Linden: benefits and harms, medicinal properties, what it looks like, composition and application

The image of the crown and branches of a linden tree is often found in the state heraldry of European countries, as evidence of the high value of the tree. The Slavs spoke of the linden tree: "it will feed, shoe and heal." The benefits and harms of linden are considered from the standpoint of the effect on the human body.

What does linden look like

The tree has a long history, its average lifespan is 300 - 400 years. There are more than 45 varieties of lindens. On the territory of the European part of Russia, the most common type is small-leaved.

Interesting! Large-leaved and fluffy species are found in Europe. In the Far East, the Far Eastern and Amur lindens are widespread.

The shape of the leaves is considered a feature of all species: it is usually called heart-shaped. When the leaf unfolds, appendages, which are called stipules, are fluffed on both sides. They quickly fall off, revealing a memorable heart shape.

During flowering, several flowers gather in umbrella-shaped inflorescences, which have a yellowish tint, and when blooming, they emit a strong sweet smell. Inside, a nut-shaped fruit ripens.

The tree can grow up to 40 m. The branches and leaves together form a kind of tent, therefore the crown is called tent-shaped. The bark of the linden tree is dark, light and smooth inside, the properties of wood are used for the manufacture of wooden dishes and furniture.

Several centuries ago, bast shoes were woven from the bark, which were famous for their high strength and convenience. It is about this useful property of linden to "shoe" is spoken of in multiple sources, testifying to the life of the ancient Slavs.

The chemical composition and calorie content of linden

The health benefits and harms of linden are determined by the chemical properties of substances contained in flowers, leaves, bracts, tree bark that people use.

Linden is one of the main honey plants in Europe, the flowers of which attract bees with their unique aroma. The honey collected from them is characterized by monoflorism.

Linden flowers contain:

  • ascorbic acid;
  • minerals (calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc);
  • saponins;
  • flavonoids;
  • polysaccharides;
  • tannins;
  • amino acids;
  • essential oils.

Leaves are prized for protein and ascorbic acid... After ripening, the fruits are rich in fatty oils. The benefits of linden blossom for the human body depend on which parts of the product are used and how.

Medicinal properties are manifested when taking drinks from linden flowers or leaves, as well as when using external types.

Useful properties of linden

The use of linden products begins with the preparation of decoctions. For these purposes, linden flowers or leaves are used, the benefits of which for the body are undeniable. The main actions that they possess:

  • anti-inflammatory (polysaccharides and flavonoids tend to stop inflammatory reactions at the cellular level);
  • regenerating (due to the high content of tannins and useful vitamins, the restoration of damaged cells is activated);
  • antipyretic (this action is explained by the high content of vitamin C, which tends to accelerate the formation of sweat);
  • sedative (essential oils in combination with trace elements tend to have a relaxing effect);
  • antiseptic (tannins have the beneficial property of having antimicrobial effect).

For women

The benefits and harms of linden for women are due to the properties of polysaccharides and flavonoids. They have a therapeutic effect on the woman's genitourinary system. The effect of taking infusions based on flowers is observed 5-7 days after the start of the intake.

Vitamins, minerals and essential oils have a positive effect on hormonal levels, so linden is often taken by women who have difficulties during menopause.

For men

Traditional medicine has many recipes using natural plant components. The benefits of linden for men, according to popular connoisseurs, are especially great: without directly affecting potency, it helps to normalize the health of the reproductive system with hemorrhoids and prostatitis. For the preparation of the drug, tree branches are used. They are burned, the coals are collected: on their basis, a decoction for prostatitis is prepared. The broth is taken instead of tea or coffee during the day. Traditional healers convince skeptics that such a drink will not harm the body, and the effective result will be noticeable after 7 days.

For children

The beneficial properties of linden are used to treat various diseases in children. The use of the broth does not harm the child's body, therefore, use begins from the first months of life.

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The broth is used:

  • for the treatment of colds as an antipyretic agent;
  • for coughing up phlegm with inflammation of the upper respiratory tract;
  • to improve digestion with constipation.

