Nutrition for acute gastritis: diet and menu

Diet is a non-drug treatment for gastritis. Diet options vary, depending on the type of disease. Diet for acute gastritis helps to protect from deterioration and improve well-being. This is an important part of therapy as the disease tends to develop continuously and can lead to cancer.

Features of nutrition for acute gastritis of the stomach

Nutrition and diet for acute gastritis are discussed with a gastroenterologist or nutritionist. With this disease, it is wise to give the digestive system a rest.

Important! If acute gastritis is provoked by certain drugs or caused by poisoning, it is necessary to flush the gastrointestinal tract.

On the first day, the patient is shown to drink. Decoctions of medicinal herbs, warm liquids or teas are drunk all day. Solid food is completely excluded. If on the second day the condition has improved, the process of feeding with liquid food begins. These are soups (grated) made from milk, fish or meat.

Chamomile helps to provide a kind of protection against the aggressive effects of gastric juice in acute gastritis

An integrated approach to the treatment of acute gastritis eliminates the symptoms of the disease, diet is an important part of therapy, which has certain rules:

  1. Eat small meals 5 times a day. Chew food slowly, do not swallow in chunks.
  2. Breakfast is hearty, dinner is light.
  3. Rapid absorption of food against the background of emotional distress also causes acute gastritis. In order to achieve recovery, it is important not to jam your stress with food.
  4. A prerequisite for a healthy digestive process is effective hydration. Drinking 8-10 glasses of water every day is imperative to prevent any gastric complications. The first 2-3 glasses of warm water in the morning helps to move in the intestines and relieve indigestion, flatulence. It is preferable to consume 1 glass of water before each meal, after meals, but not during.
  5. Do not eat before bed.
  6. Reduce exposure to toxins. Quit smoking, as tobacco slows down the healing of the stomach lining.
  7. Do not eat food that is hot or too cold. The temperature of the food entering the stomach should be in the range of 15-60 ° C. Don't overeat.
  8. Rest for 15 minutes after eating.
Advice! Don't forget about sports. Swimming, walking in the fresh air, or yoga will benefit any diet and improve its results.

Self-medication for an acute attack is dangerous and can lead to unpredictable consequences. Eating a healthy diet is the easiest way to prevent gastritis. But the diet cannot be prescribed for yourself.

Diet menu for acute gastritis of the stomach

When the stomach lining becomes irritated during gastritis, a small amount of acid is released through an opening in the upper stomach and into the esophagus - a condition known as acid reflux. Eating a nutritious, mild diet can help relieve symptoms. In addition, such food does not injure the stomach and intestines.

What can you eat on a diet for acute gastritis

The most important part of the treatment for acute gastritis is diet.There is no specially formulated diet, but there is food that patients should eat and that is contraindicated in this disease.

The following foods will relieve the condition and help fight inflammation with acute gastritis in the stomach:

Recommended reading:  Celery: useful properties and contraindications
  1. High in antioxidants... Includes foods with vitamins C and A, as well as flavonoids. Berries high in these nutrients reduce inflammation and regulate the digestive system. Fresh fruits and vegetables are the best sources of antioxidants. Some of them are: onions, pumpkin, bell peppers, leafy greens, celery, ginger, berries, apples, cranberries, and cruciferous vegetables.
  2. Probiotic products... The best way to fight stomach inflammation is by eating food that contains live microcultures. They regulate digestion, improve the digestive system and control bacteria in the stomach. Some probiotics include cultured vegetables, kefir, and yogurt. Kefir and yogurt are dairy products, so if you have lactose intolerance, you should stick to cultured vegetables.
    In addition to reducing inflammation, probiotics fight infections, regulate bowel movements, and control reactions to food allergies
  3. Garlic... It is another antioxidant food, but deserves special attention. You can eat it raw or cooked. Garlic is one of the best natural remedies for treating gastrointestinal diseases. It has been used as a natural anti-inflammatory food for centuries. Plus, it has antibiotic properties, with some research showing that garlic is better than over-the-counter antibiotics. It can reduce H. pylori bacteria as well as block the growth of harmful bacteria in the gut.
  4. Liquorice... Licorice is known as a natural folk remedy for digestive problems, including ulcers and acid reflux. The root is used in the diet for acute gastritis. It contains glycyrrhizic acid, a compound that can calm the stomach and improve gastrointestinal function. Tea is prepared from licorice root to obtain antiviral, antimicrobial and antioxidant properties.
    Attention! Long-term use can cause fluid retention in the body and, as a result, the appearance of puffiness.
  5. Foods high in fiber. Dietary fiber is known to improve digestion and bowel function. The diet for acute gastritis in children and adults should contain a sufficient amount of this component. Dietary fiber treats all digestive disorders, not just inflammation of the stomach lining. Studies have shown that a diet high in fiber can reduce the risk of stomach ulcers by 60%. The best sources of fiber are nuts (almonds), legumes, beans, whole grains, broccoli, and chia seeds.
  6. Healthy fats and proteins... Lean enzyme rebuilds the intestinal walls and helps with digestive problems. Treats leaky gut syndrome - one of the causes of inflammation. The best sources of lean protein are lean meats, wild fish, eggs, and poultry. Salmon is recommended to be consumed 3-4 times a week on a diet for acute gastritis. It contains omega-3 fatty acids in addition to protein.
  7. Spices... Some of these are part of the acute gastritis diet. Drink herbs in the form of tinctures or teas. It is best to consult a nutritionist or herbalist. Naturopathic doctors also have a lot of knowledge about herbs and how to use them for acute gastritis. Some of the plants are mint, mastic, licorice and cranberry.
Recommended reading:  Why almonds are useful, properties and contraindications

What you can not eat on a diet with acute gastritis

In general, foods high in unhealthy fats should be avoided. They can worsen stomach ailments.They do not cause inflammation, but worsen the condition.

