Useful properties of flounder

Flounder is a valuable commercial fish with tasty, tender, juicy meat. The benefits and harms of flounder are expressed in the ratio of essential nutrients and the possible negative consequences of eating the product.

What does the flounder look like and where is it found?

Flounder is a sea ray-finned bottom fish, with an asymmetrical flat body of leaf-oval or rhombic shape. A characteristic feature is the location of the eyes on one side. The bottom side is pale, has a rough roughness. The eye side is olive-brown with orange-yellow spots. The skin on it is smooth with small scales. The flounder reaches an average length of 35-40 cm in 5 years, older individuals grow up to 1 meter. Can live up to 50 years.

In total, there are about 500 species of this fish. In the seas washing the shores of Russia - about 30. The Kambalov family includes: yellowfin, white-bellied, halibut varieties, as well as limanda, ruff-flounder, halibuts.

Flounder is mined in the Atlantic, White, Okhotsk, Kara, Baltic seas. The yellow-bellied flounder is found off the western coast of Kamchatka. The Black Sea variety is called Kalkan. The river flounder - glossa is also found in nature.

Flounder meat composition

Fish meat has a high nutritional value, rich in vitamins and microelements. Regular consumption of it in food helps to maintain the body in good shape, restore the immune system. 100 grams of fish contains:

  • proteins - 16.5 mg;
  • fat - 3 g;
  • carbohydrates - 0;
  • dietary fiber - 0;
  • water - 79.3 g.

The amount of vitamins and microelements per 100 g:



Trace elements


A, retinol

15 mcg


50 mcg

B1, thiamine

0.22 mg


20 mcg

B2, riboflavin

0.21 mg


27 mg

B3, nicotinic acid

3.4 mg


200 mcg

B6, pyridoxine

0.1 mg


2.4 mg

B12, cobalamin

1.1 μg


110 mcg

D, calciferol

2.8 μg


0.05 mg

E, alpha tocopherol

0.63 mg


0,4 mg

C, ascorbic acid

1 mg


0.7 mg




55 mcg

Caloric content of flounder

The beneficial properties of the meat of this fish are combined with a low calorie content. This gives it an advantage over animal and bird meat. The energy value varies depending on the cooking method.

Calorie content of flounder per 100 g:

Cooking method

Calorie content


70-90 kcal


103 kcal


90 kcal

Baked in the oven

70 kcal


110 kcal


160 kcal


133 kcal

Hot smoked

192 kcal

Cold smoked

107 kcal

Why flounder is useful for the body

The meat of this fish contains sufficient quantities of amino acids necessary for human health - aspartic, glutamic, threonine, serine, glycine. They keep the body young and slow down the aging process, participate in collagen production, brain function, and reduce anxiety.

The benefits of flounder for the body also lie in the presence of polyunsaturated fatty acids Omega-3 and Omega-6.They help to reduce the level of harmful cholesterol in the blood, stabilize the work of the heart and blood vessels, and prevent the development of blood clots and cancer cells.

The complex of useful components of meat has a positive effect on the state of vision, memory, and the nervous system. It is recommended to eat fish in case of anemia, hypothyroidism, chronic gastritis, depression. Eating this fish, you can improve performance, increase immunity.

Is flounder possible for pregnant and lactating women

It is good for pregnant and lactating women to consume this fish. This has a beneficial effect on a woman's body during gestation and helps to recover after childbirth. The nutrients contained in fish are indispensable in the formation of the nervous system and the brain of the fetus. A large amount of protein, which is rich in meat, is necessary for the correct intrauterine development of the child.

Is flounder useful for children

The high content of potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium in fish promotes the growth of teeth, hair and nails. Iodine is essential for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland, sexual development in adolescence, and proper metabolism.

The main useful component of this fish is an easily digestible protein, which is found with a complex of amino acids necessary for the formation of muscles, internal organs, and the brain. Its tender healthy meat has a low fat content; it can be introduced into the baby's diet after 8 months. Flounder for a child at first is prepared in the form of mashed potatoes.

Benefits of flounder for the elderly

This fish is recommended for people of old age. The vitamin E contained in it slows down the aging process in the body and helps prevent senile dementia. The balanced mineral composition is useful for the prevention of osteoporosis and joint diseases, bone fusion after fractures. Eating healthy fish helps to restore strength after an illness, improve the work of the cardiovascular system.

Flounder for weight loss

The healthy meat of this fish is perfect for those who want to lose weight. Its introduction into the diet allows to accelerate metabolic processes in the body, to support efficiency and mental activity. The unique structure of fish protein allows it to be quickly absorbed in muscle tissue, which is important during physical activity.

