Woodlice herb: medicinal properties, contraindications, from which the plant helps, photo

The healing properties of woodlice herb are especially relevant in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases. Due to its rich vitamin composition, it is able to regulate blood pressure and heart rate. Wood louse is a weed, therefore it is well known to all gardeners. Its undoubted advantage is the protection of the soil from drying out.

What does woodlice grass look like and where does it grow?

To remember what woodlice grass looks like, just look at the photo. Everyone has come across her at least once while weeding a vegetable garden. Woodlouse is a common annual weed that lives on the moist soils of forest edges, vegetable gardens and coastal zones.

Fresh herb is often used in cooking.

Woodlice has thin stems covered with fine villi. In the root area, they gather into a knot. The villi contain moisture that the plant absorbs from the atmosphere. The leaves are rounded-oblong. At the edges, they are dotted with cilia. The height of the plant rosettes ranges from 10 to 35 cm. The grass blooms from May to August. Woodlice flowers are star-shaped. That is why the second name of the plant is stellate.

Woodlice grows both in the subtropics and tropics, and in areas with temperate and cold climates. It is found almost throughout Russia. Most often, the plant lives in the forest, in vegetable gardens and adjacent territories.

Attention! According to signs, if the woodlice flowers do not open at sunrise, it will rain.

The chemical composition of the herb

Woodlice herb has been widely used in herbal medicine due to its rich composition. It contains a lot of acids, trace elements and vitamins. The special value lies in the content of ascorbic acid. Its volume is 65-114 mg. The following elements are also presented in the woodlice:

  • lipids;
  • tannins;
  • flavonoids;
  • alkaloids;
  • vegetable wax;
  • phytoncides;
  • trace elements (silicon, selenium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, cobalt, iodine);
  • vitamins A, E and B;
  • gamma linoleic acid;
  • essential oils.

The leafy part of the herb contains many tripertene saponins. They are organic compounds that differ in surface-active properties.

The healing properties of woodlice herb in folk medicine

Woodlice can often be found in the composition of fees intended for the treatment of gynecological and cardiovascular diseases. In addition, it can be used as an independent remedy for the overall health of the body. Starfish is useful for the following properties:

  • disinfectant action;
  • expansion of the vascular cavity;
  • removal of pain syndrome;
  • activation of immune defense;
  • removal of sputum from the respiratory organs;
  • laxative and diuretic action;
  • increased blood clotting;
  • toning muscles;
  • acceleration of regenerative processes;
  • starting metabolism;
  • treatment of skin diseases;
  • an increase in the level of hemoglobin in the blood.

Healing properties of woodlice herb for joints

According to statistics, woodlice herb effectively treats joint diseases. It helps restore bone joints and relieves tissue swelling. Woodlice is prescribed in the presence of pronounced pain and inflammation. Among the direct indications for taking it, there are gout and the postoperative period. Joint treatment is carried out with the help of a herbal tincture. Compresses are prepared from it, which are applied to the problem area.

During flowering, the grass becomes covered with small white flowers

For the thyroid gland

The medicinal plant woodlice is especially popular in the treatment of the thyroid gland. It contains iodine and useful elements necessary for its assimilation. The herb is often used to treat hyperthyroidism. The disease is accompanied by a lack of iodine due to a violation of its absorption. Components in woodlice improve the functionality of the organ and eliminate the accompanying symptoms of pathology. For this, the juice of the herb is taken in 1 tsp. Once a day. Reception is carried out before meals. Treatment lasts at least 3 weeks.

For children

Wood lice can help children cope with urinary incontinence during sleep. In this case, they practice taking a herbal decoction or put the steamed grass in socks. In case of bruises and sprains, the grass gruel is applied to the problem area in the form of a compress. This helps to relieve pain and eliminate swelling. However, this method of treatment is contraindicated for open wounds.

What diseases does woodlice grass help with?

Since ancient times, woodlice have been considered the grass of life. It is effective against a wide variety of diseases. This is due to its rich composition. First of all, the properties are aimed at strengthening blood vessels and activating the body's defense mechanisms. In addition to this, the herbal ingredients regulate many vital functions.

For intestinal and stomach pains

To eliminate painful sensations in the abdominal cavity, it is customary to use an alcohol tincture of woodlice. It is taken half an hour before meals, after diluting with water. A single dosage is 20 drops per 1 tbsp. water. It should also be remembered that the remedy has a pronounced choleretic effect. This helps to relieve the heaviness in the right side.

