How to wash a blanket in an automatic machine

It is allowed to wash a blanket in a washing machine if certain rules are followed. A gentle wash will not damage the product - the main thing is to take into account the requirements of a particular fabric.

Can a blanket be washed in a washing machine

A home blanket is a very cozy and beautiful thing that, if handled with care, does not often need to be washed. But sometimes you even need to clean a blanket, it collects dust and dirt, hair, hair of pets.

Washing the bedspread by hand is a very laborious task, since a large product is difficult to process in a basin, and after it gets wet it becomes quite heavy. Much more often it is washed in an automatic machine.

Machine washable for almost all blankets, but some rules must be followed. Namely:

  • carefully study the label of the product before washing, if the bedspread cannot be loaded into the machine, this will be indicated by the manufacturer;
  • take into account the capabilities of household appliances, before washing a large blanket in the washing machine, you need to make sure that it does not become too heavy when wet and does not break the machine;
  • use only a delicate wash for the bedspread.
The blanket can be machine washed if the equipment is designed to handle large items heavier than 5 kg

We recommend dry cleaning before loading the product into the machine. With a brush, hair, wool and other small debris should be removed from the bedspread so that the automatic machine does not clog up during washing.

What mode to wash the blanket

Home bedspreads are made from many materials - wool, fleece, cotton, bamboo, plush or cashmere. But any of the listed fabrics require delicacy. It is not customary to wash the bedspread in hot water and at high speeds, this can damage the strength and color of the product, lead to its stretching and deformation.

The delicate mode for washing a plaid is best for wool or delicate synthetics. In this case, washing will resemble hand washing as much as possible and will not harm the product.

At what temperature to wash the blanket

To prevent the bedspread from losing its shape and attractiveness, it must be washed in warm water. For woolen products, it is recommended to choose a temperature of 30 ° C, for more durable fabrics, you can use water 40 ° C

Important! Bedspreads cannot be machine washed at 60 ° C and higher. That is why it is better to avoid the appearance of serious contaminants that are difficult to wash off in warm water.

How to wash a blanket in an automatic machine

It is necessary to wash bedspreads made of different materials in the machine using one algorithm. But it must be borne in mind that natural and synthetic bedspreads have their own characteristics.

How to machine wash a fleece blanket

Synthetic fleece is one of the most popular materials for making blankets. The fabric is very soft, pleasant to the touch, and has good warming properties. Since fleece is quite unpretentious, you can machine wash it. In this case, it is necessary:

  • set the temperature not higher than 30 ° С;
  • turn off the spin in the car or set the minimum speed, the fleece does not like strong mechanical stress and can stretch;
  • pour liquid detergent into the tray of the household unit - powders do not wash out well from a soft fleece fabric.
The fleece blanket can be washed at 30 ° C and with liquid gel

It is best to machine wash your fleece blanket separately from other items. Although the fabric remains light enough even after it gets wet, a large blanket will still take up the entire drum space.

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The big advantage of fleece is that it will not wrinkle at all during the washing process, and then it will dry very quickly.

How to wash a "Grass" blanket in a washing machine

"Grass" refers to products with a very long pile, reminiscent of tall grass on a summer lawn. It is possible to wash a fluffy blanket in a washing machine, but the process is associated with certain difficulties:

  1. The fleecy fiber does not tolerate hot water, so you can wash the "Grass" only at 30 ° C.
  2. If the bedspread is washed incorrectly in the machine, the long pile can get disheveled and the product will lose its attractiveness. Therefore, it is recommended to wash "Grass" in a special bag that allows water to pass through, it will prevent damage to the product.
  3. Long-nap bedspreads cannot be washed with powder. Only liquid gels are poured into the machine tray, which are easily washed out of the pile. The detergent should not contain chlorine, otherwise both the structure of the fabric and the color will suffer.
  4. Spinning when washing "Grass" is set not higher than 400 rpm, but it is better to completely disable this function.
The "Travka" blanket has a long pile, so the product should be machine washed in a special bag
Advice! It is recommended to shake the bedspread immediately after washing to smooth out the pile. Once dry, the garment can be gently brushed with a garment brush to keep it fluffy.

