Why lemon is useful, composition, properties and contraindications


The benefits and harms of lemon are very interesting to consider - this fruit is very popular and often ends up on the table. To objectively assess its properties, you need to know all the features of lemon and its scope.

The composition and calorie content of lemon

To understand the health benefits and harms of lemons, you need to study the composition of these fruits. Each of the fruits contains:

  • vitamin C and citric acid;
  • vitamins B1, B2, B5, B6 and B9;
  • vitamins E, A and PP;
  • elements calcium, sodium, sulfur, potassium, magnesium, chlorine and phosphorus;
  • elements manganese, copper, boron, molybdenum, zinc and fluorine;
  • organic acids;
  • cellulose;
  • ash.

The calorie content of 100 g of pulp is about 34 kcal. It is worth noting that contrary to popular belief, the fruit is not at all the record holder for the content of vitamin C. There is indeed a lot of this component in the pulp, and, nevertheless, many fruits and berries are ahead of lemon in terms of ascorbic acid content.

Useful properties of lemon

The benefits of lemon for the human body can hardly be overestimated. Eating this fruit in moderation contributes to:

  • prevention of colds and infectious diseases;
  • improving metabolism and removing toxins from the body;
  • weight loss and elimination of problems with bowel movements;
  • strengthening of blood vessels and the heart system;
  • normalization of appetite;
  • prevention of internal bleeding;
  • healthy process of cell renewal and rejuvenation;
  • strengthening hair and nails, improving skin condition;
  • prevention of oncology.

In addition, the fruit helps maintain vigor, has a beneficial effect on mental performance and reduces blood pressure. The benefits of lemon in diabetes mellitus are manifested, if you eat the fruit carefully, it helps to lower glucose levels.

For women

The benefits of lemon for a woman's body are primarily in its anti-aging properties. The fruit is used in face masks and hair rinses. It brings great benefits during the diet - it effectively promotes weight loss and helps maintain the balance of vitamins and minerals in conditions of limited nutrition.

The properties of the fruit are very useful for the reproductive system of a woman - the fetus helps to get rid of cycle failures, regulates hormonal levels during menopause. Lemons are highly recommended for pregnant women, the fruits eliminate puffiness, prevent cramps and strengthen the heart.

For men

The benefits of lemon for a man's body lie primarily in the antioxidant properties of the fruit.Lemon strengthens blood vessels and heart, lowers cholesterol, prevents the development of respiratory diseases. Zinc and B vitamins in the fruit protect the reproductive system from diseases and contribute to the production of testosterone. The use of lemons has a beneficial effect on potency, and these fruits also help to cope with male infertility.

For children

The benefits of lemon for children are very great - the fruit effectively strengthens the immune system and helps fight colds. In addition, calcium and phosphorus strengthen the baby's bones and improve mental alertness. For babies, boiled lemons, yellow fruit jams and other delicacies are beneficial.

However, it is necessary to remember about the high content of organic acids in the composition of a healthy fruit. For the first time, it is recommended to offer a citrus fruit to a child not earlier than 2 years old, otherwise it can harm the body.

Attention! Since in some cases lemon causes severe allergies and other negative reactions, in order to avoid harm, you should consult a pediatrician before introducing the fruit into a children's diet.

What lemon helps with

The medicinal properties of lemon are widely known - it is used to treat a wide variety of diseases. In particular, the fruit is recommended for use:

  • with flu, SARS, colds, runny nose and cough;
  • at high temperatures;
  • with hypertension and a tendency to sudden surges in pressure;
  • after heart attacks and for the prevention of ischemia;
  • with diabetes and angina pectoris;
  • with asthma and tuberculosis;
  • with a tendency to obesity and intestinal parasites;
  • with dermatitis.

The fruit helps with an excess amount of toxins in the body, with neurasthenia and chronic fatigue syndrome.

The use of lemon for the treatment of various diseases

For the targeted treatment of ailments, the properties of the fruit are used according to proven recipes. In order not to harm yourself, you need to know how and in what dosages to use a healthy fruit.

From sore throat

Essential oils and vitamin C in the fruit help relieve sore throat with sore throat. There are quite a few ways to use the fruit. For example, lemon juice can be beneficial if diluted with water and gargled several times a day.

