How to wash slippers in a washing machine and manually

Washing slippers in the washing machine must follow several rules. An illiterate wash can lead to the fact that dirt does not go away, and home shoes become less beautiful and comfortable.

Can the slippers be washed

In theory, almost any slipper is suitable for washing in an automatic machine. Household shoes are made from materials that are light enough and resistant to getting wet, and usually cleaning does not harm them.

But there is one caveat - if the products are very old or the sole is attached with glue, the danger can threaten the washing machine. It is risky to wash such items in the drum of the machine. In the process, the slippers may fall apart, and then the device will become clogged with threads, scraps of fabric and cardboard from the sole.

You can machine wash only sturdy slippers

To determine if your shoes can be washed in an automatic machine, you need to carefully examine them. If it is new enough and firmly stitched, it is safe to machine wash it.

At what temperature to wash slippers

The optimal mode is lukewarm water no higher than 30 ° C. In extreme cases, the washing machine can be set to 40 ° C, but it is no longer worth raising the temperature further.

How to wash slippers

It is possible, but not desirable, to wash home shoes using regular powder. The cleaning agent granules do not rinse well from the slippers, so it is better to give preference to liquid gels.

Advice! If the slippers are white, you can wash them with bleach, and you can use conditioner for fur slippers. In other cases, these funds are usually not needed.

Washing methods for slippers

Most slippers are machine washable. But in some cases, hand wash is used, so both methods need to be studied in more detail.

The cleaning method depends on the material of the product.

How to wash slippers in a washing machine

Slippers should be washed in the machine according to the usual washing algorithm for any shoe. The procedure looks like this:

  1. Products are rinsed under running water and wipe off the main dirt from the sole. You can brush over the fabric part to shake out fine dust and threads.
  2. Household shoes are placed in a special shoe cover with a mesh structure, you can buy it at any hardware store. The cover is needed so that the slippers do not move too actively in the washing machine and do not harm the drum coating.
  3. Any detergent gel is poured into the powder cuvette. For light colored items, you can also add bleach to help restore the original color.
  4. You need to wash in cool water, so the temperature of the washing machine is set no more than 30-40 ° C.
  5. In the washing machine, set the delicate or hand wash mode and start the unit in operation.
You cannot turn on spinning during washing.

It is necessary to wash the slippers so that they do not deteriorate without spinning, especially since this procedure can damage the washing machine if the sole of the slippers is hard.But it is recommended to set a double rinse, this will allow better removal of detergent residues from the slippers.

How to wash slippers by hand

If the slippers are made of a very delicate material or are too worn out, then it is recommended to wash them not in the washing machine, but by hand.

They do it like this:

  • cool, barely warm water is poured into the basin, and then the gel or ordinary liquid soap is dissolved;
  • shoes, previously washed under the tap, are completely immersed in water for 15 minutes;
  • when the products are properly wet, they are treated with a brush, not only from the outside, but also from the inside;
  • the washed item is thoroughly rinsed in clean water and placed above the bathtub or in the sink so that water can be drained from the cloth.

When water stops dripping from home shoes, it can be straightened out and put to dry.

Important! It is necessary to wash the slippers by hand and in the washing machine after removing all small decorative elements from them - rhinestones, hairpins, buckles.
Hand crafted in a can for delicate or worn items

How to wash home slippers

The washing method largely depends on the material of manufacture of the shoe. Different cleaning methods and techniques are used for fabric, fur and felt slippers.

How to clean fabric slippers

It is easiest to wash fabric slippers, if the house shoes are not too old, then they will tolerate even intensive washing.

In an automatic washing machine, fabrics are washed in the usual way - after placing them in a shoe cover and setting the delicate mode. The main thing is to first remove the plaques, rhinestones and sequins so that when rotating in the washing machine these elements do not come off and clog the unit. The spin mode for washing must be turned off.

The fabric slippers are washed by hand using any washing gel or laundry soap. It is best to handle the fabric elements of shoes with a brush; special care and attention must be taken when cleaning the seams.

Do not bend and twist products during processing, as this can damage their shape.

Fabrics are machine washable well

How to clean white slippers

White slippers can be washed both by hand and in an automatic washing machine. Which method to choose depends on the material of the shoe and on its actual condition. But the main task in any case is the return of white products.