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Eating flounder for pancreatitis

Inflammation of the pancreas requires careful attention to diet. Useful flounder, as a low-fat variety, may be present on the menu for this disease. Fresh fish should be boiled or steamed. You can mince the meat and make meatballs or steam cutlets. There should be a minimum amount of spices.

Attention! Ukha is banned along with smoked, fried and canned fish.

The benefits and harms of flounder caviar

In terms of its composition, the caviar of this fish does not differ from fillet, the useful and harmful components in it are the same. Flounder caviar is fried in batter or breading, salted. These cooking methods are not suitable for people on a diet with heart, kidney, liver, and pancreas problems.

How to cook delicious flounder

There are many ways to prepare healthy flounder: it is boiled, steamed, fried in batter or breading. Mediterranean cuisine abounds in recipes where flounder is stewed with vegetables, in a variety of sauces, combined with shrimp and mushrooms. Healthy fish can be baked in the oven on a baking sheet and in pots, stuffed and fillet rolls can be made.

It goes well with any side dish - rice, buckwheat, potatoes. Tomatoes, bell peppers, cheese, carrots, olives complement its taste. From spices it is better to choose basil, garlic, ground black pepper, bay leaf.

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Lemon juice also helps to eliminate specific odors.The fish is best baked, it will turn out tender, juicy and retain the greatest amount of nutrients. Steamed dishes are inferior in taste to other cooking methods, but the maximum health benefits of flounder will remain.

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Attention! Flounder should be cooked over medium heat. If the fire is strong, healthy fish will quickly fall apart and turn into porridge.
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How to clean a flounder

White meat emits a specific smell during heat treatment. This can be avoided by cooking it without the skin. You need to clean the fish as follows:

  1. Rinse under cold water.
  2. Gut and wash again.
  3. Cut off the head and fins.
  4. Make an incision along one side, pry the skin with a knife. Pressing the fish to the table with your left hand, remove the skin from the tail to the head with your right hand.
  5. Separating the fillets from the bones is easy.

The harm of flounder and contraindications to use

Flounder meat is considered hypoallergenic. However, it should not be consumed by people who are allergic to seafood, protein. The high protein content requires caution in people with liver and kidney disease. Smoked, canned, dried flounder loses most of the nutrients and contributes to the occurrence of edema, the deposition of salts in the joints, the concentration of carcinogens in the body. It is also contraindicated in case of hyperthyroidism.

Caution! Eating flounder raw (Japanese cuisine) is fraught with infection with helminths, which lay their larvae in the body of the fish.

How to choose and store flounder correctly

Flounder lives at the bottom, is able to accumulate salts of heavy metals over time, especially if the ecological situation in the reservoir is unfavorable. You need to purchase it only in trusted retail outlets where there is sanitary and epidemiological control. The most tender, tasty and healthy meat is in medium-sized individuals (20-30 cm). When evaluating a carcass, attention should be paid to its appearance. The following factors indicate the freshness of a product:

  • Sea fish has no unpleasant odor.
  • The color of the painted side did not fade, did not acquire a rusty tint.
  • The gills are pink.
  • The eyes are transparent, unclouded.
  • The scales are rough, without slippery coating.
  • The pulp is dense and elastic, when pressed, it returns to its previous shape.

After purchase, fresh fish must be cooked or stored in the refrigerator, where it can lie no more than 2 days. It should be placed in an enamel or plastic dish, you can lay it over with ice. Allowed to be wrapped in a plastic bag, cling film or foil. To extend the shelf life, it is recommended to sprinkle the carcass with coarse salt, which can be easily removed before use. It can be stored in the freezer for up to 4 months. Thawed fish must be cooked immediately; re-freezing is not allowed.


The benefits and harms of flounder are determined by the presence of components biologically important for the human body and methods of storage and preparation. The composition of meat makes it an irreplaceable product for the prevention of many diseases and maintaining health. The useful flounder is loved by many, despite its specific smell. Fillets are easily separated from the bones - this moment is important when it comes to fish.


Demidova Lyudmila, 35 years old, Vyborg
We always take dried flounder with beer. We love how they fit together.
Stolbova Julia, 45 years old, Yalta
My husband and I often go fishing. Sometimes we catch the local flounder. We cook there. The fish soup is delicious. If you add a couple of tablespoons of mayonnaise to the broth while cooking, it's generally excellent.
Nedostupa Sergey, 37 years old, Omsk
I don't like her. Looks awful, smells so-so.
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