Bran bread: benefits and harms, composition, calorie content, how to bake

The benefits and harms of bran bread has long been an exciting topic for doctors and nutritionists. Previously, bran bread was considered a product of the poor, its cost was lower than that of other types of bakery products. Now the product with bran is in second place in terms of usefulness of consumption, after whole grains.

What bran bread is made of

Bran bread is made from the same set of ingredients as regular bread, but the same amount of bran is added along with the amount of wheat flour. Also, vegetable oil, salt, various additives, water, sugar, yeast are added to the product.

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The bran is obtained after flour grinding - it is a hard shell from which the grain is refined for making wheat and other types of flour. Bran is also processed, crushed into large or small pieces and added when baking some bakery products, thus obtaining a product with a large amount of nutrients.

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Composition and calorie content of bran bread

Wheat bran bread is rich in vitamins, micro and macro elements.


Quantity per 100 g

Calorie content

248 kcal


9 g


3.5 g


48 g

Alimentary fiber

4 g


2 g


227 mg


70 mg


3 mg


80 mg


1,668 mg


190 mg


490 mg


220 mg


31 mg


1,4 mg

The feed of vitamins, macro and microelements in the fresh bran product contains Omega-3 and Omega-6, which affect brain activity, skin condition, and the functioning of the circulatory system.

Why is bran bread useful?

Not everyone likes the taste of the product, or rather, a small number of people, so it is bought only in some cases: during the treatment of diseases of the digestive system, for weight loss and rarely because of its taste. For people with diabetes, bran bread helps to slowly lower blood sugar, reduce cholesterol.

Benefits of bran bread for digestion

The fiber contained in the bran product has a positive effect on the digestive tract, cleansing it of toxins and toxins, making the intestinal walls elastic. Prevents constipation, improves metabolic processes, which contributes to better absorption of food. Especially, bran bread is useful during a diet with pancreatitis, gastritis.

The benefits of bran bread for weight loss

Bran bread, the harm and benefits of which among nutritionists is still a controversial issue: whether it belongs to dietary food products. Naturally, while following the diet, baked goods should be excluded from the diet, but this does not apply to the bran product. The beneficial substances included in its composition help to reduce the amount of cholesterol in the blood, accelerate the metabolic process, respectively, the natural process of fat burning occurs.

A big plus of using such a product is quick satiety, due to the fact that the bran begins to swell in the stomach, keeping the feeling of satiety.

B vitamins affect the nervous system, helping the body to overcome stressful situations, respectively, "not seize" problems. During the diet, the body loses some substances that can negatively affect the condition of the skin, hair, nails. Bran bread allows you to replenish most of the micro and macro elements that strengthen nails, increase skin elasticity.

Fiber helps promote bowel movements, which can help you lose weight.

Is bran bread possible for pregnant and lactating women

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, a woman should be selective in her choice of products, first of all rely on her feelings after eating a new food, watch the baby's reaction and the doctor's recommendations.

Bran bread is a very useful product in the diet of an expectant mother or having a newborn. It has almost no harmful effects on the body, except for individual intolerance. First of all, it contains folic acid, magnesium, which affect the development of the neural tube of the fetus, and accordingly regulate the processes of the correct and healthy development of the unborn baby. Most pregnant and lactating mothers are faced with such a problem as constipation, bloating, flatulence while not having a medication to eliminate such a problem, and bran bread allows you to solve this problem gently, painlessly.

The amount of iron contained in a bran product is 17% of the daily value, which improves blood composition and increases hemoglobin, which is often below normal in pregnant women. Included in the composition of Omega-3 and Omega-6, as well as lutein, they affect visual acuity, increase attention and improve memory.

Is bran bread good for children?

Children under three years old are not recommended to give bran bread, as it can do less benefit than harm: increase intestinal motility, which will affect the bowel movement. The stool will become liquid, while useful substances and microorganisms can come out, it can cause dehydration. For children from three years old, you can add a bran product to the diet, but not more than 50 g per day. For schoolchildren, many experts recommend eating bran bread, as it improves memory, increases concentration, increases physical endurance, and strengthens the immune system.

