Why maple juice is useful for the human body

The sugar maple has become the symbol of Canada for the whole world. The country's coat of arms is decorated with a pointed leaf of this tree. Maple juice is considered a traditional drink in Canada and beyond. It is extracted from maple through holes in the bark. The benefits and harms of maple sap are actively discussed by supporters and opponents of the theory of nutrition based on natural ingredients.

Maple sap composition

The main properties of the juice depend on the type of tree, the conditions of its growth, and collection methods. Each type of maple has its own characteristics. The sweeter the variety, the higher the sucrose content.

The liquid contains up to 90% water. The rest of the elements have different useful properties:

  • vitamins of group B, as well as E, C;
  • minerals;
  • polyunsaturated and essential acids;
  • aldehydes and tannins;
  • dextrose, glucose.

Among the B vitamins, the content of the beneficial thiamine is high. Minerals are represented by potassium, calcium, iron, manganese.

Trace elements are necessary for a person for stable growth, they affect cell regeneration, increase immunity.

The carbohydrates that the juice contains help to assimilate useful elements without stressing the body's systems.

Malic acid ranks first among the variety of organic elements. In addition to her, traces were found in the composition amber, fumaric acids. They are natural antioxidants that can affect metabolic processes and become participants in chemical reactions.

Useful properties of maple juice

The benefits of maple sap for the human body are determined in terms of assessing its impact.

It is recommended for use as a preventive agent for vitamin deficiencies, which is undoubtedly beneficial in the spring, when the defenses are weakened and require restoration.

Vitamins have useful properties to influence the level of bad cholesterol. They are necessary for a person as participants in the processes of cell regeneration. Many of the elements presented are beneficial to the condition of the skin, hair, nails.

The juice is used as a remedy that helps to reduce the level of toxins and remove them from the body.

The content of glucose and dextorose makes the drink necessary for a quick recovery of physical strength. Carbohydrates help boost energy. They activate the formation of the "hormone of joy" - serotonin, which provides a charge of vigor and has a beneficial effect on the nervous system.

The juice contains a certain amount of substances that have antioxidant properties that can protect cells from the influence of free radicals. Mechanisms are important for the coordinated work of the endocrine and nervous systems. The production of hormones depends on this, which occupy a special place in the body's scheme.

Tannins endow the drink with anti-inflammatory properties. Aldehydes act as bacteria inhibitors.

The peculiarity and undoubted benefit of maple juice is an environmentally friendly composition, without the addition of impurities or preservatives that can be harmful.

Maple juice can affect all systems, it is consumed depending on the degree of exposure:

  • used as a prophylactic agent against blood clots;
  • used as a gentle type of diuretic;
  • drink for the prevention of vitamin deficiency, colds;
  • antibacterial action explains its external use.
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Maple juice is good for cooking syrup, a traditional sweet dessert. Canadians love him, consider him a national delicacy. It should not be confused with juice. They are different in composition and structure of the liquid. The syrup is made from maple sap by slow, prolonged boiling. As a result of this process, the sugar content rises. The syrup is more high in calories and is used mainly for making desserts or as an addition to marinades.

Information! From 40 liters of juice, 1 liter of syrup is obtained.

Is maple juice good for pregnancy?

The peculiarity of the drink lies in the fact that due to its natural properties, it increases the level of sugar in the human blood. During pregnancy, doctors recommend carefully monitoring all test indicators. If a pregnant woman's sugar levels are elevated or tend to increase, then it is better to refuse the use of juices, including maple juice, so as not to harm health.

Under normal conditions, no harm or risk of gestational (pregnancy-related) conditions, maple sap can be beneficial. It contains B vitamins that are essential for carrying a healthy baby.

Is maple juice for children

For the introduction of maple sap in the diet of children under 3 years old, you should consult a doctor. Some children need an increase in blood sugar, others can be harmed by these mechanisms.

