Why lemon tea is useful and how to brew it

The benefits and harms of lemon tea depend on the preparation method. Lovers of the drink rarely think about its properties. Lemon tea is mainly prized for its warming effect in cool weather.

Experts have found that the fragrant liquid has medicinal and therapeutic qualities. Provided that it is properly brewed and consumed in acceptable quantities.

Composition and calorie content of tea with lemon

Adding a slice of lemon to a hot drink was invented in Russia. If you open the menu in a European restaurant, the column "Russian tea" will most likely mean that the waiter will bring liquid with a slice of lemon.

If a healthy drink is prepared correctly, it will contain vitamins and minerals necessary for the human body.

One cup of warming tea contains:

  • essential oils;
  • tanning components;
  • vitamins;
  • trace elements;
  • organic acids;
  • pectins;
  • alkaloids;
  • proteins.

The calorie content of the liquid without sugar is 1 kcal per 100 g. When honey or sugar is added, the energy value increases and depends on the amount of sweeteners.

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Useful properties of lemon tea

Lemon drink benefits the entire body.

  1. Cold tea with lemon is useful in summer, it refreshes, removes accumulated fluid from the body, and also quenches thirst.
  2. Organic acids normalize the digestive tract. Promote the absorption of food, prevent the accumulation of toxins and toxins. Accelerate the metabolic process in the body.
  3. The benefits of green tea with lemon are high in antioxidants. They gently remove harmful radicals that contribute to the development of various diseases. If you drink a liquid without added sweeteners, its properties increase several times.
  4. Vitamin C prevents the formation of anemia. Ascorbic acid takes part in the absorption of iron. A trace element is necessary to provide oxygen to human tissues and organs.
  5. If you regularly drink lemon tea in the morning, you can noticeably improve your skin condition. It gives firmness and elasticity to the skin, and also prevents age-related changes.
  6. Hot tea with lemon is useful during the period of vitamin deficiency. In the cold season, the liquid has a warming effect and strengthens the immune system.
  7. The drink is used to prevent hypertension and joint diseases. Prevents the development of scurvy (acute lack of vitamin C).
  8. The liquid helps fight acute respiratory infections. In the acute course of the disease, drug treatment is additionally used.
  9. The use of black tea with lemon is high in pectins and alkaloids. They normalize the functioning of the nervous system.
  10. The drink reduces the risk of developing chronic diseases.

The benefits and harms of lemon tea do not depend on the period of its use. In the hot season, it perfectly quenches thirst and compensates for the lack of vitamins.It can be harmful if overused.

What diseases does lemon tea help against?

The fragrant drink is recommended to be used for such diseases.

  1. ARI and ARVI. Lemon tea is an immune booster. It has a diuretic effect that helps to remove infection from the body. When coughing, it helps to relieve sore throat.
    Important! Lemon tea is not a medicine. It only contributes to a speedy recovery and elimination of the symptoms of the disease.
  2. Angina. In the acute course of the disease, it is not recommended to drink the drink so as not to irritate the mucous membrane. But at the initial stage and in order to prevent the formation of the disease, drinking plenty of water helps to increase the protective functions.
  3. Hypertension or hypotension. Lemon tea can raise or lower blood pressure. Hypertensive patients brew green with a lot of lemon. People with low blood pressure benefit from the properties of black tea with a small piece of citrus.
  4. Withdrawal symptoms. The tonic effect of the drink is especially noticeable in the morning after drinking alcohol. In such a situation, sugar is added to the drink. Glucose helps restore moisture balance.
  5. Kinetosis. Quickly relieves nausea.
  6. Depression and stress. A cup of green tea with lemon in the morning will help get rid of negative emotions.
  7. Gastritis. The fragrant liquid is contraindicated for people with high acidity. With a reduced acidity of the stomach, on the contrary, the drink should become mandatory.
  8. Poisoning. Eliminates the gag reflex, destroys germs and prevents the accumulation of harmful toxins.
  9. Obesity. The properties of orange are in the breakdown of body fat. It helps to speed up the metabolic process in the body. The calorie content of such a drink is minimal. Provided that there is no sweetener in it.