How to machine wash a plush blanket

Soft plush bedspreads are machine washable and can handle automatic processing. You only need to follow the basic rules, namely:

  • set a delicate mode and use water not hotter than 40 ° C;
  • turn off the spin or set the lowest speed so as not to damage the fabric structure;
  • use liquid gel for delicate items, powder particles may remain in the plush fabric even after rinsing.
Plush blanket should be washed with liquid

In order to thoroughly rinse the product from the remaining detergent, you can set an additional rinse in the settings when washing in the machine. Plush fabric strongly absorbs water, which makes the blanket much heavier than usual, before washing the product, you need to make sure that it does not overload household appliances.

How to machine wash a woolen blanket

Natural woolen product has excellent warming properties and looks beautiful. But it is quite difficult to wash the bedspread in the washing machine. Hand washing remains optimal, and when carrying out a machine wash, you have to take a lot of care:

  1. Wool must not be machine washed in hot water. The maximum allowable temperature is 30 ° C. If the water is hot, during the transition to rinsing from a sharp temperature contrast, the product will shrink and deform.
  2. You can wash the blanket only with liquid products designed specifically for processing wool. In addition to washing gels, you can pour liquid soap or shampoo with a natural composition into the washing machine tray.
  3. You need to wash the woolen blanket without spinning. Mechanical impact harms tissue fibers, the bedspread loses its attractive appearance and becomes covered with pellets and "icicles" of wool.
Wool bedspreads are washed in cool water and without spinning

To prevent the particles of detergent gel from remaining in the fibers of the fabric, it is advisable to set a double rinse when washing in the machine. Immediately after the end of the automatic program, place the blanket to dry away from the heaters so that the woolen product does not shrink.

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How to dry a blanket properly

In order for the blanket to retain its shape, color and warming properties after washing, it is important to properly dry the product:

  1. It is best to place the cover to dry in a horizontal position so that it does not stretch. A special rack for clothes will work well. To prevent water from dripping from the product to the floor, you can put terry towels or thick cotton cloth underneath.
  2. The thing should not be dried in the bright sun or in the wind - the sun's rays and a strong draft will negatively affect the fabric, making it more rigid. In addition, under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, the coverlet can fade.
  3. A blanket made of wool or plush can take a long time to dry. But you cannot hang it on a battery, on a heater or next to a stove - high-temperature exposure deforms the fabric.
  4. It is undesirable to hang the blanket on a rope or bar, and even more so to leave it not fully straightened. The product will not only stretch, but also warp, so it will not be so convenient to use it.
It is better to dry the blanket on a special horizontal wire rack

The listed rules apply to both natural and synthetic blankets. Bedspreads seem to be resistant to deformation only at first glance, but in reality, improper washing and drying can significantly affect their condition.

Blanket care tips

Even the most gentle wash negatively affects the quality of the bedspread and reduces its life. To clean the product in an automatic machine it was necessary to follow the rules of care:

  1. It is recommended to shake the bedspread every week on the balcony or outside. This removes the accumulated dust, but does not damage the product itself.
  2. A home blanket accumulates not only dirt, but also unpleasant odors. To get rid of dust and odors, it is advised to ventilate it more often, for example, take it out onto the balcony or just hang it in a room with good access to fresh air.
  3. From time to time, the bedspread can be gently cleaned with a dry clothes brush. This will remove dust, hairs and fur from it.
  4. If a stain has formed on the bedspread, you need to clean it immediately, until the dirt has been absorbed. It is not necessary to wash the whole thing; you can simply treat the stained area with soapy water and dry it.
Regular dry brushing will shorten the wash cycle for the bedspread

It is recommended to store the bedspread in the closet in a special air-permeable bag or in a roll of cotton fabric. In this case, it will retain its beautiful appearance and will not suffer from moths.

Attention! It is not necessary to put the blanket in a plastic bag, the fabric will not be able to "breathe" and will acquire an unpleasant odor.


It is necessary to wash a blanket in a washing machine very carefully and only in warm water. Do not use aggressive chemicals for processing, and also expose the cover to strong mechanical stress.

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