How to clean an iron with salt: cleaning features

Brushing the iron with salt is the easiest way to get rid of carbon deposits on the soleplate. This procedure does not take much time, so the linen can be safely ironed without fear of ruining the fabric.

Can I clean the iron with salt

Cleaning with salt will not damage the iron, so experienced housewives often use it as a means to get rid of burnt-on tissue particles from the soles. Crystals of the substance are a kind of abrasive that can cope with stuck pile from clothes, but not spoil the surface of the appliance. The main thing is to follow the rules of cleaning and not harm your own health.

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Features of cleaning the iron with salt

The food salt used as a cleaning agent has its advantages. These include:

  1. Efficiency... The abrasive quickly copes with dirt, and the absorbing feature of the substance also allows it to absorb loose carbon particles.
  2. Availability... It's hard to imagine a home that doesn't have a minimum amount of salt.
  3. The cost... The tool can be bought for less than 20 rubles, and its cleaning costs are minimal.
  4. Safety... There are no harmful chemicals in the food that could harm human health. In addition, after using the product, no traces remain on the clothes.
  5. Ease of use... Even an inexperienced housewife can clean the iron.
Attention! If the instructions for the device indicate that its platform is made of materials that must not be exposed to abrasive substances, then it is better not to clean such an iron with dry salt. In this case, it is better to use liquid solutions.

How to clean your iron with salt at home

There are several ways to clean the iron from salt burns. The choice of method directly depends on the type of material of the sole of the electrical appliance. Dry salt is suitable for cleaning aluminum and metal surfaces. The saline solution can be used on enamel, Teflon and sapphire finishes.

Important! If you do not know what material the base of the device is made of, it is better to clean a small area of ​​the sole to see if the coating deteriorates.

Dry salt cleaning

This method is considered the simplest and fastest. In order to clean the device, you will need five minutes of free time, salt (it is better to use a fine grind), a small piece of cloth (you will have to throw it away later). Cotton rags can be replaced with a sheet of white paper, while newspaper and drawing sheets should not be used, as paint may remain on the surface of the device.


  1. Switch on the appliance to the highest possible temperature regime. The steaming function must be disabled.
  2. Apply a uniform layer of salt on paper or cloth (3 tbsp will be enough).
  3. Pass the substance over the crystals with an iron. Movements should be smooth, it is advisable to drive the sole in different directions.
  4. If the salt becomes dirty, replace it with clean salt and repeat the procedure.
  5. After the platform is clean, it is necessary to wipe it with a paper towel or dry cloth, after turning off the electrical appliance and waiting for it to cool down.

Brine cleansing

The method of cleaning with a saline solution is considered the most gentle: it will not harm the surface of the product.

To clean the appliance, you must arm yourself with a piece of cloth (white), salt (you can use coarse crystalline), 9% acetic.

How to clean:

  1. Mix 2 tbsp in a container. l. vinegar and 1 tbsp. salt.
  2. Soak a cloth in the solution.
  3. Apply the mixture to the sole of the appliance. It must be preheated to the maximum temperature and turned off.
  4. After 3 min. the softened carbon deposits can be removed from the iron platform. It is convenient to do this with a regular rag.
  5. The final step is wiping the surface with clean water and drying.

Attention! You can use citric acid or apple cider vinegar instead of vinegar.

You can clean the iron from carbon deposits in this way in just five minutes and not be afraid after that the sole will leave hard-to-remove marks on the clothes.

Salt and paraffin cleaning

This option is the most lengthy and difficult to execute. But it can be applied to absolutely any surface. In order to clean an electrical appliance, you need to stock up on the following set:

  • candle;
  • salt;
  • grater;
  • paper (several sheets) or a piece of white cloth.

The cleansing process is as follows:

  1. First you need to build a backing of fabric or sheets of paper.
  2. Rub the candle on top and distribute it evenly over the surface.
  3. The paraffin layer must be covered with plenty of salt.
  4. Cover everything from above with rags.
  5. Heat the appliance to the highest possible temperature.
  6. Place it on the prepared pillow, after turning off the power.
  7. After 5 min. you can move the iron a little over the pillow so that the softened paraffin has maximum effect.
  8. Place the appliance in a vertical position (it is better to put a sheet of paper under it so as not to stain the surface).
  9. Clean the sole with a piece of cloth.

Attention! Carbon deposits accumulated in the holes of the sole can be easily cleaned with a toothpick or cotton swab.

Salt and aspirin cleaning

You can also clean the iron from carbon deposits using acetylsalicylic acid. It is similar in its effect to vinegar and citric acid. For cleaning, you will need a few aspirin tablets, salt of any grind, water and unnecessary cloth.

To clean a piece of household appliances, you will need:

  1. Crush 5 aspirin tablets.
  2. Mix them with 1 tbsp. l. salt.
  3. Add a little water to form a gruel.
  4. Apply the mixture to a heated sole.
  5. Leave to act for 5 minutes.
  6. Clean the ironing surface with a clean piece of cloth, removing all grains of the mixture.
  7. Wipe the iron with a damp cloth and let dry.

Prevention of carbon deposits on the iron

Cleaning the iron with salt is easy. But it's best to keep the platform from getting dirty to the point where it needs urgent cleaning. To do this, wipe the base of the appliance every time after use.

The fact is that dirt can accumulate on the surface of the iron for a long time, which is immediately invisible. At the same time, this practically does not affect the quality of ironing. Particles from starched laundry and fluffy fabrics can adhere to the sole, which form a light white coating on the sliding surface. After some time, they melt and collect in such an amount that the working surface of the iron becomes unusable. To prevent this from happening, you need to take on board some recommendations:

  1. Clean the platform with paraffin and salt once a month (if the iron is used daily).
  2. After each ironing procedure, wipe the cooled surface of the device with a damp sponge soaked in a solution of water and detergent.
  3. The switched off iron cannot be stored in a horizontal position.
  4. So that carbon deposits do not form on the sole, you need to set the temperature regime, according to the operating instructions.


It will be easier to clean the iron with salt if the soleplate is not heavily soiled. But if the carbon deposit still managed to form, then you should not postpone it with its removal: effective home methods will allow you to keep the laundry clean and improve the quality of ironing.

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