For men, the benefits of lemon tea are characterized by an increase in reproductive function. The drink prevents the development of diseases of the genitourinary system. But any drink should be in moderation, otherwise the effect may become the opposite and harm the digestive tract.

The benefits of lemon tea for children

It is recommended to start introducing a fragrant drink with lemon into the child's diet from 10 months. Initially, it is better for the baby to try a small piece of citrus. If allergic manifestations do not occur, then lemon juice can be diluted with warm water with sugar.

Important! It is not recommended to give your child lemon tea every day in order not to increase the level of acidity in the stomach.

Drinking in moderation is beneficial for:

  • normalizes the digestive tract (eliminates constipation and diarrhea);
  • prevents the growth of bacteria in the mouth;
  • tea with lemon helps with a child's temperature;
  • promotes a speedy recovery from colds;
  • eliminates thirst in a hot period.

A drink with citrus is especially useful for children with insufficient intake of vitamins. Thanks to the properties of lemon, they will make up for their loss.

Can pregnant and lactating women drink lemon tea

With the onset of pregnancy, expectant mothers review their diet. This should apply not only to food, but also to drinks.

Drink green tea during the period of gestation is not recommended. It has properties that inhibit the absorption of B vitamins, which contribute to the development of the circulatory system of the fetus.

In case of colds, weak black tea with lemon strengthens the immune system and is able to replace drugs, the use of which is contraindicated in pregnant women.

A chilled drink can help relieve heartburn, relieve nausea, and relieve constipation.

Important! It is not recommended to use tea regularly to combat toxicosis. It can provoke gastritis.

Tea with lemon while breastfeeding is allowed to be drunk in moderation. In this case, you need to carefully monitor the condition of the child. It is better to start with a couple of drops of citrus, so as not to cause an allergic reaction in the baby.If everything is in order, then you can put one slice in the drink.

The main condition is the correct preparation. You cannot pour boiling water over lemon, as it loses its useful qualities. You need to wait until the tea has cooled down, and then add the orange.

Lemon tea for weight loss

Citrus stimulates the burning of body fat. To achieve results in the fight against obesity, tea should be taken every day in the morning without adding sweeteners. In the morning, the metabolic process is especially active and fat burning is faster.

A variety of slimming tea is chosen according to individual preferences. But the most suitable is green.

Important! The freshness of a fragrant drink lasts no more than 6 hours. Drinking yesterday's tea is not recommended.

Lemon slimming tea is drunk in moderation. You can drink no more than 5 cups per day. Excessive consumption can be harmful to health (problems with sleep and gastrointestinal tract, discoloration of tooth enamel).

Slimming Lemon Tea Recipe:

  • lemon juice - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • tea - 1 cup;
  • honey (optional) - 1 tsp.

Cooking method:

  • boil water and cool to 800FROM.
  • make a pinch of tea and wait until it is infused.
  • add lemon juice, this is how the properties of citrus will be preserved.

With the help of such a drink, fatty deposits stop accumulating.

How to make lemon tea properly

For tea to be useful, you need to know the technology of preparation.

  1. They heat the water, the temperature depends on the type of tea.
  2. Take a special container for brewing. Pour hot liquid over it.
  3. Pour tea leaves, the amount is measured by the volume of the container.
  4. Pour hot water, but not boiling water.
  5. Wait until it is infused (5-10 minutes).
  6. Pour the contents into a cup and add a slice of lemon.

A drink prepared in this way will benefit the body and give pleasure.

Lemon Tea Recipes

Correct brewing of tea is carried out taking into account its type and the properties of additional ingredients. An important role is played by the container for preparation, as well as the infusion time of the drink.

Green tea with lemon

The drink promotes weight loss and has a tonic effect.

Ingredients per cup:

  • lemon juice 2 tsp;
  • green oolong tea;
  • water;
  • sugar.


  • pre-boiled water is cooled;
  • a pinch of green tea is poured with hot liquid;
  • let it brew for 10 minutes;
  • when the tea has cooled, add lemon juice.

The sweetener is added according to individual preference.

Black tea with lemon

This combination is familiar to everyone from childhood.


