Why green coffee is good for you

The benefits and harms of green coffee are now being actively discussed. On the one hand, the absence of roasting preserves many of the beneficial properties of coffee beans, on the other hand, the caffeine content in unroasted beans is significantly higher. It is the very high concentrations of this substance that are the main source of problems when drinking green coffee.

Description and taste of green coffee

Green coffee is simply coffee that has not been roasted in beans. And in some cases, drying. Accordingly, it has a different appearance, a different smell, and a different taste.

For some people, especially those who are used to beautiful light or dark brown grains with a pleasant aroma, neither the appearance nor, moreover, the smell of green coffee will be pleasant. The aroma of such a product is similar to the smell of mold.

The brewed drink does not have the properties typical for the usual coffee, it has a bitter taste and the same unpleasant smell. In general, the product is not for everybody. However, its sales have been increasing recently. And the reason for this phenomenon lies in the positive properties of green coffee and its versatility. As a last resort, you can simply fry it yourself.

Composition and calorie content of green coffee

The composition of a green product is difficult to quantify. Much depends on the variety and growing conditions of the beans. A qualitative composition is much easier to describe.

The composition of the beans necessarily includes the basic, "coffee" alkaloids, which provide the drink with its main properties: caffeine, theobromine and theophylline.

The vitamins in beans are represented by the B-group (B1, B2, B5, B6, B9 and B12), as well as tocopherol (vitamin E) and ascorbic acid (vitamin C). Nicotine (vitamin PP) is also included in them.

The organic acids included in the composition are citric, oxalic and acetic.

Of the minerals, the product contains the most potassium, iron and magnesium. Adequate amounts of calcium, sodium and zinc are also present. Essential oils and enzymes give the drink a special smell.

One should not forget about sugars, the concentration of which can reach 7%. In addition to them, cellulose, pectins and multimolecular saccharides are still present from carbohydrates.

The nutritional value of beans is:

  • proteins - 12.3%;
  • fat - 0.2%;
  • carbohydrates - 35.7.

The calorie content of 100 g of green beans is 222 kcal.

Health benefits of green coffee

The main benefit of green coffee, for the sake of which it is worth tolerating its extremely special taste, is the beneficial property to activate metabolism and effectively lose weight in the body.

Moreover, the effect of losing weight is reduced not only to burning fat. The beneficial properties of green coffee include the ability to significantly suppress appetite and reduce hunger.

But the beneficial properties of the drink do not end there. The benefits of the product are expressed in the normalization of blood pressure and the work of the endocrine glands.

A useful property of the product is the ability to regulate bowel function and relieve swelling by removing excess fluid from the body.

The drink improves the functioning of the central nervous system.An equally important beneficial property of the drink is the stimulation of mental and physical activity.

In addition, the product has an effective effect on the skin and hair.

Is green coffee good for weight loss?

The benefits of green coffee for weight loss cannot be overestimated. This type of coffee is currently the most effective way to burn fat and speed up metabolism. And when this function is combined with appetite suppression, the result is achieved even faster.

In addition, its ability to break down adipose tissue is also used in cosmetology.

Attention! Until now, it is green coffee extracts that are part of anti-cellulite creams.

How to brew green coffee properly

Brewing and making a drink from such beans is not easy. First, you need a high-speed grinder that can grind very specific raw coffee beans.

Secondly, there are only three ways to brew it: a drip machine, a press or a Turk. There are no other ways to make coffee. For example, a carob coffee machine will not work for these purposes.

Well, in general, the process completely repeats the brewing of ordinary coffee - both in time and in the sequence of actions.

The benefits and uses of green coffee oil

The beneficial properties of green coffee oil are used mainly in cosmetology. This oil is obtained by pressing beans in presses using "cold" technology. No extraction or refining is carried out. First, coffee oil is already rich in hydrocarbon radicals. And secondly, there is no need for refined oil, consumers perceive only a natural product for one simple reason, that its artificial "improvement" completely deprives it of all useful properties.

The oil is a liquid that is slightly less viscous than olive oil and has a similar color. In some cases, the color of the coffee bean oil will be greener, especially in African varieties.