When washing automatically in a washing machine, you can add not only regular gel, but also bleach to the powder drawer. Baking soda or dish soap will also work well.

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For manual cleaning, you can also use bleach or baking soda. You can wash yellowed items with laundry soap, it removes complex dirt well from the fabric structure. It is very important to properly remove soap residues when rinsing white shoes, otherwise yellowish stains may remain.

White slippers can be washed with bleach or baking soda
Advice! In case of heavy soiling, you can wash white products using citric acid or vinegar, they have a good whitening effect. But if the shoes are very old and dilapidated, it is better not to use such aggressive products.

How to wash fur slippers

Fur slippers look very nice and cozy, and they also keep your feet warm. But with constant wear, they lose their attractive appearance very quickly. Not only the sole gets dirty, but also the upper part, the fur gets knocked down and falls off, and the product absorbs an unpleasant smell from the inside.

You can wash fluffy slippers in the washing machine. The procedure looks as usual:

  • soft slippers are placed in the drum, they can be pre-packed in a special cover for washing;
  • a liquid detergent for woolen clothes is poured into a special compartment in the washing machine; it is also useful to add conditioner to soften the fur;
  • the washing machine is run in a delicate mode at 30 ° C with double rinsing.
It is recommended to wash fur slippers more often.

After washing, the slippers are dried, and then gently comb the fur with a small brush to give it the most attractive look.

How to wash felt slippers

Felted felt slippers are highly sensitive. You can only wash them by hand - you cannot load such slippers into the washing machine, they will be damaged.

You need to wash your felt slippers like this:

  • cool water about 30 ° C is poured into the basin;
  • pour in a little detergent for woolen clothes or regular hair shampoo;
  • immerse slippers in water for 2 hours, thick felt should be completely wet, if necessary, the soaking time can be extended;
  • after the felted shoes are soaked in water and detergent, they need to be removed and thoroughly rinsed under the shower or under the tap.
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You need to wash felt slippers by simply soaking them in water; they can neither be rubbed, nor twisted, nor brushed. After washing, the products are left to drain in the sink, and after that they are thoroughly soaked with a towel and sent to dry.

Felt slippers are hand washed only
Important! Since felt shrinks easily, it is better to dry it on a special last, this will keep the shape and size of home shoes.

How to clean slippers with a cork insole

Household slippers with a sewn-in cork insole do not get dirty as quickly as ordinary slippers and absorb odors less. But the reviews confirm that such products also require regular washing.

Cork slippers must not be washed in the washing machine, as the insole may suffer from this. Therefore, the manual method is usually used:

  1. In a bowl of cool water, dilute 5 drops of detergent, add half a glass of vinegar and stir well so that foam does not rise.
  2. Then the slippers need to be rinsed under the tap from the side of the sole.
  3. After that, in the prepared solution, you need to wet the brush of medium hardness and clean the fabric part of the slippers and the cork insole with gentle circular movements.
Cork insoles should be minimally wet

After cleaning, wipe the thing with a damp sponge to remove the remaining solution and carefully examine the results. If necessary, repeat the procedure with a regular soap solution.

How to dry your slippers properly

In accordance with the rules, it is necessary not only to wash, but also to dry home shoes, this allows you to keep their shape. Usually, drying is carried out as follows:

  • immediately after washing, shoes are left in an empty basin or in a sink, leaning against the walls, the bulk of the water should drain freely;
  • after that, the slippers are put on the balcony in a shaded place or left in a warm room with good ventilation;
  • 50 minutes after the start of drying, crumpled paper sheets are placed inside the shoes, they will absorb excess moisture and at the same time retain the shape of slippers;
  • from time to time, the paper inside is changed to a new one, until it dries completely.
When drying, crumpled paper is placed inside the products

To prevent slippers from deforming after processing in a washing machine or hand washing, they need to be dried only in a natural way. You can not speed up the process with a hair dryer, do not put products on a heating radiator or heater.


You can wash slippers in the washing machine, but with due care. If your home shoes are very worn out, then it is better to do with hand washing, and it is advisable not to immerse slippers with cork inserts at all in water.

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