You can also chew raw lemon peel for sore throats. There will be benefits from a lemon with sugar, the sweetened wedges can simply be sucked every 2 hours.

For flu and colds

The benefits of lemon are manifested for colds of any origin, it is not for nothing that many pharmaceuticals are very similar in composition to ordinary lemon. At the first sign of malaise, traditional medicine recommends drinking water with fruit juice every hour until relief comes. Among other things, the fruit has diaphoretic properties and helps to bring down the temperature.

Also, with a cold, tea with lemon will not do any harm - a fragrant hot drink will not only fill the body with vitamins, but also help to keep warm.

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With liver diseases

The benefits of lemon for the liver are highly regarded. The fruit's antiseptic, cleansing and antioxidant properties help to flush out toxins from the body and promote the production of liver enzymes. For liver ailments, it is recommended to take lemon juice in the morning, diluting 3 large tablespoons of the product in a glass of water. It is better to do this on an empty stomach - this way the beneficial effect will be greater.

With gout

The benefit of lemon for gout is that the fruit prevents the deposition of uric acid salts in the joints and helps to quickly remove toxic substances from the body. They use the fruit for this disease both internally and externally, lemon juice is a part of medicinal ointments and compresses.

For internal use, such a mixture will be useful - 200 g of lemon pulp is combined with the same amount of cranberries, ground in a blender, and then mixed with 3 tablespoons of liquid honey.You need to take the remedy three times a day, 1 spoon, it is allowed to add the mixture to tea or herbal infusions.

From worms

The beneficial substances in the fruit neutralize intestinal parasites - you can use lemon every day for both prevention and elimination of worms. For medicinal purposes, the fruit is usually twisted in a meat grinder or chopped in a blender, and then poured with hot water for 2 hours. Take lemon at night - 1 glass shortly before bedtime.

With rheumatism

The minerals in the fruit have a beneficial effect on the joints and help to eliminate inflammation and pain. Lemon for joints is used as follows - squeeze about 60 ml of juice from fresh lemons and dilute in a glass of boiled water, and then drink before meals. The benefits of lemon on an empty stomach will appear if you take the remedy three times a day.

For the prevention of heart disease

The benefits of lemons for the heart are great - the use of fruits prevents the development of angina pectoris, ischemia, and protects against heart attacks. To strengthen the heart system, prepare the following mixture:

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  • 200 g of dried apricots, raisins and prunes are soaked and then chopped in a blender;
  • 200 g of honey and the same amount of chopped walnuts are added to the ingredients;
  • then a small fruit is passed through a blender along with the peel, the bones are removed from the resulting mass and the pulp is mixed with other components.
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A useful remedy is kept in the refrigerator for 3 days, and then taken in the morning on an empty stomach, 2 large spoons.

Since hypertensive patients are especially prone to heart ailments, the benefits of lemon for pressure are appreciated - for hypertension it is recommended to boil the peels of 2 fruits for half an hour. The benefits of lemon decoction will appear if you drink the drink three times a day before eating.

For stones in the liver and gallbladder

In the presence of calculi in the liver and gallbladder, it is recommended to prepare such a remedy:

  • 6 large tablespoons of olive oil are mixed with 4 tablespoons of honey and 2 tablespoons of lemon juice;
  • the ingredients are mixed well;
  • the mixture is slightly warmed before use.

You need to take the product in the morning in the amount of 1 spoon, about 40 minutes before having breakfast.

From burns

Organic acids in the composition of the healthy fruit contribute to the rapid recovery of the skin in case of burns. For early healing, it is recommended that you mix lemon juice with coconut oil and lubricate the affected area several times a day.

Also, the properties of the fruit will not be harmful for sunburns. If the skin turns red and burns after prolonged sun exposure, you can mix lemon juice with egg white, add 10 g of sugar and 3 large tablespoons of honey, dilute the components with 3 large tablespoons of water and the same amount of hydrogen peroxide. You need to keep the product on the skin for 20 minutes, if necessary, the composition can be applied up to 3 times a day.

Slimming lemon

Lemon will be of great benefit for weight loss. The fruit will contribute to the speedy digestion of food and the removal of toxins from the liver. When using lemon on a diet, the body will quickly get rid of toxins, and the diuretic properties of the fruit will help eliminate edema. In the process of losing weight, it is recommended to drink a glass of lemon water every day before eating.

