Why is carrot tea useful and how to make it

The benefits and harms of carrot tea are due to the peculiarities of its effect on the human body. Carrot tea is a vitamin drink for people of all ages. The tea is made from fresh, dried carrots and tops.

Composition and useful properties of carrot tea

  1. Tea solves the problem of strengthening the immune system, removing toxins from the body, and helps to lose weight.
  2. The vitamin composition has a beneficial effect on the state of the cardiovascular system.
  3. The healing properties of carrot tea are due to the content of vitamins A, E, B, PP, iodine, phosphorus, calcium and selenium in dry raw materials.
    Attention! The useful properties of the tops are several times higher than those of other root crops. It contains vitamin K and selenium, which are involved in protein synthesis and are essential for normal metabolism. The high content of chlorophyll gives the green mass properties that improve blood composition. It contains ascorbic acid, potassium, calcium and iron.
  4. Carrot tea is useful for strengthening the skeletal system, and if used regularly, it can prevent iodine deficiency.
  5. The benefit of carrot tea is in its calorie content: the ability to reduce hunger helps people cope with the harm of excess weight.
  6. The benefits of tea are also due to the high content of folic acid, which promotes blood formation.
  7. The malic acid content makes the tea a mild laxative.

What diseases does carrot tea help against?

Infusion is recommended for the following diseases;

  • hypertension;
  • anemias of various origins;
  • colds;
  • eye diseases;
  • prostatitis;
  • urolithiasis;
  • intestinal dysbiosis;
  • constipation;
  • gastritis.

Regular consumption of tea helps to reduce the risk of osteoporosis, periodontitis and tooth decay.

The combination of vitamins A and E will be beneficial to increase skin elasticity, relieve seborrhea and dermatitis.

Harvesting and drying of carrot raw materials for tea

Freshly harvested carrots are best suited for harvesting. Root crops must be prepared for drying as follows:

  1. Choose large carrots without rot and blackening.
  2. Wash with running water, remove all dirt. Can be brushed if necessary.
  3. Wipe vegetables and peel.
  4. Grate the root vegetables on a coarse grater.

Comment! The tops are cut at the time of peak growth. The leaf mass must be rinsed well. Then finely chop and dry in the same way as vegetables.

There are three options for drying root crops:

  1. On air... Grated or finely chopped root vegetables are laid out on trays lined with paper and placed in the sun. The layer of carrots should not be too thick, otherwise it will not dry properly. The mass must be turned daily. Readiness is determined by the following properties of the finished product: smooth natural color without burnt edges, brittleness.
  2. In the oven... Cover the baking sheet with parchment paper, lay out the carrots in an even and thin layer. Withstand 3 hours at a temperature of 80 - 90 degrees. You can dry the raw material in another way. The process consists of three 20-minute stages at a temperature of 200 degrees. After each stage, the product is left to cool completely and turned over.
  3. In an electric dryer... The temperature and drying time are set according to the instructions for the device. This method is the fastest.
Important! It is necessary to check the readiness of the product after complete cooling.

It is necessary to store carrots in a tightly closed container or linen bag.

Carrot tea recipes

The benefits of tea made from carrots and carrot tops are the high vitamin content of the drink. Carrot tea must be brewed properly for maximum benefits.

Fresh carrot tea

For cooking, take the following ingredients:

  • 1 PC. large carrots;
  • 1 glass of water;
  • sugar - as needed.

For the correct preparation of tea, grate the washed and peeled root vegetable on a coarse grater. Put the resulting mass in a teapot or mug, pour boiling water and close. The infusion will be ready in 20 minutes.

Dried carrot tea

The benefits of dried carrot tea are due to the increased concentration of amino acids, flavonoids and other beneficial substances.

Required Ingredients:

  • 4 teaspoons of carrots;
  • glass of water;
  • sugar - as needed.

The dry mixture is poured with boiling water for half an hour and infused until the color of black tea is obtained.

Carrot tops tea

The benefits of carrot leaf tea are due to the presence of selenium, vitamin K and iron.

Pour a tablespoon of dry leaves with a glass of boiling water and leave for 15 minutes. The infusion must be filtered before use.

You can mix herbs and carrots and brew in the same way. This tea has exceptional benefits for the skin due to the presence of a complex of A, E, and K. The beneficial properties of the vitamin cocktail are expressed in maintaining healthy skin, eliminating defects, and enhancing the production of its own collagen.

Usefulness is also due to getting rid of edema, due to the content of potassium. This property will be appreciated by people with obesity and kidney disease.

Carrot tea with herbs and berries

There are many delicious and healthy recipes for carrot tea with herbs, berries and honey.

Tea with rose hips, nettles and currants

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The ingredients are prepared in the following proportions:

  • dried carrots - 5 tsp;
  • rose hips - 5 tsp;
  • nettle - 5 tsp;
  • fresh or dried black currant berries - 1 tsp.

If all components are taken dry, then the mixture can be prepared in advance and used as needed. Fresh currants are added before cooking.

Take 2 teaspoons of the mixture on a glass of tea and leave for 4 hours.

The drink is good during the cold season, has the properties of an immunocorrector to strengthen the body. It is also useful for chronic fatigue, anemia. Nettles, rose hips and currants are high in vitamin C, which adds to the health benefits of this tea.

Dried carrot tea with honey

To prepare one glass of infusion, you need to take 2 tablespoons of dry raw materials. Brew for 15 minutes, filter and add honey.

Tea will soothe before bed and soothe the throat for sore throat. It will be useful for any colds.

Additives for carrot tea can be raspberry leaves, currants - fresh or dry.

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Important! Mixing with different medicinal herbs is not recommended due to the unpredictability of the effect. Nettle, mint, chamomile, lemon balm and calendula will do no harm if added separately.
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Leaves and berries will enhance the benefits of the infusion.

Harm of carrot tea and contraindications

Obvious contraindications include:

  • allergy;
  • pregnancy;
  • breast-feeding.

Other cases:

  1. If you are allergic to herbs, the harm from the use of tops is more than real. The high concentration of essential oils in the green mass will be harmful if they are intolerant.
  2. During the holiday season, overuse of tea can lead to yellowing of the skin.A high content of carotene contributes to tanning, but too much will be harmful.
  3. Carrot tea can be harmful with increased blood clotting: it contains vitamin K.
  4. In the presence of oncology, the regenerative properties of carrots can be harmful. Cancer cells will regenerate along with healthy ones.
  5. For those on a diet, the drink can serve as a snack. You can drink no more than 2-3 cups a day. Exceeding this dosage can lead to nausea, vomiting, headache and other harmful effects on the body.
Important! Tea is recommended to be consumed between main meals.

Harm can only be caused by excessive use and ignoring contraindications.


The benefits and harms of carrot tea should be considered when consumed. Harvesting and drying raw materials at home is not difficult for any housewife: it can be used for a year until the next harvest. Dried carrots and tops will serve as the basis for delicious natural tea.

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