The benefits and harms of paprika: what the spice consists of, reviews

The beneficial properties of paprika are not the only benefit of the spice. It is also appreciated for its unique taste. It contains a lot of useful substances necessary for the human body. In addition to this, the spice is able to stimulate metabolic processes.

What is and what paprika looks like

Paprika is a powdered spice made from red capsicum. He is a prominent representative of the Solanaceae family. The semi-shrub has a lignified stem and branched erect shoots. The homeland of the spice is South America. But over time, it spread to Hungary, Spain, Turkey and the United States. In Columbus's time, the spice was called Indian red salt. In cooking, it was used everywhere. Some peoples attributed truly miraculous properties to spices.

The preparation of paprika is based on red capsicum. The taste of the spice depends on its variety. The pepper is dried before being ground to a powder. At the same time, its beneficial properties are preserved in full. On sale paprika is presented already in crushed form. It can be used to prepare almost any dish. But most often the seasoning is added to meat, soups, pizzas and casseroles.

According to statistics, every inhabitant of Hungary eats about 500 g of paprika per year.
Attention! A small portion of the spice satisfies 40% of the daily requirement for vitamin A.

The smell and taste of spice

Paprika has a homogeneous powdery structure and a pleasant spicy aroma. It tastes slightly bitter. Some paprika varieties are light sweet. The pungency of the spice varies with the type of ingredient used. The shade of the spice can vary from light pink to deep red. It depends on the content of carotene in the composition.

Types and varieties of seasoning

There are many varieties of paprika. Each of them has characteristic properties and taste characteristics. In a broad sense, paprika is spicy and sweet. Additionally, it is divided into the following varieties: tender, pink, semi-sweet, special, spicy, gourmet, sweet.

Delicacy paprika is distinguished by medium grinding and barely perceptible spiciness. It comes in different colors. The special spice is finely ground, rich in color and sweet aftertaste. Spicy paprika can be distinguished by its orange tint. The color of the sweet spice is dark red. She has a delicate bitterness. This variety is also called noble paprika.

This delicate seasoning has a medium grinding and mild taste. Pink paprika has a corresponding color and a pronounced aroma. A distinctive feature of semi-sweet paprika is its sugar content. Her severity is moderate.

There is also a separate type of smoked spice. During its production, pepper is not only dried, but also smoked. It is carried out for 2 weeks. Smoked, the spice is less common than other varieties.

Smoked paprika is ideal for making marinade

Ground paprika composition

All over the world, paprika is famous for its rich content of nutrients. They have a positive effect on the immune system and start metabolic processes. The pronounced taste and aroma are due to the content of essential oils. They have a beneficial effect on the nervous system and promote the breakdown of fats.

100 g of spice contains 358 kcal. Considering that such a portion size is not used when cooking, the seasoning will not harm the figure. On the contrary, it will help you lose a few extra pounds.

Paprika contains the following elements:

  • alimentary fiber;
  • amino acids;
  • vitamins of groups K, B, A, C, D, E and PP;
  • trace elements (zinc, iron, manganese, selenium and copper);
  • capsaicin;
  • macronutrients (phosphorus, calcium, potassium, sodium and magnesium);
  • fatty acid;
  • carotenoids;
  • a nicotinic acid.

Due to the PP vitamin content, paprika prevents blood clots. The beneficial effect on blood vessels is due to blood thinning and a decrease in the level of harmful cholesterol in the blood. The B vitamins in its composition help to cope with stress. Minerals strengthen the musculoskeletal system. Due to the rich zinc content, paprika improves the functioning of the pancreas and normalizes carbohydrate metabolism.

Paprika can compete with lemons in the content of ascorbic acid. As a result, it has a positive effect on the immune system. It also has a record amount of vitamin A in its composition. It promotes the absorption of calcium and improves visual function. Capsaicin in the seasoning ensures the normalization of blood circulation due to its burning properties. In addition, it has pronounced anti-inflammatory properties. The dietary fiber contained in paprika stimulates the intestines and improves the absorption of other nutrients.

Contact dermatitis can develop with regular use of paprika.
Advice! When choosing paprika in a store, it is advisable to give preference to Hungarian producers.

Why paprika is useful for the human body

The benefits of paprika seasoning are due to the fact that it contains a huge range of minerals and vitamins. Even when consumed in small quantities, the spice has an extremely positive effect on the functioning of the body. Spice can be added to absolutely any dish. It is especially useful for people with vulnerable immunity. The most significant properties of paprika include:

  • regulation of metabolism;
  • stimulation of blood circulation;
  • improvement of vision;
  • relieving joint pain;
  • prevention of colds and flu;
  • help with depressive disorders;
  • strengthening of immunity;
  • improved mood;
  • preventing anemia;
  • elimination of thrombosis and varicose veins;
  • stimulation of hair and nail growth.

Sometimes paprika is added to the diet on purpose to strengthen the body and prevent certain diseases. Due to the local irritating effect, the spice can improve blood circulation. This has a positive effect on the work of all vital organs. The presence of spices in the diet ensures the prevention of atherosclerosis, thrombosis and other diseases of the vascular system.

