Nectarine: calorie content per 100 grams, which is useful for the human body

The benefits and harms of nectarines have long been the subject of study by pomologists. China is considered the birthplace of the fruit, but today it has become in great demand from the whole world. The people call nectarine a holofertile peach. Due to the rich content of minerals and vitamins, beneficial properties, it is extremely important for human health.

The value and chemical composition of nectarines

Nectarine is a healthy fruit considered a modified version of the peach. Its distinctive feature is its smooth surface. It grows mainly in areas with a mild warm climate. At the same time, the fruit is resistant to pests and diseases. Its main value is its rich composition.

It includes the following components:

  • vitamin C;
  • iron;
  • cellulose;
  • vitamin A, E and K;
  • niacin;
  • zinc;
  • copper;
  • organic acids;
  • Sahara;
  • phosphorus;
  • manganese.
Recommended reading:  Why does the body need zinc, where it is contained, the daily rate
It is advisable to eat the fruit in the next couple of days after purchase
Attention! During heat treatment, nectarines lose some of their useful properties.

What vitamins are contained in nectarine

The main advantage of nectarine is its rich content of ascorbic acid. It activates the protective functions of the immune system, and has a positive effect on the metabolism. In addition, vitamin C has a strengthening effect on capillaries and vascular walls. It is necessary for the body and to facilitate the absorption of minerals.

The presence of vitamin A in the composition is also important. It takes part in oxidative processes, and accelerates the absorption of iron and calcium. Its lack in the body can negatively affect visual function. Tocopherol is considered to be a powerful antioxidant that removes accumulated toxins. It is considered the vitamin of youth due to its ability to improve skin condition. Vitamin K, in turn, helps to cope with disturbances in the digestive system.

Micro and macro elements

The chemical composition of the product includes a lot of minerals necessary for the body. Due to the content of potassium and magnesium, the fruit helps to normalize the cardiovascular system and has a calming effect on the body. Due to its high amount of iron, it prevents the development of anemia and improves blood composition. Zinc takes part in metabolic processes and accelerates regenerative functions. It is found in bone tissue and enzymes. Manganese provides antioxidant properties to the product. The presence of phosphorus in the composition helps to strengthen the tooth enamel.

Caloric content of nectarines

Due to its beneficial properties, nectarine is excellent for consumption during weight loss.It is low in calories. There are 44 kcal per 100 g of the product. Therefore, even excessive intake of fruit in food will not have a negative effect on the figure.

Useful properties of nectarine

The substances present in the nectarine composition have a beneficial effect on almost all life support systems. It enhances metabolism and normalizes the digestive tract. The constant presence of the product in the diet helps to avoid a deficiency of substances necessary for the body.

The most significant beneficial properties of nectarine include:

  • antioxidant effect;
  • help in losing weight;
  • improvement of visual acuity;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • restoration of blood glucose levels;
  • normalization of the heart;
  • improving digestion;
  • lowering bad blood cholesterol;
  • calming effect.

The normalization of digestive function occurs under the influence of fiber. It stimulates the production of enzymes and removes unnecessary substances from the body. This property is especially important for weight loss and impaired bowel function.

Why is nectarine useful for the body?

The beneficial properties of nectarine make it affordable and effective against various diseases. It acts by analogy with dietary supplements and vitamin complexes. At the same time, the fruit perfectly saturates, relieving hunger for a long time.

Nectarines are useful for the prevention of hypertension and atherosclerosis

Why is nectarine useful for men

The main benefit of nectarine for men is in the replenishment of minerals. Due to the rich zinc content, the reproductive system is stimulated. On this basis, spermogram indices improve, which is especially important when fertility decreases. Magnesium and potassium are necessary for the male body for the full functioning of the cardiovascular system. After improving blood circulation in the prostate area, erectile function will also be restored. The antioxidant properties of the fruit will help get rid of toxins and disease-causing organisms that are often the cause of the inflammatory process in the pelvis.

Experts recommend using nectarine for men in the following cases:

  • erectile dysfunction;
  • violation of spermatogenesis;
  • physical and emotional exhaustion of the body;
  • cardiovascular pathology;
  • inflammatory processes in the prostate.
Important! Nectarines go well with fermented milk products. They are often eaten with cottage cheese as a snack.

Why is nectarine useful for women

The benefits of nectarine for women are not only about health, but also about appearance. With regular use of the fruit, the skin of the face becomes more elastic and refreshed. This is due to the replenishment of the supply of vitamins responsible for her condition.

Other beneficial properties of the product for women include:

  • prevention and elimination of wrinkles;
  • strengthening the nail plate;
  • restoration of the water-salt balance of the skin;
  • elimination of free radicals;
  • acceleration of hair growth.

Nectarines also have a positive effect on the reproductive functions of women. Thanks to the B vitamins, the quality of the egg is improved and the menstrual cycle normalizes. In addition, the intake of vitamins in the body gives vigor and increases stress resistance, which is especially important during PMS. As a result of enriching the diet with nectarine, a woman becomes more energetic. The problem of insomnia and bad mood disappears.

