Why pickled ginger is good for you

Ginger is a cultivated plant from the southern and eastern countries, often used in cooking. The main value is the root of the plant - and, moreover, not only fresh, but also pickled. What are the benefits and harms of pickled ginger, and where can you use it?

Composition and calorie content

Ginger root itself is a low-calorie product. There are only 50 calories per 100 g of pickled root. Moreover, the nutritional value is expressed mainly by carbohydrates and dietary fiber useful for the intestines - 12.5 g and 5.9 g. But there are almost no proteins and fats - only 0.2 g and 0.3 g.

A great benefit lies in the composition of the pickled root. It contains:

  • a complex of vitamins C, B1 and B2, A;
  • amino acids;
  • essential oils;
  • elements sodium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, zinc and potassium.
Important! Pickled ginger should not be consumed in large quantities.

But the concentration of useful elements in it is very high - for example, only 100 g contains 2-day norms of magnesium and a daily norm of iron. Thanks to this, the product remains very valuable for the body.

Is pickled ginger good for you?

This product contains essential vitamins, amino acids and essential oils. The beneficial properties of pickled ginger are that it:

  • improves the function of the stomach and intestines, normalizes the stool;
  • strengthens blood vessels and accelerates blood circulation;
  • helps to increase the body's resistance;
  • removes slags;
  • strengthens the joints;
  • helps with a wide range of colds, as it fights inflammation;
  • has a mild analgesic effect.

The pickled root is good for brain stimulation. After its use, the blood moves through the body faster, the flow of oxygen to the brain improves.

For women

The spicy root is especially useful for women. In case of pain during menstruation, it relieves discomfort, and during menopause it restores hormonal balance. The product has a rejuvenating effect and helps to maintain attractiveness.

For men

The benefits of pickled ginger for the male body is that it has a positive effect on potency, helps with problems with erection, restores libido. The benefits are manifested in the treatment of prostatitis - the anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties of the product help in the fight against the disease.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding

How useful is ginger in a marinade during pregnancy is a controversial issue. On the one hand, the product saves from toxicosis. On the other hand, even pickled, it remains quite spicy and can be harmful:

  • Doctors do not prohibit the product at all, but they advise to abandon it in the second and third trimesters - there will be benefits only at the beginning of pregnancy.
  • A spicy spice stimulates blood circulation, increases blood pressure - accordingly, at a later date, it can provoke premature birth or harm the fetus.

As for the postpartum period, women are prohibited from using a spicy product until the baby is 4 months old.

Advice! When breastfeeding, eating pickled root pieces is best in the morning. Possessing a tonic effect, in the late afternoon it can cheer up the baby unnecessarily.

For children

The benefits of the product for the child are in its anti-cold, anti-inflammatory, strengthening properties. However, ginger belongs to the category of hot spices. Therefore, giving it to a child under 2 years old is prohibited.

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At a later age, it is allowed to accustom the baby to spice. But the portions should be very small, and should be given in the morning, so that the invigorating effect is beneficial.

Pickled Slimming Ginger

Red pickled ginger is an appetite-stimulating food. And nevertheless, there are benefits for losing weight in it, if you use it a little.

The fact is that the spice greatly speeds up metabolism - the processes in the body are accelerated, the process of fat burning starts. In addition, toxins and toxins are removed, which also contributes to weight loss.

Attention! Sharp ginger root during a diet should never be eaten on an empty stomach or in the presence of chronic gastrointestinal diseases.

How to eat pickled ginger

There are some general rules. Consider the following:

  • Usually the product is added to other dishes, using it as a spice, but if desired, ginger can be eaten just like that.
  • In any case, the daily rate should not exceed 50-100 g.
  • In pure form or together with other products, the spice is best eaten in the morning. In the evening, its tonic effect can be harmful.