Pediatricians advise against experimenting with young children. The beginning of the drink intake after reaching the age of three years should be slow and gradual in order to be able to assess the reaction of the child's body. Like all natural ingredients, maple sap can trigger the development of allergies.

When and how to harvest maple sap

Not all types of tree are suitable for harvesting maple sap. The most common product is obtained from the sugar variety: it is he who has beneficial properties. Considered suitable are red, black, holly types of maples.

The sugar species grows in the provinces of Canada, as well as in the northern United States. Maples are common in the eastern part of Russia, but they have a completely different type and differ in their properties.

The Canadian sugar maple wakes up from its hibernation in March. This period is recommended for the start of collection. The buds of the trees should be swollen, but not blooming. The air temperature during collection should not be lower than - 2 ° C and above + 6 ° C. For industrial harvesting, a time period of 2 to 3 weeks is used.

The collection begins by screwing a special sleeve into the bark of the tree. The liquid flows through the formed gutter into the prepared container.

Advice! In order not to harm the tree, do not deepen the hole more than 4 cm.

In the last century, special plastic pipes began to be used, which connect trees together, forming a single branched network. This network is called a juice pipe. Industrial production involves collection into prepared vats, which are used for cooking syrup.

Advice! Experts advise choosing quiet places where trees grow away from highways or industrial facilities.

How to store maple juice

For self-storage of juice, choose one of the following methods:

  • sterilized and closed with special lids;
  • boiled down to form maple syrup.
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Freshly extracted liquid cannot be stored for more than 2 days. After this period, she loses her qualities and can do more harm than good.

Another way to preserve and recycle is to make syrup.The liquid is poured into a large container, simmered over low heat for several hours. When the liquid decreases and acquires a viscous structure, the fire is turned off, the syrup is cooled and put away for storage.

The benefits of consuming syrup are much lower, since its properties are determined by an increased amount of sugar in the composition.

Maple sap conservation

The beneficial properties of the drink are partially lost after pasteurization. To preserve the maximum benefits, it is recommended to harvest the juice without added sugar. In this case, the liquid is boiled once, then hermetically sealed, and sterilized again.

Sugar is used in order to dilute the workpieces with water before use. This method is similar to cooking compote. 100 g of sugar is added to 1 liter of juice, boiled, rolled up with lids. The cooled blanks are stored in a cool, dark place.

Advice! For flavoring, it is recommended to add slices of peeled lemons or oranges.

Maple juice tincture

Inhabitants of Canadian provinces make tinctures or wines from juice. To do this, add honey, chopped dried fruits to the liquid. The mixture is infused for 2 weeks. The peculiarity and the main intrigue of the preparation is the variation of the components. Dried fruits are used in different proportions: neighbors and relatives taste each other's wines, share their impressions.

Maple kvass

Consider useful kvass from maple sap. This drink is popular during folk festivals, national Thanksgiving celebrations, and summer picnics. It quenches thirst and has beneficial properties. Many people use it to cleanse the intestines of toxins and toxins, drink it as a diuretic.

Description of the preparation method:

  1. 10 liters of juice is boiled for 20 minutes.
  2. Add 50 g of yeast, leave for 3 days to ferment.
  3. Fermented kvass is poured into glass bottles, insisted for about a month.

Maple sap harm and contraindications

You cannot talk about the benefits of juice without mentioning its possible harm. Like all substances that contain an increased amount of carbohydrates, it may not have beneficial properties if taken excessively.

The use of the product can be harmful to those who are hypersensitive to sugar-containing foods. People who have problems with blood glucose levels should be careful.

The juice can also trigger an allergic reaction. This is especially dangerous for children and pregnant women, therefore, it is necessary to introduce such drinks with caution into the diet so as not to harm the body.


The benefits and harms of maple sap depend on the amount and rules of intake. Moderate consumption is not harmful. The drink has beneficial properties that have a beneficial effect on human health.

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