Are sushi and rolls harmful, how to cook them at home, photos and videos

Japanese cuisine is generally considered to be healthy and balanced. The Japanese themselves claim that it is the consumption of fish that allows this nation to maintain health for many years. But as far as this is relevant for the Slavs, the benefits and harms of sushi and rolls are the topic of the article.

The demand for Japanese cuisine is not getting lower. On the contrary, every year there are more and more sushi bars, home deliveries and other similar establishments. In Russia, sushi and rolls have ceased to be considered exotic, but rather have become part of the diet. However, many are wondering if there is any benefit from eating such dishes.

The history of the appearance of sushi and their types

Sushi appeared at the beginning of the 7th century. But in those days, rice was not eaten, and sushi was made from fish, which was previously marinated with rice. In South Asia, fish was peeled, cut into pieces and layered with boiled rice. Then the components were tightly placed in the prepared dish and oppression in the form of a stone was placed on top. This method made it possible to keep the fish throughout the year. When the time came, the rice was thrown away and the fish was eaten.

In the 17th century, fish began to be eaten with rice. At the same time, various seasonings were often added and rolls were made. In the 19th century, sushi began to be made with raw fish, which made it possible to prepare it before eating right in front of customers.

Nowadays, the use of rolls has spread far beyond Japan, and many are interested in their benefits and harm to health.

The difference between rolls and sushi is that sushi consists of thin slices of fish fillets, seafood and rice. The rolls also include other products. There are many types of rolls in modern cooking. Let's consider the most popular ones:

  • roll California, it is prepared with shrimps, chaplain caviar and Japanese omelet;
  • roll Philadelphia with tobiko caviar, salmon and cream cheese;
  • hosomaki and mono rolls, their properties differ in that they are wrapped on the outside with algae, and in the filling there is rice, fish fillets or some kind of seafood.
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As for sushi, the most popular are:

  • nigiri sushi, the classic recipe for which is a piece of rice topped with fresh fish fillets;
  • futomaki sushi, its special property is that the algae are located outside and the shape is cylindrical;
  • nared sushi, today it is made in a special form, with fish fillets and rice laid out in layers.

Why sushi and rolls are useful

There are health benefits in sushi and rolls:

  1. The ingredients contain a lot of substances with useful properties, vitamins and microelements. The use of the product will benefit the figure and neutralize the negative effects of the environment. In addition, including these foods in your diet is good for your heart and stomach.
  2. The presence of rice in the diet will help fast satiety and is good for the digestive system.
  3. Fish is also rich in health benefits, and it contains phosphorus and other beneficial elements.
  4. Components such as algae are known for their extensive health benefits. Their use will be beneficial and also helps to neutralize the harm done to the thyroid gland.
  5. Due to the fact that these dishes are not subjected to heat treatment, they retain all the useful elements, and the beneficial properties of the products are completely given to the body.
  6. Asian cuisine will not harm, provided that its dishes are not included in the diet very often. Moreover, sushi will be of great benefit, because they contain a lot of substances rich in useful properties.
  7. Eating sushi strengthens veins and blood vessels, benefits blood flow and lowers cholesterol, which can cause serious harm.
  8. The inclusion of sushi and rolls in the diet benefits brain cells by stimulating neurons.
  9. In rolls, due to the content of algae, a large amount of iodine, which normalizes metabolic processes.
  10. Sushi combined with additional ingredients provide antioxidant benefits. They contribute to the removal of heavy metals, radionuclides, toxic substances from the body.
  11. The use of rolls will help increase immunity, restore the structure of bone tissue, saturate the body with vitamins and minerals.

Useful properties of sushi ingredients and additives

Despite the fact that the use of sushi and their health benefits and harms cause a lot of controversy among specialists, their popularity among the population is only growing. Eating rolls and sushi will bring great benefits to the body, provided a reasonable amount. These dishes are rich in beneficial properties, and are also able to neutralize substances that can be harmful.


The main constituent of sushi is rice. This ingredient, when combined with fish, promotes quick satiety and benefits the body. The beneficial properties of rolls are explained by the presence of fish in their composition.

Fish and seafood

Fish and seafood are one of the most useful ingredients in sushi and rolls. This ingredient contains many substances: protein, iodine and omega 3 acids. Thanks to the consumption of fish, the body will lower cholesterol, which causes irreparable harm.

Nori seaweed

Sushi and rolls are wrapped in Nori seaweed. This component contains a large amount of substances with useful properties: calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iodine, sodium, iron, thiamine, vitamins A, C, E.

Important! 44% of dry nori is protein, which is comparable in quantity to plant foods rich in protein, such as beans.