Important! Targeted sowing of plants is carried out in the fall or spring directly into the open ground.

With hyperthyroidism

Hyperthyroidism is a clinical condition in which there is an overactive thyroid gland. The pathology is characterized by a sharp decrease in weight, increased sweating and an irregular heartbeat. In case of malfunction of the thyroid gland, the use of woodlice as part of herbal preparations is relevant. It regulates the production of hormones, eliminating unpleasant symptoms. The treatment can take 1-3 months.

For psoriasis

Medium stellate is often used to treat psoriasis. The dried plant is crushed to a powdery state. Then the resulting mixture is mixed with petroleum jelly. The finished herb ointment is applied to the skin surface in a thin layer. The effectiveness of therapy is increased by internal intake of woodlice tincture. It is taken in 1 tsp. 3 times a day before each meal.

Woodlice grass is often found along fences and roads

From injuries and stretch marks

For bruises, injuries and stretch marks, woodlice compresses are used. They are made from steamed grass gruel. The prepared composition is applied to the sore spot, after which it is fixed with a bandage. Such a herb compress is kept for at least half an hour. Woodlice helps to relieve pain and eliminate swelling. The procedures are repeated daily until the discomfort disappears completely.

For sight

Wood lice garden grass is excellent for visual impairment. It helps to restore the cornea of ​​the eye and eliminates the inflammatory process. Herbal decoction is used for washing the mucous membrane and making compresses. In addition, 2-3 drops of woodlice juice are instilled into each eye. This method of application is most relevant in the prevention and treatment of cataracts.

From cracks and spurs on the feet

Wood lice herb is often used for heel spurs and cracked heels. It accelerates regenerative processes and promotes the elimination of pathogens. The herb is brewed in boiling water, cooled, and then applied to the feet area. From above it is fixed with a plastic bag or film and put on a sock. The compress must be kept for at least 2 hours. After 5-6 repetitions, the skin of the feet will become smooth and soft. Along with this, heel spurs will disappear.

Attention! Since ancient times, a decoction of woodlice has been used to treat burns.


In folk medicine, several variations of recipes with woodlice herb are common. The ratio of ingredients in each of them varies. Accordingly, the concentration of the constituent substances will also differ. In addition, alcohol-containing formulations retain their beneficial properties for a longer time. When choosing a remedy, it should be borne in mind that the tincture is contraindicated in diseases of the liver, kidneys and gastrointestinal tract.

Woodlice treatment has a cumulative effect. During therapy, you should monitor your health by regularly taking tests. It is equally important to comply with the dosage and regimen.

Wood lice decoction

Most often, a decoction of the herb is used for oral use. It activates the body's defense mechanisms and accelerates the process of cell and tissue regeneration. During treatment, it is extremely important not to exceed the permissible dosages. This can lead to poisoning.


  • 2 tbsp. l. woodlice herbs;
  • 200 ml of water.

Cooking steps:

  1. Raw materials are poured into a deep container and filled with water. After boiling, the drink is kept on fire for 10 minutes.
  2. The finished medicine is additionally insisted under the lid for 30 minutes.
  3. Reception is carried out according to ¼ Art. 3 times a day.
The concentration of nutrients in the broth, in comparison with the infusion, is higher



  • 1 tbsp. l. dried herbs;
  • 200 ml of water.

Cooking process:

  1. Woodlice is poured with hot water and left to infuse.
  2. After 25 minutes, the resulting product is thoroughly filtered.
  3. It should be taken 100 ml 3 times a day.
Before use, woodlice must be washed

The juice

Woodlice juice helps with lack of appetite and general physical weakness. It is recommended for use during the recovery period after protracted illnesses. Honey in the composition of the medicinal product increases the immunomodulatory effect. The juice is obtained by grinding fresh herbs with a blender. It is mixed with honey in equal proportions. The finished composition is taken in 1 tsp. 3-4 times a day.

Star juice is called the elixir of life


To make tea, you should brew wood lice herb for no more than 5 minutes. This is enough for the plant to release the required amount of nutrients into the water. Both dried and fresh herb can be used as the main ingredient.

Starfish tea can be purchased at a specialty store or pharmacy.


Baths with the addition of a decoction of woodlice do an excellent job with cardiovascular diseases and treat skin lesions. It is enough to add 1-2 liters of medicinal broth to the bath. The duration of the procedure is 20-30 minutes. The general course of treatment depends on how advanced the disease is.