Rules for eating bran bread

Bran bread should be consumed as an addition to the main course, at any time of the day, but remember that it can cause diarrhea. Enter with caution in the diet if there are chronic gastrointestinal diseases.

If previously there were no bran-containing foods in the diet, you need to start with a small piece and observe the body's reaction, gradually increasing the dosage.

The best combination of bran bread with fermented milk products, which help to absorb more nutrients, it is especially useful to eat bran bread with cheese and butter in the morning, such a breakfast will energize and saturate the body for a long time.

Mothers who have given birth and are breastfeeding with breast milk should stop using it in the first month, because it will affect the formation of stools in the baby.

How much bran bread can you eat per day

The best bread to eat should contain at least 20% bran.

  1. For children from 3 to 7 years old, the daily dose should not exceed 50-70 g.
  2. For an adult up to 300 gr. per day, while for 1 reception - 30-100 g.
  3. For those who follow a diet - 2-3 slices a day, 40-100 g.
  4. Lactating women and pregnant women up to 150 g per day.

When used, it should be attentive to its body, noticing the effect on the state of the body. Many manufacturers add various food additives to the product, which, when combined with other products, can cause an allergic reaction.

How to bake bran bread at home

For cooking, you will need coarse flour (wheat, oatmeal, rye).

  1. Vegetable oil (added to the dough and greased the mold).
  2. Dry yeast).
  3. Salt.
  4. Sugar.
  5. Soda.
  6. Water.
  7. Any additives (seeds, raisins, spices).
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Instead of wholemeal flour, you can buy regular wheat flour and bran.

Oven bran bread recipe

To cook bran bread in the oven you will need:

  • 320 g wheat flour;
  • 100 g of bran;
  • 30 g vegetable or olive oil;
  • 8 g dry yeast;
  • 30 g sugar;
  • 15 g salt;
  • 10 g of soda;
  • 250 ml of water.

The cooking process takes place in several stages.

  1. Dissolve sugar and yeast in a deep container (in warm water).
  2. Add salt, soda, seeds or spices to the water.
  3. Pour flour into the resulting mixture in small portions so that no lumps form.
  4. Knead thoroughly with a spoon, add bran, vegetable oil.
  5. After that, take out the dough on the table and knead, but so that it is not "hammered" or too soft, sticking to the table and hands.
  6. Transfer the dough to a container, cover with a towel, leave warm for 2 hours. During this time, it should increase by 2 times, after which, it should be slightly crumpled again and put into a mold.

Depending on the type of oven, you should choose a temperature regime from 180 to 200 degrees. It will bake for 40-60 minutes. Readiness must be checked with a wooden stick. After cooking, do not immediately take the product out of the oven: leave it for 10-15 minutes with the oven open in the off mode to cool.

Bran bread recipe in a bread maker

To make bran bread in a bread maker you will need:

  • 2.7 tbsp. wheat flour;
  • 1.8 tbsp. bran;
  • 1.5 tbsp. boiled warm water;
  • 4 dec. l. vegetable or olive oil;
  • 0.8 dec. l. dry yeast;
  • 2 dec. l. Sahara;
  • 0.5 dec. l. salt;

The cooking process takes place in several stages.

  1. Prepare a container for a bread machine.
  2. Pour in yeast, flour and bran, add salt, sugar, oil.
  3. Water pours in in a thin stream.
  4. The container is installed in the bread maker, after which you need to set the rye bread baking mode.

Healthy bran bread will be ready in 3.5 hours.

The harm of bran bread and contraindications

It is necessary to give up the use of bran bread during the period of exacerbation of chronic diseases:

  • pancreatitis;
  • gastritis;
  • stomach or intestinal ulcers;
  • colitis;
  • diarrhea.

The quality of the purchased product should also be taken into account. The main thing when adding bran products to the diet is not to exceed the permissible amount of the product.


The benefits and harms of bran bread for the human body depends on the state of health, age and individual preferences. Such a product should be consumed for at least short periods of 1-2 weeks to cleanse the blood vessels and intestines.

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