Important! It is possible to use a healthy fruit on a diet only with a healthy stomach and intestines, with ulcers, gastritis and other ailments, it will harm.

Lemon Health Recipes

In folk medicine, the properties of the fruit are used in several main types. Lemon is used to make not only healthy drinks, but also healing sweets.

Lemon water

The benefits of freshly squeezed lemon juice are best when diluted in clean drinking water. Add 1 large spoonful of juice to a glass of warm water.The recipe may look different - sometimes 1 large spoonful of chopped pulp and peel is added to a glass of water.

Drink healthy lemon water no more than 4 times a day to avoid harm, preferably on an empty stomach. Helps remedy for rheumatism, temperature, diabetes and intestinal ailments.

Tea with lemon

Hot tea with fruit is especially effective for colds. Both the beneficial substances of the fruit and the valuable ingredients of natural tea fight viruses and infections. Making tea is very simple - just add a circle of fresh fruit to a hot drink. It is best to drink the remedy half an hour or an hour after eating, then the effect will be maximum.

Honey with lemon

The combination of citrus fruit and honey is especially effective in treating colds. Both products have strong anti-inflammatory and strengthening properties. To prepare a remedy, you need to dilute a large spoonful of honey in a glass of warm water and add a lemon wedge.

It is best to drink the remedy 3 times a day, the drink will quickly strengthen the immune system and help to cope with the disease.

Lemon with sugar

Another healthy treat is a thick jelly made from sugar and chopped citrus fruits. It is not difficult to prepare it:

  • 500 g of fresh fruits are thoroughly washed, and then passed through a blender along with the peel;
  • after that, the resulting mass is spread in layers in a glass container, a dense layer of sugar is placed on top of each layer of lemon pulp.

Then the container is put into the refrigerator for a while so that the lemon juice and sugar are properly mixed, and then they are used with tea or herbal decoctions for colds and flu.

Lemon with salt

The benefits of salted lemons can provide relief from ailments. A couple of fresh washed fruits are placed at the bottom of a small saucepan, cuts are made on their surface, and ordinary table salt is tamped tightly into the pulp. Then, for 3 days, the fruits are kept in a dark and dry place.

The benefits of lemon with salt are that it promotes weight loss and regulates digestion. However, in case of acute gastric ailments and problems with joints, it is better not to use the prescription, you can harm yourself.

Lemon with ginger

Healthy lemon-ginger drinks are great for inflammation, viruses, headaches and fever. The simplest recipe for a remedy looks like this: the chopped ginger root is poured with boiling water and allowed to brew for about half an hour, and then a little citrus fruit juice or a slice of it is added to the drink.

The benefits of lemon juice

For a wide variety of ailments, it is recommended to drink lemon juice - it contains the maximum concentration of valuable substances. In particular, the juice helps with anemia and lack of immunity, with weakened blood vessels and malfunctions of the nervous system. The benefits and harms of lemon juice are actively used in dietetics - lemon juice on an empty stomach helps to lose weight faster.

The juice can be added to salads and main courses as a dressing - its properties will improve the taste of products and increase the benefits.

Important! The benefits and harms of lemon juice depend on the literacy of use. Since the drink contains a huge amount of organic acids, undiluted it can harm tooth enamel and mucous membranes. To prevent the juice from causing damage, it must be diluted with water.

Are lemon seeds good for you?

An interesting question is the benefits and harms of lemon seeds. In order for their properties to have a beneficial effect on the body, it is recommended to pre-dry and grind the bones, and only then add them to healing drinks.

The benefits of lemon seeds are undeniable, since they contain all the important vitamins and beneficial essential oils. But at the same time, the seeds contain toxins that provide a bitter taste. Therefore, the benefits of lemon seeds when consumed fresh or when brewed in tea will be questionable - they are more likely to cause harm.

The benefits of frozen lemons

The health benefits and harms of frozen lemons are of great interest. In low temperatures, fruits retain their full volume of nutrients, regardless of whether they are frozen whole, grated or cut into slices. Moreover, the concentration of valuable components in them even increases.