Baths with a decoction of woodlice have a beneficial effect on the skin condition


Compresses with woodlice are effective against ophthalmic diseases, bruises and joint pain. To prepare them, you need to steam a small amount of grass. Then the thick is gently outlived and applied to the problem area.The aging time depends on the scale of the problem. On the eyes, the compresses are kept for 10 minutes, and on the joints - for several hours.

The advantage of compresses is a quick effect
Advice! It is imperative to make sure that there is no allergic reaction before using a remedy.


Woodlice ointment is excellent for burns and joint diseases. It is prepared in a water bath. Store the remedy in the refrigerator. To use the agent inside is categorically contraindicated. It is applied to problem areas of the skin 2 times a day.


  • 50 ml of vegetable oil;
  • 40 g dried wood lice;
  • 40 g cocoa butter;
  • 40 g of beeswax.
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Cooking steps:

  1. The components are placed in a container and placed in a water bath.
  2. It is necessary to stir the mixture periodically until the components are completely dissolved.
  3. When the mass becomes homogeneous, it is removed from the heat and cooled to room temperature.
Starwort ointment has anti-inflammatory and regenerating effects

Application in cosmetology

The benefits and harms of woodlice herb are also taken into account by supporters of home cosmetology. The plant has a positive effect on the condition of the skin and hair. The broth is used to rinse the hair after washing. In order to eliminate acne and give the skin elasticity, woodlice is applied to the face in the form of a gruel. This mask can be kept for no more than 20 minutes. Then it is washed off with warm water.

Woodlice for weight loss

According to the description of the plant, it can be concluded that woodlice promotes weight loss. However, this process requires stamina. The infusion prepared according to the classic recipe should be taken in 100 ml 3 times a day. In total, the duration of admission is 3 months. Statistics show that with the right approach, you can lose weight by 4-5 kg ​​during this period. This effect is due to the activation of metabolism and the diuretic effect of the plant.


Before using woodlice herb, you need to take into account not only the beneficial properties, but also the contraindications of the plant. Otherwise, you may encounter a number of side symptoms. Contraindications for medicinal herbs include:

  • hypotension;
  • individual intolerance;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • period of exacerbation of chronic gastritis;
  • preschool children;
  • pregnancy and lactation period.

Woodlice is considered the strongest allergen. That is why it can provoke negative reactions in children and pregnant women. If you take it for stomach diseases, you can face pain in the abdominal cavity and nausea.

Collection and preparation of grass

Wood lice are harvested during the flowering period. It starts in May and ends in September. In order not to confuse the grass with other weeds, it is advisable to see a photo of the plant before harvesting. Woodlouse has characteristic external features. Leaves and stems can be picked by hand. A collection knife is not required. When choosing a meeting place, it is advisable to give preference to areas away from roads.

The best thing is to grow the plant yourself in the garden

The woodlice should be dried on a baking sheet or pallets, first covered with newspaper. First, the plant is cleaned from the ground, and then laid out in 1 layer for drying. The procedure is performed under a canopy or in a well-ventilated room. Drying can take a total of 24 hours. The finished raw material is transferred to a glass container and covered with a lid. It is stored in a cool dark place for 2 years.

Comment! Some folk recipes involve the use of fresh herbs.


The medicinal properties of woodlice herb are successfully used in folk medicine. With a mild course of the disease, the plant can be an excellent alternative to medications. But it is important to observe its dosage and take into account the existing contraindications.

Reviews about woodlice grass

Kurchatova Elena Nikolaevna, 41 years old, Chisinau
Woodlice grows like a weed on my site. I didn’t even suspect that it is so healthy. But once a friend advised me to make masks out of it. I tried it once - I really liked the result. Now I periodically make masks, adding various oils to the herbal gruel.
Samoilova Ekaterina Vasilievna, 23 years old, Novosibirsk
For the first time I took a decoction of wood lice to improve vision. In combination with other means, an ophthalmologist prescribed it to me. The second time I used the medicine for inflammation of the mucous membrane. I applied compresses to my eyes. The result was not long in coming. But without the advice of a specialist, I would not have dared to do such treatment.
Dmitry Kolesnikov, 56 years old, Yekaterinburg
Woodlice is excellent for joint pain. I made compresses out of it, applied it to my knees. The pain has decreased significantly. The main thing is not to remove the herb compress for as long as possible. To make the effect more noticeable, you can additionally drink herbal decoction.
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