
Mulled wine: calorie content, composition and contraindications
The benefits and harms of mulled wine for the body have been known for a long time. Most often, an alcoholic drink is consumed in the winter to warm up and overcome ...
Booze drink: a recipe from rolled oats, useful properties and contraindications
It is customary to serve this sweetish thick drink at the end of the meal. In some countries it is produced on an industrial scale, but it can be made and ...
Pineapple juice: benefits for men and women
Due to its rich composition, pineapple juice has a number of beneficial properties. It promotes weight loss and has a beneficial effect on the emotional state. Doctors ...
Champagne with GV: can I drink, how much can I feed
Doctors do not recommend drinking champagne while breastfeeding. But there is no categorical prohibition, doctors only advise to give up sparkling wines and ...
Is it possible for pregnant women to champagne: in the second trimester, first and third
Doctors recommend that women who are carrying a child reconsider their lifestyle and completely give up alcohol. Champagne during pregnancy, like ...
Blue tea from Thailand: beneficial properties, chemical composition, contraindications
The benefits and harms of blue tea are not known to everyone. Many people are not even aware of the existence of such a drink. They cook it ...
Champagne: is it harmful to the body, contraindications
The benefits and harms of champagne is an interesting question for sparkling wine lovers. The alcoholic drink does have valuable properties, but this ...
Whiskey: beneficial properties and harm to the body
The benefits and harms of whiskey is an interesting question that at first glance may seem strange. However, an alcoholic drink does have valuable ...
Why is sulfur dioxide added to wine, the effect on the body
The effect on the body of sulfur dioxide in wine can be harmful under certain circumstances. Due to its antioxidant and antimicrobial properties, the chemical additive ...
Noni juice: useful properties and contraindications, how to drink, reviews of doctors
The beneficial properties of Noni juice deserve detailed consideration. For Russia, both the noni fruit and its juice remain exotic, so it is especially interesting ...


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