Corn grits: the benefits and harms of what to cook

The benefits and harms of corn porridge, like any other vegetable product, are of interest to many people. Preparing porridge from corn grits. These are crushed grains cornthat have gone through grinding. The groats have a characteristic yellow color and a nutty smell.

Chemical composition and nutritional value of corn grits

All types of cereals contain a large amount of minerals and vitamins. All are very nutritious and healthy. Corn groats are no exception. True, in terms of nutritional value, it is inferior to other species. But it does not contain gluten, so people who are allergic to this substance can eat it.

Vegetable fibers make cereals very useful for the digestive system, fiber plays the role of an orderly of the gastrointestinal tract. There are few proteins and fats in it, so their properties are almost not expressed.

It is not very rich in B vitamins, but it contains biotin and vitamins A, C and E.

Calorie content of corn porridge

The energy value of the product is not high, but it is very satisfying. That is why it is ideal for dieting.

The calorie content of corn porridge per 100 grams is only 78 kcal.

Overweight people boil it on water alone. It is not very tasty, but healthy and effective.

To enjoy your food, you can boil milk porridge with sugar and butter. The number of calories will increase to 120. A dish cooked in milk has about 16% carbohydrates, 4% proteins, and 5% fats. The use of corn porridge with milk is a positive effect on the digestive tract. People who are worried about their figure can eliminate any component.

Why is corn porridge useful?

This dish is useful not only for those who are on a diet, it will be beneficial at any age thanks to the valuable substances it contains. But you should not abuse the product so as not to harm the body.

For women and men

The benefits and harms of eating porridge are the same for both sexes. The product has dietary properties, but contains a lot of calories.

  • Having eaten the dish in the morning, you can recharge your energy until the evening.
    Attention! This beneficial property of corn porridge is of value to athletes.
  • Its inclusion in the menu normalizes digestion.
  • The phosphatides found in cereals regulate cholesterol levels. As a result, the walls of the vessels become elastic and clean. The functionality of the circulatory system improves, blood clots do not form.
  • For women, having corn in their diet is very beneficial. It affects the beauty and health of hair and nails, thanks to the presence of zinc in it.
  • The cobalt content has a positive effect on the pancreas.

For the elderly

People of age often suffer from diabetes mellitus, experience difficulties with the gastrointestinal tract, complain of blood diseases.This product will ideally fit into their diet.

Health Benefits of Corn Porridge for the Elderly:

  • The content of unsaturated fatty acids, which are involved in the regulation of cholesterol.
  • Useful elements that affect the immune system, the regulation of vital processes.
  • Fiber, cleansing the internal environment of harmful substances.
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Is it possible to eat corn porridge for pregnant and lactating

Porridge is the basis of nutrition for pregnant and lactating women. It is not advisable to use only one type, you should alternate them.

Doctors recommend that pregnant and lactating mothers eat maize, as it contains many useful elements, and besides, it has nutritional properties. However, it is necessary to closely monitor changes in the body when eating it.

Benefits for young mothers:

  • antiallergic properties;
  • beneficial effect on blood vessels;
  • increased immunity;
  • dietary product;
  • cleansing properties of fiber.
Warning! It is forbidden to eat cornmeal porridge during pregnancy more than twice a week, otherwise it will be harmful.

The benefits of corn porridge for a child

The benefits of corn porridge for the baby's body are beyond doubt.

  • No allergic reactions.
  • It has a good effect on digestion, cleanses of toxins and other substances that harm the digestive tract.
  • The silicon contained is essential for the growth and strength of teeth.
  • Affects the increase in immunity.
  • It is also a source of useful elements that a growing body needs.

Frequent use is not recommended. Large amounts of phosphorus can leach out calcium, damaging bone tissue.

Important! Corn grits should not be given to children who have problems with the duodenum.

At what age can corn porridge be given to a child

The product is not suitable for the first feeding. After 9 months, you can try giving your baby corn porridge. Eating it ahead of time can harm the baby's digestive system. As for the frequency of the child's consumption of this food, doctors recommend no more than twice a week.

How to cook baby corn porridge

Breastfeeding corn porridge is made from crushed flour.

  1. The water needs to be boiled.
  2. Pour flour into a saucepan.
  3. The resulting mixture must be stirred.
  4. Cook for 3-4 minutes.
  5. Then you need to remove the dish from the heat and let it brew for 25 minutes.
  6. Add breast milk or formula.

The child will definitely appreciate this delicious dish.

Is corn porridge good for weight loss?

The article has already said more than once about the dietary properties of the product. To lose weight, people make sacrifices, depriving themselves of food and suffering from hunger. Stress appears, health problems can arise. Maize porridge can solve these problems.

