Vitamins for hair growth and strengthening: the most effective complexes, reviews

Not everyone can boast of beautiful, strong and healthy curls. The modern rhythm of life, frequent stress, ecology and other reasons make the hairstyle less attractive. Various cosmetics are not able to completely eliminate the problem, since it often comes from within the body. In this case, it is necessary to resort to more effective recovery methods, which include various vitamins to strengthen hair. Before purchasing the first available complex drugs, it is important to understand their effectiveness.

With the help of a specially selected complex of vitamins, you can not only strengthen your hair, but also accelerate its growth

The benefits of vitamins to strengthen hair

No matter how a person tries to compose a balanced diet for himself, which could enrich the body with all useful substances and vitamins every day, it is quite difficult to do this. Therefore, various vitamin complexes have been developed to help, allowing you to replenish trace elements in the body without much effort. Such complexes include vitamins for strengthening hair, aimed at maximizing the supply of the body with substances necessary for their healthy growth.

As a rule, most of the complexes include vitamins such as A, C, E, as well as groups B, P. In addition, they also contain other components, including protein, which is an important element for the formation of hairs, various minerals, such as phosphorus, silicon, zinc, iodine and others.

Thanks to the enriched composition of vitamin complexes for hair, the body receives the necessary daily intake of trace elements, which leads to an improvement in the condition of the curls, their strengthening and growth.

What vitamins are needed to strengthen hair

Hair, like the whole body, needs a constant supply of vitamins, minerals and other useful substances. With a deficiency of at least one important trace element, the curls lose their shine, become brittle and fall out. Therefore, everyone should know what vitamins are required for hair to be strong and healthy:

  • retinol (vitamin A) - is necessary to maintain the elasticity and firmness of the curls;
  • thiamine and nicotinic acid (B1, B3) - helps maintain color intensity;
  • riboflavin (B2) - prevents fragility;
  • pyridoxine (B6) - stimulates growth and also prevents hair loss;
  • biotin (B7) - participates in the overall health of the strands, making them strong and strong;
  • folic acid (B9) - accelerates growth, strengthens and restores hair;
  • B10 - prevents hair loss and fights premature gray hair;
  • B12 - activates hair growth;
  • vitamin E - nourishes the follicles;
  • calciferol (D) - prevents brittleness, making the strands shiny and silky, also saturates the roots;
  • vitamin C (C) - helps to improve blood circulation in the scalp.
Not all vitamins the body can get from food, so you can resort to the use of specially designed complex preparations

The best vitamins to strengthen hair

Pharmacology today represents a huge range of various dietary supplements and other fortified complexes, which, according to the description, have a very beneficial effect on curls. In fact, there are really a lot of such drugs, but not all of them are effective. Not to be mistaken, below are lists of the best vitamins for strengthening hair for both women and men.

Important! Before using any vitamin complex to strengthen hair, you should consult a trichologist.

Vitamins for strengthening hair for women

Among the large number of vitamins recommended for strengthening and restoring hair for women, the following can be distinguished:

  1. Pantovigar - the complex is a hard gelatin capsule containing vitamins such as B1, B5, keratin and amino acids. The effectiveness of this drug has been clinically proven. It should be taken with dyeing or after perming. The composition has a beneficial effect on follicles, strengthening and restoring strands. The course of administration lasts from 4 to 5 months, the dosage is 3 capsules per day.
  2. Merz - the drug is presented in the form of pills, it contains cystine, beta-carotene, yeast extract. It is aimed at combating hair loss, and also strengthens and increases the elasticity of the strands.
  3. Perfectil - are produced in the form of capsules containing an extensive list of vitamins, minerals and plant extracts. Due to the presence of beta-carotene, B vitamins and such as C, E, this complex has a positive effect on hair growth. Protects the scalp, improving blood microcirculation in the superficial vessels.
  4. Polypant - vitamins for strengthening hair in ampoules, which have a positive complex effect on the "dormant" bulbs. The tool improves hair growth, and also penetrates the structure, rejuvenating the curls from the inside.
  5. Revalid - the drug is produced in a gelatin capsule, the action is due to the multicomponent composition, which also includes the amino acids, which are irreplaceable in value, cystine and methionine. These vitamins have a complex effect to strengthen the hair roots, as well as restore the structure of damaged strands and prevent hair loss.
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In addition to the above preparations, you can also purchase other vitamins in ampoules (E, groups B, C) in the pharmacy for use in a mask to strengthen hair.

Hair strengthening vitamins for men

Men, no less often than women, suffer from problems with the scalp and strands, so many effective complex vitamins have also been developed for them to strengthen their hair. Among all drugs available on the pharmacological market, men should pay attention to the following:

  1. Evicent - the drug is in the form of tablets, the key components of which are yeast and sulfur. It has a regenerating effect on the scalp and hair.
  2. Fitoval - a universal preparation in the form of capsules, aimed at activating the growth of curls. The course of treatment is quite short and is only 2 weeks.
  3. Duovit for men - is a complex preparation that has a positive effect not only on the hair, but on the entire body as a whole.
  4. Selencin - a drug in the form of tablets, designed to reduce the number of curls falling out. Activates dormant bulbs, prevents hair damage and promotes hair growth.
  5. Inneov for men Is a dietary supplement in tablet form. It includes taurine, zinc and steroidal alcohol are substances that reduce the formation of dihydrosterone, thereby reducing hair loss.


The use of any vitamin complexes requires adherence to certain rules that will help to secure the intake of drugs so that they only bring benefits:

  • before using any drug, it is important to read the instructions, which indicate the recommended dosage and method of administration;
  • in no case should you increase the dose yourself;
  • if a substance to which there is an allergy is indicated in the composition of the drug, then this complex can be immediately excluded from the list of used ones;
  • you should not start taking vitamin complexes on your own; consultation with a trichologist is required.
Attention! A doctor's consultation is required if the intake of a vitamin complex is necessary for a person over 55 years old, since at this age it is rather difficult to predict the reaction to the drug.

Contraindications and side effects

Despite the fact that many vitamins for strengthening hair can be called among the most effective, they still have contraindications and side effects.

If you do not take into account possible contraindications, drugs will be harmful

Vitamin complexes to maintain the strands in a healthy state are not recommended for use in the presence of the following phenomena and pathologies:

  • hypersensitivity;
  • individual intolerance to any of the components of the complex;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and liver;
  • pregnancy and lactation.
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Side effects include:

  • in case of an overdose of the vitamin complex, hypovitaminosis may occur;
  • headache and dizziness;
  • diarrhea;
  • allergic reaction.


Vitamins for strengthening hair, with the right choice, will not only strengthen the strands, but also stop their loss, as well as improve the appearance of the hairstyle. Naturally, one should not wait for an instant result, but with periodic administration, the improvements will be noticeable.

Reviews of vitamins to strengthen hair

Christina Wenger, 24 years old, Perm.
Since the fall, my hairstyle almost always suffers and looks very deplorable. Therefore, from the first month of autumn I start to drink vitamins "Merz Beauty". And every year I am convinced that I am making the right choice. Earlier I took other dietary supplements, but the best effect is from the "Merz" dragee, as the hair becomes stronger and less falls out.
Natalia Osipova, 30 years old, Kazan.
After giving birth, my hair became very brittle and sore. I myself was depleted in terms of vitamins, but at the reception my doctor recommended that I undergo a course of treatment with a vitamin complex. He appointed me "Pantovigar". I bought it, after 2 weeks of taking it I noticed improvements. Hair became thicker, a silky shine appeared.
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