How to pickle ginger at home: recipes

If you wish, you can not buy pickled ginger root, but cook it yourself at home. For example, the following recipe is popular:

  • A small piece of ginger root weighing no more than 300 g is peeled and washed, then chopped into small pieces and dried on a towel.
  • While the root is drying, pour half a glass of rose wine and 100 ml of wine vinegar into a saucepan, add a tablespoon of sugar and mix.
  • The resulting mixture is put on fire and quickly removed as soon as it boils.
  • Dried pieces of root are placed in the prepared marinade, cooled, and then insisted for another week.

There is another recipe - similar in cooking method, but with a different set of ingredients:

  • For the marinade take 1 tbsp. l rice wine, vodka sake and sugar, mix the components in a saucepan, put the liquid on the fire and bring to a boil, then remove.
  • The ginger root is washed and peeled, but not chopped, but immersed in the cooled marinade entirely and kept for 4 days. When the root is infused, it can be used as a seasoning and cut into small pieces.

Following these recipes, homemade pickled ginger can be obtained no worse than store-bought ginger, and its benefits are no less.

Important! It is recommended to infuse the root in the marinade in a ceramic or glass container, but not in a metal saucepan.

What is pickled ginger eaten with?

The pickled spicy root is flavored with the dishes to give them a spicy pungent taste. The product is ideally combined with traditional oriental dishes - pickled ginger is often used for sushi, rolls and any exotic seafood.

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At the same time, you can put the spice in more familiar food. Pieces of pickled root dressing salads, meat dishes and even pies.

Selection and storage tips

There are two main guidelines for choosing a ready-made pickled root in the store. Namely:

  • It is recommended to look at the expiration date on the packaging - the product should not be expired.
  • You need to choose a product with a pale pink or yellowish tint. If store-bought ginger is too bright, then dyes were used in its manufacture.

How to choose ginger root for your homemade marinade? It should be fresh, strong and free of dents, with a spicy pleasant scent.

As for storage, the benefits of the product remain unchanged throughout the month - this applies to both store and home spices. You can store the pickled root only in the refrigerator, tightly closed.

Why is pickled ginger pink

Pickled ginger is usually pink or even bright red, although the root itself has a yellow tint. The color changes precisely because the root is kept in the marinade - vinegar and wine tinctures paint it pink.

Sometimes manufacturers deliberately color the product with beet tincture or even dyes. This does not affect the taste, but, of course, the chemical composition of the product changes, the benefits decrease.

Harm of pickled ginger and contraindications

The spicy pickled root is very healthy, but in large quantities it can be harmful - it can cause heartburn, nausea, diarrhea, fever and even allergic skin rashes.

For some diseases, it is better to refuse the product altogether. Namely:

  • with a weak liver and pancreas;
  • with gastritis and stomach ulcers;
  • with gallstone disease;
  • with high blood pressure and poor blood clotting;
  • during a severe cold with a high fever;
  • with serious cardiovascular diseases.


Savelieva Larisa Anatolievna, Moscow
During pregnancy, she suffered from terrible toxicosis, literally could not look at food. Mom advised to eat pickled ginger in small pieces during severe nausea - and it really helped. True, in the second trimester, the doctor advised to abandon the acute, but by this time the toxicosis had also ended.
Ershova Alla Sergeevna, Nizhny Novgorod
I love pickled ginger as a seasoning, I often add it to meat dishes, the taste immediately becomes very unusual, spicy and sweetish. I confirm that ginger is very beneficial for health - since I started using it, I forgot about low pressure, my head seemed to become clearer, and I gained strength.
Moskvichev Vladimir Nikolaevich, Ufa
After 40 years, I began to notice that from fatigue and after any stress, problems begin in terms of potency. It's good that my wife read on the Internet in time about the benefits of pickled ginger root, began to add it to meat dishes and salads. At first I thought it was just delicious, but I doubted that ginger would help solve the problem. However, after a few months, I realized that I was confident in myself again, as in a man, and in general I became much less tired, as if I was a little younger.
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