Properties and uses of cosmetic essential chamomile oil

Chamomile is called one of the most popular beauty plants. Flowers eliminate skin rashes and restore shine to hair. The properties and uses of chamomile oil are due to its rich composition. Ether has several varieties and is valued no less than the plant itself.

Chamomile oil composition

The universal remedy is actively used in cosmetology and traditional medicine. The following types of oil solution are called, which are emitted depending on the type of plant:

  • moroccan;
  • English;
  • German or blue;
  • pharmacy.

Each species has medicinal properties. The difference lies in the concentration of the constituent substances. Varieties are also differentiated according to where the flowers grow.

Important! German chamomile oil solution is most in demand in Europe and Russia, it is used in therapy, cosmetology and trichology. The product can be used for domestic purposes.

Chamomile ester has a thick and dense consistency. The solution is characterized by the following shades:

  • greenish;
  • brown;
  • blue.

The color depends on the quality of raw materials and the duration of their storage. The aroma of ether is spicy and sweet. It has notes:

  • fruit;
  • hay;
  • tart grass;
  • tobacco.

Chamomile oil solution is rich in bisabol and chamazulene. Ether is a source of the following substances:

  • flavonoids;
  • organic and fatty acids;
  • glycosides;
  • phytosterol;
  • cholecalciferol;
  • vitamin C;
  • B vitamins.

Ether is produced by a distillation method. This method allows you to maximize the preservation of nutrients.

To obtain 1 liter of chamomile oil, two centners of raw materials are required

Properties and benefits of chamomile essential oil

Ether has a complex effect. Chamomile oil solution can be thought of as:

  • antibiotic;
  • antiseptic;
  • febrifuge;
  • antidepressant;
  • brain stimulant;
  • tonic;
  • antispasmodic;
  • tissue regenerator;
  • relaxant;
  • anti-inflammatory drug.

Inhalation of ether vapors helps to normalize the psycho-emotional background and improve overall well-being. The aromatherapy procedure allows you to:

  • relieve tension, anxiety and anxiety;
  • ease bouts of fear and anger;
  • eliminate neurotic reactions;
  • activate memory;
  • improve sleep.
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Application and how to use chamomile essential oil

The product is usually considered as an external remedy. Its use can improve the condition of the skin and hair.

Chamomile oil in cosmetology

The tool is actively used in cosmetology. Ether is suitable for body, face and head skin care. Chamomile oil solution is a versatile product. Its use is possible with different types of skin.

Applying chamomile oil to the face

The product is suitable for both teenage and mature skin. To smooth out wrinkles, you can apply a compress. To prepare it, you need to mix a spoonful of jojoba oil and two drops of chamomile ether. The product is applied to the face. A cloth mask is applied on top. After 20 minutes, the remaining mixture is removed using a cotton pad. The procedure ends with washing with chamomile decoction.

It is important to periodically cleanse the face of dead cells. At home, you can make a healthy scrub. To a tablespoon of honey (after sugaring), add wheat germ, rose or lavender oils (two drops each). A wet face is massaged for five minutes with light movements. After scrubbing, you need to wash your face with cool water.

Chamomile ether in the masks has a calming effect. Add two drops of the product to a tablespoon of the shea butter solution. The duration of the composition is 30 minutes. After the procedure, the face should be rinsed with cool water.

Chamomile ester helps to even out skin color

For face rejuvenation, use a cream prepared by yourself. Beeswax (30 g) is melted in a water bath, 50 m of water are added, three drops of chamomile, bergamot, cypress ethers are added. The consistency of the solution should resemble sour cream. The cream is stored in a glass container in the refrigerator. The mass is applied with patting movements on the face. Excess cream is removed before bedtime.

Applying chamomile essential oil for hair

The product helps to strengthen and grow hair, eliminate dandruff, dryness and sectioning. The product can be used to lighten hair slightly.

To prepare a mask to accelerate the growth of curls, you need to add chamomile ether (two drops) to a tablespoon of burdock oil. The mixture is applied to the roots and length of the hair, insulated with polyethylene and a towel. After 40 minutes, the composition is washed off with shampoo.

To eliminate increased dryness of hair, irrigation with a solution of warm water (1 l) and chamomile ether (two drops) is used. After rinsing the curls with a useful product, they need to be blotted with a towel and dried naturally. With increased fat content of the curls, irrigation is used from a mixture of lavender, sage, chamomile ethers (five drops each) and apple cider vinegar (50 ml).

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Chamomile oil is suitable for dandruff removal and hair restoration. Egg yolk, a tablespoon of olive oil are mixed in a container, two drops of ether are added. The composition is distributed on the roots and strands. The duration of the mask is 30 minutes.

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Scalp massage with chamomile ether is good for hair. The procedure also helps to normalize the psycho-emotional state. To prepare the composition, mix chamomile and rosemary esters (five and two drops, respectively), add almond oil (20 ml). The massage is done for ten minutes. After the session, the hair is washed with shampoo.

To strengthen the curls, aroma combing is used using chamomile ether. The product (two drops) is applied to a comb made of natural wood. The procedure is carried out twice a week for therapeutic purposes. Prevention of sectioning of the tips is carried out every 14 days.

Regular use of chamomile oil solution can significantly improve the appearance and condition of hair
Important! The effectiveness of the product depends on the regular implementation of procedures for the recovery of curls and scalp.

