Why broccoli is good for you

Broccoli is one of the favorite vegetables for children and adults. But in order to fully appreciate it, you need to find out what are the benefits and harms of broccoli and how wide the range of its uses.

What is broccoli

In appearance, asparagus cabbage is very different from white cabbage and even cauliflower, but belongs to the same family. There are many types of broccoli, but the most popular is calabrese - cabbage with dense stems and green inflorescences that resemble umbrellas. It is they who are most often used for food, the main supply of nutrients is concentrated in them.

The chemical composition and calorie content of broccoli

The product has a low calorie content - 100 g contains about 34 calories, while 7 g are carbohydrates, and 3 g are proteins. But the elemental composition of cabbage is very rich. It includes:

  • dietary fiber, occupying 10% of the product volume;
  • manganese and sodium;
  • phosphorus and calcium;
  • magnesium and selenium;
  • iron, zinc and copper;
  • amino acids.

Cabbage also contains rare organic compounds that have anti-cancer effects.

What vitamins are found in broccoli

The product is rich in vitamins:

  • a huge number of C and K;
  • B9 and B6;
  • AND;
  • B2, B1, B3 and B5 are represented in small volumes, as well as E.

The presence of all these substances makes the product very valuable for immunity.

Useful properties of broccoli cabbage

The main benefits of raw broccoli for the body:

  • has a beneficial effect on vision;
  • strengthens the liver;
  • has a positive effect on blood vessels and heart;
  • cleanses the body due to the content of antioxidant compounds;
  • increases resistance to colds and infectious diseases.

Benefits of broccoli for women

The fair sex will be interested in that asparagus cabbage qualitatively cleanses the body of toxins, significantly improves the condition of the skin, nails, hair. In addition, it evens out the hormonal background, which is very valuable during menopause or during menstruation.

Benefits of broccoli for men

For men, the anticancer properties of the product are important, since prostate tumors after 50 years are a very common diagnosis. Cabbage prevents the development of atherosclerosis, allowing you to maintain energy and performance longer.

Why broccoli is good for babies and older children

For the baby's body, cabbage is priceless: it rarely causes allergies, but it strengthens the immune system, regulates peristalsis, and serves as an excellent prevention of constipation. Also, the child gets vegetable protein from broccoli.

Broccoli puree for babies is available from 6 months of age. You should start with small portions - no more than 1 teaspoon. Mashed potatoes are made from boiled cabbage and do not add salt to it.

Important! Since broccoli still has a number of contraindications, it is imperative to consult a pediatrician before introducing a product into a children's diet.

Broccoli for pregnant women

Valuable elements in asparagus cabbage allow pregnant women to do without taking additional vitamin complexes. In addition, folic acid has a very good effect on the fetus, protecting it from pathologies.

Can broccoli be breastfed?

For nursing mothers, the vegetable will be of great benefit, and you can return it to the diet as early as 5 weeks after giving birth. Since broccoli is a hypoallergenic food, babies who eat breast milk usually do not experience allergies or colic.

Slimming broccoli cabbage

The calorie content of broccoli per 100 g is only 34 calories, and it contains a lot of fiber. Cabbage is an excellent choice for a diet. Its use reduces appetite, regulates metabolism - and also improves mood, which is very important during a strict diet.

The use of broccoli cabbage for medicinal purposes

The medicinal properties of broccoli are prized in traditional medicine. It is advised to consume the product at least in small quantities:

  • with hormonal disruptions;
  • with food poisoning and other intoxications;
  • with cardiovascular ailments;
  • with high cholesterol levels;
  • with poor metabolism and difficulties with bowel movement;
  • to strengthen nails and hair;
  • for skin care;
  • with a wide range of diseases of the stomach and intestines.
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With pancreatitis

In acute inflammation of the pancreas, the diet is very strict - and broccoli is not included in the list of permitted foods. But 2-3 weeks after the aggravation subsides, cabbage will be beneficial if you eat it boiled, little by little, without salt and spices.

With gastritis

With gastritis and even stomach ulcers, they eat boiled, stewed or steamed broccoli. Carotene in its composition helps relieve inflammation and promotes rapid recovery of mucous membranes.

With gout

Asparagus, like many of its other types, contains purine compounds. Unfortunately, this imposes a ban on the use of the product in case of exacerbation of gout. Even in small quantities, you can eat a vegetable only after consulting a doctor.

With cholecystitis

In case of violations of the outflow of bile, you will have to refuse fresh broccoli, since it irritates the gallbladder. But you can still use boiled or stewed cabbage.

With diabetes

The chromium and sulforaphane in broccoli make it a valuable food for diabetics, as sugar levels stabilize when consumed. It is recommended to eat cabbage regularly, fresh or lightly boiled, so that its benefits will be maximized.

Broccoli against cancer

Green cabbage is considered one of the best cancer prevention agents. The fact is that it contains synergine, sulforaphane and indole-3-carbinol - these substances strengthen the immune system and prevent the development of tumor cells.

The use of broccoli in cosmetology

The product is actively used in home cosmetology. The vitamin composition of broccoli effectively rejuvenates, softens and tightens the skin, accelerates cell renewal. It will also benefit the hair: cabbage strengthens their roots and stimulates the "dormant" bulbs, encouraging them to grow.

Broccoli face masks

In order to normalize the oily skin, you need to do the following mask at least 3 times a week:

  • mix a tablespoon of grated cabbage with the same amount of green clay;
  • distribute the mixture evenly over the skin;
  • after 30 minutes, wash off the mask with warm water.