Is linden possible for pregnant and lactating women

Pregnancy is a special period for the body. Women try to be especially careful when expecting a baby. Useful decoctions have no contraindications, they can rarely provoke allergic reactions.

For pregnant women, the relative harm of the decoction may lie in the diuretic effect, therefore it is not recommended to use it before bedtime.

The healing properties of linden for lactating women are used as lactogonic agents. The benefits of linden for the female body during this period are undeniable. Substances that contain linden flowers have useful qualities and saturate milk. Decoctions and teas have a calming effect on the nervous system of a young mother and improve hormonal levels.

The benefits of linden for weight loss

Recently, methods of dealing with obesity have become widespread, which are based on the study of the body's response over a long period. Diuretics are characterized as slow weight loss methods.

The advantage of using them is considered to consolidate the result without returning the lost kilograms. Linden decoctions are referred to precisely such means that provide a gentle type of diuretic effect. Reception does not harm in the form of washing out salts from the body, therefore diets based on decoctions of linden flowers as a diuretic are gaining popularity and are beneficial.

In addition to diuretic actions useful for weight loss, linden has a diaphoretic effect, which also helps to remove fluid from the body.

The benefits and harms of linden in diabetes

Linden flowers contain natural polysaccharides: they have medicinal properties that are actively used in diabetes mellitus.For both types of diabetes, linden blossom tea is beneficial.

Treatment consists in a complete rejection of the harm of sweet and starchy foods, as well as replacing the usual drinks with lime decoctions.

Diabetic conditions may differ in terms of blood sugar levels. Decoctions can be harmful during periods when the patient does not need to lower markers that are within normal limits. To avoid harmful effects, you must carefully monitor the test results.

Linden-based traditional medicine recipes

Home treatment usually uses beneficial natural ingredients. The compositions are passed down from generation to generation. The use of linden is dictated by the properties of genetic memory. Those who are not familiar with the recipes are firmly convinced that linden has beneficial properties.

In folk medicine, the properties of dried linden flowers are used, which are not only brewed, but also ground into powder as a basis for the preparation of medicinal products.

The beneficial properties of linden leaves are used in the preparation of compresses for the disinfection and treatment of wounds and burns.

A useful infusion is prepared according to the classic recipe: for 1 tbsp. l. take 200 ml of boiling water. Boil for 10 minutes, cool. The drink is ready.

Information! The medicinal properties of linden bark are used for the preparation of external agents.


It is customary to treat colds with the help of infusions of linden flowers. They help to eliminate or alleviate symptoms, as they have a set of beneficial properties:

  • antipyretic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • diuretic;
  • tonic.


During the period of infection with the influenza virus, the body experiences a load from which it loses its ability to defend itself. Each external factor becomes a provocateur of harm to the immune system.

The benefits of taking linden decoctions are undeniable. To relieve symptoms, it is recommended to take linden infusions 3 times a day.

For headaches

When taken regularly, the infusion has a beneficial sedative effect. Essential oils, which are rich in flowers, leaves and fruits of the tree, have a positive effect on the processes of vasodilation of the brain. This mechanism allows cells to be saturated with oxygen.

This effect explains the benefits of using linden for the treatment of migraines, as well as for improving conditions during periods of nervous disorders.

Leaves are used for severe headache. They are moistened in water, applied to the temples or to the forehead, and kept for 15 - 20 minutes.

For the treatment of cystitis

The beneficial properties of linden are used for the treatment of urogenital dysfunctions in women. The diuretic effect in combination with the anti-inflammatory effect allows you to quickly get rid of the unpleasant symptoms of cystitis.

With kidney inflammation

The mechanism of therapy for nephritis is based on a gentle type of diuretic action. The infusion is indicated for taking during the day to remove toxins from the body. However, the plant can be harmful in the presence of kidney stones. Excessive intake can provoke painful sensations.