Of course, for each piece of sushi, very little algae is spent, which will not be able to give the body the necessary amount of useful components. Thanks to research, it has been found that the ingredients of nori can even fight viruses, inflammation and cancer. The beneficial properties of sushi are significantly increased due to this ingredient.

Rice vinegar

Rice vinegar is required to give the rice its special flavor and necessary stickiness. Ancient Chinese doctors used it to neutralize substances that could harm the body. Today, scientists claim that this component is able to lower cholesterol, accelerate metabolism and help cell regeneration.

Tobiko caviar

Flying fish roe contains a lot of substances with useful properties. This component will bring incredible benefits due to the large number of useful components: vitamins and minerals, iodine, zinc, calcium. Caviar is especially useful for those who regularly play sports or experience physical activity every day.


Wasabi is especially popular with condiments and spices aficionados. This paste is made from Japanese horseradish. It is usually served with sashimi.This can be explained very simply - the seasoning has strong antibacterial properties and helps to protect the body from the possible harm of consuming raw fish, which can lead to poisoning. In addition, wasabi has many other useful properties: it has a prophylactic effect against bronchial asthma and caries and prevents the formation of blood clots.

Pickled ginger

Pickled ginger served with sushi to clear the palate after each serving of sushi. It also has beneficial properties, thanks to the gingerol and shogaol in the composition, it has a stimulating effect on the secretion of digestive enzymes and neutralizes the acid in the stomach.

Soy sauce

Soy sauce is high in beneficial amino acids. Due to its composition, the sauce can compete with citrus in health benefits. The ingredients of the sauce help to neutralize harm and infections in the body. The beneficial properties of the sauce help to strengthen the walls of blood vessels, prevent diseases of the nervous system.

It is important to understand that rolls that have not been heat treated will be most useful, for example, baked rolls will not bring the benefits that will come from a regular dish.

Is sushi possible for pregnant and lactating women

During pregnancy, it is not recommended to eat Japanese cuisine; you should not eat sushi and a nursing mother. The fact is that it contains semi-raw and raw foods that can harm the body of the fetus and woman. Tuna rolls may contain mercury, which can also be harmful to the body.

Can sushi and rolls be given to a child

Classic sushi and rolls should not be included in the diet of children under 7 years old. For a child older than this age, this dish is rarely allowed for consumption.

Important! Be sure to make sure that the kid does not abuse rolls and sushi. It is worth adding a little wasabi, it will help neutralize the harm from foods and harmful bacteria with germs.

It is better for the child to give rolls and sushi containing lightly salted fish, boiled shrimp or smoked eel. Do not give your baby soy sauce or overly spicy seasonings. Rolls and sushi with red or raw fish are prohibited in case of food allergies, ulcers, gastritis or digestive problems.

It is better not to include more than four rolls in one meal of the child. When the child reaches 3 years of age, then you can prepare homemade rolls for him, in which you can include safer foods. This can be chicken, vegetables, or fruits. The main thing is that such an ingredient is already familiar to the baby. Rolls for children, when consumed in moderation, will be beneficial and not harmful.

Rolls and sushi on a diet

Women who carefully monitor their figure often think about whether they can use rolls and sushi while losing weight. The fact is that if standard products are involved in the preparation of a dish, then they can be attributed to a dietary product. But rolls with smoked fish or cream cheese will be much more nutritious, therefore they will harm the process of losing weight.

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In addition, the benefit or harm to the figure will depend on the number of rolls or sushi eaten. There will be no harm to the figure from two pieces, but if the count goes to tens of pieces, then there will certainly be a surplus of calories. Thus, the use of rolls and sushi should be moderate, overeating and overloading the digestive system should be avoided. Any dish, if consumed excessively, leads to weight gain.

How many rolls and sushi can you eat without harming your figure

Nutritionists advise to eat no more than 2 rolls at one meal, one of which contains 6-8 pieces, in which case the benefits will be obtained and there will be no harm to the figure. It is not advised to include this dish for breakfast, as it is a rather heavy product for the digestive system.

The daily rate is determined individually for each person, however, experts do not advise eating more than 25 rolls or sushi per day.

Attention! Rolls and sushi contain fast carbohydrates, so it is not recommended to consume them after 17 hours.

Why are sushi and rolls harmful?