The benefits of the oil are in the rejuvenation and cleansing of the skin (primarily the face), as well as in the ability to remove subcutaneous fat. The latter is used in procedures aimed at destroying foci of cellulite.

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Green coffee oil for face and neck is used primarily to normalize metabolic processes in the skin and saturate it with nutrients. But no less important is the cleansing effect of this remedy. Also, coffee oil, penetrating the skin, is able to destroy the upper layer of subcutaneous fat.

This oil is also used for hair and nail care. It is believed that this particular oil has the ability to stimulate their growth and renewal to the greatest extent.

Green coffee capsules for weight loss: benefit or harm

Usually, coffee (including green) is sold in the form of beans. However, in recent years, green coffee for weight loss in pills or capsules has become very popular.

In fact, these are the same beans, but in a different package. No action was taken on the active substance. All the positive and negative properties of green coffee are also characteristic of capsules.

The advantages of the product include ease of use. Each capsule contains exactly as much substance as needed for one dose.

Important! There is only one drawback of this form of sale - frequent counterfeiting.

The harm of green coffee

The main harm to the body lies not in green coffee, but in its quantity. When there is enough caffeine, it invigorates, but if there is too much, it becomes a problem. The symptoms of caffeine overdoses are known: disruption of the cardiovascular and nervous systems, excessive stress on the kidneys, leaching of calcium from the body, and so on.

All this becomes especially important when using the drink in question, since the concentration of caffeine in it is several times higher.Therefore, it is strongly recommended to observe dosages and maintain breaks between drinks during the day and combine it correctly with meals.

Important! Green coffee with ginger on an empty stomach is especially harmful, since it can disrupt the work of the entire gastrointestinal tract for a long time (several days).

Contraindications to drinking green coffee

Drinking the drink has the following contraindications:

  • period of pregnancy and lactation;
  • diabetes mellitus of both types;
  • osteoporosis;
  • hypertension;
  • decreased blood clotting.

How to choose and store green coffee

A surprising paradox is the fact that raw coffee does not need such harsh storage conditions as processed coffee. It can even be said that its storage conditions allow it to be stored literally "on the ground in the open."

Therefore, during its transportation it does not matter in what container it was brought or stored. The criterion for the abnormal state of this product will be only direct signs of its deterioration: an appearance with traces of rot or severe contamination.

The same applies to keeping it at home. You can, of course, place it in a sealed container in a dark place with a temperature of about +20 ° C, but this will not affect its useful properties.


The benefits and harms of green coffee are not fully understood. This excellent means for losing weight at one time literally turned the world of nutritionists upside down. In addition, the product is successfully used in cosmetics to normalize processes in the skin and cleanse it, as well as for hair and nail care.


Orlov Evgeniy, Vladivostok
I have dreamed of losing weight for a long time, but it didn’t work. An acquaintance came from Thailand and brought a package of green coffee capsules. Said green coffee helps you lose weight. I decided to give it a try. I started taking it twice a day before meals - everything is as in the instructions. The weight "got under way" in a couple of weeks. For six months, I lost about 10 kg. I don't know who and what is saying, I know for sure: green coffee for weight loss works
Belyaeva Maria, Cherepovets
I use green coffee oil in my cosmetic experiments. Despite the not entirely pleasant appearance and smell, this tool has truly unique abilities. After regular treatment, the facial skin becomes firm and clean. And special products for nails and hair, created on the basis of oil, are able to revive even completely neglected cases. Nowadays, few people are interested in such exotic cosmetics, and in vain. Coffee oil is a unique beneficial ingredient with great potential.
Irina Zaitseva, Ivanovo
After pregnancy, I was literally crushed, and no matter what I did, the weight gain could not be stopped. I tried a lot of products, but opted for green coffee capsules. This unique tool allowed me to lose almost 15 kg of weight! Then I decided to stop. A year later, the weight began to grow again, but I already knew the remedy for this scourge. Now, with any threat of excess weight, I know what to do. Green coffee capsules are one of the simplest and most effective solutions to this problem.
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