improve well-being.


Eliseeva Olga Sergeevna, 28 years old, Moscow
I do not like strict diets, because I can hardly stand them to the end. But black tea for weight loss allows you to lose weight, almost without giving up your favorite foods. It is enough to consume it on an empty stomach before meals, and the kilograms go away very quickly, especially if you actively move.
Andreeva Lyubov Nikolaevna, 35 years old, Novosibirsk
By nature, I have rather weak and brittle hair, and this is hardly corrected even with good shampoos. But black tea for hair helps a lot - it strengthens the curls, regulates the oily skin. Sometimes I use a useful infusion for tinting - the effect does not last long, but the hair does not receive any chemical action.

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