For healing wounds and burns

An external agent is prepared in the form of an explosion. For this, 4 tbsp. l. flowers are boiled in 250 ml of water. After thickening, cool, abundantly lubricate the damaged skin with the resulting liquid.

Attention! Bleeding wounds should not be treated: this can harm the epidermis of the skin.

To normalize the menstrual cycle

The benefits of linden for the female body lies in the normalization of hormonal levels. To relieve PMS symptoms and regulate the cycle, use a regular decoction, which is drunk for 7 days, 1 glass daily.

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For a good sleep

To relax the tense muscles of the body, it is recommended to take baths with linden blossoms. This technique has a calming effect due to the active release of beneficial essential oils under the influence of hot water.

To strengthen the nervous system, it is recommended to drink lime tea with honey before bed. The benefits of prevention lie in the creation of a cumulative effect with regular use.

The benefits of a linden broom for a bath

The Russian bath is not only traditions and rituals, but also the philosophy of the health of the Russian person. For many, going to the bathhouse is closely related to the steam room and the choice of brooms. The use of a linden broom for a bath exceeds the useful qualities of oak and conifers. A unique effect is produced by volatile essential oils, which have the property of a calming effect on the nervous system. That is why connoisseurs of bathing traditions highly appreciate the beneficial properties of linden brooms.

How to steam a linden broom

The procedure for steaming brooms is considered one of the main processes in the bath. It starts before going to the steam room. The broom is immersed in cold water for a few minutes, then a basin of hot water is prepared. The water temperature should not be higher than 80 ° C. The broom is completely placed in the basin, left for 15 - 20 minutes.

The use of linden in home cosmetology

The industry uses pomace from linden flowers. It is not uncommon to find hair shampoos or face creams with the addition of an extract. Cosmetologists are actively exploiting the beneficial properties of all components of the tree. At home, you can use homemade products without adding preservatives or fragrances.

Linden for face skin

The most common technique for facial skin care is considered to be ice cubes based on decoctions of flowers. This method not only tones the skin, but also has beneficial antioxidant properties.

Broth with the addition of 1 tsp. honey is suitable for all skin types as a cleanser and tonic.

Linden for hair

Decoctions have a slight lightening effect when used to rinse hair.

Information! Linden rinsing strengthens the hair structure and adds shine.

Possible harm to linden and contraindications

An analysis of the benefits obtained from the properties of linden suggests that there are almost no contraindications for taking decoctions. Linden blossom does not cause allergic reactions when used internally or externally.

Possible harm it can bring to those people who have drops in blood pressure. The diaphoretic effect activates metabolism, which can negatively affect the state of the cardiovascular system in people with problems in this area.


The benefits and harms of linden have been studied based on an analysis of the effects of its effects on the body under various conditions. The centuries-old traditions of using wood testify to its undoubted benefits for humans. In folklore, there are many sayings and proverbs that mention linden with special love. There is a belief that the energy of a tree is so strong that lightning never strikes it, so you should only hide from a thunderstorm under a linden tree.


Onegina Evgeniya Pavlovna, 36 years old, Moscow
I have known about the medicinal properties of linden since childhood. My mother always made a linden infusion, which is beneficial for coughs and fevers, and there is no harm from it, because sugar is replaced by honey. This method always helps me if I catch a cold.
Kucherova Ekaterina Viktorovna, 55 years old, Kislovodsk
Now it is fashionable to talk about the health benefits and dangers of such natural healers as linden. I have been using recipes using flowers and leaves for a very long time, and they have never let me down. This miracle cure with undoubted beneficial properties can benefit any person.
Petrova Maria Vladimirovna, 41 years old, St. Petersburg
For me, as a woman, the medicinal properties of linden are undeniable. This is the kind of plant that can be used for any disease. Recently, decoctions of linden flowers have even been drunk for weight loss. I use infusions to improve sleep quality and calm down during the day.I buy filter bags at the pharmacy and brew when I want to drink tea. I add honey or sugar. It's delicious and healthy.

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