The following products also fall on the list of prohibited:

  1. Citrus fruit... They are good because they are rich in vitamin C, and this is partly true. The fact is that citrus fruits contain a large amount of natural acids that cause pain.
    Tangerines are allowed for patients with low acidity, oranges are prohibited for patients with high acidity.
  2. Tomatoes... As with the first item, this vegetable is usually healthy. However, its acidity irritates a sensitive stomach.
  3. Milk and dairy products... Contains calcium and amino acids that mimic acid production. When a patient has intestinal inflammation, the last thing is to produce acid, which will only worsen the symptoms. It is recommended that you test your reaction to yogurt and kefir as they are dairy products that are also considered probiotics and help with inflammation.
  4. Coffee... In most cases, it will not cause stomach problems. But if the patient is diagnosed with acute gastritis, the diet should exclude this product. Even a cup of decaf coffee will cause problems and severe pain.
  5. Spicy food... Cayenne pepper, cayenne powder, curries, and hot sauces can all worsen symptoms of acute gastritis. The diet excludes spicy hot meals if there is minor inflammation.

With gastritis with high acidity, table number 1 is prescribed. The diet excludes meat and fish products with a high content of fat, smoked meats, pickles, homemade canned food, sauces and spices. Do not fried foods, foods high in fiber.

For acute gastritis with low acidity, diet number 2 is recommended, saturated meat broths, hard-boiled eggs, legumes, mushrooms, hot sauces, fresh bread are excluded

Diet # 1 and # 2 prohibit processed foods and convenience foods. Recommendations include avoiding refined vegetable oils, white spreads, trans fats, white bread, and foods with added sugar.

Attention! Doctors recommend caution when eating carbohydrates. You cannot follow a strict low-carb diet for acute gastritis, this is also bad for the stomach. Instead, you should choose the right sources of the substance. Healthy - Fresh fruits, beans, whole grains.

Sample menu for a week

The given menu is exemplary in the acute course of gastritis, which proceeds without complications. It can be used in remission of the disease. If you approach it correctly, it will be complete and varied.

Low-fat soups are the ideal component of the healing table

Diet recipes for acute gastritis are varied, these are healthy and tasty dishes that many athletes who are on a healthy lifestyle eat.

An example of nutrition for acute gastritis of the stomach - the menu for a week is presented in the table:

Days of the week







Afternoon snack





1 tbsp. vegetable soup

coconut milk + 1 apple

chicken soup with meatballs

black tea with yesterday's bread and a slice of cheese

kefir + carrot puree


boiled white chickpeas

coconut water - 1 tbsp., ½ tbsp. grapes

buckwheat soup with a slice of yesterday's bread

rice flakes (½ cup) + black tea

boiled risk + baked pumpkin (⅓ tbsp.)


carrot soup

coconut water + pomegranate

pea soup + cabbage curry

boiled potatoes + 1-2 handfuls of almonds

mashed potatoes with steamed chicken breast cutlets


vegetable soup

coconut water + guava

baked apple + lean milk soup + a piece of boiled meat

rice + a glass of kefir

oatmeal jelly, rice pudding


baked tomatoes with buckwheat

coconut water + ripe papaya

chapati + baked vegetables + raita

vegetable salad

boiled rice


broccoli puree soup

coconut water + orange

boiled rice + lentil soup

rice flakes + banana + black tea

stewed fish or meat with buckwheat garnish


carrot and beet soup

coconut water + pomegranate

chicken broth + boiled meat

cottage cheese casserole + pine nuts

boiled rice with pumpkin


Recommended reading:  The benefits and harms of coconut milk for the body

A delicious recipe for making oatmeal jelly:

Diet after acute gastritis

Recovery after an attack of the disease and treatment of the chronic form require special nutrition. The diet after acute gastritis (i.e., during the period of remission) is also followed. Violation of the regime and rhythm of eating, emotional disorders can provoke another attack.

Some time after an acute attack, but not earlier than a month later (it is necessary to consolidate the result obtained), the patient can return to good nutrition. At the same time, with gastritis, doctors recommend minimizing the use of table salt, spicy and smoked foods.


Diet for acute gastritis is the elimination of harmful foods that irritate the stomach. Proper nutrition does not harm the weakened body, and compliance with the rules helps to eliminate pain, nausea and severity. In combination with medicines, the diet accelerates the regeneration of the mucous membrane.

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