  • 2 lemon slices;
  • 1 tsp black tea;
  • water;
  • sugar or honey if desired.


  • the water is brought to a boil;
  • pour boiling water over the tea leaves and let it brew for 4 minutes;
  • cooled tea is poured into a cup and citrus pieces are added;
  • to enhance the taste, crush the lemon with a spoon.

Tea with lemon and ginger

There are many ways to prepare a drink. The most common one is made in a thermos.

  1. Peeled ginger (quantity depends on taste) cut into slices.
  2. Put in a small thermos and pour boiling water over it.
  3. Insist for 30 minutes and add a piece of citrus to the cooled tea.

Important! Dry ginger is suitable for preventing colds. Fresh has a fat burning effect.

Tea with lemon and honey

A drink with the addition of honey is perfect for drinking during the cold season.

  1. Add 2 teaspoons to cooled fresh tea. honey.
  2. Dissolve the honey and put a slice of lemon.

Drinking a drink before bed can help you get rid of anxious thoughts and sleep soundly.

Tea with mint and lemon

This liquid is drunk cold and hot. It has analgesic and sedative properties.

Recommended reading:  Mint tea: useful properties and contraindications, how to make


  1. Dried mint is poured over with boiling water along with tea. Fresh leaves are placed after brewing the tea.
  2. The drink is allowed to brew for 5 minutes.
  3. Then add a piece of citrus.

Mint tea is not recommended for men to drink in large quantities. It helps to reduce body hair.

Lemon cinnamon tea

Any type of tea is suitable for brewing.

Recommended reading:  Cinnamon: beneficial properties and contraindications


  • chopped cinnamon - 1 tsp;
  • tea leaves - 1 tsp;
  • lemon - 2 pieces.


  1. Tea is brewed according to the standard.
  2. Separately dilute cinnamon in hot water.
  3. All components are combined into one drink.
  4. Citrus slices are added to the cooled liquid.

Lemon cinnamon tea is good for people with salt deposits. It cleanses the body of salt and improves the digestive tract.

How to drink lemon tea

Tea drinking rules:

  • you can not drink tea on an empty stomach;
  • drinking a strongly hot drink is not recommended;
  • Strongly brewed tea leaves can contribute to insomnia
  • lemon should be put in cooled tea, then it will be useful;
  • you cannot drink medicines with tea;
  • drinking yesterday's tea is not recommended.

If you follow these tips, the benefits of lemon tea drink will be maximized.

Daily intake of tea.

Type of tea


The black

Not more than 1 liter.


500 ml


Up to 750 ml.


Up to 750 ml.

The rate of adding lemon to the drink is determined individually for each person. On average, eating more than 1 citrus is not recommended.

Is lemon made from tea good for you?

A slice of citrus eaten from a cup of tea has never been harmful to anyone. Its useful composition does not go anywhere. This is where the rules of etiquette come into force. It is considered the height of indecency in public places to get a lemon out of a cup and eat.

Contraindications and side effects

Harm from an aromatic drink:

  • the occurrence of allergic reactions of the body;
  • increased acidity;
  • the formation of stomach ulcers;
  • glaucoma;
  • discoloration of tooth enamel;
  • insomnia;
  • heartburn.

Green tea with lemon is contraindicated for women in position. It interferes with the absorption of important trace elements for fetal development. A drink with the addition of lemon slices is harmful if consumed excessively.


The benefits and harms of lemon tea are measured individually for each person. It all depends on the body's reaction to citrus fruits. But even in the absence of problems, you cannot abuse the drink, otherwise their occurrence is inevitable.


Marina Petrova, 38 years old, Baltiysk.
I regularly drink green tea with lemon. But no more than 2 cups per day. A charge of vivacity for the whole day. I can't imagine my morning without him.
Alexandra Rossokha, 29 years old, Ufa.
She recovered noticeably after giving birth. The nutritionist advised to drink ginger tea with lemon for weight loss. After a month of regular drinking, I lost almost 5 kg.
Anna Gavrilova, 42 years old, Moscow.
Ginger tea with lemon is the best cold medicine for me. I forgot when I last drank pills.

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