How to properly wash terry towels

Terry towels should be washed taking into account the characteristics of the material. Only in this case, the products will retain their softness, and even after many washes it will be pleasant to use them.

Features of washing terry towels

Terry cloth is appreciated for its amazing softness, very pleasant to the skin, which is why products from such material are chosen for the bathroom. But after a few washes, they can lose their unique qualities and become rough and tough.

To keep the terry soft, you must adhere to special rules when washing:

  • wash towels only in soft water with a minimum content of lime salts;
  • do not boil products, even if they are very dirty, the procedure makes the pile hard;
  • do not wash products in a crowded automatic machine, in this case the powder is poorly rinsed out of the fabric;
  • do not use too hot water with a temperature of more than 60 ° C for washing;
  • select the most gentle detergents.
The condition of bath towels after washing depends on the temperature and hardness of the water

Terry items are not recommended to be ironed, it negatively affects the structure of the fabric. If the garment is very wrinkled and ironing is necessary, use the steaming mode.

At what temperature to wash terry towels

Fuzzy fabric reacts negatively to high temperatures. At the same time, white terry towels can be washed in water at 60 ° C, but for colored towels it is worth setting the temperature no higher than 40 ° C.

What mode to wash terry towels

So that the terry does not lose its softness, it is better to wash it in an automatic machine in the shortest possible mode, without spinning at high speeds. Rinsing should be set to double, detergents are poorly removed from the fluffy pile, which affects the softness.

How to wash terry towels

Terry cloth requires a special approach to the choice of detergent. It is best to wash it with a gentle silicone liquid and emollient balms. You can also use laundry soap, it is suitable for both hand washing and machine washing.

But it is better not to wash things with fluffy pile with standard powders in granules, their particles are poorly washed out and make the fabric rough. For products with fluffy pile, products containing phosphates and chlorine are not suitable.

For terry, it is better to use liquid products with a gentle composition.
Advice! It is better to wash terry clothes without using conditioner. Although the product will soften the pile, the fabric will absorb moisture worse.

How to properly wash terry towels

You can wash soft terry in a typewriter or with your hands in a basin. In both cases, you need to adhere to several recommendations that will help preserve the structure of the tissue.

How to machine wash terry towels

You can wash the terry in an automatic typewriter, this method of cleaning is not prohibited. If you follow the correct algorithm, then machining will not damage the product, and it will retain its softness:

  1. Wash a product with soft nap in a typewriter separately from other things. You can load 2 or 3 towels into the device at once, but do not fill the drum tightly with ordinary clothes, this will make rinsing difficult.
  2. The powder compartment must be filled with liquid detergent. It is desirable that the gel contains emollient components that will help keep the fabric fluffy.
  3. The washing mode must be set to delicate or standard. Colored terry towels can be washed at a maximum temperature of 40 ° C, otherwise they will shed. For white products, it is permissible to set the temperature to 60 ° C. It is impossible to wash a fleecy thing in excessively hot water, since this will cause the villi to become excessively stiff.
  4. To keep the fabric fluffy, you can also put special washing balls in the drum. Usually it is recommended to wash down jackets with them, however, balls will also be useful for fluffy things, since they will whisk the fabric during the washing process.
  5. It is better to wash fluffy things in a typewriter in the double rinse mode, in which case the detergent will be qualitatively washed out of the thick lint. It is because of insufficient rinsing that terry clothes often become hard.
You can put balls in the drum of the machine, they will beat fluffy fabric

If the water in the house is hard and you want to wash the product without damaging the fabric, you can use folk remedies. It is allowed to pour a little soda ash or table vinegar into the bleach compartment, they will not only soften the water, but also help preserve the color of the thing.