Is nectarine possible during pregnancy and hepatitis B

The benefits and harms of nectarine for the health of women are especially carefully studied during pregnancy and breastfeeding. While carrying a baby, eating the fruit is not prohibited. It has a decongestant effect, and eliminates the likelihood of developing vitamin deficiency. For some women, nectarine helps to cope with nausea with toxicosis. But eating more than three fruits a day is undesirable.

When breastfeeding, the fruit is recommended to be introduced into the diet with caution.Sometimes it provokes an allergic reaction in the baby. It is advisable to eat it not earlier than 3-4 months after childbirth.

At what age can you give your child nectarines?

Nectarine can be given to a child over seven months of age. Complementary feeding is carried out in the form of puree. The fruit is cut into pieces and chopped with a blender until a homogeneous gruel is obtained. You can also put nectarine in the nibbler.

The use of nectarines

The abundance of beneficial properties of the fruit is suitable for use in cosmetology and dietetics. It is a natural source of vitamins that the body needs on a regular basis. When used correctly, it helps to cope with a number of problems without facing side effects.

For medicinal purposes, fruit juice is taken 15 minutes before meals.

In cosmetology

Nectarines contain acids that perfectly cleanse the epidermis, drawing out toxins from it. The fruit is often used to make homemade masks. It is turned into gruel in any way possible, and then distributed over the skin of the face. After a few minutes, the vitamin mixture is removed.

This mask helps:

  • minimize the risk of acne;
  • give the skin elasticity;
  • get rid of age spots;
  • refresh the complexion;
  • eliminate acne.

Fruit pulp also has a positive effect on the skin when combined with banana and butter. A blend of these ingredients can help relieve dryness and firm up skin.

In dietetics

In the process of losing weight, nectarine is often used instead of desserts and as snacks. It helps eliminate hunger without causing a heaviness in the stomach. The substances that make up the fruit start metabolic processes and help to get rid of extra pounds. Despite the beneficial properties, there are also disadvantages of using nectarine for weight loss. It contains fructose, which can be stored in fat if taken in excess. Therefore, it is extremely important to observe the measure when eating the fruit.

Experts do not recommend sitting on mono-diets based on the use of this product. It does not contain protein, which excludes the possibility of full satisfying hunger. The diet must contain meat, poultry or fish. Nectarine can only be used to speed up metabolism.

Comment! Nutritionists advise to use a healthy product only in the morning.

In cooking

Nectarine has a sweet taste and juicy pulp. It compares favorably with other fruits. To get the most out of the product, it is advisable to consume it fresh. For the winter, it can be preserved as part of jam or compote. In summer, add to smoothies and fruit salads. You can also use nectarine as a filling for baked goods.

How to eat nectarines correctly

Nectarine is eaten with the peel, after rinsing it with running water. Inside there is a bone that is not eaten. For convenience, you can immediately get rid of it and cut the fruit into slices. To prolong the useful properties of the product, it is dried. This does not affect the taste in any way.

How much nectarines can you eat per day

The permissible amount of nectarines directly depends on the state of human health. With a high risk of developing diabetes, it is allowed to eat no more than three fruits. With good health, the maximum amount is six pieces per day. In any case, you should not abuse the fruit, as it can provoke digestive upset.

Before eating nectarines can be washed with a specialized fruit cleanser

Limitations and contraindications

Nectarine is a healthy and tasty fruit, but nevertheless, you need to be careful when using it. If absorbed excessively, it can provoke indigestion. Before going to bed, eating fruit is undesirable, since it has a diuretic effect.

It is forbidden to include it in the diet in the following cases:

  • exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis;
  • gastritis;
  • allergic reaction.

In type 2 diabetes, nectarine is not prohibited. Its glycemic index is only 40 units, which excludes the possibility of a sharp jump in insulin. Despite this, the fruit should be eaten in limited quantities, observing the reaction of the body. In case of allergies, it is urgent to exclude the product from the diet, and consult a doctor. Ideally, an antihistamine should be taken to avoid potential health complications.

It is strictly forbidden to eat fruit pits. It contains hydrocyanic acid, which can harm health due to the fact that it is the strongest poison.

Selection and storage rules

The most suitable period for buying nectarines is from early June to September. At this time, the fruits are fresher and more juicy. It is undesirable to buy nectarines in early spring, as they may contain phosphates. It is better to take the fruit not from the supermarket, but from the market. When buying it, you need to look at the integrity and color of the peel. There should be no dents. The rich shade of the fruit indicates its ripeness. The bone is also important. If it collapsed during the absorption of the fruit, it means that pesticides were used in its cultivation.

It is advisable to keep unripe fruits on the windowsill for several days. This will facilitate their maturation. You need to store the fruit in the refrigerator, putting it in a compartment specially designated for this. The optimum storage time under suitable conditions is five days. In the form of conservation, the product can be kept throughout the year. Jars of compotes and jam should be removed in a cool place, protected from sunlight.

Advice! You can use a plastic container to store fruit in the refrigerator.


The benefits and harms of nectarines are a must for every fruit lover. With the wrong approach to nutrition, you can harm your health. Moderate consumption of the fruit in food will avoid vitamin deficiency and relieve the need for sweets.

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