Kostyanik: description and photo, what is useful for human health

The beneficial properties of the drupe berry and contraindications are related to each other. When used correctly, the plant has a beneficial effect on the body, but it is required to first study its features.

What it looks like and where it grows

Rocky bone (Rubus saxatilis) is a perennial herb from the Pink family. It has a straight fibrous stem, trifoliate leaves, with a rough surface covered with hard hairs. The shoots of the plant twine along the ground and reach 1.5 m in length.

In May and June, the drupe blooms with white small buds, collected in umbrellas or shields at the top of the stem. From July to early autumn, it produces bright red or orange berries of a composite type, consisting of 1-5 fruitlets with large seeds inside. Bones are sour and very juicy to the taste.

The height of the bone rises only up to 30 cm

The plant is widespread in the European part of Russia, found mainly in coniferous wet forests. You can also see it in the Far East and Siberia.

Chemical composition

The benefits and harms of drupe berries are due to its rich chemical composition. The fruits contain:

  • organic acids and pectins;
  • vitamin C;
  • rutin;
  • flavonoids;
  • tannins;
  • tocopherol;
  • iron, manganese and copper;
  • alkaloids;
  • tannins;
  • zinc;
  • ash;
  • carbohydrates.

Boneberry has a low energy value - 100 g of fruit contains only 44 calories. It is allowed to eat the berries of the plant, including on a diet.

What is the usefulness of the forest drupe for the human body

Boneberry is useful for health and is highly valued in folk medicine. The berries of the plant, like the leaves, are used to prepare medicinal compositions. With proper use, raw materials:

  • strengthens vascular walls and prevents atherosclerosis;
  • has a diuretic effect and removes excess fluids;
  • strengthens the immune system and lowers the temperature for colds;
  • prevents the deposition of cholesterol plaques;
  • accelerates the healing of skin and mucous membranes;
  • fights inflammation and infectious processes;
  • stops bleeding;
  • improves vision and protects the eyes from the development of inflammatory ailments;
  • stimulates intestinal peristalsis;
  • improves metabolism;
  • helps with gout and rheumatism;
  • improves the condition with ailments of the kidneys and urinary tract;
  • replenishes vitamin deficiencies and protects against the development of anemia;
  • strengthens the heart system;
  • promotes recovery from respiratory diseases.

It is useful to use bone bone in case of stress, nervous tension and chronic fatigue. The plant has anti-cancer properties and can serve as the prevention of cancer.

Bone bone helps to get rid of skin irritations, warts and papillomas

What are the benefits of green and red leaves of drupe forest

Traditional medicine uses not only the berries of the plant as a medicinal raw material, but also the leaves - green and red. There are many tannins, iron and ascorbic acid, as well as phytoncides and pectins in the plates.

On the basis of the leaves, you can prepare infusions with analgesic, anti-inflammatory and diuretic properties. The funds are used for migraines and weakened blood vessels, for joint ailments and colds, anemia and intestinal disorders.

Important! The infusion of the leaves, when used externally, improves skin condition and restores freshness and a healthy complexion to the face.

Useful properties of drupe berries

The maximum amount of valuable substances is present in the fruits of the plant. Decoctions, tinctures and berry juice are used to cleanse the kidneys and liver, lower the level of bad cholesterol, and accelerate digestion. The fruits have good antipyretic properties, are beneficial for anemia and fatigue. You can use them with gastritis to accelerate gastric secretion and healing of mucous membranes, as well as with weak vessels and sluggish blood circulation.

Preparation and application methods

Several effective medicines can be prepared from a useful plant. Traditional medicine offers recipes for alcohol and water preparations.

Boneberry tincture

The tincture is usually prepared from the leaves of the plant. The recipe looks like this:

  • 50 g of dry raw materials are poured into 500 ml of high-quality vodka;
  • in a closed container, remove the product for a month in a dark place;
  • after a period of time, filtered.

The tincture is taken up to four times a day, 5 ml. It brings benefits for colds and inflammatory processes, as well as sluggish digestion.