Not only will the product allow you to lose weight, but it will also solve the problem of hunger. Due to the presence of complex carbohydrates, people feel full when eating corn meals. Fiber cleanses the body of harmful substances. In a week, people can lose up to 5 kg of weight, without experiencing discomfort and without causing harm to the body.

Features of the use of corn porridge

Each dish has features of both preparation and use. For some diseases, corn dishes are categorically forbidden to be consumed, while for others they are strongly recommended.

With gastritis

Patients with gastritis are advised to include cornmeal porridge in their menu. Its use helps to cleanse the body of toxins, improve digestion, and restore the gastric mucosa.

Attention! With an increased level of acidity, it should be eaten in moderation and only after prolonged cooking.

With pancreatitis

Despite all the above positive properties, patients with pancreatitis are not recommended to eat corn products.Coarse fiber has a negative effect on the inflamed organ.

Doctors only allow corn to be consumed with noticeable improvements. It should be consumed in small portions.

With diabetes mellitus

Porridge can be eaten by people with diabetes mellitus. You just need to observe the dosage, and there will be benefits. If you don't do this, your blood sugar can rise.

This is a low-calorie product, so it is allowed to be consumed with any type of diabetes. The gruel contains the substance amylose, which slows down the transport of sugar into the blood.

Warning! The use of any new dishes for chronic diseases of internal organs must be agreed with the attending physician.

Milk and water corn porridge recipes

  1. The groats are thoroughly washed.
  2. Place in a pot of water.
  3. Reduce heat after boiling.
  4. Salt is added to taste.
  5. While stirring, bring to a state of complete absorption of water.
  6. Pour milk into a saucepan.
  7. Cook over low heat for 2-3 minutes.
  8. The pan is removed from the stove, wrapped in a towel. It should stand for a few minutes.
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There is no “milk phase” in the recipe on water. After boiling off the water, add butter. Cover the pan with a towel. It should stand for about an hour.

How much to cook corn porridge is an individual question. It depends on the size of the grains and the amount of water poured into. According to the recommendations of experienced chefs, the process should take at least 30 minutes. Then the dish will turn out to be soft and crumbly.

Cooking corn porridge in a slow cooker

The easiest way to prepare a healthy meal is in a multicooker.

  1. The groats are washed under water, then poured into the multicooker bowl and filled with water.
  2. Select the "porridge" mode on the device.
  3. After the end of the operation, you need to taste the dish.
  4. If it is harsh, then press the "heating" button and cook for another 20 minutes.

A delicious corn porridge recipe for children with all the beneficial properties:

  1. When cooking with milk, you need to put cereals, sugar, butter in a bowl.
  2. Then add water and milk.
  3. Mix it all up.
  4. Select the "milk porridge" mode.
  5. Set a timer for 35 minutes.

Harm of corn porridge and contraindications

Any useful product can be harmful if consumed contrary to the recommendations of experts and in unlimited quantities.

Corn products are prohibited:

  • People with gastrointestinal ulcers. Can provoke the development of the disease.
  • People with dystrophy. Food is low in calories but satiety.
  • With constipation and heaviness in the abdomen.
  • People with low fibrinogen content.
  • Babies up to 9 months old.

Too frequent use of porridge will not be beneficial and may have a bad effect on the stomach - heaviness will appear in it. An increase in body weight is also possible, despite the dietary properties of the product.

How to choose and store corn grits

Groats are of 3 types of grinding:

  • Large. It takes a very long time to cook. This type is good for the intestines.
  • Middle. Best: Retains all the beneficial ingredients. Brought to readiness in 30 minutes.
  • Small grinding is given for feeding babies. Brewed within 15 minutes after boiling.

It is impossible to store cereals for a long time at home, up to a maximum of 10 months. The optimum storage temperature is -5… + 5 ºC. Keep in an airtight container without light. In humid conditions, cereals begin to mold.


The benefits and harms of corn porridge make you pay attention to it. In the recent past, she was very popular. And now many are starting to include it in their diet because of its beneficial properties. It is easily absorbed and does not cause allergies. An ideal dietary product. It is demanding on storage conditions and, if violated, loses its qualities.


Igor, 30 years old, Moscow.
I am actively engaged in the gym. In order to get energy and at the same time not to gain excess fat, he often began to include corn porridge in his diet.The properties of this product allow me to get a lot of energy for hard training. In addition, it has a positive effect on digestion and cleanses the body of harmful toxins.
Ekaterina, 27 years old, Tambov region.
I always preferred other cereals. Quite by chance, I decided to try corn and was completely delighted. I would like to note the unusual taste and aroma, satiety. Few calories, so not scary for the figure. The corn porridge diet really helps. Very good energy breakfast - the child liked it. The benefits are clearly greater than the harm. 
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