Chamomile oil for nails

The product can be used to eliminate fragility and delamination. A tablespoon of salt, chamomile, bergamot, lavender ethers (two drops each) are dissolved in a glass of water. Fingers should be dipped in liquid for 20 minutes.

For strengthening, it is useful to massage nails with a mixture of shea, chamomile and lemon oil solutions

Chamomile oil for eyelashes

An essential agent has a positive effect in the form of relieving irritation and inflammation. To accelerate the growth of eyelashes, it is recommended to use a mixture of burdock and chamomile oils (in a 1: 1 ratio). The composition is applied with a special brush.

Chamomile oil solution significantly improves the condition of eyelashes and prevents them from falling out

Chamomile oil for skin

The product is suitable for eliminating flaking, breakouts. Cosmetologists recommend performing a body massage using ether. To 50 ml of olive oil (jojoba, grape seed) add four drops of chamomile and rose solutions. The skin is massaged after taking a shower. The tool is applied exclusively to dry integuments.

Chamomile ester nourishes the skin, prevents the appearance of rashes and peeling.

The oil solution can be applied pointwise (neat). This method is used to eliminate acne, post-acne, warts, herpes.

Chamomile oil in folk medicine

The tool is actively used in aromatherapy (aroma lamp). The sessions allow you to relieve nervous tension. For every 15 sq. m. you should take five drops of ether dissolved in warm water.

When using aromaculon, three drops of chamomile oil are enough. The method allows you to maintain emotional balance.

Aroma baths with the addition of five drops of ether, milk or a tablespoon of sea salt produce a good effect. The duration of the procedures is 15 minutes.

Chamomile oil solution is used in the complex therapy of inflammatory processes of the reproductive, respiratory and digestive systems. Ester is used as an analgesic and sedative.

The following pathologies are called for which chamomile solution is used:

  • manifestations of menopause (sweating, hot flashes, tachycardia);
  • menstrual pain;
  • skin lesions such as eczema, psoriasis;
  • vomiting cramps;
  • flatulence;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • anemia;
  • kidney and bladder infections;
  • otitis;
  • periodontal disease, gingivitis, stomatitis;
  • migraine;
  • neuralgia.

For respiratory diseases, it is useful to inhale with chamomile oil. Two drops of ether are dissolved in 0.5 l of boiling water. The vapor is inhaled for five minutes.

Attention! The duration of the procedure should not be increased. Do not use a nebulizer for inhalation.

To eliminate signs of angina, rinse with chamomile solution is used. Three drops of ether are taken in a glass of boiled pure water.

Chamomile oil solution is used as a gargle for toothache

Ether is dripped into the nose to soften the mucous membrane, eliminate swelling and relieve inflammation. Chamomile solution (three drops) is mixed with avocado and apricot oils (10 ml). The daily dose is two drops of the drug.

How to make chamomile oil with your own hands at home

The product has a beneficial effect on skin, hair and nails. It is widely used in the field of traditional medicine. Chamomile oil can be made at home. For this purpose, it is necessary to take an oil solution of olive and dried chamomile (in a 2: 1 ratio).

To prepare the solution, two methods are used:

  1. Hot... The inflorescences are poured with oil and kept in a closed glass container in a steam bath. Then the agent is insisted for two weeks. The finished product is filtered and poured into a clean vessel.
  2. Cold. The flowers are poured with warm oil. The vessel is wrapped up and put away in a dark place for two weeks. After the specified time, the solution must be filtered and poured into a clean container.
Important! Homemade product is stored in the refrigerator for no more than a year.


The oil solution should not be used during pregnancy. Its use can cause bleeding. Other contraindications include allergic reactions, children's age (up to six years).

What is combined with

The oil solution has no antagonists. Maximum compatibility is noted with the following esters:

  • geranium;
  • bergamot;
  • rose flower;
  • lavender;
  • sage;
  • orange;
  • ylang-ylang;
  • patchouli;
  • neroli;
  • marjoram;
  • cypress;
  • incense.


The properties and uses of chamomile oil are known in folk medicine. The product has a unique composition and rarely causes undesirable reactions when used. The solution helps to restore the integrity of the skin, relieve inflammation and irritation. The product returns beauty to hair and eyelashes. Its safety and effectiveness are the main benefits.

Reviews on the properties and use of cosmetic chamomile oil for face, hair

The healing qualities of the plant have been known since ancient times. Reviews contain information about the effectiveness of using the ether.

Christina Fedortsova, 27 years old, Nalchik
Chamomile oil is my favorite cosmetic product. It can be added not only to creams and shampoos to enrich them. Masks and scrubs based on an ethereal solution have a good effect. You can also spray mosquito and tick repellent on clothing.
Valentina Egorova, 54 years old, Sverdlovsk
With age, I am more and more worried about dry skin of the hands. It is very inconvenient to wash dishes with gloves. But I found a solution. I add ten drops of chamomile ether to the bottle of detergent. The composition not only protects hands, but also disinfects dishes. There are some advantages from using the product.
Ksenia Lipatova, 19 years old, Saransk
The properties of blue chamomile oil allow it to be used to lighten hair and eliminate yellowness. I have been using an ethereal solution for several years and am happy with the result. The curls after rinsing are so soft and docile. It also helps prevent dandruff formation.
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