Bone bone tincture can be used prophylactically for immunity in autumn and winter


On the basis of the plant, you can prepare an aqueous infusion with good antibacterial and soothing properties. They do it like this:

  • fall asleep in a thermos for 15 g of leaves and flowers of stone bones;
  • pour dry raw materials 200 ml of boiling water;
  • close the container and leave for four hours.

The filtered agent is taken four times a day, 50 ml each. Every day it is necessary to prepare the infusion again, since it cannot be stored.

Infusion of the leaves and flowers of the stone bones can be taken with edema


Boneberry firming tea can be taken with a breakdown, nervous tension and at the first symptoms of a cold. The tool is prepared as follows:

  • mix berries and dried leaves, 5 g each;
  • pour raw materials into a cup and pour a glass of hot water;
  • leave under the lid for ten minutes.
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The finished drink is filtered and taken up to three times a day.

If desired, cream, milk or honey can be added to the tea from the bone.
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A decoction of bony leaves for a bath has a good effect on hemorrhoids, skin diseases and nervous disorders. Traditional medicine offers the following recipe:

  • 50 g of dry leaves are poured into 3 liters of water;
  • in an enamel saucepan, bring the mixture to a boil and boil over low heat for 15 minutes;
  • filter the broth and pour it into a filled bathing container.

You need to take a bath for about 20 minutes in the evening. Bone bone tea will promote emotional and physical relaxation, improve skin condition and help cope with inflammation in hemorrhoids.

Advice! Healing bath will be beneficial for fungus on the feet, if you add 5-7 drops of tea tree oil to it.
For medicinal purposes, bone baths are taken at least twice a week.

The use of bone in traditional medicine

Drumple berries and leaves are popular in home health recipes. There are many medicines that can help you cope with diseases faster.

With anemia

Vitamins and organic acids in the composition of the drupe leaves give the plant good strengthening properties. With anemia, the following infusion is beneficial:

  • mix 10 g of dried leaves of drupes, currants and strawberries;
  • measure out a small spoonful of curative collection and pour it into a cup;
  • Pour raw materials with 250 ml of hot water and leave for ten minutes under a lid.

The finished infusion must be filtered from the leaves and drunk like a regular drink, after a meal or shortly before it. The remedy is taken up to three times a day.

After a stroke

The medicinal properties of the leaves of the bone marrow have a beneficial effect on the blood vessels and the heart system, prevent the development of ischemia and help to recover faster after a stroke. The following remedy is prepared for therapy:

  • two large spoons of dry plates pour 200 ml of boiling water;
  • leave for half an hour under the lid;
  • filter the infusion.

You need to take 50 ml of the product four times a day on a full stomach. The drink will further enhance attention and improve memory.

To strengthen the body

After chemotherapy for oncology or during the recovery period from severe ailments, it is useful to use the juice of fresh drupe berries. Traditional medicine suggests making a cocktail, namely:

  • brew regular or green tea of ​​moderate strength;
  • add 30 ml of squeeze of ripe berries to the drink.

Drink tea with healthy juice up to three times a day. In total, the treatment must be continued for two weeks in a row.

With uterine bleeding

With bleeding in women in the postpartum period, you can take an infusion on dry leaves of the bone. They do it like this:

  • 12 g of raw materials are poured into 250 m of hot liquid;
  • warmed up in a water bath for 15 minutes;
  • cooled to a warm state and filtered.

You need to take the product 30 ml three times a day on an empty stomach. In case of severe, prolonged bleeding, it is necessary to consult a doctor, as they can pose a real health hazard.

With liver diseases

Bone berries have cleansing and anti-inflammatory properties. An infusion based on them is useful for treating liver ailments, high cholesterol and an excess of toxins and toxins in the body. A healing drug is done like this:

  • 250 g of berries are washed and poured with 500 ml of warm water;
  • leave under a lid at room temperature for a day;
  • after a lapse of time, filter the solution from a possible precipitate;
  • add 25 ml of natural honey to the liquid and stir.

The tool for drupes is taken three times a day, 50 ml.

Infusion of bony berries with honey promotes weight loss and accelerates metabolism

With gastritis

Boneberry contains a large amount of organic acids and accelerates digestion in gastritis with reduced production of gastric juice. In addition, the valuable substances in the berry have a healing effect and help to restore irritated mucous membranes.