Sushi and rolls, in addition to benefits, can also harm the human body:

  1. Since fish is not heat treated in sushi, there is a high probability that such a dish will become infected with parasites. Fish in the sea are almost always carriers of tape and roundworms. Parasites of this class die only when frozen or heated above 100 ° C. Other processing methods (drying, smoking, etc., are not capable of killing parasites).
  2. Sushi is consumed with soy sauce, which contains a lot of salt. Moreover, the salt content is so high that it is several times higher than the daily norm. Such abuse of this substance tends to provoke edema and fluid retention in the body, and subsequently can cause osteochondrosis.
  3. The high iodine content of algae can be both harmful and beneficial. The fact is that too high intake of iodine in the body is as detrimental to the thyroid gland as its lack. One roll contains about 92 mcg of this substance with extensive beneficial properties, and the daily value does not exceed 150 mcg.
  4. The ecological state of the world's oceans also does not add useful properties to the product. Moreover, for this reason, there is a risk of causing harm, not good, through these dishes. The fact is that certain fish species accumulate a large amount of harmful and toxic substances. Such marine life is especially harmful to children and pregnant women.
Important! Especially a lot of harmful substances accumulate in tuna, this is its distinctive property, it is for this reason that sushi can be hazardous to health.

How to get the most out of your rolls and sushi

You can get the most out of sushi and rolls by following these guidelines:

  1. It is better to choose products made from brown rice, so the beneficial properties for the body will be maximized.
  2. Sushi like kosuna and temaki contain less rice, so it is best to prefer them.
  3. If you choose beans, wakame salad or miso soup with a serving of sushi, then the amount of protein and fiber in the meal and, as a result, the beneficial properties will be much higher.
  4. In order to avoid harm and benefit, it is better not to use rolls stuffed with cheese, sauces or rolls in batter. Such delicious and crunchy foods bring a lot of harm to the body, it is better to eat an extra portion of vegetables, so there will be much more health benefits.
  5. Soy sauce should not be overused, it contains a lot of salt, the excess of which is harmful.
  6. You shouldn't eat rolls and sushi with salted, smoked and raw fish. It is also advisable to avoid fish varieties that are capable of accumulating toxic substances.
  7. For eating roll and sushi, it is better to choose establishments that inspire confidence. In this case, the likelihood that they will comply with the cooking standards, and, accordingly, the benefits of food, will be higher.

Thanks to these simple recommendations, the benefits of sushi for the human body will be obtained, and the risk of harm is reduced.

Healthy sushi recipes

Do not forget that you can cook sushi and rolls with a lot of useful properties at home. Below will be presented recipes, thanks to which anyone can cook at home a dish that will benefit, not harm.

Sushi Maki


  • 500 g of rice for making sushi;
  • 6 plates of seaweed;
  • 1 cucumber;
  • 3 carrots;
  • 1 avocado;
  • 1 lemon;
  • 3 tbsp. l. rice vinegar;
  • 2 tbsp. l. brown cane sugar;
  • 1 tbsp. l. salt;
  • wasabi packaging;
  • soy sauce and pickled ginger.

Cooking method:

  1. The first step is to thoroughly rinse the rice. After the rice is placed in a saucepan and pour over water, so that it is 20% more than rice.
  2. The lemon should be cut into 2 halves, one of which is placed in a saucepan with rice, and the other is left for now.
  3. The premixed rice vinegar, sugar and salt should be added to the rice pot.
  4. Next, cover the rice and cook over high heat until half cooked. Then you need to remove the lemon and continue to cook over low heat. After 10 minutes, remove the pan from heat and leave to cool.
  5. The cucumber must be peeled and cut into thin strips. The bamboo napkin is wrapped with cling film. Squeeze the juice from the second half of the lemon into a small bowl and dilute it with water.
  6. Place the nori plate on a napkin, shiny side down.
  7. Lay rice on the seaweed, while moistening your hands with water and lemon. Lightly grease the rice with wasabi and put the cucumber, avocado and carrots on it.
  8. With the help of a napkin, the seaweed is rolled away from itself. It is necessary to roll the rolls as tightly as possible. When the algae is completely curled up, trim off the sloppy edges and cut into 5-6 pieces. Serve with wasabi and soy sauce.

Sushi California

The method of making California sushi is not fundamentally different from the Maki recipe. The point is that after putting rice on the bucket elevator, turn the rice layer down. In this case, pre-sprinkle the surface on which the rice will subsequently fall with sesame seeds.

Attention! Some of the seeds can be lightly fried in a pan, due to which the properties and flavor of the seeds will change.

After turning the nori over, lightly grease with wasabi and then proceed according to the Maki recipe.

How much and how are sushi and rolls stored

You can understand that sushi is spoiled by the sharp unpleasant smell of ammonia. The allowed storage time is approximately 24 hours in the refrigerator. If you want to transfer dishes to the country or to nature, you must first place them in the freezer.


The benefits and harms of sushi and rolls are obvious. These dishes are really very healthy, but you need to carefully consider the choice of the institution or even cook the rolls yourself. Also, do not overuse soy sauce, as too much salt can be harmful to your health.

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