How to take l-carnitine while exercising

Taking l-carnitine before training is essential to increase physical endurance by replenishing energy reserves. Vitamin-like substance makes it easier to carry loads, stimulates the transformation of fatty layers into muscle tissue. The result is an improvement in body relief, a quick recovery of the body even after overly intense training.

L-carnitine increases physical endurance during sports training, mobilizes the body for records

What is l-carnitine

Sports l-carnitine is no different from a biological substance that is used in medical practice. The main function of this organic compound is to transport long-chain fatty acids into mitochondria through the inner membranes. Subsequently, they are split with the release of the energy necessary for all systems of vital activity.

L-carnitine is biosynthesized in the human body in the required amount and is additionally supplied with food (meat, fish, milk). Its role in the activity of internal organs is difficult to overestimate:

  • prevents fat deposition;
  • increases mental and physical energy;
  • increases the body's immunity to stress;
  • neutralizes toxic substances, organic acids and xenobiotics, contributing to their rapid evacuation from the body;
  • cleans blood vessels from cholesterol blocks, strengthens their walls, normalizes permeability.

Any of the listed effects of L-carnitine are a reason for taking it pre-workout. Due to the peculiarities of its chemical structure, it is not entirely correct to call it a vitamin. But with a deficiency of this bioactive substance, conditions arise that are similar to hypo- and avitaminosis.

L-carnitine helps the body in all stressful situations
Important! If there is a lack of L-carnitine in the body, then the transformation of fats is significantly slowed down. They gradually accumulate and then are deposited in problem areas.

What is carnitine for in sports

You can do without carnitine when playing sports, but the results of training will not be so impressive. It is characterized by a pronounced anabolic effect. During training, it accelerates the formation and renewal of tissues and skeletal muscles. Under the influence of l-carnitine, the rate of cell renewal increases. Their protection against premature destruction by free radicals is also noted. Taking a bioactive compound before training has a positive effect on the state of the body:

  1. Lactic acid does not accumulate in the muscles in an increased concentration, but is quickly eliminated from them. Therefore, the athlete does not feel the previously habitual painful sensations and unpleasant burning sensations.
  2. Muscles become more durable, withstand great physical exertion. This allows you to avoid stretching, damage to the ligamentous-tendon apparatus.
  3. At the final stage of training, severe fatigue and overwork do not occur. Now you can practice for longer, achieving better results.

In bodybuilding, L-Carnitine is prized for its ability to optimize the percentage of fat to total body weight. At the same time, the likelihood of injury during training is reduced, especially when lifting heavy weights.

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Varieties of l-carnitine

Sports nutrition with l-carnitine is produced by many foreign and domestic manufacturers. Supplements are rarely found in which it is found only in combination with auxiliary ingredients. Usually manufacturers enrich the composition with fat and water-soluble vitamins, micro and macro elements. This should be taken into account when choosing a quality product. If the athlete is already taking balanced vitamin and mineral complexes, then such supplements can provoke hypervitaminosis.

Supplements with l-carnitine are available in various forms:

  • capsules;
  • dragee;
  • powders for dilution in water;
  • concentrated solutions for preparing drinks;
  • directly drinks.

It is advisable to entrust the choice of dietary supplements to a sports doctor. He will take into account the degree of physical activity and the general state of human health. But pre-workout pre-workout sports drinks with l-carnitine are especially beneficial. Their ingredients are absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract within 15-30 minutes and enter the systemic circulation.

Advice! L-carnitine from capsules and tablets is released gradually, as their shells dissolve. Therefore, such dietary supplements are best taken on days free from training.
L-Carnitine Ready Drink Ideal Pre-Workout

How to take l-carnitine while exercising

According to the general recommendations of sports medicine, the daily norm of l-carnitine on training days should not exceed 2 g. Taking a larger amount is useless - even with intensive training, the body is simply not able to metabolize and assimilate it. Recalculation is carried out depending on the weight of the person. For an athlete with a body weight of 90 kg and more, this dose is increased by 1.5-2 times.

When is it better to take carnitine - before or after training

It often makes no sense to consume L-carnitine after exercise. All muscular loads are left behind, the body functions in a rest mode. Excessive pharmacological load in this period can only harm. But before training, carnitine in a dosage of 0.5 to 1 g of skeletal muscle is necessary.

How much before training to take carnitine

According to the results of clinical trials in volunteers, the optimal time to take l-carnitine before training is 15-30 minutes. A quarter of an hour is enough for it to completely penetrate the blood. But this is relevant only when taking drinks, powders or concentrates diluted in water. If a person takes capsules or pills, then they must be swallowed 1-1.5 hours before training.

How much carnitine to drink before exercise

If the doctor has not determined the individual dosage regimen, then it is necessary to take the bioactive substance as follows:

  • 0.2 g 15-20 minutes before breakfast;
  • 0.2 g before lunch;
  • 0.2 g before dinner;
  • 0.6 g dissolved before training.
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Carnitine should be used without training in a smaller amount - about 0.5 g in the form of tablets, capsules or concentrates. In this case, it is possible to take it both before meals and after a couple of hours.

Attention! In the morning hours and during physical exertion, l-carnitine is most active. This is explained by its maximum possible assimilation in the body.

L-carnitine on drying

Drying allows you to minimize adipose tissue in the body (below its own norm) to obtain muscle relief. Here, supplements with l-carnitine will come in handy more than ever. The organic compound has a direct effect on lipid metabolism.Fat layers are broken down, and the products of biochemical reactions are converted into energy.

Drying with l-carnitine is carried out in the same way as anaerobic and aerobic training. For 15-20 minutes, it is required to take at least 0.6 g of pure bioactive substance.

The dosage of L-carnitine for bodybuilders should be increased based on weight

Contraindications and side effects

In the process of any training, the intake of l-carnitine is prohibited for people with individual intolerance. It is forbidden to use dietary supplements during the period of gestation and during breastfeeding. This is a general list of contraindications, but it can be expanded depending on the dosage form and auxiliary composition.

Rarely enough, usually in violation of the dosage regimen, side effects appear:

  • dyspeptic disorders;
  • allergy symptoms;
  • pain in the epigastric region.

Cases of muscle weakness, dizziness, headaches have been reported. L-carnitine should be discontinued and a doctor consulted for symptomatic treatment.


Taking l-carnitine before a workout, especially an intense workout, is beneficial for both women and men. The bioactive substance will help realize the potential, reveal the capabilities of the body. The course use of l-carnitine allows you to increase physical endurance and mental performance, increase vitality, recharge with vigor and energy.

Reviews of athletes about l-carnitine

Vladimir Kononov, 35 years old, Rostov-on-Don
After 30 years, it became more difficult to train in the same regime. I got tired faster, my muscles ached a lot, and the recovery period dragged on for a day, and sometimes more. The sports doctor recommended an additional intake of dietary supplements with l-carnitine. The effect was felt in about 3 weeks - endurance increased significantly. I decided to resume the previous training regime with the same loads. And the dietary supplement did not disappoint - I feel no worse than at 20.
Antonina Levina, 37 years old, Volgograd
I took l-carnitine first for accelerated burning of fatty layers in combination with physical activity. Without limiting myself in nutrition, I completely got rid of excess weight. The next task was the formation of beautiful, relief, but hardly noticeable muscles. And here it was not without L-carnitine. It helped to shorten the drying time, saturating the body with energy.
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