The product will also help with too dry skin. To moisturize and soften your face, you must:

  • mix a tablespoon of grated cabbage with high fat sour cream;
  • apply the mixture to your face for 30 minutes;
  • wash off the mask with warm water without using soap.

Broccoli hair masks

A good effect for brittle and weakened hair will give such a mask:

  • 10 g of mashed cabbage inflorescences are mixed with 15 g of liquid honey and 10 g of cinnamon;
  • mix until completely homogeneous;
  • lubricate the hair at the roots and wrap the head with a film or towel.

After 15 minutes, the mask is washed off, while it is recommended to use a herbal decoction - chamomile or nettle.

Another mask is useful for oily hair:

  • 10 g of grated cabbage is mixed with 20 g of gray clay;
  • add 15 drops of propolis tincture to the mixture;
  • slightly dilute the mask with mineral water;
  • applied to the hair at the roots and left for half an hour.

After that, the mask is washed off with warm water and the hair is dried without using a hair dryer.

Broccoli oil for hair and skin

In cosmetology, not only fresh cabbage puree is widely used, but also oil obtained from seeds by cold pressing. It has unique properties: it does not leave an unpleasant oily feeling, but at the same time it perfectly softens the skin. It can be used to care for a too dry face, lubricate chapped lips, and apply for massage.

The oil is also good for making hair masks. It can also be used as a conditioner. If you apply a small amount of oil to washed hair, it will give it shine and volume, but the head will not appear dirty.

Why broccoli extract is beneficial

In pharmacies, you can buy broccoli extract - a concentrated dry powder. It is usually sold in capsules, which are taken twice a day with water.

Such a remedy is prescribed for the treatment of gallstone disease and gout, for heart diseases, for the prevention of vision diseases or oncology.

Health benefits of broccoli juice

You can squeeze cabbage and get a tasty and healthy juice that is effective:

  • with a cold, especially at the very beginning of the disease;
  • with a disturbed water-salt balance in the body;
  • with vision problems;
  • with diseases of the thyroid gland.

The juice is used for the prevention of stomach ulcers, strengthens the nervous system, improves heart function and helps to cleanse the body of toxins.

How to cook broccoli deliciously

The product can be used in any form: fresh, boiled, fried, steamed. Cabbage is baked in the oven and stewed. However, it must be borne in mind that during heat treatment, not only the calorie content of the product changes, but also its benefits. Fresh cabbage remains the most useful.

Important! It is not recommended to eat broccoli broth, because harmful compounds remain in the water after cooking.

Cabbage goes well with most foods in the diet. It is used by:

  • in soups and salads;
  • as a side dish for main courses;
  • in casseroles and pies;
  • in vegetable purees.
Advice! Eating raw broccoli, many are afraid to bring harmful microorganisms into the body with it. To avoid this, it is enough to thoroughly rinse the cabbage in running water, hold it for 15 minutes in a saline solution, and then rinse thoroughly again.


Fresh cabbage inflorescences are boiled for a very short time - no more than 3 minutes in salted water. The calorie content of boiled broccoli is only 28 calories, so it is considered dietary.


To stew cabbage, you need to thoroughly wash it and divide it into small inflorescences. Then put in a pan with water and a little olive oil and simmer for 15 minutes. Salt the cabbage; if desired, add onions, garlic and other spices.


Before baking in the oven, it is customary to boil cabbage, and then fry in a pan for about 2 minutes.After that, a baking sheet with cabbage is placed in the oven and baked for half an hour at a temperature of 180 degrees.


Fried cabbage is considered the least healthy, but it is loved for its juicy taste. Fresh inflorescences are fried in olive oil for about 15 minutes. The pre-cooked cabbage will be ready in 4-5 minutes.

Steamed broccoli

Steamed cabbage is even better for the diet than boiled cabbage: 100 g of such a product contains only 27 calories. The cabbage is prepared as follows: the washed inflorescences are laid out in a colander and placed on top of a pot of boiling water, with a lid closed. The dish will be ready in 7 minutes.

How much broccoli can you eat per day

The product does not have a clearly defined daily allowance - in the absence of contraindications, cabbage can be consumed as much as you want. Nevertheless, it is recommended to adhere to a dosage of 200-300 g - from this amount of product, the body will receive all the necessary substances.

How to choose broccoli when buying

It's easy to get quality broccoli from the store.

  • Cabbage inflorescences should be fresh, bright green, without yellowness and signs of wilting.
  • A wet and shiny cut of the stem indicates the freshness of the cabbage, and a dry and yellowed one indicates that the vegetable is stale on the counter.

Storing broccoli

A high-quality and fresh product is stored in the refrigerator for a short time - only up to 3 weeks. However, if necessary, cabbage can be frozen in plastic containers or plastic bags - the benefits of frozen broccoli will last up to 8 months.

Broccoli harm and contraindications

The product has few contraindications, but still sometimes it can be harmful. You can not eat broccoli cabbage inflorescences when:

  • acute gastritis or stomach ulcer during an exacerbation;
  • chronic gastritis with high acidity;
  • acute pancreatitis;
  • product allergies;
  • intolerance to coarse fiber.


The benefits and harms of broccoli depend on how wisely you approach the use of cabbage. The product will be harmful only in case of acute inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract and individual allergies, and in all other cases it will bring undoubted benefits.

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