The use of Indian onion tincture to treat joints

Indian onions are actively used in folk medicine. The plant is also known under the name of the hellish root, but its official name is poultry (tailed). The recipe for Indian onion tincture for the treatment of joints has been known to traditional healers for a long time. Medicines are made from this houseplant.

Useful properties and chemical composition of the tincture

A tincture made from Indian onions is used to treat joints. Although the remedy is not recognized by official pharmacology, in folk medicine it is actively used for such diagnoses:

  • arthritis;
  • radiculitis;
  • arthrosis;
  • osteochondrosis.

For any diseases of the joints that are accompanied by pain, limited mobility, you can use Indian onion tincture.

Important! It is strictly forbidden to use the drug inside, it is used only externally. The infusion contains a large amount of toxic alkaloids.

The substances that make up Indian onions, even when applied externally, act as follows:

  • reduce the severity of inflammatory processes;
  • anesthetize;
  • stimulate cellular metabolism and blood circulation in the affected area;
  • help relieve pain and restore joint mobility.

The active substances of the hell root also affect the body. A tincture made from a recipe made from Indian onions contains:

  • alkaloids - colchamine, colchicine, colchiceine;
  • glycoalkoloid colchicoside;
  • the sulfur-containing substance thiocolchicine;
  • essential oils;
  • aromatic acids;
  • glucosides;
  • flavonoids.

The concentration of alkaloids, which have a healing effect, is twice as high in the bulb as in the leaves. The therapeutic effect is due to the entry into the composition of colchicine and colchamin. These toxic alkaloids help reduce inflammation, joint pain and soft tissue pain. You just need to choose the correct recipe for the preparation of the tincture for the treatment.

Indian onion is an indoor flower, it is unpretentious, and its useful properties do not depend on the conditions of detention

How to make a tincture

Healers know several recipes for alcoholic infusion that are used to treat joints. Everyone has the right to choose any of the proposed preparation options.

Tincture of Indian onion with vodka for joints

The tincture made from poultry is recommended for patients who suffer from various joint diseases. It is prepared according to this recipe:

  • the leaves are cut into strips of 5-6 cm, the bulbs are chopped;
  • glass containers are filled with raw materials by 1/3 of the volume;
  • the prepared plant is poured with vodka, the liquid must completely fill the jars.

The medicine is left in a cool and dark place to infuse. Shake it daily. The remedy for the treatment of joint diseases will be ready in a month.

Comment! Prescription infusions based on vodka are used to prepare analgesic and anti-inflammatory compresses. They help relieve acute and chronic pain.

Alcohol tincture

You can use rubbing alcohol instead of vodka to make the tincture. Make a remedy for the treatment of joints from old leaves, which are located below. The recipe provides for the possibility of using even those parts of the plant that have dried up. The amount of active substances in them is not less than in green leaves.

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The recipe is simple. The collected leaves are crushed with a knife and ground to a puree-like state in a mortar. The prepared green gruel is poured with 70% alcohol so that the ratio of raw materials and liquid is 1:20. You can use the tincture after ten days. It is not necessary to pre-filter it.

Alcoholic infusion from all parts of the poultry farm

Cooking requires both the leaves of the plant and its bulbs. Collected 20 g of raw materials should be crushed and filled with 100 ml of alcohol.

It is recommended to keep the tincture in a dark place for three weeks. During this period, all the active substances of the plant have time to be released and go into liquid. The product should be used for rubbing problem areas. In a diluted form, compresses can be made from it.

A remedy with healing oils

You can enhance the effect of the active ingredients of Indian onions if camphor oil is added during the preparation of the tincture. During treatment, when applied to the skin, the product will have a cooling effect. This will allow you to quickly get rid of pain in the joints.

An infusion is prepared for treatment according to the following recipe:

  1. Old leaves need to be crushed and grinded in a mortar
  2. Then they are poured with a small amount of vodka or alcohol. The liquid must completely cover the raw material.
  3. After a day, 30 ml of camphor oil and 200 ml of 70% alcohol are added to the mixture. The components should be infused for two weeks in a dark place.
Tincture for the treatment of joints from Indian onions, prepared with vodka or alcohol according to a folk recipe, should be slimy to the touch

If desired, camphor oil can be replaced with eucalyptus oil. The recipe for the infusion for the treatment of joints is slightly different from others. To prepare the medicine, crushed leaves are immediately poured into 20 g of oil. Then add 50 ml of 70% alcohol to the prepared base. After a week, the joint remedy made according to the indicated recipe can be used. Under the influence of active substances in the affected area, blood circulation increases, healing components penetrate faster to the sore spot.

How to treat with tincture

For problems with small joints (knee, elbow, shoulder, etc.), traditional healers advise making compresses from Indian onion tincture. To do this, take a gauze or cloth cut, fold it several times and moisten it well in liquid. The lightly squeezed tissue is applied to the problem area. From above it is covered with polyethylene and wrapped in a warm scarf or scarf.

Compresses should be kept for 30 minutes. In the absence of discomfort, the treatment time can be extended up to an hour.

Attention! If discomfort, a strong burning sensation occurs, the compress should be immediately removed, and the skin should be rinsed under running water. The treatment will have to be stopped.

Problem joints can be rubbed with a tincture prepared according to any of the recipes. They are all similar in efficiency. The liquid should be actively rubbed into the skin until a feeling of warmth appears. After that, you need to wrap the treated area. This treatment is also suitable for people who suffer from back pain caused by back problems.

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Not all people can make compresses and rub tincture of Indian onions into their skin. The list of contraindications includes:

  • disruption of the blood coagulation system;
  • chronic diseases in the acute stage;
  • the period of pregnancy and lactation.

Physicians recommend caution in patients with renal failure. You also need to carefully monitor the body's response to treatment with Indian onions for older people. Even with a slight deterioration in well-being, the compress should be removed. The areas of the skin in contact with the tincture must be rinsed well. If complications appear, it is advisable to refuse therapy.

In the absence of contraindications, compresses from tincture of Indian onions on the joints are recommended to be done daily for 10-14 days

Problems can be avoided by testing the drug before starting treatment. To do this, the liquid must be applied to the bend of the elbow from the inside. If the skin remains unchanged for several hours, then it can be used for treatment. With redness, rash, itching, it is better to refuse the use of such a folk method.


The recipe for Indian onion tincture for joint treatment is known to many healers. The product is prepared on the basis of vodka or alcohol. It can be used to reduce the intensity of pain, inflammation. Compresses are made from alcoholic infusion or used for rubbing.

Reviews on the use of Indian onion tincture for joints

Tikhomirova Maria, 62 years old, Khabarovsk
I constantly prepare a tincture of Indian onions with vodka according to a folk recipe. Most often I rub her knees, but when the pain is very strong, I do compresses. Relief comes in 1-2 hours after the procedure.
Bykova Lyudmila, 57 years old, Moscow
I have been suffering from arthrosis for many years. According to her friend's recipe, she began to make alcoholic infusions from the leaves of the plant. I use them for making compresses and rubbing. This remedy will not help to get rid of the disease, but it reduces pain and significantly improves the quality of life.
Irina Vodopoikova, 42 years old, Rostov-on-Don
My mother always has a jar of tincture of poultry in the closet. I checked the effect of the remedy on myself when I complained of pain in the ankles. The compress made by Mom according to her signature recipe gave off warmth and felt a slight tingling sensation. Discomfort in the legs disappeared after 20 minutes.

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