
Jerusalem artichoke syrup: properties, how to cook at home
Jerusalem artichoke is often called "earthen pear" or "Jerusalem artichoke", the plant received these names due to the presence of tubers that are suitable for food. Benefit...
The medicinal properties of horse chestnut tincture, how to prepare it
Not everyone knows that a beautiful tree with a delicate candle-shaped flower and wedge-shaped leaves is a valuable raw material with healing properties ...
Useful properties and calorie content of black tea
The benefits and harms of black tea are an urgent question, since this drink occupies one of the first places in popularity. To evaluate...
Why is carrot tea useful and how to make it
The benefits and harms of carrot tea are due to the peculiarities of its effect on the human body. Carrot tea is a vitamin drink for people ...
Why is red wine useful, properties, composition and calorie content?
The benefits and harms of red wine have been hotly debated since ancient times. People were divided into several camps. Some argue that this alcohol ...
Ivan tea: benefits and harms to health, medicinal properties, photos, application
Many people who trust folk health recipes are interested in the beneficial properties and contraindications of Ivan tea. A herb called Ivan tea is widespread in Russia ...
Why maple juice is useful for the human body
The sugar maple has become the symbol of Canada for the whole world. The country's coat of arms is decorated with a pointed leaf of this tree. Within Canada and beyond ...
Why Essentuki 17 are useful, composition, how to drink correctly
The benefits and harms of Essentuki 17 water are determined by the compliance of the norms of use with the needs of the body. The liquid is used as directed by a specialist exclusively in ...
Ionized water properties, how to make it at home
Water is one of the important components of the life support of the human body, while its structural feature plays an important role. Ionization method ...
Why apple juice is useful, how to make and drink it
The apple is one of the most popular fruits in the world, ranking 3rd after bananas and mangoes. From this unique ...


the beauty
