How to sew a hole on jeans on the bottom: useful life hacks

Jeans are durable, comfortable and functional, but even such durable fabric can wear out and tear over time. If your favorite pants are worn out from behind to holes, this is not a reason to throw them away, as you can quietly sew jeans on your bottom and not get into an awkward situation at a crucial moment.

What to do if jeans on the pope are torn

Any clothes age and wear out over time, jeans are no exception. Holes appear on them in various places, but there are all sorts of life hacks on how to sew jeans on the bottom unnoticed so that they can be worn for several more years.

You can restore them by making an original designer thing: apply a patch in the form of an applique, artistically sew or darn it imperceptibly. Denim fabric lends itself well to repair, which cannot be said about many other materials.

In order to sew up torn jeans on the pope, you need to prepare some tools: threads, needles, scissors, the appropriate material selected for the color of the fabric, if it is decided to make appliqués.

Basic repair options:

  1. Application... A ready-made factory applique is sewn onto the worn part, or it is independently cut from the material of any texture.
  2. Patch... This is the overlap of a piece of cloth that is best suited in texture and color.
  3. Decorating. This method is perfect for restoring children's clothing, but this option is also used for adults. The hole can be closed with embroidery with threads, matching them in color. For babies, you can create cartoon characters or sew on lace.
  4. Gizmo... Darning is performed on a sewing machine. You can sew up the pants in strings, putting them close to each other, thereby hammering a hole with threads.
Attention! If the gap on the jeans on the pope is insignificant, it is sewn up by connecting the edges to each other and cutting off the protruding threads.

Small holes can be sealed with interlining. To do this, you need to cut out a piece of adhesive fabric of the required size and apply it to the wrong side, connecting the edges to each other. After that, just iron the workpiece.

For any defect, you can choose a specific repair option, taking into account the availability of materials and the nature of the hole

How to patch a hole in jeans on the bottom

The ability to restore the original appearance of the item will depend on its damage. If you just need to sew up worn jeans on the pope, then you can do the repair yourself. The procedure itself consists of preparation (choice of darning option: manual or machine method, selection of material and tools), repair and the final stage (trimming excess fabric and threads, correcting a blemish).

It is very easy to darn jeans on a pope on a typewriter correctly; you only need basic skills. In addition, a professional seamstress can do all the work in a short time.

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How to sew jeans on the bottom by hand

It is easier to repair jeans on the bottom if the hole is rather large. It will not always work out accurately to mend it, it is much more convenient to apply an applique or sew on a patch. You can manually restore things in the following ways:

  1. Latka... You need to choose a flap and thread that are suitable in color and structure. Cut the patch slightly larger than the hole.Fix it with needles on the reverse side with the front side out. Sew on a piece of fabric, making a classic seam, trim off the excess. On the outside, pick up loose jeans threads with stitches. Iron the place of the installed patch to give a neat look.
  2. Application... Prepare a piece of cloth or pick up a ready-made application. For symmetry and attractiveness, you can also make an applique on the second half of the jeans, which is intact. Fix a piece of fabric on top of the hole and wrap its edges inward. Sew up the patch with a regular stitch and hide it with any decorative stitch. After the performed procedures, iron to give a beautiful look.
  3. Darn... This method allows you to sew up holes that are at an oblique angle or in the form of a cut line. Why choose threads that match the color of the material. You need to put stitches from one edge to the other, performing approaches back and forth. Then make the seams perpendicular to those already made. This is done close to each other to make a mesh patch. A needle with a thread is passed from above the seam, then from below. In this case, the main thing is to respect the stitch sizes, making them the same.

In some cases, jeans on the butt are torn due to the fact that a person accidentally sits on a nail. The resulting gap is quite large; it will not work imperceptibly to sew it up. In this case, you can attach a pocket here, then the defect will be hidden, and the jeans will be more functional.

If you carefully sew up the hole, then it is almost invisible.

How beautiful to sew jeans on the pope on a sewing machine

You can carefully sew jeans on the bottom with a sewing machine. The main thing is to choose threads to match the color of the material and be able to work with the equipment. In this case, the darning section will be almost invisible, and the pants will still serve for a long time. There are several options for fixing a hole - patch and gizmo.

Darning is called darning on a sewing machine using additional fabric. Why you need to fix the deformed area in the hoop. On the back of the jeans, place a matching material under the hole. Sew the gap on the outside along the seams with the reverse of the sewing machine. It is necessary to carry out the lines as tightly as possible among themselves, thus filling the space of the hole.

A patch is a classic sewing on a patch with a machine. For which you will additionally need denim, threads chosen to match the color and a piece of glue patch a little larger than the gap. The main stages of work:

  1. Cut out the patch slightly larger than the hole and attach it to the defect from the inside.
  2. On top of the patch, put the adhesive cloth with the sticky part to the jeans.
  3. Attach another piece of fabric on top.
  4. Moisten everything with water and iron with an iron.
  5. From the outside along the edge of the hole, go in a “zigzag” pattern with a wide stitching with a 1 mm lead.
  6. After the end of the procedure, pull the cut threads to the inside and tie them into knots. The excess fabric is trimmed and the patch is ironed with a hot iron.
Important! If you need to sew jeans on the bottom along the seam, then a sewing machine is best suited.

To do this, it is necessary to sew the edges of the hole on the reverse side with a small line. Then cut out a strip of adhesive fabric, attach to the seam and glue with a hot iron. At the end of the process, from the outside, make a seam with threads that sew the seams on the product.

After any jeans repair, the sealed area must be ironed

Useful Tips

Even when studying all the options on how to fix jeans on the pope, many questions and difficulties may arise in the process of work. But it is better not to sew up the holes, but to use simple recommendations so that the pants are worn for a long time and do not wipe:

  1. Garment care must be carried out in accordance with the instructions on the tag. You need to wash it separately from other things or with the same denim. Before putting them in the washer, they need to be turned inside out.It is undesirable to expose clothes to frequent washing, this leads to a rapid thinning of the material. It is recommended to wash jeans in a delicate wash cycle, in warm water and without using bleaching agents. In this case, things will last longer, and you will not need to sew up the holes on the bottom.
  2. You need to buy jeans exactly in size. Very narrow or, conversely, wide wear out faster.
  3. During the repair, it is necessary to take into account the nature of the deformation. If the gaps are small, it is recommended to seal them with a piece of stuff. Large holes can be masked with a patch. Fasten the emerging cracks with adhesive. The main thing is to make a decorative seam from the outside, otherwise, the base will soon come off.
  4. Drying is carried out naturally by hanging the clothes on the dryer. You shouldn't do this in a washing machine.
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There is no need to worry about the embarrassment that happened, since there are many options for how to quietly sew jeans on the pope, they are chosen taking into account the instructions described above. A little effort, the right fabric and skillful hands will make it easy to sew up a hole. By connecting imagination and showing ingenuity, you can make a unique designer item from torn old clothes that cannot be compared with anything. Everyone can choose which method to use for repairs independently.

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