How to wash terry towels by hand

If you do not want to use the machine, you can wash a towel with a thick nap with your hands in the basin. Although such a wash is considered more gentle by default, certain rules must also be followed during it:

  1. To successfully wash a fleecy thing, you must first soak it, this will remove the main dirt.
  2. A fleecy item should be placed in a bowl of warm water at about 40 ° C and a little liquid soap or gel should be added. You can also use laundry soap, it removes dirt well and does not harm the structure of the pile.
  3. It is recommended to add 2 large tablespoons of salt or baking soda to the basin, they will soften the water and help keep the terry fluffy.
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The product is soaked for half an hour, and after this time you can start washing. The movements should be neat and fluffy, without undue effort.

When washing by hand, it is important to rinse the terry cloth thoroughly several times.

Then the item is rinsed in clean warm water. Since the terry cloth absorbs detergents well, you need to rinse it at least three times.

Attention! Although a long or short nap terry can be washed by hand, the fabric should not be rubbed or creased in the process, this will negatively affect its condition.

How to wash terry towels to keep them soft

It is not difficult to wash stains on fleecy fabrics, but maintaining softness becomes the main problem. To prevent the pile from becoming hard after cleaning, you must:

  • avoid strong mechanical impact on the fabric - this applies not only to manual processing, but also to machine processing; when washing automatically, it is better to refuse to spin;
  • monitor the hardness of the water, if it is of low quality, and there is no special purifying filter, then you need to add a little salt, soda or vinegar to the water;
  • it is impossible to use the correct detergents, ordinary powders and bleaches for fluffy products, you need to take only delicate gels, liquid soap, or even shampoo.
To soften the water and keep things soft, baking soda is added to the machine when washing.

How well you can wash your terry cloth depends on the quality of the rinse. Both in the machine and when processing in the basin, care must be taken to ensure that no detergent particles remain in the fabric structure.

How to dry terry towels properly

The softness of the product after washing depends not only on the quality of the water. It is important to properly dry the cleaned thing:

  1. After cleaning, fluffy terry cloth should not be wrung out, twisted with a tourniquet or tied in knots. It is only allowed to squeeze it out with light, gentle movements, and it is best to just hang it over the bathroom.
  2. Before hanging a damp product to dry, shake it well. At the same time, the villi will straighten, and the fabric will not only retain its softness, but will also acquire a neat look.
  3. The product can only be dried naturally, at a temperature of about 25 ° C, with good ventilation. Do not hang a thing on a battery or treat it with hot air with a hair dryer, the pile will become rough from this.
  4. It is not customary to iron terry cloth. For a towel, this procedure is usually not required, but if you still want to give the washed item a neater look, you can use an iron with a steaming function.
Drying terry towels is only necessary in a natural way
Important! During the drying process, fluffy things should be kept away not only from batteries and electrical appliances, but also from sunlight. Ultraviolet rays can also negatively affect the condition of the pile.

Useful Tips

Sometimes it is not possible to wash fluffy things with high quality even if all the rules are followed, and the fabric still becomes stiff. In this case, you can try to wash washed terry towels without the use of powder, that is, simply soften them with additional processing. The thing should be immersed for 5-6 hours in a bowl of cool water without adding powder, but with 3 tablespoons of salt, and then rinse thoroughly and dry. Detergent particles left after washing will be washed out of the fabric, and it will become fluffy and soft again.

If after washing the towel becomes hard, you can soak it in cool water with salt for 6 hours

Products with a dense pile made of terry are very good at absorbing any soap solutions. If the towel had to be washed by hand in the basin, then rinse it at least 3 times. The last time it is recommended to dissolve a little vinegar in water, it will not only effectively remove the remaining washing gel, but also make the villi softer.

When stored in a closet, items with a long pile may give off an unpleasant odor. This usually happens due to the fact that they are removed into the closet without waiting for complete drying. You can store the terry towel only after it is completely dry. Otherwise, in addition to an unpleasant odor, you may even encounter the appearance of mold.


Terry towels should only be washed in soft, warm water using a gentle detergent. To prevent the product from becoming tough, it must be thoroughly rinsed and properly dried, then the pile will retain its fluffy structure.

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