Paprika is of particular benefit to people with diabetes. It helps to equalize glucose levels, thereby stabilizing well-being. The desired effect is achieved thanks to capsaicin, which improves insulin sensitivity and breaks down sugar. In addition to this, the spice has a beneficial effect on the condition of the figure.

In some cases, paprika is also used for cosmetic purposes. It is often added to hair masks that stimulate growth and stop hair loss. Internal use of the spice enhances this effect, saturating the body with useful substances.

Cooking applications

The benefits and harms of sweet paprika are of particular interest to gourmets. The spice is widely used in cooking. It can be found in markets and grocery stores all over the place. The area of ​​application of the spice is limited only by human imagination. Paprika is often added to soups, meats, salads, side dishes and cold snacks. It is also great for making marinades. Kebab with its addition turns out to be soft and very fragrant.

In some cases, the spice is found in desserts. In this case, it is used for coloring and imparting a piquant taste. It is important not to overdo it with its quantity, so that the dessert does not turn out to be bitter. In cooking, paprika is usually combined with the following spices:

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  • nutmeg;
  • black pepper;
  • dried garlic;
  • Bay leaf;
  • coriander.
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Experts do not recommend combining the spice with onions and cilantro. This will spoil the taste of the dish. The spice is best combined with fresh herbs and tomatoes. Due to its rich color, it is often used as a natural dye.

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During cooking, it is customary to add seasoning at the very end. Under the influence of prolonged heat treatment, it can burn. This results in a pronounced bitter taste. People who are prone to weight gain should be aware that paprika stimulates appetite. Therefore, it must be consumed in limited quantities.

Important! When consumed in excessive quantities, the spice can provoke irritation of the oral mucosa.
The advantages of the spice include an affordable cost.

How to make paprika at home

If desired, everyone can make a spice at home on their own. This will require fresh red peppers. The seasoning process is best done in the appropriate season. Large quantities of red pepper appear on the shelves in August.

Before drying, the main ingredient is thoroughly washed and deseeded. Then it is cut into longitudinal strips. In this form, the pepper is dried in the oven or in the fresh air, avoiding exposure to direct sunlight. This process can take several days.

Dried peppers are ground to the desired state using a blender or coffee grinder. The grinding of the spice can be changed at your discretion. The finished spice is poured into a glass container and carefully covered with a lid. You don't need to add any seasonings to it. To get 100 g of paprika, you need about 2 kg of red pepper. Given the slow consumption and relatively short shelf life, it makes no sense to harvest spice in large quantities.

Contraindications and possible harm

Before using the paprika spice, you need to study not only its beneficial properties, but also contraindications. If you do not take them into account, you can face very serious consequences. Some of them cause significant damage to health. Among the main contraindications are:

  • pancreatitis;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • violation of the heart rhythm;
  • increased acidity of the stomach;
  • chronic cholecystitis;
  • individual intolerance;
  • the period of breastfeeding and pregnancy.

Paprika has an irritating effect on the mucous membrane of the digestive system. Therefore, it can provoke heartburn and discomfort in the abdomen. With excessive use of spices, an allergic reaction may develop. It is characterized by itchy skin and rashes. In rare cases, allergies are accompanied by swelling of the mucous membranes of the respiratory organs. This poses a mortal danger to humans. Among other things, the use of spices should be limited in heat and at high pressure.

How to choose and store paprika

The determining factor when choosing paprika is its color saturation.If the package is opaque, it cannot be identified. Therefore, it is advisable to buy spice by weight in specialized departments. The pigment carotene is responsible for the color of the spice. It is believed that a quality product has a richer tone. In large-scale production, the ASTA parameter is used to assess quality. It can range from 40 to 180 units. The highest quality paprika is considered to be above 130 ASTA.

The spice should be stored in a closed container. It is important to protect it from moisture and direct sunlight. It is equally important to monitor the expiration date of the product. It is 6 months from the date of manufacture. After the expiration date, the seasoning loses its useful properties and taste. If you use it in this case, you can ruin the dish.

Comment! For any chronic ailments, the possibility of including paprika in the diet is discussed with the attending physician.


The beneficial properties of paprika have been known since ancient times. To this day, it is not only a tasty addition to various dishes, but also prevents a lot of diseases. When used correctly, the spice can provide significant health benefits.

Reviews about the benefits and harms of ground paprika

Goncharova Lilia Vladimirovna, 37 years old, Saratov
I have known about the benefits and dangers of paprika seasoning for a long time. I always put it in the marinade and meat casserole. It gives the dish its characteristic piquancy. I always try to buy it by weight. I don't know what about the benefits, but I like both dark red and pink spices for taste.
Gladyshev Igor Nikolaevich, 57 years old, Tomsk
Paprika is great for making pilaf. I have a proven beef recipe where the seasoning is the secret ingredient. The main thing is not to overdo it with its quantity. A small pinch is quite enough.
Kovaleva Anastasia Mikhailovna, 23 years old, Krasnokamensk
I try to add paprika during the demi-season, when colds are aggravated. I order it from import online stores. I have several proven brands that all have top quality seasoning. Sometimes I make homemade potato chips with its addition. They turn out to be no worse than purchased ones.
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