The greatest benefit is considered to be grated frozen lemon - in this form, the fruit is easiest to defrost in the right amount and use for medicinal purposes. At the same time, according to the classic recipe, the fruit is first deeply frozen for 5 hours and only then finely grated to put it back in the freezer.

If you freeze and grate a lemon, it will be beneficial in the treatment of any ailments. Lemon shavings can be added not only to drinks, but also to salads, side dishes, and homemade tinctures and wines are made from the product.

Properties and uses of lemon essential oil

In pharmacies and specialty stores, you can buy lemon ether, a healthy oil obtained from the peel of the fruit by steam distillation or pressing. The benefits of lemon essential oil are not inferior to the valuable properties of fresh fruit, the ether preserves all the substances necessary for health.

The benefits of lemon essential oil are mainly used in cosmetology and aromatherapy. In particular, the benefits of lemon essential oil against wrinkles are appreciated - the product perfectly smoothes the skin.

The use of lemon in cosmetology

Lemon benefits the face, and the properties of the fruit are also used to care for nail plates and curls. Home cosmetology offers dozens of recipes based on the pulp and juice of the fruit.

For facial skin

They will bring the undoubted benefits of rubbing your face with lemon - this will help eliminate acne, blackheads and acne. The care product can be prepared in a couple of minutes, you just need to squeeze out fresh fruit, soak a cotton pad in the resulting juice and wipe the skin. In addition to eliminating inflammation, the fruit will help regulate the oily skin.

The benefits of ice with lemon for the face will be even greater - when frozen, lemon juice will accelerate blood circulation in the vessels under the skin.

You can whiten your face with lemon. This requires:

  • crush 50 g of white beans in mashed potatoes;
  • add a large spoonful of lemon juice;
  • mix the ingredients with a teaspoon of almond oil;
  • distribute the mixture over the skin for a quarter of an hour.

For hair

The benefit of lemon for hair is that it nourishes the curls with vitamins and prevents hair loss. The properties of the fruit help get rid of dandruff, eliminate excess oily scalp.

Apply lemon to hair as a rinse. The recipe depends on the fat content of the hair:

  • if the curls get dirty too quickly, add 2 large tablespoons of lemon juice to 2 liters of water;
  • for dry hair, only 1 large spoonful of juice is diluted in 2 liters of water.

Apply the product after each shampooing, and then dry the hair naturally so as not to damage their structure when using a hair dryer.

For nails

Benefits lemon for nails, it strengthens the plates, gives them shine and even color, improves the condition of the cuticle. To take care of the nails, just apply fresh slices to them for 10 minutes or rub fresh juice into the nail plates for the same time.

The use of lemon in everyday life

The beneficial properties of the fruit are used not only in medicine and cosmetology. With its help, you can get rid of old dirt and unpleasant odors, they are effectively eliminated by citric acid.

So, to whiten things before washing, it is enough to soak them in a basin with the addition of a few tablespoons of lemon juice. Concentrated juice removes rust on household appliances and scale on the walls of the kettle, juice is used to clean silver items and metal mixers and taps. If you put fresh fruit in the closet, your clothes will always smell fresh and will not be damaged by moths.

Harm of lemon and contraindications to use

With all the beneficial properties, lemons can harm the body.Contraindications for eating fruit are:

  • allergy to citrus;
  • ulcers of the stomach and duodenum;
  • gastritis with a high level of acidity;
  • severe liver ailments and pancreatitis;
  • lactation.

It is not recommended to eat the fruit with sensitive enamel, it will cause even more damage to the teeth.


The benefits and harms of lemon are determined by the presence of contraindications. In the absence of strict prohibitions on eating, the fruit will have the most beneficial effect on the body and significantly improve health.


Vasilyeva Inna Vladimirovna, 32 years old, Moscow
I constantly use lemon for weight loss - the fruit makes diets more effective. I can confirm that lemon for the face is the best remedy for acne and blackheads, washing with juice tightens and refreshes the skin well. Lemon for hair helped me get rid of dandruff.
Arkhipova Marina Nikolaevna, 55 years old, Oryol
I regularly cleanse blood vessels with lemon and garlic - after that the pressure evens out, and the cholesterol level drops. For colds, I use lemon for coughs - it does not contain any chemistry, and the effect is no worse than powerful pharmaceuticals.


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