The drug for gastritis is done as follows:

  • a handful of fresh berries are chopped with a blender or manually using a pusher;
  • squeeze the mass through folded gauze.

The resulting juice is taken two large tablespoons three times a day on an empty stomach. The course of therapy should be continued for three months.

With rheumatism

Bone bone is beneficial for rheumatism, arthritis and gout as it quickly relieves inflammation and pain. For treatment, compresses from fresh leaves are used, and they are made like this:

  • several plates are steamed in boiling water for ten minutes;
  • remove hot leaves and squeeze lightly;
  • applied to sore spots and secured with a bandage.

It is recommended to repeat the procedure several times a day until the condition improves.

With warts

Bone bone not only improves skin elasticity, but also cleanses it of warts and papillomas. For treatment, it is necessary to squeeze ripe berries daily and lubricate problem areas of the epidermis with the resulting juice.

Advice! To cleanse the skin, you can also use bone gruel - it is applied to the face, like a regular mask, for 15-20 minutes.

With conjunctivitis

Fresh bony leaves help with inflammatory eye diseases. With conjunctivitis, it is recommended to simply apply carefully washed plant plates to the eyelids. Beforehand, they need to be slightly kneaded to extract juice. You need to repeat the procedure 3-4 times a day for a week.

With genital infections

Bone berry juice is good for trichomoniasis and other sexually transmitted diseases. Treatment is carried out as follows:

  • chop the berries with a mortar or blender to the state of gruel;
  • squeeze pure juice through cheesecloth;
  • add the agent to the douching solution in a volume of 50 ml per 1 liter of water.

The procedures are carried out daily at the same time as taking medications until the symptoms of infection disappear. You need to do douching in the evening.

Boneberry juice has high acidity, therefore, it is not used in its pure form for douching.

With seborrhea

The valuable properties of the bone are beneficial for severe dandruff and itching. Traditional medicine recommends preparing such a decoction for rinsing hair:

  • three large spoons of dry or fresh leaves steamed 400 ml of boiling water;
  • heat in a water bath for 15 minutes;
  • cooled to a warm state and filtered.

The curls are washed with a ready-made product every time after normal hygiene procedures, paying special attention to the area at the roots. Bone bone broth eliminates the fungus on the scalp, normalizes the activity of the sebaceous glands and prevents the reappearance of seborrhea.

Contraindications to the use of bone

A photo and description of the beneficial properties of the drupe berry should be considered along with possible side effects. In some conditions, it is not recommended to use fruits and decoctions of plant leaves. It is necessary to abandon the bones:

  • with diabetes mellitus;
  • during pregnancy and lactation;
  • with individual allergies;
  • with severe hypertension;
  • with stomach ulcers and pancreatitis in a state of exacerbation;
  • with a tendency to constipation;
  • with thrombophlebitis and varicose veins.

When using infusions and decoctions of bone marrow, you need to observe the dosages recommended by recipes. Exceeding the safe amount can cause skin rashes, nausea and diarrhea. Ripe berries are taken in an amount of no more than 100 g per day, otherwise vitamins and organic acids in the fruit will harm the body.

Attention! Bone bone can be offered to children after three years and only with the approval of a pediatrician. Red berry often causes allergies.

When and how to pick berries, stone leaves

The harvesting of berries for the winter is carried out from the beginning of ripening to the end of September. Only bright red ripe fruits are removed from the bushes. Leaves are cut during the flowering period of the plant, during this period they contain the most valuable components.

It is necessary to dry berries and stone plates in the fresh air under a canopy or in a warm room away from direct sun. You can also use a dryer or oven - the temperature is set in the range of 45-50 ° C. The berries and leaves prepared for storage are laid out in paper bags or fabric bags and put into a dark cabinet.

Drupe leaves and berries retain useful properties throughout the year


The beneficial properties of the drupe berry and contraindications are of great interest to traditional medicine. Means based on the fruits and leaves of the plant are used to improve digestive processes and to fight inflammation. In small amounts, bone bone effectively eliminates infections and accelerates tissue healing.

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